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AI House Rules

p. 145: After “This familiarity with the Matrix grants them a +3 dice pool modifier
to all Matrix Perception test” add “,or Matrix actions made in full VR.”

p. 147: On the “AI Variant Attribute Chart” add “Low-Profile” to all “Racial:”

p. 151: After “;any other type of vehicle must be controlled remotely using the
Control Device action” add
“,or piloted directly using the corresponding active skill when occupying a program

p. 152: In the sentence “An AI can survive on a grid for a number of hours equal to
its Depth rating before
it must make a Willpower + Charisma [Depth] Success Test to resist permanently
losing one point of Essence.”
Replace “permanently” with “temporarily.” Then add the following, “Essence lost in
this manner will regenerate
in 10 - Depth days, unless the AI suffers a permanent loss of Essence for any
reason during this period; in this
case the temporary Essence loss will also become permanent. If the temporary loss
of Essence would result in
an Essence of 0, the AI will cease to exist.”

p. 153: Replace “The value of the chosen rating is then immediately added to the
character’s Overwatch Score,
and the action is attempted at a negative dice pool modifier equal to (Rating / 2,
rounded up)” with “Half the
value (rounded down) is then immediately added to the character’s Overwatch Score,
and the action is then attempted
with a negative dice pool modifier equal to (Rating / 2, rounded up).”

p. 153: Replace “The gamemaster should still add the defender’s hits to the AI
character’s OS afterwards” with
“The gamemaster should add the half the defender’s hits (rounded up; see Low-
Profile p. 149) against Emulation
Actions to the AI character’s OS afterwords.”

p. 154: Under “Emulate (Variable Action)” replace “The chosen rating is immediately
added to the AI’s Overwatch Score.”
With “Half the chosen rating is immediately added to the AI’s Overwatch Score.”

p. 154: Delete “Spending an Edge to Push the Limit of this action increases the
AI’s Overwatch Score by the total number
of hits it gets on its chosen test, not the action’s rating.”

p. 154: Under the heading “AI Matrix Combat” Replace “AI’s don’t have any overflow
boxes; filing either of their Condition
Monitors causes them to Immediately be disrupted” with “The Core Condition Monitor
has a number of overflow boxes equal to
Depth, but the Matrix Condition Monitor has no overflow boxes. If the Matrix
Condition Monitor is filled the AI is immediately
ejected from the device, Taking dumpshock damage (6) to your Core Condition
Monitor, resist with willpower + firewall. If the
Core Condition Monitor plus overflow is filled the AI is immediately disrupted and
enters Restoration (p. 156).”
p. 154: Delete “If an AI’s Matrix or Core Condition Monitor is filled up, the AI is
immediately disrupted.”

p. 155: Replace all text outside of the text box with:

“When an AI is down, but its overflow boxes are not exceeded the AI character must
make a Willpower + Depth
[number of boxes of overflow damage], or immediately lose one additional overflow
box of core. Make this check every [depth] minutes.
If all overflow boxes are filled or exceeded the AI character is automatically

The Disrupted AI is immediately booted from any devices or hosts. All marks are
removed from the AI, and all marks belonging to the AI are removed across all
All agents and programs belonging to the AI instantly shut down, and all drones
enter pilot mode. The AI is sent to their home device where they immediately
enter restoration. If the AI has no home device, it enters restoration on the grid.
The AI will perish soon.

The Disrupted AI, once no longer down (has healed a non-overflow box), must make a
Willpower + Firewall + Depth threshold (1 + [number total essence
permanently lost by this AI]) test for resisting essence loss. If the check is
failed, then the AI immediately loses one essence permanently. If an
AI permanently loses a point of essence for any reason, make an Fragmentation
resistance check of Willpower + Firewall + Depth threshold
(1 + [number total essence permanently lost by this AI]) test. If failed, the AI
take on the Fragmentation quality.
If the AI is disrupted during restoration it immediately takes 1 essence damage.

If an AI’s Essence is reduced to 0, its core becomes too corrupted to properly

restore itself. The AI’s code is still dispersed
throughout the Matrix, and pieces of it may get collected into other AIs or used in
other ways, but for all intents and purposes
the character should be considered dead.”

p. 156: Delete the first full paragraph on this page beginning with “Bricking the
AI’s device…” and ending with “…that may never be regained.”

When in realignment or restoration, and AI AI can make an Extended Software + Depth

(1 day) Test, healing one box of Core Damage for each hit.

If the AI has any remaining Essence after being disrupted, they undergo Restoration
in their home after (30 – [Depth + Essence]) hours.

p. 158 Replace "AIs would never deign to purchase programs on the open market;
instead, they make their own programs and advanced programs,
similar to the way technomancers make complex forms. They start programming on
their own and make a Software + Intuition [Mental] Test; divide
12 by the number hits on the test to get the number of days it takes to learn it.
AIs then spend 5 Karma to learn a regular program, 8 to learn an advanced program."

With "AI's may purchase programs on the open market. Also, Make their own Advanced
Programs similar to the way technomancers make Complex Forms.
They start programming on their own and make a Software + Intuition [Mental] Test;
divide 12 by the number hits on the test to get the number of days it takes to
learn it.
The AI then spends 4 karma to learn the Advanced Program. An AI must be on it's
Home Device to begin writing an Advanced Program. An AI may know Advanced Programs
equal to Depth x 2"

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