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The underlined infinitive "to sicken and die" functions as a purpose or result
complement. It suggests an action that is the purpose or result of the children
being born. A possible Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "щоб
захворіти й померти" (to get sick and die).
2. The underlined infinitive "to eat" functions as the object of the verb "have."
It suggests the action of eating. A possible Ukrainian semantic equivalent
could be "поїсти" (to eat).
3. The underlined infinitive "to separate" functions as the purpose or result
complement. It suggests the action that was deliberately done in order to
separate. A possible Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "розділити" (to
4. The underlined infinitives "to watch," "to catch," and "to explore" function
as purpose or result complements. They suggest actions that can be done in
the creek. Possible Ukrainian semantic equivalents could be "спостерігати,"
"ловити," and "досліджувати" (to watch, to catch, to explore).
5. The underlined infinitive "to do" functions as a noun complement. It
suggests the action that was necessary. A possible Ukrainian semantic
equivalent could be "зробити" (to do).
6. The underlined infinitive "to examine" functions as an adverbial
complement of purpose. It suggests the purpose of not having had time. A
possible Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "оглянути" (to examine).
7. The underlined infinitive "to swing" functions as a noun complement. It
suggests the action that must be a big thing. A possible Ukrainian semantic
equivalent could be "гойдати" (to swing).
8. The underlined infinitive "to retreat" functions as an adverbial complement
of purpose. It suggests the purpose of retreating. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "відступати" (to retreat).
9. The underlined infinitive "to think" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of being too young. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "думати" (to think).
10.The underlined infinitive "to look" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of the eyes being sharp enough. A possible
Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "дивитися" (to look).
11.The underlined infinitive "to get" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of getting the canvas up first. A possible
Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "підняти" (to get up).
12.The underlined infinitive "to wind" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of winding the watch. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "намотати" (to wind).
13.The underlined infinitive "to camp" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of intending. A possible Ukrainian semantic
equivalent could be "розбити намет" (to set up a tent).
14.The underlined infinitive "to prolong" functions as an adverbial complement
of purpose. It suggests the purpose of prolonging the discussion. A possible
Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "продовжувати" (to prolong).
15.The underlined infinitive "to be" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of feeling connected. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "бути" (to be).
16.The underlined infinitive "to discuss" functions as an adverbial complement
of purpose. It suggests the purpose of being useless. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "обговорювати" (to discuss).
17.The underlined infinitive "to be" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of putting on the coat. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "бути" (to be).
18.The underlined infinitive "to upset" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of something having gone wrong. A
possible Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "засмучувати" (to upset).
19.The underlined infinitive "to cast" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of casting oneself on the grass bed. A
possible Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "кидати" (to cast).
20.The underlined infinitive "to investigate" functions as an adverbial
complement of purpose. It suggests the purpose of the job. A possible
Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "досліджувати" (to investigate).
21.The underlined infinitive "to meet" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of being glad. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "зустрітися" (to meet).
22.The underlined infinitive "to answer" functions as an adverbial complement
of purpose. It suggests the purpose of refusing. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "відповісти" (to answer).
23.The underlined infinitive "to be" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of studying. A possible Ukrainian semantic
equivalent could be "бути" (to be).
24.The underlined infinitives "to sit," "to breathe," "to look," and "to exist"
function as purpose or result complements. They suggest actions related to
sitting there. Possible Ukrainian semantic equivalents could be "сидіти,"
"дихати," "дивитися," and "існувати" (to sit, to breathe, to look, to exist).
25.The underlined infinitive "to have" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of having a talk. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "поговорити" (to have a talk).
26.The underlined infinitives "to be sacked" and "to be promoted" function as
adverbial complements of purpose. They suggest the purpose of being a
good workman and being outspoken about labor convictions. Possible
Ukrainian semantic equivalents could be "бути звільненим" (to be sacked)
and "бути просунутим" (to be promoted).
27.The underlined infinitive "to drive" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of driving to the address. A possible
Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "поїхати" (to drive).
28.The underlined infinitive "to live" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of the automatic instinct. A possible
Ukrainian semantic equivalent could be "жити" (to live).
29.The underlined infinitive "to pay" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of paying. A possible Ukrainian semantic
equivalent could be "платити" (to pay).
30.The underlined infinitive "to attempt" functions as an adverbial complement
of purpose. It suggests the purpose of being a fool. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "намагатися" (to attempt).
31.The underlined infinitive "to look" functions as an adverbial complement of
purpose. It suggests the purpose of being satisfied. A possible Ukrainian
semantic equivalent could be "дивитися" (to look).

Тоді вона згадала про його власних дітей; як більшість із них народжувалися,
але хворіли й помирали, не виростаючи. (Моем)
«Сподіваюся, ви наїстеся», — сказав. Юлія. (Там же.) 3. Ви зробили це
навмисно, щоб нас розлучити. (Там само) 4. У струмку є птахи спостерігати, і
риба ловити, і струмки досліджувати. (Морьє). 5. Потрібно було щось
робити. (Д.Лесінг). 6. Я ще не встиг оглянути ту кімнату. (C.Doyle) 7.
Мабуть, це велика річ, щоб так розмахувати телескопом. (H. Wells) 8. Іноді
ви відступаєте, щоб наступати. (Голсуорсі) 9. Тоді я був надто малий, щоб
думати про такі речі. (Там же). 10. Його очі були достатньо гострими, щоб
подбати про власний інтерес. (Там само) 11. Джордж сказав, що нам краще
спочатку підняти полотно. (Jerome K.Jerome) 12. Він забув завести годинник,
коли лягав спати. (Там же). 13. Ми мали намір розбити табір в одній із
заточок, які можна знайти навколо цього крихітного берега. (Там же.) 14. «Я
думаю, — сказав він, — що продовжувати цю дискусію — це втрачати час».
(Голсуорсі) 15. Він відчув, що це щось пов’язане з таким місцем, і він змусив
її відчути це. (Драйзер) 16. Марно обговорювати цю проблему. (Кьюзак) 17.
Сомс одягнув пальто, щоб не було холодно. (Голсуорсі) 18. Кеті припустила,
що в школі щось пішло не так, що засмутило Френсі. (Mowat) 19. Я поповз
назад до своєї хатини, щоб кинутися на свою трав'яну постіль і зануритися в
тупий, жалюгідний, зневірений стан. (Там же) 20. Наша робота полягатиме в
дослідженні деяких його властивостей. (M.Wilson) 21. Я радий
познайомитися з вами. (Драйзер) 22. Вона відмовилася йому відповідати.
(Лоуренс) 23. Енні зараз навчалася на вчителя. (Лоуренс) 24. Було достатньо
сидіти, щоб дихати, дивитися на річку та дерева, просто існувати.
(Мозок)25.1 хотів поговорити з ним. (Веллс) 26. Він був... надто хорошим
працівником, щоб його звільнили, і занадто відверто висловлював свої
трудові переконання, щоб отримати підвищення. (Мозок) 27.1 сказав водієві
адресу, куди потрібно їхати. (Хемінгвей) 28. Це був автоматичний інстинкт
жити. (Лондон) 29. Будь-що було достатньо хорошим, якщо за це платили -
скажімо, п'ять доларів на тиждень, для початку. (Драйзер) 30. Він був
дурнем, намагаючись таким чином прикинутися. (Лондон) 31. Він був
задоволений тим, що повністю відвернувся, і будь-який заклик озирнутися
назад був набридливим. (Драйзер).

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