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Expt. No. 04) PageNo._A)

Group A
dimi- deletmine ah viscoslty BgivenAample ubxitalung
eLl wdh Recurocd uiscomater No.i Aud ostudy
NISoLyAl Vaxiouaenaprkatiuhea

Arti les ReqauiedRaduaod viscomiler No.t Thermomeles,ol Somp,

50ml MeasuTing ytinder ac

*SnuicACecdefexnainaun Viscosilysthepsuopail a
hamogeneaus lispid uhich kauses At to
l aictional nistaune is ib molio Viscosi duhaicaluing
l Tella about ia auitakilit Jar kubiaung putpesa
Ths andou a lubxicaut ia o Haduce the xickton batoen
he moving paiL A o avoic thedinet matal In pactal Lontad.
Jhe movin porda kawiaur apab cdue to Aaduamel hin liqid
betoceiJh Jictona roustaue thenee A intikal
BIA ALount eheAheszuing e lisuid hich a iu hettseen tha
mtallicAunJades Jho víscosit ouid measue ha_aaount
atarna Haiioauce eub uicauAg Al
Tha obied eJaJat is l ascedainJuhehex the ubuicauug
l Aujiiandly yiscous o adhexe to h beacinga to ohichati
opgliad XAAO dhn hai d may be AqAaLezed 8u e the
beaingdue s higla phezuhe & lenpenalluae

Theory vístosily a that phopz auidokich A due to

he 21Astaute o ats lou Jtm LpHesiedLa 3 Loaya'-

Teacher's Signature.

Expt. No. Page No.

(a) Absolule dynamic visosily RxpHezsod n 6S- unit a poie

(b) Absolule Kinemalc viscosit RnpHeJ8ed n CGS unit pa 2bka
e Time daksu by h datttnining instumen in 2aLondu noled b
ns pame Inslaumunt (Redwcod isosily)

aAbsolule dpnaic víscosty the taugautial Asce n urit

Atea the e wo poxallel layena a
unit dislauLe aant Aihen ihi 2Pace betoRLN the plaua i ec
Aith he uid'ane the plan moV laivelyko th Aha
with unie velouti m A oon plaue H delined aah Hate B
the haaing txwtohe Hate a Aheaing Abain 4 orce F
movingAAN adic le oALace o3Ra A,a Lontu
with id Aapaxaled liom a ztalenay Juace. by hiknas d Lhih.
vaoaly' hon
Shearang Ate 'JA:
Rale iheatring atrain: d
Absclule visLnsity : /
When u pois hen f:1 duuL ,AEI Sq tm dil tw
y m per SeLord

Absoue kinemalcviscosily AA obtuinsd by dividu DynauC

Jhe mihic Units a i e
yiscositu by densi
Bfoka_Lenlustok Thus deuty , t h
Kinernalic iscosiu USlok e

Teacher's Signature .

ENpt. No. Page N0. 6

C) Redwood viscosity he lming a he Xale o lou oven

e i d xom a given
height hough a Lalibralod
canillaty ube nd i l own wught may he ued as Aa
omedsuzing viscol kcalled ateh the name e apparius
aused it dderanalkou Jhe me ua ARLonds Mequubrad for 50m
eeil to_gavitale dhrough he Keducod viscamal ata iven
tenpalune RAPHRA8ed AA iviscosty Reduood Seconds

Pbsolle dynanmic kinemaue vs.osilies cau also be detarenained

Arona the Reckuwcod values by mean hoUoLsing ehmula

Absouta dynauc vistait At-B)x

Kinematic visost AtB

when A amd Bae Conatanlh knaien aA Anstument aled

LiaReduvod viscesit& he density suid Jhe vaues
A&B JReduood visconlr Nlo.L osie da olloce
79 00026O
Betuween 34-o0 seconda
O. 50 0 O0247
Above Joo seconda

Waler buth muu be alMed wtih 0ale beloestarkug dhe


Teacher's Signature
p t . No.
Page No.

Dileene betueen Roduwood No Ond No 2

Redwood viscometur aavaiJable in lude p

No 1 Aud No-2
Redwood No And No:2 A &imila onst uution ork1rq
Rk Jhal he jt a la ha a diamale .62 mm
leugth Jo m Whaiaa et eNo 2 has a dluio moker et 38 mm
AAeuh 5o mnn aluc Recuaocd Viscomeler No Auitubl u
Jihasemme o oeA arm 30 secnda to2ocoSecend
No.2 suilable byand 2000 Seconds

The sil up A ihyeted koppe cylincder ushich ha atou

staud dpointe is itled inside the oiltup ta
nokicalehe leve tn ohithhe oilhas to be iled Jha upp
Ad he p o opua while the bottona e the Cup s Conave
nteenally up ha a tapa ring0 senboal holi ia dhidh thks jat (a

Th jet- Construded efagal i povidec wth L Loncave

depAion uhidh kam be Cevexed,or uncoveed Aicth a
ball vae aoppng Brstaakirg Hhe lou i l
3) Walo bodh made up brass AurOunds the sil cup.t is
healed lechricallg, A pMovided Lsith a dap Aplying
LaleSlinang e he both e t e d by mtana ylindxé
uounduyg he Bil cup X phov+cded arlh 4 vanea

Teacher's Signature

Ball valu

jpuwd Lonlort
mb. Jli


Poed Viaeomali No.1

Expt. No.
Page No 19)

TwodhermormelerAo ueadhe kemperaluse f sil oalor ae
he appoxalius xesL maiaupo. Stand suiint spatep
Acceivingbo m laugad volkumalio jlask benech th

) Viscomele As cleaued A levelad uuing cirtula Apiait levol and
baseAcrews the tipad
2he ball valve s ined n positionv AtheBil up a he oil Cup
Ued up o helevel mark wth ol
3)The iwale bath heu led wdla oaler neaxly up o The
polnt e i l leval he up
4) Thethexmamale a2e insidad n place povided Aualeu
bath iA Cup
6) Nouo, Carelully place he 50m measuring ylinde acty in
he Cextre belou the jt
6 Keap the eilA Ladtta wel aliaaed&note thun tmpaluae
hen ma tempanalune elail Aoale become ame teady
A toom tempexcluo ais-the ball valve &Auptnd t omthe
iha namak hratket Aallau e eil lo lao jintn the measuing
plinde Kapt below
) Simultaneously-slast a slop Loallk or look al 4ou AONist
Lath sihenhe Jevel sil louoirg iito the meaauscing linde
heaches So ml. mack _hote theme AnRLondsAlapsed Io colled

Teacher's Signature
me un &Lends.
S-NO. Jumbaralute un C
o 50 m
37 31 50
45 AO
54 3 0
Expt. No.
Page No. 19

9)Replate the ball valve in posiBtor to Aaal

tha jt t o pxavenl
DYAlou he oi)
SoTranslth hsil inlo oil tup hom measuing ylinde upfo h
indicafo1 p o he cup
Replace ptopUly clea Ataudad measusing yinder terdrall
bola Ahje
12)The wali bsth ia-than healed dkith turn heals the oil
3) WheA he ail tenmpxaune hRadhea nea o the est
stop healnq baing dosan tempeMaune 0ale29AAal o he
tenmpenaue ef eil by Aunning ou Some hot wal throu e
Qutlataddiny Lold uwalenJons the Jop srth lorcdinuous tiing
14whan tempataluhe both oil os Anell o wali becoome steaduy
Again colle ct 50 mL o_AL and nole ne ime m Seconds HoqAiked-
5) No) Xapeat dhe paimeat at 5 elevoled fempeaures he
Rmpaxaluhe dipnence betuweemh on obsexvalions should not
be lesa Jhauu °Anot mo 1 thoua d'c
J:Jhe tampatalwe e Al kooJe Ahould aluo be 3ame shil
* (alculation
Absoue knemalie vistosila At- B)x

Ch A B ane Coalawla knoun a imstaumment

tuRedwsod viscostb &8i h deait uid

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No0. Page No.


A:J 79 3 0 0026 0 foY 34 Jbo sec

)29)G3)=_ O002 6 .1 61)
a) .79) (46)-o o02 1-18 9 (46)
3)(13)L42) o.o02 6 189 (: 42)

*Rasut Reduood viscasity h e givan a temparauhe is

.789 Atokes

1) Time should be noted Caraullu or colecting So ml e i l _

2) kmpexalure should be sttady & Constau while taking

3) Dieence in The tempeaure of koale bectbo Bil should not be
more ha 2cdhile noting ime

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No.
OS Page No. 1)

determine the viscostty e given Soa mple utbricalung.

Ail with Redwood viscomete No 2_lo study h e
visesity at yououS deputa lures

AstHces Requined- Radwood viscometer,

thermumeters oil sample-
measung losk Som

*Siqrilicauce e ddtemiraion viscosiy ay thi pop

homgaenous iapaid ohidh kas t lo
xeuiatauie fa a motion Viscosil ubricatingail
Jells abou ik suitabii Jubri catug purposa
Th alon el a ubricai a uaduce Jaichion between
h moving pajla 2To avoid h diRt matal mat Contact.
The moViAg_ pong main apont due Jo gntremey thin liquid
Am n batuxen heichional ueaiakauca habae io antia1ly-
aCcOurnt h3hoaing a iutd phih ia i between dh
mrtallic surlateaThe iscositye uid measures the amount oL
hA interhal_esistauce e_Jubruc&hng oil
hshjeutthis tsi istn astdein whethe the ubicalng_oil
auliienty viscou to adhete To he beaings o w hc i
pplie.d s u o hen tha tmay bL Squtzed ut o he beaùn
de lo high phesuhe &2mpenalure

Oryauintiple Visos he opeab e a ui shi

duue to he HasistauceTo ib loc t
p%as sed 3 waa

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No. PageNo. 22)

(8)Absotute dynarmic viuosiy pp9uessed iu C.Gunt as poke

)bsolute KinemalievisosityRngAS Cus unit os atake
C Time foken b delshmining jnstumentin seonds neledby-
the nama insinunea (Radwodviscesity)
Abschule dynamicviscasthe y Hhe augential orceomunt
9he thur owo paala) lauya at
u t diskante apat when th Apace befween the plauu le
uith huid ne e the plauea mayea alalively to ha oht-
Auth lnt velociy in iti an plaue
S delined ar he ualia elthhasning athM_o dhe Hde
heaaing aBzain brce aeauihed o keep _mning a
abide eSudace anea A contar uHa iheluid Aepaadhl
sfatonayunate bythckneu d uith Velouk V Than
Sheaing staus FlA
Rale ekeaing strain: [d
Absolule vistosik Fa/y
When u i petst hn f:idluneAisqC didtm.
p SeLond

b)Absolule kinemalic v+scositg t ohtaine.d by diviing

Dynac viscosrty by denitThe
mehnt unis ane stokaKcenhatrokes Jha 4 ia density
ineaaliz iSLosili yStoke




Uun esue

Raduoed Viemda No.2


Expt. No. Page No. 3 )

C)Redwoocd viscost Theiing

h xale elousgiua
Antiy l d yon A gven ugu
hhoug Laibrted capiuy ub,unde tiosn w r
may b Astdasomtah measuiny Vis.asi Lcalled alte
h nam eheanahius iued e il dadenbinaion
The ime m
seuonds Heqi'red for 50 m oilTo aravrtale
througk t etRadwood viscomata at o Aven terapoalun
phoased aA viscosrty in Redwnod Sacenda ot h

Absouse dnami Akinemaue viscositie Cauu alko pedeteerunad

om the Rownod yaluas by mans a tuJollauinrgmulosiH
Absoute dynamic vistositu At-8)XXp

Kinemalc viscosity U AA -B-

wheie À& B0Me Constan+ knaLOn oA Ånstrumentpdors is

Recduoodviseosik Lio the denaihy e i d he valuea
AL B or Redwood Viscomle No. únd a olla'-
0 002600
Between 34-10o sendA
0. 0024
Abovg 00 secondA

Walo bath must be lled wih wale bajs stadng he

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No. (24)

DiJerence betoeen Rodwood No.i aud No 2

Radwood vis ComeltA A GYailable. an lwo pu Noi and lo 2
Rod wood No. aud No 2 ane Sinla in_ Construcion Owd
wDKingniepk hat dh1et o No L ha adiameler
J62 leugthaJo mm hheaeasN 2 2 has
di'amele9 8 mn &eng. somm aud Redwood
viscomele No 2uitabl ila whose kime o
Vales mm30 seonda th 2no secondi No.2 u suitable
beyond 2000 Seconda

T opponalus Conuist lecuh rg os

)The_oik up' Ailythed Coppe ylndes_whick ha
Atout stand polnl iated jnside the oll
Cup Ioinditate zhe evel zo wdh the _elia o b ed
Teupp nd o th Cup A opR Ole the botdom othe
Cup Concav inteerall caip kas a tapening certral lanle
n ubich dhjet ( ) Apted
2 het tonsrucled o0gale panvided wrih a Concave
depxession which_Cau be lovned, oruncovexed wit
a bll valye atbpping or stodirg the la e eil

3)Waey.bath' o made e! braa & AuamurdaJhe eil cup t is

healad gle hicallAt s phovided utlh4 P j ping
wale.Simng ohe bxth o Ted by-meanoylinder
uTOundhu he oil cup a phovided hith Vana
Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No. 6 )

B)Replaceth ball valve an posiHon lo seal t jet o paiyrt

CYello tha oi
3)Tnl h ul into ctl tup Jacm aasurirg yrden up eTh
indicalos hcup
Je)Pacpaly aeplass dea shudnd asasurin gliada saudtaly
belou el
s1)The waty bethw tu haled whin in turn hal te oil
2) w empznalurt aul2caches naas o the kt gnaure
stap hsalug And bringk_doien 7ha tampaalune aer eual Ta i
hy hunning ou Sema hoi wa dhrougk h cutat addirg cold
LalE_hom dh op wile sturing tazhnucusly-
13whan tumpnalue of both sil as weu a wala beccrne staasy 3
Lenataut gain ellect SOml. e eil 4 ncte the im in seiendi

14 ou apeat tha 2npeniut at 5 eleyared tompanatarts e

tempanau dyaunce between me ue bsehvation hold nat
be leshau sc 2 mora Hha Joo'c
15)Jha empuraluaL e i l Awair shDuld aluways be same sisady
AConstut tohile HRording 2ach obsevatior

Absolule kinematie visus i : -B)Xp


Whea A& Ba Constanls knaon as instrument jadlors o

Reduwood viscosit&P h denatyuid.

Teacher's Signature
GsosAy en
SNO Jenbealune m Jime m AUds re
Wai tlors 50m

3 37
45 40
5h 54 30

Expt. No.. Page No

8)Replaseh ball valye n peslHon to Sead the et To prvent

ovellou s the ail
3) Tianlea h eilinl otl tup acna Rauaing lindez u othe
indicaloxlp haCup.
LoPAop8lyRplaca dleaaStaudcnd maasuai lindan ceutral
belo et-
1)The rakn bath o theu haaled whicn in turn heali the oid
2) wn dhe tempanaluas oeil aeaches nean to the deat dougenduna
ap haaungud bringu doten ztha epzaalne alen egpal to a
hyhunning out Se hat uoa dhough the outet 2adding Cotd
Ldalea aom thi lop ole stiring tortinuously
3whn tempenalune e both eil as wel a walu becorme Steacy &
Lenataut, ngain tellech Soml.e si & note the ime n seconda
guad o callect o m ea4
14 Nos, apaat the smpnimeut at 5 elevled temparatirese
pa dilaaunce butuozen me twe absovaluana hould nat
be lesstha s° 2 moye ha Jo'c
5) ha empinalu o l Awale shDulo aluoays be dame aad
onstt tahilnacording 2ach obsevalion
Absouile kinematic visosi At-B]yp

Wheg AAB an Constan enaan s instrument odoEs

Redlorcod viscasiby hdeasty oud

Teachar's Signature

Expt. No.. Page No. ( 4 )

Ahsslule Kinemalie viscost 79 x 00.002 66

17899 Stokes

Resutt)Redwood viscasi oh giuan eil u 789 stokes


Time should ba noled Cagelully evetime during collection

50 ml o oil
2Jopenauae 3hould beStaady hile noting h lo
5 DMaeAce tho tempaha Lialo btt 2 sil should
not Véayve by fe while notingHme

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. (66) PageNo.(98)

Aim do detumin lash point illurnalig or ubriccug

by Aba' appaalu

aticdes eA Aa Abl'a appanala,-thermomatA ,Dil Sample

o & LPG etcc
Din Ho Hask point oilw delined A She minimu:
~enpanalune at which atgiva Sujiienvapous
whicda ahau mined wiia air orA a ignitable pminure gived
momentadylasl ight on she applicalon a Small

Sinikauce dotiuminaonJhe dekeanalion e loslpaint i

heat impenkauce tos briaug
& iuminalúug eils the ei ae Sulluienty yalatile at rdinany
tamplur tha issung vapours uilU Jorm aw Inplosiye minb1
ish ai2 2 caus Jin hazards o ensure Saldcohile using all
Cendain minimunm impnatw ae laid don iduminatinq.
Ahbairaig pupa, belausLshih t should no sive
inlaunmablo yapours
Jhaasa. paint e i l shows the eent e more volahile consttuerntt
hoilS oteh lu paint heale he
AmuntAA vnlatile Lonstikient
J lask point n cleanly distnguishad onaine pointoih
h mpaolune od lhichthe ai space abovo h oil haa
Aldicient toncentralkon vopouursSo -that at buzns tontmuousy
abot Jive sacanda wn brogkt JAA Conturt uàlHa thi.

Teacher's Signature.

2 tuse
8 lamme point

5 Walu
OOOOF 6 Haotu

Page No. 2 9 )
Expt. No.

Pati Appohalu The Abel' appaalus aA gindricalL

ucure_Consisting e the Jollouing pos
The ed p T A yindrital vessal,made brnda,spa
ot tTop ndtted on the outslde wita Ao
cirtuulan auge aojeduq at nicht augle ithin dhe up hew
A gonsISng A plece u r e b2nt upuards.
teaminating A point he oil m ed up lo t point
2 Cova Jha A ted wtta a itiner thernaomalin sockat
made bra mounled on dhe sil tup
Heauug yeAsel he heatia vessel aonaiah a Lwe Jat
bottomed indal vessela, placed coanial
he inside th othtn L Seldved at -huia tops to alat
Loppa Aing he Apaco hetveen the uo vescela }hi totally
Lnclagod ukeduhed A aale acket
Sn addHion o above h uking uih Abel'2 appaalus
neguik h hsa lung arraugement Athormomelers e
0pphe phiale hauge may b halea alectricalty or dh
A burna

Phacadural4) HlU h eil cup aih sil undeh teat e

ahe indicalor maak Raplace zihe Cova
2in h l tup into the appazalu &atamble thpaddle
Alir thermomstans wit i bulb dipping nlo tha ail A
Loale at-thua hespadive plate PAovided AJAthe.
3 Hu wole bdh wrth Cotd waler

Teacher's Signature.
sewalu en OL
S No OARowalien
Roen Tombesalune(a6 ) NO klosh
37 No Has
3 39 No lash
4 No flash
5 43 Flash

owotion -02
S No Jembesaluhe

40 No Moal
2 A Notaa
3 42 No oh

Expt. No. Page No. 30)

4) Lloso h sliding Akutter L Lgnt th staudand Jlame stan

heaing aale batn wth ihe halp e burnenL4
5)eA he sil Cantinuauslu by Jurningtho paddle skine
SHAsing Ahauld e disconinuad only duning tha iatroduckion
th at lama evan he oil suate
S) A evY degme,iSe o el zempAhálwe opaIn the siding
Ahsttor L indodulce th eat lame oy h il uate thoug
h cedaalopenirg lo see tahth the il gius a lah o not
)ReLoard he minimum ealirt at which A distinet Nas
appeaAAA hola polnC o h given sil
8 No cool the eil by 5t A veily h las point ogain by
YeY Cus e teealune

Resultk lask point el given eil Sanple i 43 C


LThe blis h Jlame surrourding th estlame Should not be

Corued wth t true lame
2 ratey sohent úued or cleaning he appanaua
Akouldhe HenMnved Completel

Teacher's Signaturea.

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