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Running head: Leadership and Culture 1

Leadership and Culture

Luis Martinez

Keiser University

MBA 500 Advanced Essential Business Concepts

17 September 2016

In today's binary codes and nanotechnologies promises era, many people are not aware that we

are in a crisis and that the common man can not achieve goals that they promised. American

citizen that was born in this great country can do it with a correct education.
Leadership and Culture 2

Leadership and Culture

As I read this week assignments it has open my eyes into a new aspect of the opinion of

other researchers that has shared their experience with many of students that share Anybody's

Business book (Van Syckle & Tietje, 2010). My heart went out to the decent peers and friends

that they worked for the same company that I worked many years ego and they was fired

together with me. At that point of my life, I did not wear all those tools that I’m wearing today.

Rationally, I could not understand what was happening that day.

My Own Company

Now I have my own company, it is grwoing up at the same time with me. My eyes fill

with tears at this point and I have stop for a few minutes. The writers really put effort into this

lesson of the three chapters in my view, when they expressed Roles, Mission, Strategy and Plan

Management on chapter 9. I have experiences under my belt, that allow me understood what

happen to my ex-peers and friends inside that old Hispanic company without a solid mission or

vision. There is not better way to learn concepts than to put them into practice. The second

lesson, chapter 10, that I read this week, shared new aspect as Organizational Structure, Culture,

Employee Recruitment, Selection and Hiring, many tools now I have on my hands.

Good Husband

If you want to be a good husband, you should buy good tools that allow you to become a

lovely handyman. Ownership of a business really gives me some insight on every aspect of

business because I’m running a business, and I’m getting all the good or bad experiences, beside,

I can learn while I’m running the business putting into practice the knowledge that I acquired.
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The chapter that followed the previous two, it took my breath away, and just one question jump

in to my mind, what I have been doing with my life within the past 28 years? The last but not

least, chapter 11, full of Direct Control, Decision Making, Delegating, and Appraising. This

lesson let me go through communication styles. Managing’s personalities that share inspirational

stories of real business, that still profitable at this day. How to use some flex in my

communication style that will fit my real company culture needs. This chapter included

inspirational experience from famous CEO’s companies and how they created their own

communication style within their companies, one of them talked about pounding the competition.

In my conclusion, you must have to be a good husband to become a good leader, the family is

the first organization business acquired in life, at least in my case.

Good Learn Experience

To do an introduction of a good learn experience, I decided change my internal compass

as a engineer to become a leader/engineer, there is nothing that I can't explain about all what I

have learned in this week, every second worth it. A leader shows and proves what can be

accomplished when a company achieves their goals and make a great profit. Modern days are

here and new leaders should produce new cultures to support new revolutionary era. Aspects as

do my own company mission statement, and provide in short and long terms as a company leader

a solid base culture full of values where the top leaders and followers can converge at the same


Mission Statement and Smart Goals

It’s very important write down my company goals because that keeps me on focus and on

track. If I build a strong company structure with a solid based on moral, principles, ethic, good

cominicacion and straregies in concordance with our priorities, then we will be able to face our
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chalenges and goals. I’m still building a television and film Production Company with base here

in Miami where I lived for the last 25 years. The assets of my company are rising up every day,

step by step. My long-term goal included brings my family to work inside and provide job

opportunities to others. Obviously my short-term goal is graduate as a Master in Business

Administration, it’s mean for me a new beginning, a new door with my pockets full of tools.

Time Management Matrix

Being a leader requires such skills as being organized and efficient and effective with

time. Being a part of a virtual team will teach me how to share my organization and time

management skills with other team members and learn new skills on how improve for myself as

well. The Urgent Important Matrix is a powerful productivity and time management tool to help

people manage their time more effectively. It's great for a wide spectrum of coaching from

career, executive and business coaching to life and even spiritual coaching. The essence of the

simple but powerful Urgent Important Matrix is consciously give priority to our most important

tasks and to plan and delegate so that we deal with problems before they become urgent crises

and become aware of our interruptions and distractions so that we can reduce or eliminate them.

This empowers people to manage their limited time resources so that they get their priority tasks

done in more enjoyable and less stressful way.

The Organizational Cultures

Much is said about culture and we begin to realize that a lot of mergers and acquisitions

failed for cultural reasons while on paper, it promised the greatest success. The culture is what

makes each business unique. Two companies can follow the same strategy, have the same

structures, use the same management techniques, however, have their own culture and that is

what may be the cause of success and a failure of one of them.

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How much time I need to get into any company and find out, what type of culture exist in

that company? About 10 minutes? Sometimes take less than 10 seconds. It’s simple intuition as

happen in the same way when you visiting a friend, and some time after you being talking with

him and family members, you feel an energy that it’s communicating with you soul. That energy

it’s letting you know that they don’t do it very well. Every single human being have the capacity

to feel and perceive the places and peoples energy. When I’m sad, worry, unsatisfied or happy

the energy that emanates from me surrounds my body, and that energy cannot be hidden. For

instance, if you walked into the good culture consistency company, you will feel the positive

energy at the first second and it’s traduced as a good culture result.

Whether I realize it or not, my company should has a culture based on my core values

initially. So I did design the culture with passion and purpose and I have to be sure of my

company culture consistency stay forever. I have to be careful don’t be so close to the trees

because if it happen I don’t going to be able to see the forest. I learn that if I can’t describe my

company culture immediately, I have to take a look at few areas that'll help me identify my

company's culture and make positive changes for the better. Some organizations are compared to

Icebergs, because they show the nice face of the picture of a false culture ambient, but the big

fallacy is under water and you can’t see it. I call that double moral, hypocrisy and double


Description Job and Specifications

Job descriptions are a vital part of hiring and managing your employees. These written

summaries ensure my applicants and employees understand their roles and what they need to do

to be held accountable. I did the assignment Description with specifications trying to find a

candidate to fit a Teacher Assistant able position with a college student. Many aspects to develop
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were part of the project, as position, description, summary, tasks and specifications. A job

description should be practical, clear and accurate to effectively define a company needs. When I

did this assignment took me like 2 hours because the detail of the information provide in the job

advertisement was very detailed.

Personality Style and Communication Style

This assignment included my neighbour as employee of my company; his personality

brings him inside of the People-Pleaser group. I described many of the characteristics that I can

see on my neighbour. Also, I have written about my personality aspects, which it put me within

Director Style group. Taking in consideration the characteristics of my neighbour group and my

style group, which it’s certainly brought a communications problems with him. As a last aspect

of this project, finally the flexing concept tool show up, letting me resolves the communication

issue with Jovaci, my neighbour.

Benefits of Performance Appraisal

As an employee if I worked well, as an employee naturally I wants to be praised and

recognised by my boss and fellow-workers. Praise seems to have its greatest value when given

and received as recognition, and is not perceived by either party as an attempt to control the

behaviour of the recipient, but my perception goes deeper than that after I read chapter 11 (Van

Syckle & Tietje, 2010). The appraisal process included a manager clear picture of what effective

performance looks like, then the organization will be ready to accurately appraise employees.

Never I have been involved in my own appraisal process, it’s took some time. I

contemplate many personal aspects then I started written some of my skills and areas where I

suppose I’m should be very productive and related to my current studies.

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There are a number of potential benefits of organizational performance management

conducting formal performance appraisals. I believe that today’s highly competitive workplace

individuals seek status and are anxious to excel at what they do and to achieve their personal

aspirations and dreams. This personal appraisal that I did to myself was an experience that I done

before but never into this kind of confidential situation with my self-conscience. Finally, I

finished my own appraisal and I felt like when I was young, then I was doing something wrong

and my father confronted me. He asked me, tell me, what you was doing that were wrong and

how we can prevent it to do not happen again in the future, my father is a math teacher, he still

teaching at this moment. My father taught me how to make an appraisal of myself and how to

correct my mistakes. What happened many years ago interacting with an educational form that

my father used to teach me how to evaluate myself and find a solution, it is part of my values

today as an individual.

The recognition satisfies the basic human need for self-esteem and self worth. This

recognition may be a simple pat on the back of the employee or a recommendation for a pay

raise, promotion or assignment of more interesting tasks. Awards may be given in the form of

articles, banquets honouring certain individuals, certificates and plaques, too, may be given, or

the employee's name may be entered on the Honours Board. Where teamwork is critical,

collective recognition may be given by the award of a shield or a banner or a certificate, special

privileges or a money bonus to the group of employees. There is many way or tools that we can

use effectively to stimulate the effective performance of managers and employees and that

process it’s part of a company culture.

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To conclude, an organizational culture begins at the top and ends at the top. When I want

changes to be made, I will have to be the one to get the ball rolling as a leader. A healthy

company culture is one in which the following process exists. As a business owner I have to

takes decisions, then delegates responsibility for that decision and watches to see how well it's

carried out. If it's not working well, as business owner I will revise my plan and try something

new. A dysfunctional leader, on the other hand, will defend the decision to the death just because

he or she made that decision and that's the rule! Write down my company goals was very helpful

because it keeps me on focus and on track show me how organize my company priorities. In the

end, it is quite clear that the individual who holds the power and makes the final decisions

determines the success or failure of the institution and those who work for it. Culture is a carrier

of meaning. Cultures provide not only a shared view of “what is” but also of “why is.” In this

view, culture is about “the story” in which people in the organization are embedded, and the

values and rituals that reinforce that narrative. It also focuses attention on the importance of

symbols and the need to understand them — including the idiosyncratic languages used in

organizations — in order to understand culture (Watkins & Perrin, 2013). The reality is that

leaders who respect and value those who work under them help create a nurturing environment

and a culture for success, while bad leaders who make bad decisions negatively affect the

employees and the organization. These are the crucial lessons that students must learn and this

beautiful world could be a different place. Thanks Doctor Ritter for teaching us and share your

great experience with us.

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Watkins, M. D., & Perrin, R. (2013, May 15). What Is Organizational Culture? And Why Should

We Care? From Harvard Business Review:


Van Syckle, B., & Tietje, B. (2010). Anybody's Business. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Prentice Hall.
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