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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Amphibia (Cartoon)
Relationship: Anne Boonchuy/Marcy Wu, Anne Boonchuy & Marcy Wu, Anne
Boonchuy/Sasha Waybright/Marcy Wu (briefly implied)
Character: Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu, Sasha Waybright (Mentioned)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Comfort, She/Her Pronouns for Anne
Boonchuy, She/Her and They/Them Pronouns for Marcy Wu, animal
facts, Neurodivergent Marcy Wu, Autistic Marcy Wu, Marcy Wu Gets a
Hug, Trans Anne Boonchuy, (not mentioned just she is), Nonbinary
Marcy Wu, Pre-Relationship, they are just dumb kids here, like first
grade, just babies reading books, slight angst and blood warning
(nothing bad)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-04-10 Words: 1536

by Naho_Saenoki


Anne and Marcy are having fun at the library, and Marcy wants to show Anne how much
they know.

Marcy smiled happily as she flipped the page of the large book sat in their lap. She was happily
reading, marveling at the pictures. Anne sat beside them, unlike Marcy who was sitting criss cross
she had her legs out. Not really paying attention to the fact they are probably a tripping hazard.

She had a book in her hands as well. She turned the page and giggled as a bunny popped out at her.
She loved pop up books!

She looked over at Marcy's book, before leaning onto her shoulder to get a better view. It was
FULL of writing and didn’t even have pretty drawings! It had real pictures and boring drawings
with labels. She puffed out her cheeks before poking Marcys cheek "Mar mar your book looks
boring what's it about?"
Marcy grinned, shaking her head no. Before throwing her arms out, almost slapping Anne in the
face in the process. "IT'S NOT BORING ANNA-BANANA" they yelled out. They shifted to sit on
their knees, putting the book open on the floor beneath her. "It's ALLLLLL about animals!" She
really drew out the word all, her grin only growing.

She flipped to a page, as Anne changed how she was sitting a bit, a small smile slowly growing on
her lips at how excited Marcy was getting.

"Like did you know that-that newborn Chinese water deers are SO small they can almost fit in
someone's palm!" She pointed at a picture of a tiny baby deer being held in someone's hands.

Before slapping her hands onto the pages. Pointing at another picture.

"BUT when they grow up they are big! And and and have fangs!"

She looked over at Anne, her eyes practically sparkling "don't they look like vampires?!"

Anne nodded putting her hands in front of her chest in fists "do they eat meat??? Is that why they
have them??" She asked excitedly.

Marcy laughed, shaking her head no.

Flapping her hands slightly against the page "nope! The boy deer only have them and they are for
fighting other deer!"

Anne's shoulders slumped down a bit "aw,,"

Marcy turned a bunch of pages, and Anne's face lit up looking at the page FULL of pictures of

They pointed at one of the pictures "did you know that they don't actually roar as good as they do
in movies? They use tiger roars instead!" Anne shook her head no, scooching closer to Marcy
again, leaning her head on their shoulders.
They pointed to another picture "and they don't make more then an avvvverage of 20 kills a year!"

Anne pouted at this "Mar Mar you are making them sound boring…"

Marcy gasped, shaking her head no, flipping the pages again to find a new interesting animal. She
didn't mean to make Anne bored!

"Oh but also the girls make most of the hunts and kills!" She said as she flipped the pages.

Anne nodded, grinning "I knew that one!" She said proudly.

Marcy stopped on a page on bees. Anne felt herself shiver just looking at them, bees are scary! One
time she was playing with Sasha near some flowers, collecting them for Marcy cause she was
home sick, she had seen a pretty fluffy looking bug so she tried to grab it. Only for the little meanie
to sting her! It hurt a lot!

"Mar mar bees are scary…" Anne mumbled, gripping at her shirt over her tummy, lifting her
shoulders up protectively.

Marcy gasped shaking her head no "no no no don't be scared Annie! They can be cute too!" She
exclaimed while waving her hands around.

They pointed at the picture "like they make a WHOOP sound when they bump into other bees or
things!" She grabbed Anne's hands into hers "and they sleep in flowers cause they get tired, and
and like to have a buddy to hold when they sleep!" Anne nodded slowly.

"That does sound kinda cute…" she mumbled looking down at their joined hands.

Marcy let go of one of Anne's hands, to switch to a page with puppies on it.

"Looking into dogs eyes causes…" she trailed off staring at the words, squinting one eye closed as
if it would make it easier for her to process the words.

"Dopa,,mine and oxy,,,oxytocin levels to increase, causing a stronger bond between dog and
Anne tilted her head confused "what's dopi-mine and oxytoctin?"

Marcy looked back at the book tilting their head as well "uh" they looked up with just their eyes,
not really at anything. More so just to help themselves focus. "happy chemicals I think"

She nodded, grinning "marbles you are so smart!" She proudly exclaimed. Marcy felt her cheeks
heat up a little at the praise, they loved being called smart! Whenever their parents say they are
smart they feel so good!

She flipped to a page with rats after this "rats like being tickled?" Anne asked, reading over her

Marcy nodded "I don't know why, cause tickling feels weird I don't like it! But rats do!"

They grinned poking Anne's cheek "they also like playing hide and seek! And even make a happy
sound when caught! Oh oh and they make their eyes do weird things called boggling!"

Marcys eyes sparkled as she started to say facts without even looking at the book.

"They are also some of the least likely rodents to bite you if they are dom..domesticated. They are
also clean! Oh oh oh and love being with other rats! They need to be kept with at least 2 but 3 is
better cause they are social animals! 2 is fine but at least 3 is the best to avoid one being domo…
dominant over the other! You can train them to pee in the right spot by putting a rock there that'll
hold the scent!" Marcy started rocking a bit, her finger finding its way into her mouth as she got
excited talking.

"They need a lot of space to run and climb and they love exploring and and and" she stopped
talking as Anne laughed.

Poking their cheek "you sure love rats don't you Mar Mar?"

Marcy nodded happily, before coughing into her fist "but I also know a lot about other animals
too!" She shifted to be sitting on their butt instead of her knees.
"Like that cows have a best friend! They get sad If they are away from each other for too long!"

Anne gasped and hugged Marcy "just like us!"

Marcy nodded, grinning.

Anne dramatically fell onto her lap "and Sashy of course!"

Marcy nodded again "yeah and Sashy!"

Marcy brought their hands down absentmindedly playing with Anne's hair.

"Or did you know that capybara will babysit other animals? Most other animals like them! Except
predators but sometimes them too"

Anne nods, yawning a little, it was a big day today. They had played at the park for hours before
coming to the library. Marcys voice was so calming, so was the hand in her hair.

"And cats bump their heads into you to get their smell on you! So you are seen as family!"

Anne giggled a little bumping her head into Marcys hands, "Bonk" she mumbled sleepily

Causing marcy to giggle too.

"Angler fish bite its mate and they stay together forever-" Anne cut her off by jumping up. Causing
them to let out a surprised squeak.

"LIKE MARRIAGE?" She asked excitedly.

Marcy thought for a second then nodded "yeah they get married"

They both stared at each other for a few seconds. Before Anne leaned over to Marcys arm.
She opened her mouth and before they could even process what was happening she was sinking her
teeth deep into Marcys arm.

Anne could taste copper entering her mouth, along with some warmth dribbling down her chin.

Marcy blinked a couple times, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"Wha….uh…" the tears formed faster as Anne pulled back. Looking at them confused as they
started shaking a little, tears dripped down their cheeks as blood drizzled down their arm.

Anne wiped her mouth, before Marcy started crying loudly

"OW OW OW" they rubbed at their eyes hiccuping "Annie you hurt me…" they sobbed.

Anne blinked before gasping and standing up. Grabbing Marcys hand on the not bit arm.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't cry!" She said pulling her up.

Marcy stood holding Anne's hand, still crying and clinging tightly to it. "Uhhh I'll take you to my

Marcy nodded, rubbing the ball of their hand into their eyes.

The two 6 year olds walked out of the library, leaving their books forgotten on the floor.

Anne leads a still silently sobbing Marcy down the street towards her house. Starting to tear up
herself, she didn’t like Marcy crying!

By the time they got back to Anne’s house the small amount of blood had dried, both still sniffling.
Anne walked into the house yelling “MOMMY MAR MARS HURT!”

After a few minutes mrs. Boonchuy had Marcy calmed down and was carefully cleaning and
bandaging the bite. The entire time Anne stood beside her crying that she had to stay with Marcy,
because 'they are married now'.

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