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1. The prisoners were accused of robbery, assault, embezzlement, and forging. No error.

A. were accused
B. assault
C. embezzlement
D. forging error

2. As the dawn approached, the farmers starting for the rice fields. No error.

A. approached
B. the farmers
C. starting
D. rice fields
E. no error

3. If you want me to express my opinion, I think that Report A is equally as good as Report B. No error.

A. to express
B. think that
C. my opinion
D. equally as good as
E. No error

4. In winter, days are warm than night. No error.

A. In winter
B. are
C. warm than
D. night
E. No error

5. Have anyone of you experienced working in a company? No error.

A. Have
B. you
C. experienced
D. a company
E. No error

6. Offer the nomination to whoever commands the respect of the people. No error.

A. Offer
B. whoever
C. respect
D. of the people
E. No error
7. Each of the students who all come from the community was briefed on how to lead their friends in civic projects.
No error.

A. Each
B. come
C. was briefed
D. their
E. No error

8. If the manager would have planned more carefully, bankruptcy might have been avoided. No error

A. would have
B. more carefully
C. bankruptcy
D. might have
E. No error

9. Her father gave him money for her tuition fee. No error.

A. gave
B. him
C. her
D. tuition fee
E. No error

10. You hope to finish high school this year, aren’t you? No error.

A. hope
B. finish
C. this
D. aren't you
E. No error

11. In our community, our neighbors we help each other. No error.

A. our
B. neighbors
C. we
D. help
E. No error

12. A person on diet must not take more calories than what are needed. No error.

A. must
B. not take
C. than
D. are
E. No error
13. It was him who was responsible for making all the arrangements for the successful completion of his studies.
No error.

A. It was him
B. was
C. making
D. his
E. No error

14. The coach with his entire team are traveling by plane. No error.

A. coach
B. his
C. are
D. by plane
E. No error

15. In our barangay, our neighbors organized a disaster brigade. No error.

A. our
B. neighbors
C. organized
D. brigade
E. No error

16. Linda is the best pianist among the sisters in the family. No error.

A. is
B. best pianist
C. among
D. sisters
E. No error

17. Mother bought a new dress for me yesterday. No error.

A. bought
B. for
C. me
D. yesterday
E. No error

18. His green tie was not write for his suit. No error.

A. green tie
B. was
C. write
D. suit
E. No error
19. The increasing mechanization of life have led us farther away from daily contact with nature and the craft of farm.
No error.

A. increasing
B. have led us
C. daily contact
D. the craft
E. No error

20. Since there was no evidence to indicate who’s ring it was, the presiding magistrate dismissed the case. No error.

A. who's
B. ring it was
C. presiding
D. dismissed
E. No error

21. Two astronauts were disappointed because they had hoped to have made the first trip to the moon. No error.

A. astronauts
B. had hoped to
C. have made
D. trip
E. No error

22. A computer virus works exactly like the biological one which invade the human body. No error.

A. works
B. biological one
C. which
D. invade
E. No error

23. The snow fell during the night so that it was laying in big drifts on the highway the next morning. No error.

A. during the night

B. laying
C. on the highway
D. the next morning
E. No error

24. Zone 61 was adjudged the most cleanest community in Metro Manila. No error.

A. Zone 61
B. was adjudged
C. most cleanest
D. Metro Manila
E. No error
25. I know that you will enjoy receiving flowers that smell so sweetly. No error.

A. enjoy
B. receiving
C. smell
D. sweetly
E. No error

26. It was hard to believe that conscientious pupils could misspell so many words in their quizzes. No error.

A. hard
B. conscientious
C. misspell
D. quizzes
E. No error

27. Neither Leonora nor Filipina are to be held responsible for the hospital deaths. No error.

A. Neither
B. nor
C. are
D. held
E. No error

28. We had swam across the lake before the sun rose. No error.

A. swam
B. across
C. before
D. rose
E. No error

29. Female employees who works efficiently will be given clothing allowance. No error.

A. employees
B. works
C. will be given
D. allowance
E. No error

30. On the time of the opening ceremony of the theatre a large crowd had assembled. No error.

A. On the time
B. the opening
C. of the theatre
D. had assembled
E. No error
31. “Frank’s dog is still in the yard, ” my father said, “perhaps he had better stay there until we have finished our
dinner. No error.

A. Frank's dog
B. said,"perhaps
C. had better stay
D. until we have finished
E. No error

32. A group of young people have been working for the local barangay. No error.

A. A group
B. people
C. have been
D. working
E. No error

33. The student argued he would not cheat in his final examination even if he would failed. No error.

A. argued
B. would not cheat
C. even
D. would failed
E. No error

34. The loud noise of the cars and trucks annoys those who live near the road. No error.

A. loud noise
B. annoys
C. who
D. near the road
E. No error

35. One of the members of the Red Brigade who killed Aldo More refused to plead guilty. No error.

A. One
B. members
C. killed
D. plead
E. No error

36. The three last chapters of this book are very interesting. No error.

A. The three last

B. this book
C. are
D. very interesting
E. No error
37. Neither you nor I needs the typewriter now. No error.

A. you
B. I
C. needs
D. now
E. No error

38. By his perseverance, he succeeded in overcoming the apathy of his pupils. No error.

A. perseverance
B. overcoming
C. apathy
D. his
E. No error

39. Pepe would be happy if his parents can send him to college. No error.

A. would be
B. his
C. can send
D. him
E. No error

40. In the near future, man hopes to send computerized spaceship to explore Mars. No error.

A. hopes to send
B. computerized
C. spaceship
D. to explore
E. No error

41. I don't know few people at this party, do you? No error.

A. don’t
B. few
C. at this party
D. do you
E. No error

42. Although we had tickets, we had made waiting for an hour. No error.

A. Although
B. we
C. had made waiting
D. an hour
E. No error
43. Neither she nor her friend will have invited to the party. No error.

A. Neither
B. nor
C. will have
D. to the party E. No error

44. He always gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning, moreover on holiday. No error.

A. He
B. at
C. in the morning
D. moreover
E. No error

45. I'd like to change 100 dollars with pesos, please. No error.

A. I’d like
B. change
C. dollars
D. with
E. No error

46. Where did you live when you were a child? No error.

A. Where
B. did
C. live
D. were
E. No error

47. When I asked him if did he see the keys, Bob said he had no idea where they were. No error.

A. if did he see
B. had
C. where
D. they were
E. No error

48. This could have hardly done better- we sealed the deal and signed the contract. No error.

A. could have
B. done
C. we sealed
D. contract
E. No error
49. There are strict rules against students are using their mobile phones at the school premises. No error.

A. strict
B. against
C. are using
D. at the
E. No error

50. You will need any further information; do not hesitate to contact me. No error.

A. You will need

B. further
C. do not
D. hesitate
E. No Error

51. Teodulo is the one ________ shot Jinggoy.

A. Who
B. That
C. Which
D. None of the Above

52. The RAM is one of the group _______ participated in the coup d' etat.

A. Who
B. That
C. Which
D. None of the Above

53. He belongs to an organization _______ specialize in conducting search and rescue.

A. Who
B. That
C. Which
D. None of the Above

54. I do not trust medicines _______ claim to cure any diseases.

A. Who
B. That
C. Which
D. None of the Above

55. The medicine claiming to cure any diseases _______ appeared in the Tuesday magazine is on sale.

A. Who
B. That
C. Which
D. None of the Above
56. Neither Noynoy nor Kris _______ available.

A. is
B. are
C. were
D. none of the above

57. Either Piolo or Toni _______ with cake decorations.

A. is helping
B. are helping
C. were helping
D. none of the above

58. Neither She nor I _______ to the mall.

A. am going
B. is going
C. are going
D. none of the above

59. Neither Robin nor the others _______ available.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. none of the above

60. A Motorcycle and a Bike _______ my means of transportation.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. none of the above

61. ___________working hard, he failed the test.

A. Despite
B. However
C. Though
D. May

62. He is ______to beat his opponent.

A. too strong
B. enough strong
C. strong enough
D. not so strong
63. _______ the thief saw the cops coming, he ran away.

A. As soon as
B. No sooner
C. Scarcely
D. Heavenly

64._______he is so ill, the doctors do not expect him to recover.

A. As
C. If
D. Before

65. The boy_______ watch had been stolen complained to the teacher.

A. who
B. whose
C. who's
D. whoos

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