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Criticism of Almond's structural functional approach

1. This approach is completely silent about future

Through structural functional approach Almond has made

the evolution of the functions of different political system
but he never clarified future perspective of political system
he is completely silent about it.
2. Efforts to maintain status-qu0
Critics are of the opinion that Almond has developed this
approach to maintain status-quo and this way this
approach against the change. No situation can all the time
According to need and time change is inevitable.

The political system always be

open for reform and
3. This approach is not
enough to understand different
political structure
The main objectives of Almond to make use to
approach to classify diferent political system and to
understand the process of development of traditional
political system into modern political system.
But critics are of the
opinion that we cannot understand
political system simply through the study of structures and
functions being done by them. Political
system is much
wider concept.
4. No importance is given to the role of individual
This approach accepts the importance of the
performed by various structures, but it gives no
importance to the individuals.
5. Study of political system is not possible with uniform
Almond has developed uniform tools for the study of the
political system of developed or under-developing
countries, whereas it is not possible. The problems of
developed and developing countries different and their
solution can be also found with different tools.
The developing countries are still facing the problems of
poverty, unemployment, illiteracy etc. whereas the
developed countries are free of these problems.
Importance and significance of Moden approaches
1. Analytical study
Although traditional scholars also adopted method of
study based on analysis but they confined their study to
the formal institutional only.
However modern scholars made all types of formal and
informal institutions working of political system.
2. Study of developing areas
Modern writers, for the first time made the political
system of developing states as the subject matter of their
study. The advocates of political development approach
like Lucian Pye, Myron Weiner, James Coleman etc,
even presented new facts about the states of Latin
America, Africa and Asia and made the study
comparative in the real sense
3. Focus on empirical and scientific study
Modern scholars adopted empirical and scientific
methods for the collection and examinations of facts we
can include scholars like Easton, Apter Robert Dahl ete
in this category. These scholars tried to collect data for
survey and conducted opinion polls for knowing publie
opinion this made their study on facts.
4. System of oriented study
Modern scholars have based their comparative study on
system analysis. They hold that political system as a
whole is complete system in itself whose various organs
are interdependent and because political system
functions in over-all environment so it is necessary to
5. Inter-disciplinary study
The significance of modern methods of study also lies
in the fact that they followed inter-disciplinary method
of study. These scholars are of the view that no subject
can be studied in isolation and because political system
is also sub-system of social system as a whole it
becomes necessary to examine the influence of other
subject also
6. Functional analysis
Greater focus come to be laid on the functions of
behaviouralism. Generally it is seen that some
institution performs numerous functions.
The functions of bureaucracy are not confined to
assisting the administration it is also plays significant
role in policy making and legislation. This applies to
almost all political institutions.
7.It is value free study
Modern method of study are neither attached to any
particular values nor they have any pre-determined
conclusions. It is an objectives study which is based on
reality and facts in which the scholars tries to
comprehend problems by keeping aside his personal
assumptions and view point.
8. Wide scope of study
The scope of comparative politics has widened as a
result of new methods adopted for the study of
comparative politics. Today we do not confine our study
to the formal institutions only rather we study non-
formal factors only.

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