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Name of Teacher Honey Grace T. Omallao Section Socrates/ Heidegger

Leaning Area CESC Time: 7:30-9:30/ 2:30-4:30
Grade Level Grade 12 Date: February 29, 2024

The learners demonstrate an understanding of…

A. Content Standards the integration of social science perspective and community action initiatives.

The learners shall be able to …


B. Performance
Standards synthesize the integrative experiences of implementing community action initiatives applying social
sciences ideas and methods.

C. Learning acknowledge interrelationship of self and community in undertaking community action

Objectives HUMSS_CSC12-IIId-g-8

II. CONTENT Interrelationship between self and community in undertaking community actions

(Subject Matter/Lesson)

1. Teacher’s
Guide curriculum guide


2. Textbook None
3. Additional
from Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Visual Aids
D. Other Learning

Before the lesson

A. Reviewing REVIEWING
previous lesson or
presenting the new  What was our lesson last meeting?
lesson  What did you learn from our past lesson.
 Give the 3 modalities of community action

Motivation: Short Reflection

Analyze the picture and give your own perspective or idea in ONE SENTENCES. Imagine that You are
One of the People in the Picture and that situation happened in Your barangay.

B. Establishing a At the end of the session, the students will be able to

purpose for the
lesson a.) identify community virtues and five-point community initiatives;
b.) appreciate the importance of community participation; and
c.) understanding the mechanism of community.

During the lesson

Interrelationship of Self and Community in Undertaking Community Action

C. Presenting
of the new lesson Self and Community are two distinct concepts that are inherently interrelated because
individuals are the material cause of community. There is no community which can exist
autonomously of individuals.

Community members are at the heart of healthy communities, they include all who live, learn,
work, play and pray in community. As a member of a community, consider yourself as an
important part.

The relationship between self and community in undertaking community action is dynamic
and interconnected one.

 Individual Influence on Community: Each individual within a community has unique

D. Discussing new skills, knowledge, and perspectives. When these individuals take action, they can
concepts and bring about change in the community.
practicing new skills
• Community Influence on Individual: On the other hand, the community plays a
significant role in shaping the individual's beliefs, values, and behaviors. The norms
and values of a community can motivate individuals to take action.
(Whole class activity)
Why should members like you be involved in building your community? Simply put, lasting
T change within your community cannot happen without active involvement among its members
or constituents.

Community sectors

The basic component parts of a community

 Social Institutions (five key sectors)
 Schools
 Media
 Businesses
 Churches
 Government – town or city

Other Common Organizations

 Day Care Centers
 Ethnic clubs or associations
 Hobby groups
 Parent-Teacher organizations
 Professional Schools
 Recreational groups
 Specialized groups
 Clinic
 Housing authorities and housing groups
 Libraries
 Service associations (the Rotary, etc.)
 Neighborhood groups
 Religious groups
 Social service agencies

5 Characteristics of Communities

1. Resilient Communities- Countless challenges are faced by everyone every

day. Only resilient people become successful after facing each challenge.

Resilient communities are those that have the ability to withstand and recover
from shocks and stresses, such as natural disasters, economic downturns,
or social challenges. These communities are proactive in building their capacity to
adapt, bounce back, and thrive in the face of adversity.

2. Vigilant Communities- Securing the safety of its members is one of the main focus of any
community. vigilant communities are those that prioritize and actively
engage in activities to ensure the safety and security of their residents.
These communities are proactive in identifying and addressing potential
threats, risks, and issues that may affect the well-being and peace of the

3. Progressive Communities- Progressive communities are those that

embrace and actively promote forward-thinking ideas, values, and
initiatives. These communities are committed to social, economic, and
environmental progress, aiming to create positive change and improve
the quality of life for their residents. Change is only constant in this
world. One who is afraid of change can never go to places.

4. Adaptive Communities- Adaptive communities are those that

possess the ability to respond and adapt to changing circumstances,
challenges, and opportunities. These communities recognize the need
to be flexible, resilient, and forward-thinking in order to thrive in a
rapidly changing world. Progressive community is more likely the same
with Adaptive Community.

Progressive- know when to change and when not to adapt.

Adaptive- the latter deals with the present condition. Innovative and creativity
are two of the requirements in order step up with the current trends.

5. Accountable Communities- Accountable communities are those that prioritize

transparency, responsibility, and integrity in their actions and decision-making
processes. These communities hold themselves and their members accountable
for their actions, ensuring that they act in the best interests of the community
and its residents. Accountable communities have the best people who knows
their role in their community. Accountable people do not just look after their
own advantage but the benefit of all members of the community
Five-Point Community Initiatives

The five-point community initiatives are the processes or mechanisms

that a community undergoes in order to develop and realize its goals

Engagement-converting to the community and its people

Planning-converting ideas into blueprints through meetings and discussion
Implementation – action and realization of the set plans
Development - enhancing process for continuous implementation
Sustainability - meeting needs of stakeholders; pursued as a goal

Group Activity

E. Developing

Activity 1. Share your idea about this quote by writing a 5-sentence paragraph.


Student will form into four groups.

Give each group one short band paper. Write their answer in a given paper.

Each group have one participant to present their outputs.

G. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about The teacher will give emphasis on the importance of community participation
the lesson.

Activity 2. Answer the following question

Present Virtues
Identify what community virtues your barangay has. Discuss each
H. Finding practical virtue in 2-3 sentences by giving factual scenarios.
applications of
concepts and skills in Missing Virtues
daily living.
Identify what community virtues your barangay does not have. Discuss your solution for
each virtue in 2-3 sentences.


Instruction: Choose a word in the box that corresponds to each of the following

statements below. Write the letter of your answer in ¼ sheets paper.

For items 1-5 refer to the choices inside the box above
I. Evaluating
a. Resilient b. Adaptive c. Accountable d. Vigilant e. Progressive

1. A kind of community that easily gets back on its feet after a calamity and continue its
2. A kind of community that is awake and alert in order to avoid dangers or problems to happen
in a community
3. A kind of community that acts on ideas and change the status you by anticipating to the
4. A kind of community that adapts, go beyond their confines and conquer all threats to the
5. A kind of community that accepts the reality of ownership and thus making its member
responsible of their own.

For items 6-10 to the choices inside the box

a. Planning b. Implementation c. Engagement d. Development e. Sustainability

6. An initiative that connects to the community and its people

7. An initiative that holds rounds of discussion and meetings with community members.
8. An initiative that acts and realizes the set plans and the chosen viable options among many.
9. An initiative that aspires for improvement of the project using current tools and methods.
10. An initiative that is pursued as a goal and when achieved, it means that passed the rigorous
standard if the public.

J. Additional Assignment:
activities for
application or Self-Involvement Ways to involved in community engagement listed by Chris Hampton and Eric
remediation/ Wadud of Community Tool Box.
 Attend public events like rallies, community hearings, or fundraising events
 Serve on committees that focus on specific problems or activities
 Take leadership roles in a community partnership
 Get involved in planning processes like creating goals or defining the problem
 Donate money or help input with a fundraising effort
 Volunteer to staff the office, answer phones, put together mass mailings, or make phone
 Doing research, writing proposals, or handling correspondence


Pre-Service Teacher



Cooperating Teacher

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