Akshat Joshi Questionnaire

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Research Topic: Effects of Mobile Marketing on


1.Are you aware of mobile Marketing

o Yes

o No

2. I spend most of my leisure timing in




3. What is the Average time you spend the most in a day on mobile

o 0 to 2 hours

o 2 to 6 hours

o 6 to 12 hours

o More than 12 hours

4. Is mobile marketing an effective promotional tool



5. Do you think Mobile Marketing is a trustable source for advertising

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o strongly disagree

6. Satisfaction of information provided over mobile ads

o Very Satisfied

o Satisfied

o Dissatisfied

o Very Dissatisfied

7. Advertisement which influenced you the most




Essential services

8. Advertisement through mobile have a positive influence on my purchase decision

o Very Satisfied

o Satisfied

o Neutral

o Dissatisfied

o Very Dissatisfied

9. I feel mobile advertising helps to raise our standard of living

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Neutral

o Disagree

o strongly disagree

10. I feel mobile advertising helps me to find product and service that match my personality and

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Neutral

o Disagree

o strongly disagree

11. Mobile advertising helps for better purchasing decision

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o strongly disagree

12. I prefer to use online platform to purchase product of my choice than buying offline

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o strongly disagree

13. I would probably buy products or services with Mobile phone advertisements

o Agree

o Disagree

14. I am likely to buy products that are promoted by mobile marketing

o Agree

o Disagree

15. Do you find it safe on purchasing from mobile advertisements



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