Final Assignment Depression

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De-stigmatization Public Campaign of Depression Diagnosis and Treatment

Having been assigned the new position in the NGO my task is now to ensure that the organization’s goals
are reached. The main goal is to expand and improve diagnosis and treatment of depression in a
disadvantaged community. Based on the lectures it was found that many people take as much as ten
years after detection to actual seek help. With an NGO named depression care, it would be best to
embark on a campaign that normalizes depression diagnosis and treatment. By launching a public
campaign on the de-stigmatization of depression diagnosis and treatment we will be able to have
persons become more acceptable with seeking help. I am of the view that people generally see
depression as an embarrassing condition and therefore tend to resist help/treatment for fear of being
labeled ‘mad’ or of an ‘unsound mind’. In using a public campaign approach where the focus is to
normalize seeking diagnosis and normalize seeking treatment, will see an expansion of the NGOs ability
and possible funding with the improved diagnosis and treatment.

If I were to choose either of the other two options, one being an initiative to improve detection and
treatment of major depression in primary care settings, and two an initiative to improve the quality of
care for patients with depression, the primary goal would not be met. Improving systems when persons
frown on diagnosis and treatment will only see the NGO with state-of-the-art systems minus clients. This
can lead to a waste in resources which can eventually lead to the actual closure of the facility.

I will use the goal as objectives for the campaign, determine my target audience which would likely be
the friends and family of people as well as persons dealing with depression. This will be done by having
posters set up in spaces where they are easily seen as well as radio and television ads which speak to
people that are respected within the community accessing care. Once the campaign is well designed,
meaning addressing issues based on the correct lingo (local parlance) of the community etc, it will be
useful. Within the campaign one can seek to highlight other services that are offered by the NGO so as
to further help in reducing stigma.

In concluding I would like to say that the reason I choose an awareness campaign over the other avenues
is that the cost for the others can be very high and still not achieve the goal. There is need for persons to
become comfortable with the image of the organization as well as with the services offered which is
mainly depression diagnosis and treatment.

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