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QO section 1 inswer (A, B or C). s Listen to 10 short conversations. For questions 1=10, choose bush the dleases ' You will hear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes £0 1. The colleagues are discussing A. holiday time. BD office supplies, . weekend plans. EI 2. What will ‘the man do next? A. put on his scarf B) clear the pavement ©. look for his snow shovel Ei 3. What time is the man's appointment? A. at 2:00 ®aais ©. at 2:30 ‘4. The woman is unsure about A. where she should sign. (B) whether she got paid. C. which bank account to check. 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE? @® The couple will stop to get petrol. 'B. The man wants to buy a bottle of water. . The woman has made some sandwiches, 6. Wh is the woman bothered by the man's practising? (BD this keeping her awake. B. She can hear it over the headphones, €. twill disturb the neighbours, hin . Véhat do the couple probably agree on? ‘Bs. the benetits of vitamin c B. the tastiness of grapefruit c ‘the necessity of eating passion fruit 8, The manis upset because A: he disagrees with what his wite wants to watch his viewing tastes are not catered for, €. he's tired of watching family shows, ©1104) the key to LaN-c2 QNOTES TRANScRiprs 1, At the workplace Anne. do you have a stapler | could borrow? Sure. take this one. but Ldon't have any stapes atone We sloested tat ysterdoy. but she sad et Sete the weekend, Mahe M: But tats three days away! And eam 2. Snowfall, WE Wo Tt snowed a ft lastnight! You ou Grandmother will be here soon a ot at raverent watwatl bec Ms OK. Where are my gloves? You mst hem wth your scar. You were wean when you came in ahem ag M: Here they are Hon loucodohe nett ste Ce 3. On the street M: Excuse me... could you tell me the time? W: Yes, its neariy two o'clock M: Oh no! Lm supposed fo meet someone at ; ‘ast Is there any way can make it there by then? est Sie W Not on foot ~ tS 2 30-minute walk . at least. You shou tien bus from across the street 7 4. A signature Wi: Dianne, I ned your signature next to your name on this slip. We OK, what's it for? Toconfi ec pp ont that vou received your salary last month. Butl dont know it did. need to check my bank account ist. MOF course. Make sure it's in your account and you ean ignitor 5. Road trip M: We haven't forgotten anything, have we? 'W: No, we can get something to eat rom the canteen We do’ nesdants Is r M: I've brought some ‘Sandwiches and a flask of tea for us. We wont to by anything We Un. | could do with some water 'M: | put a bottle in the ‘Cooler bag this morning, 6A) Mov Litving to seep! Why don't you practise in the garage? i tts too cold in there just tum down the volume. Ws Do you have to practise that thin jat this hour? ME Yes, we have an important performance oro ig. Lok cs the headphones. I can plug them into my amplifier and then you heat a thing came Ws According to this article, eating oranges i healthier than eat 1a i spose tsbecane acai ot ‘Gver eaten a passion fruit, slg Ws tare lnerted, so yeu don't find them sre SY Grapetruit as well, ‘Te great, and M: i = ‘tried them, but they're ‘too sour for me. B.TV.vlewing’ He Wat's on TV tonight? mote, 3) wan forex move a a ae ae te i Wat tacbened oa the fan ener we we Ea g? re ano Fok Tsou th ic wl Dave was supposed to ® pick Mary up trom her house. 'B, meet Mary at 9 o'clock. ©. take Mary to the theatre, regret] 2. What seems to be the man’s greatest regret? @owying acar B, asking his boss for an advance C. going away for the weekend } SECTION 2 Sten to 3 longer conversations. For questions 11-20, choose the best answer (A, B or C). ‘uwill bear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes to read the questions. SES At the beginning of the conversation, we learn that the woman ‘A. has been to the restaurant before. B. prefers very spicy food. © likes the atmosphere in the restaurant, 2. Which of the following statements is FALSE? @® Mey wil try a dish that includes yoghurt. B. They are both very hungry. . They will share the dishes they order. 3. George phones the Exam Office because » @he hasn't received the exam dates yet. la 16. BB. he wants to find out the results of his exam, . he has lost his exam timetable. George's correct details are, A. surname: Timberis; date of birth: 21/03/1987. B, surname: Tsimberis: date of birth: 23/03/1987. ‘surname: Tsimberis: date of birth: 21/03/1987. ‘George missed his oral exam because A. there was a postal strike, © the examinformation was sent out too late. C. he wasn't in town last week. At the end ofthe conversation, the lady says that. ‘® George can take the oral exam on another day, _B. George was the only candidate who didnt receive _the exam information. . ‘S George will have to register for the exam again. 8, Achange of plan MEH Mfry Listen. Fn aqui $0 Lean fetch you from home. Conwe meet aittle later at 9 o'clock? W: Not again. Dave! Where should we meet this time? M: Outside that theatre near the park |W: Er. there's no theatre there, Dave, M: Look, let's just meet at the clock tower OK? 10, Aregret W: Im going to the cinema with Nel tonight. Would you lite to come? M: Thanks. but just can't seem to make ends meet In fact. | wanted, to get anay last weekend, but! couldn't aford it W: Soeak to your boss. Maybe he can give you an advance on your wages, (Mz He gave me one last month, but said he wouldn't doit again Ws: M: : So, where does at your money qo? Mostly on the car, mot sure QNOTES TRANSCRIPTS At an indian restaurant We On t last. (1 This is nice ike the décor Mz it makes you feel ke you're in Inia. does W: (1 andthe musics nce. t 109 oud (Ms But it's the food that’s realy good here and i's not too ssicy, $0 you bem. Here comes the waiter with the menus W: So tis is alassi is oetc been here before, what horse, Mz Me too, tm famished. So 1 suggest ts courses. Youre happy sharing. aren’ Ws Why not? That way you can gett some of those crispy flour things M: You mean poppadoms ..they wil bring you some with the starters. Ws Great. Now what are we going to order? Exam micup Ws British intermational Exams. How can help you M: Helio, My name is George Tsimberis and (13) abowtityet Ws The written examis on Saturday the 8°, but the timetan youhasall the deta. WM But | jst tld you I havent received anything, (13)S0 the written thi isthe oral exam? 1: For that. need your name. asthe oral exams take pace over sever weeks M: George Tsimberis .(14)E-S1AtB-€.R5 Ws Weave a George Timbers. that’s FMB-E-R1S Mi That must be me. You obvcusy made a speting mistake We Just tobe sure, coud have your date of birth Me Wsthe(14)21 ofthe ted 87. W Sorry, that was the 234 0f Ms No, the (14)21" ofthe third. 1997 (Ws Ves somry, OK: That seems tobe correct. m afraid your oral exam was Yesterday. You shoud have been informed ot the date ofthe interes (Ms Buttim eng you, mast W: (5)Theinformotin for the candidates was sent gut ast week Me (1SKashweet! Yous ot oving any tga or delays Good thng there \wavit @ Besta strike or no one would have got them Anyway, what ate you going to do about it? W: (16s canreschesue the interview Let's see registered f but haven't received any information fe that we sent ase you going t0 eK RICNETG WD? Me I quess $2. 17. When is Richard due to arrive at the airport. focal time? We What tine does tis et at is plane lett at haf ast sn tre a text to say tat ta A 1015 Me He sent me 2 tO ve mates to get here fom London she sma 8.1145 Mabou ten EEN. ) @i2ai5 W: Don't forget eee oo eee ATs ed fo, jirport? 18. We understand that Richard MW, Sowtat time are you gong to ear re ae A) is visiting their city forthe first time. we vet abt ie. Tt? : B. won't have much with him. Mire abesnt fave tat long to get there. And Pel have to go through luggage Mit doesnt take that tong to nat hour Sa . is familiar with the area where they live. collection That wil probably take a good ives eaty? Whenever | fy the pit always say ve wat hs plane aries ea? Whenever |.

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