A Bleesing or A Curse

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I drove to the palace flying
back from Durban. I got there
to find that the Elders and my
father were already in he
chambers waiting for me. I
walked in with Khulekani
behind me and everyone
turned to look at me.
Dad: Thank you for joining us
son. I nodded as they
discussed the village and the
surrounding community
Elder1: last agenda, As we
have spoken about this before
at great lengths since the
Prince has just turned 30 and
its been four years since the
last incident.I think its the
right time for him to settle
down and marry again.Now
that brought my head up.
Me: Am not understanding..
Dad: Son you are soon going to
be king of this lovely kingdom
and you need a queen to help
you with it duties.
Me: baba we have talked
about this so many times, its
the 20th century. I do not mind
helping the village and its
communities but am not about
to dedicate my life to the
throne haven’t I suffered
enough already?
Elder 2: You have The Curse
which means you are the next
king of Entabeni.
Me: I rather let the curse kill
me than to have another
woman blood on my hands.
Look what happened to
Smangele? SindizwA not to
mention Thandaza... How
many girls will ubabu
Sikhosana dream that will die
at my hands? How many baba??
For the past 10 years iv
listened, iv obeyed and Iv
followed tradition and to what
extent? To what extent will
these woman keep dying just
because my beast doesn’t
agree with them? Where on
earth am I to find a woman
with a pure heart in 20th
century? We all have evil
thoughts, even right now you’ll
are thinking something sinister.
So don’t sit there and tell me
about getting married when
we all know that somehow the
beast will not agree and kill
them. The beast and I are one.
I am him and he is me. I feel
and see all he does to those un
deserving innocent woman
and am not about to tell
another family some fake lie
on how we went hiking and
got attacked when in fact am
the attacker. Now if they is
nothing else that you need
from me. Am going and so you
know I rather have it consume
my humanity than to sacrifice
another child just so it doesn’t
unleash its full power onto us.
I got up and Khulekani
followed as usual.....

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Insert 1
The Siwa household
Mrs Siwa: Ngaba uvile ukuba
yonke imigudu yakhe
yangaphambili yokuzama
ukufumana umfazi bonke
bagqibela ngokufa?( Have you
heard that all his previous
efforts in trying to get a wife
they all end up dead?)
Mr Siwa: Ewe, kodwa bathi
intombi yethu yeyona
inyuleweyo sithandwa sam,
yena wakhethwa ngo
okhokho.(Yes, but they say our
daughter is the chosen one my
love, she was chosen by the
Mrs Siwa:Where were they
ancestors all along? Its cannot
be that 3 times baba, 3 times
he has tried to court for
marriage kwaye bonke
bafa( and they all die)
Mr Siwa: fowunela intombi
yethu kwaye uve ukuba ithini.
ukuba uthi Hayi kunokuba
simyeke ngokuthobeka inkosi
kunye nobukumkani kwaye
ukuba uthi ewe kunoko
akukho nto sinokuyenza
kokumthandazela.(call our
daughter in and let hear what
she says. if she says No than
we humbly decline the king
and it kingdom and if she says
yes than they is nothing we
can do but to just pray for her.)
she went out and found
Yamkelani underneath her
favorite spot by the tree
reading a book.
Mrs Siwa: Yammy utata wakho
uyakudinga Angel(Yammy your
father needs you angel)
Yamkelani: And why the long
face? Is it about me going to
university next year?
Mrs Siwa: Yiza
I walked into the lounge with
my mother following me
behind all distraught. Am
The only child of Muzi and
Vuyiswa Siwa. Its a blessing
because they are the most
thoughtful parents that a child
could ever think off. My name
is Yamkelani Siwa and Am 18
years just finished my Matric
and this is my story of how I
became part of the famous
Langa Royals. Join me as I take
you through the suspenseful
and magical journey that will
leave your imagination rattled.
I sat on the couch that I usually
sit at when my parents address
me and believe this is a lot of
times having a school principal
as a father and a nurse as a
mother you tend to get a lot of
“the talks”.
Dad: what were you reading
Me: oh just a book on herbs
and its remedies nothing big
Dad: well there is a matter
that Ill like to discuss with you
Me: okay
Dad: I know your plan was to
study medicine next year and I
know your love for helping
people. I think this is God way
of answering your prayers and
I need you to know that we
will support you in everything
and any decision that you will
come too.
Me: okay... He gave me a letter
that was all white and a gold
ribbon and a blue wax seal
that has been broken. I looked
at the letter not understanding.
Than I opened it:
𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗠𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗿𝘀 𝗦𝗶𝘄𝗮
𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗮 𝗥𝗼𝘆𝗮𝗹 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱.
𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝘂𝗿
𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼
𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮
𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲
𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝗻. 𝗪𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼
𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
𝗼𝗳 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿
𝗱𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗼 𝗼𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻.
𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗬𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗮
𝗧𝗵𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘇𝘄𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗮 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲
𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿
𝗱𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗳𝗲. 𝗪𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹
𝗯𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘆𝗼𝘂
𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗮 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱.
I read the letter a few times.
Me: Am not understanding. I
looked up to my father and
saw my mother in tears.
Dad: That a letter from the
king of our kingdom
Me: But we are so far from the
kingdom, we are literally
another village. How do they
know me?
Dad: That I cannot answer my
Me: when did the letter come?
Dad: yesterday morning
Me: why are you telling me
Dad: I was torn between
deciding for you and letting
you decide.
Me: what have you decided?
Dad: to let you decide.
Me: I really don’t know what
to say, am just a normal girl
who wants a normal life. I
never even knew that such
things still exist. Yes iv read
about history but this. I looked
at the paper again and looked
at my father.
“ i know nothing about being a
Mom: Oh my child. She hugged
me so tight and her tears were
failing on to my shoulders.
Dad: This is a big decision
Yamkelani and a life changing
one. As iv said, ill support you
in everything that you will
wish to do moving forward.
Me: Do we like have a time
stamp on when we answer?
Dad: No.
Me: Out of all the girls in the
whole wild world they choose
an opinionated, willed minded
girl who knows nothing about
kingdoms and has no ounce of
royal blood?? Are they insane?
Or is the Prince such a snob
that no princess wants them?
How on earth did they come to
such a conclusion?

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Me: What do you mean you
sent a letter a week ago? I
looked at my parents with
frustration as they deliver the
news that they sent a letter to
the Siwa family. A family at the
outskirts of this Village that
they know nothing about.
Dad: Exactly that son. We
asked for the girl hand in
marriage on your behalf. I
laughed so much that they
both looked at me as if am
Me: Its amazing how to the
world am the greatest and
feared CEO of Langa
Enterprises and yet when I
come home instead of being
treated like an adult am
treated like a child. Why are
you both so hell bent in me
getting married father?
Haven’t the past thought you
anything at all? What is wrong
with you people. I rubbed my
head in frustration as I paced
around the office.
Me: What did the answer say?
Dad: They haven’t answered
yet. I laughed again.
Me:obviously They don’t know
if this is a joke or a neighbor
pranking them or the girl has a
brain and she using it. People
talk outside these walls. How
old is she?
Dad: we dont know
Me: What do you know?
Dad: That she is the one son.
Look i know you frustrated and
frankly Am embarrassed that
we have to go through these
lengths but this is your Life
Thulasizwe now swallow it and
live with it. I looked at him as
my blood started boiling and
my eyes turned gold. He
stepped away since he knew
too well what might happen.
But I forced the beast down
and control it thinking of
something else and counting to
Me: You, A whole king, my
father and a man with his own
beast is afraid of me. Am your
son father and you fear that I
might rip you apart yet you do
things that might make me
lose control. Kutheni unenkani
nje?( why are you so stubborn?)
I looked at my lovely mother
who looked at me with so
much love. And I slowly calm
Mom: From the time I was
pregnant with you, i knew that
you were different. We tried
for years to have a child but
nothing and than you came
along. A beautiful baby boy
with a big heart. Never mind all
the other things that are
happening around you or
within you. Just remember you
are everything that I prayed for
and more. She kissed my cheek
and left the room.
Its been two days since iv
asked my father to agree to
the proposal that was sent.
Today is the day that my
uncles and the kingdom squad
come over to talk about lobola.
I haven’t seen the prince. I
have no idea if he looks like an
old grizzly bear or a normal
clean human. I don’t know
how old he is, if his dumb,
smart or even have teeth. I sat
in my room with two of my
cousins Sinamele and Andiswa.
Sinamele: So vele we going to
ignore the rumors? She asked
looking at me as if am stupid or
iv grown a head.
Me: what rumors?
Andiswa: They say the
bride/the intended of the
prince never makes it to the
Me: why?
Sinamele: They die
slima(idiot) , it’s either
bathwala ngabo or
bayabadla( its either they use
them for witch craft or they
eat them) i laughed so hard
that I had to close my mouth
with my hand. My mother
quickly walked in and looked
at me laughing with tears
Ma: And than?
Me: Lutho ma( its nothing) she
went out and I looked at my
two cousins.
Me: Its just rumors.
Andiswa: I hear he always has
sunglasses on and has a big
strong guy with a scar that
follows him everywhere he
Me: His a prince ofcause he
will have a bodyguard.
Sinamele: I heard that the last
girl that he asked to marry the
day before he wanted to
surprise her with a hike and a
picnic and she was attacked by
an animal ripping her head
Andiswa: I heard that all the
other small kingdom don’t
want to marry they daughters
to him hence You were asked.
Me: Okay girls enough. I really
dont want to hear what you
heard. If I want to know
something ill ask him myself
when I meet him now please
let change the conversation.
Just than my mother walk in
holding a head wrap that was
black and white. It had a Lion
outlined with white in a black
material. He helped wrap it
around my head in a beautiful
style than took out white
Ochre and did Umchokzo( face
painting) on my face making
beautiful dots in a pattern.
When done she inspected her
work then the woman started
singing in the kitchen as I
walked with my cousins to the
lounge. I sat on a straw mat
looking down. All i could see
were they black shining shoes.
Dad: This is the Lady we were
talking about and that iv
accepted gift for. My father
pointed at me
And I lifted my head up to look
around the room and saw old
men and my heart sank but my
smile was fixed. One of the
men, I think he was the king
based on the stick he was
carrying smiled at me and
nodded in approval.
“ unfortunately the prince is
not here today, I will let him
know of the beauty of this
flower you have gifted us with
Mr Siwa” he smiled and i
looked down. After the
negotiations we dished out for
them. Than later on we had to
send gifts to them in like
groceries singing and dancing.
The following day they came
with blankets and gifts for my
family and The Prince was here
wearing his White Shirt and
black pants. After the gift we
changed to similar outfits and
he danced for me and the
whole village rejoiced. After all
that I was locked in a room
where all the married old
ladies gave me advice about
marriage. I never slept a wink
that night and didn’t even
have time to be alone with the
Prince to speak I had so many
questions to ask. Early in the
morning my mother came to
my room.
Ma:This is still your home, its
forever open for you.
Me:Thank you mama
Ma: Now represent us well my
child, i raised a lady not a
hooligan. She smiled and
hugged me. After that We
drove to the Palace with
armed guards and all of my
belongings. We got to a very
much decorated Palace and all
its people and the traditional
wedding was in palace. After
all the rituals were done I was
now in the garden walking
with the Prince and of cause
the famous guard who didn’t
look as bad as everyone
suggested. Yes he had a scar on
his left side of his face but he
wasn’t scary looking at all. We
were walking in utter silence. I
bent down and removed my
shoes and walked bare feet. He
looked at me oddly but didn’t
say anything. I kept my cool
because I was not about to
break the silence plus i liked
the silence and the cold effect
that the grass is doing to my
feet. We walked with the
guard a few feet away.
Yanga: You looked beautiful.
He said out of the blue. I
smiled at him and stopped and
looked him up and down and
than continued to walk.
Me: You looked not to bad
yourself. He chuckled a smooth
laugh that sounded throaty yet
cool at the same time. He took
out a box from his pocket as
we neared the fountain. He
was now standing in front of
me and I must say the Prince
was beyond handsome. He has
light brown eyes that are close
to goldish in color. He had dark
black skin that is smooth. It
wasn’t to black nor too light
but just right. He has a strong
jawline and he flexed it when
he is thinking or before he says
something. He looked like
Thapelo Mokoena but a with
the skin tone of Fezile
Makhanya. He open a the box
to reveal the most beautiful
necklace iv ever seen in my life.
Its was sliver and the pendant
was shaped like a pear and it
was goldish yellow like his
Yanga: May I? I turned and he
helped knot the chain. “ its
looks beautiful”
Me:Thank you. We were both
quiet for some time and I
looked to see the guard
looking the other way. I stood
on my tip toes and placed a
kiss on his cool cheek. He
touched it as if he electrocuted
and looked at me with shook. I
smiled and walked back to the
house, leaving him standing
there rooted to the ground...
To be continued.....🤍❤️
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Insert 3
I stood there and watched her
walk to the house.
The past few days have been a
roller coaster and the funny
part is I liked it. I liked how
she looks at me when she
thinks am not looking. How
she smiles at little things that
grabs her attention. How she
is so curious and mostly her
bubbly personality. She
radiates of love and laughter. I
touched my cheek shaking my
head and stood there praying
that my family is right about
this one.
Khulekani: We have to go boss,
we have a meeting with the
Me: cancel all my meetings for
the week am sure everyone is
aware that I got married.
Khulekani: No problem. I
walked back with only one
person in my mine Yamkelani
and somehow that didn’t piss
me off at all.
Somewhere at Entabeni
“ yehlisa umoya Phakamani”
( calm down, Phakamani)i
paced around the house in
agony trying so hard to be
calm but I just couldn’t.
“ uthi ushadile ma....ubone
kahle?” ( you say he got
married mother, did you see
“ son, why would I lie to you?”
I looked at my mother as she
was calm as a cucumber.
“ we need to do something fast
because Yanga cannot be
crowned the next king”
Today is the wedding night
and lord am not ready. I went
in the bathroom and soaked
myself in all the bath salts that
my mother gave me. After I
was done I took the fresh
organic lotion she gave me and
applied it than I opened up the
small bag she told me to open
and took out the most
revealing clothes that iv ever
seen. I wore the black short
nightie that was only lace and
had pink fluffs at the bottom. I
than got in bed quickly and
pretended to sleep. Later on I
heard Yanga walk in and heard
the shower running after a few
minutes he came in bed as the
bed gave away. He came closer
to me and tried to spoon
cuddle me. Out if nowhere my
body started to shake. I felt my
body tremble from head to toe
in fear.
Yanga: Please stop and try to
relax I won’t do anything to
you. I tried but I just couldn’t
stop trembling. He got out of
bed. Went and flipped the
lights on.
Me: Am sorry it just that.....
Yanga: No need to explain... he
cut me off. “ look I know that
you mother told you
somethings about the wedding
night but am not so old school
or traditional. You not ready
and I am not ready. Now
breathe and try to sleep. I was
only cuddling because I was
cold and you kind of made my
bed warm.
Me: But the sheets, they will
come for the sheets in the
Yanga: we will deal with that
in the morning. For now am
exhausted and am sure you
are too. Let just try to sleep
that all. If cuddling makes you
uncomfortable than ill keep on
my side of the bed okay. I
looked down so embarrassed.
Its not that am not okay with it
actually i liked feeling his
smooth skin next to mines its
just that Iv never been in one
room with a guy never mind to
share a bed.
Me: Iv never slept with a guy. I
blurted it out and hid under
the blanket.
Yanga: I know, I can tell. Well
sometimes a guy and a girl can
share a bed and do nothing but
cuddle which is what I need
today. Think you can manage
that? I looked up from the
blanket and nodded.
Yanga: let me explain
something to you. Am as
humane as you are. In this
marriage we voice things. This
bedroom is the only room
where you can scream, shout
and lose all your manners with
me. Hell if you want to bite me
you can.
Me: bite you? I laughed feeling
a little better
Yanga: trust me one day you
will understand what I mean.
He smiled showing a dimple I
never knew he had.
“ look This is how our
marriage will work.Am as
clueless as you are about this
marriage thing but I do know
what expected of you. Scratch
all the crap those old ladies
told you. Be who you are. Be
what your parents has brought
you up to be. Don’t shy away
from me and most definitely
don’t pretend with me. Let
make a deal” he walked closer
to the bed and I moved to
make space for him as he was
now on my side.
Me: okay
Yanga: when we in our
chambers or when it just the
two of us you will give me the
most authentic you ever. You
will speak your mind and you
will voice anything and
everything. Il give you all the
respect you need and in return
Ill ask for the same. We will
talk about our most
uncomfortable things and we
will always tell each other the
truth. When we in here we will
find solace in each other after
a long day of trying to navigate
life out there” he pointed
towards the door. I nodded as
I looked at him as his eyes
changed color to a stronger
shade of gold.
Me: your eyes are changing
Yanga: They do that time to
time. Now do we agree?
Me: Yes but will you be able to
do the same? They was silence
as he thought it through.
Yanga: Yes ill try my best to be
as authentic as I could be but
keep in mind that they are
things that are meant to be
exposed to a person after
sometimes because we fear
being rejected.
Me: But if I give you the real
me than you should do the
same. He smiled showing his
perfect white teeth.
Yanga: I think am going to like
you as a partner. How old are
Me: should you have asked
that before marrying me? I
looked at him smiling as he
Yanga: I should have. You have
a soul of an older person but
you look in your teens.
Me: am 18 turning 19 and you.
Yanga: just turned 30
Me: you don’t look 30
Yanga: good genes. I was really
feeling better now.
Me: I want to change the
nightie that am wearing but
am afraid to leave the blankets.
I tighten the cover on my chest
Yanga: i felt some lace, are you
even wearing a panty.
Me: mother said never go to
bed wearing one. He laughed a
rich love making his face crack
at all the right places.
Yanga: do you want to wear
Me: these sheets are amazing
to my ass. He laughed louder.
Yanga: you really don’t have a
Me: I know and I wondered
why would you pick a girl who
runs her mouth like I
Yanga: so you promise to
always be yourself when it
comes to me? I thought for a
sec and looked at him as his
eyes changed darker again.
Me: I promise and you?
Yanga: personality wise I
promise but the rest will
reveal itself in due time.
Me: I can live with that.
Yanga: good.
Me: do we like shake on it?
Yanga: sure. He extended his
hand and we shake on it.
Me: To authenticity. He
nodded. He got up up from bed
and turned and I saw
something on his back. “ wait”
i got out of bed forgetting that
am wearing close to nothing. I
walked to his back and there
at his back he had the most
beautiful and a not so ordinary
mark that covered his back.
His whole back was covered in
what looked like a huge lion.
Me: This is so beautiful. I
traced my hands on it as the
lines were deep and
magnificent. “ wow, iv never
seen such a birth mark in my
life” he kept quiet as I touched
him. From the hair to the eyes
and down to the sharp teeth.
“ beautiful”
Me: Do all the Royal children
have it?
Yanga: Only the ones that has
The Curse
Me: The curse. He moved from
Yanga: This is one of those
moments where we will let
time take it course okay? I
looked at him confused and so
as his eyes changed into a
more deeper Goldish brown
than the one am used too.
Me: Your eye. He closed them
for awhile trying to breathe as
if calming himself than he
opened them and he looked
normal again.
Yanga: Look, for now let not
talk about my eyes or my
Me: but you said....
Yanga: Yamkelani. I kept quiet
as iv never heard him say my
Me: you know my name. He
chuckled walking to the light.
Yanga: Get into bed please. I
looked at myself and quickly
ran to bed as he laughed his
voice was somehow different
and a little husky.
I woke up to find her half way
on top of me and I stayed like
that until she woke up.
Me: Good morning. She
nodded and jumped out off
bed and went to the bathroom.
After a while she came back
wearing my giant gown.
Yamkelani: Good Morning. I
looked at her and got up and
went to pee and brush my
teeth. Came back to find her
standing and looking at the
sheets biting her nails.
Me: And then?
Yamkelani: The sheets are
suppose to have a little blood
on it for today ceremony to
show we consummated our
marriage. I stood next to her
and looked at the silky clean
sheets. I walked to the
bathroom to out my shaving
blade and did a small cut on
my hand than went to the
sheets and smeared here and
there and a few drops than
went to wash my hands. Got
back and she was standing
there looking at the sheets.
Yamkelani: That not the blood
my mother was talking about
she smiled shyly.
Yanga: I wonder if they would
be able to tell the difference.
She laughed so loud and
caught herself closing her
mouth with her hand. I walked
to her.
Yanga: Remember you get to
be you here and you get to be
whatever the world expects
you to be when you leave the
room or my presence. She
nodded. Just than a knock
disturbed us and I went to
open as our parents walked in.
I stood next to as the walked
to the bed and I saw her our
smile and do ululations. The
sheets were removed and they
left. The minute the door was
closed i looked at her and we
both laughed.
Yamkelani: That was weird on
so many levels
Yanga: old people and they
traditions. I walked into the
bathroom to take a bath and I
heard her sing on the other
hand. Her voice was so smooth
and amazing. She sounded like
an angel. I stood behind the
door and listen and I felt my
blood boil and I tried my best
to calm down but I couldn’t. I
felt my bones adjust and crack
and my temperature went
high and next thing I was
standing on all four paws. I
turned and looked into the
bathroom mirror and I was
now a full blown Tamarin
black Lion. Just than the door
opened and Yamkelani stood
there frozen as she looked at
me with confusion.....
To be continued.....
Daliy new African novel
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I stood there as this huge lion
was standing in front of the
mirror. Our eyes looked via
the mirror and I froze. I tried
my best not to scream nor to
run. I slowly backed away
from the door. Slowly with my
hands held up high as if
someone holding a gun
towards me.
Yamkelani: Dear God... please
don’t let it eat me... I
whispered as i slowly moved
away from the door.
Something about its yellow
eyes seemed familiar as if I
know the soul behind those
eyes. They were dark almost
the shade of gold. It moved
from the sink and I tried to
look for blood to see if it ate
Yanga up but they were no
drops of blood from its paws
nor its teeth’s.It walked in
slow motion towards me and i
stood rigid where i was. I felt
my bladder fill up as if am
going to pee myself.
Me: I know you can’t hear me
but please dont eat me. I spoke
to it in my most calm manner
that I could master as if it
could hear or understand what
am saying. Its roared as if it
was answering me. Oh gosh I
hope someone heard that and
comes to my rescue because I
doubt ill live to tell this tale.
Me: I hope that was you saying
you wont eat me. I laughed
nervously thinking if its sees
me smile maybe it might just
lose its appetite and leave me
alone. It was now too close
and somehow it didnt smell
bad. Its smell was pleasant
than it lifted it paws and
pushed me so hard that i fell
on my back and my thighs
were exposed. I looked up to it
as it pounced on me scratching
my thighs with its paws. My
body shot up in pain and I
looked down to see blood
oozing out of the wounds that
I now have and the sight of my
own blood made me uneasy I
looked at the lion as it eyes
turned lighter and again the
familiarity of them was too
much and it was lights out for
I felt my heart beating fast in
my chest as I looked at all the
blood. I turned into my human
form and ran to my phone
calling Khulekani.
Me: come in my room now and
come with the king and first
aid. I ran to the bathroom
emptied the bin and poured
warm water than took a towel
and went to clean her wounds
up. When she was clean i Took
her body and placed her in bed
and tried to make her look
decent, just then the doors
opened with my father and
Khulekani. My dad face had
fear written all over him. I
knew he feared the worse
given my record.
Me: I don’t know what
happened. One moment she
was singing the next I changed
and then i pounced on her.
Khulekani nodded as he
checked her pulse and gave
her an injection.
Khulekani: she is stable just
fainted that all. The scars are
not to deep for stitches but we
have to disinfect just so it
doesn’t infect. We did that and
he gave me the bandage.
Khulekani: I can’t touch her
wrap the bandages around her.
I soaked them in the dis
infector and bandage her
when I was done Babu
Skhosana the traditional
healer was here.
Babu skhosana: I was right,
she the chosen one for both of
you. He looked so delighted
and my father face was no
more worried.
Me: what do you mean?
Babu skhosana: The beast just
marked her as his own. She
now has the marks of the
I looked at her sleeping
Me: baba stop speaking in
riddles and tell me exactly
ukuthi uthini( what you
Babu skhosana: am saying she
now has the mark of the
beast.I mean that she now
belong to you and the beast.I
mean that if she leaves
you ,the beast will kill you and
if she leaves ,you wont survive
it.I mean that your life is now
in her hands. Your powers are
now alleviated. The beast is
now in sync with your soul,
mind and body. If anything
happens that threatens the
bond between the beast and
her. Than my son I do not
want to be here to see what
becomes of you or this
kingdom. You have no choice
in the matter Thulasizwe you
are the the king of the Jungle.
You now have all the power of
all worlds the spirit and the
living and the glue that makes
you have that is that girl laying
on that bed. One misstep that
threatens that we are all
doomed. Now
uyangizwake( now do you
hear me). I nodded.
Babu sikhosana: the ceremony
continues and there must be a
slaughtering of a lamb to
symbolize the virtuous union.
My father nodded and he gave
me a pat on the back and left.
Babu skhosana went on to
burning the traditional herbs
around the room than he
laughed and look at me.
Babu skhosana: you are an
honorable man saving her
virtue like that. He laughed
again as he left. Khulekani
looked at me in confusion.
Me: we didn’t have sex last
Khulekani: the sheets??
Me: i smeared blood on it. He
Khulekani: never thought ill
see a day that you actually
cared for a woman after
everything that you have been
through. I kept quiet as he left
the room closing the door. I sat
there thinking of how to
handle the situation when she
wakes up. Do I tell he who and
what I am? Do i just let her be
jumping to her own conclusion?
What if I tell her than she
wants to leave? I heard babu
skhosana very well I die and
the kingdom will be doomed. If
the kingdom is doomed than
many lives will be lost..What
am I going to do??...

Daliy new African novel

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Insert 5
I woke up feeling a little light
headed. I looked around to
find Yanga sitting next to me
wearing a vest and white track
pants and socks.I closed my
eyes as I remembered what
happened than moved my legs
as I felt a slight discomfort and
I know I wasn’t dreaming.
There was a lion in this room. I
kept quiet for awhile trying to
process everything that just
happened and I was left with
questions more than answers.
I felt the bed give away and a
shuffling then the door opened
and closed.I opened my eyes
and got up to find Yanga
standing by the door staring at
me with his intense goldish
gaze I kept quiet and starred
back at him thinking how his
eyes looks exactly like the lion
that pounced on me.
Yanga: If I didn’t know better,
ill say you avoiding me yet I
don’t know why. I kept quiet
didn’t say anything as I sat
into a sitting position. He
walks closer to the bed and
tries to help but I flinch and he
looks at me questionably.
Yanga: Am I missing
something here? Just than they
was a knock. He got up and got
the door as a helper came in
with food and my tummy
rumbled. He dished out for me
and brought it to me and we
ate in silence. I was in my
world with my thoughts
running wild. After I was done
eating he took the dishes and
left. I don’t know what came
over me but I cried. I cried so
much that my head started to
pain and it was throbbing
I was Placing the dishes in the
kitchen I was about to go for a
walk when i felt my pain in my
heart. I held my chest and
went down on my knees. The
pain was getting tense and
Khulekani came running to
Khulekani: Bafo.... bafo... i felt
my head buzzing in pain as if
its about to explode than i
closed my eyes and a clear
picture of Yamkelani crying
came into mind as she clutches
her chest
Me: Yamkelani.... I whispered
and left me and ran to the
I got to the room to find the
princess crying. As i walked in
closer she looked at me with
red eyes.
Me: are you okay?
Yamkelani: yes am fine. She
wiped her tears and tried to
calm herself. I walked closer to
her so I could see if her
wounds are the ones troubling
Me: mind if I check your
wounds? She nodded I did and
saw they are okay than I
helped her adjust the covers.
Yamkelani: For how long have
you known the prince? She
asked in a whisper. I sat on the
couch that in the room facing
Me: From the time I was 7
years and the king found me
while was on a business trip
and came back here with me.
When I got here I was
introduced to the Prince and
we been friends since than.
She nodded and played with
her fingers.
Me: Is something wrong? I
really like the Princess and the
change she has brought onto
the Prince within the few days
they have been together. He
has never missed work and yet
here he is taking a week off.
His forever in her presence
and he gave her the necklace
first time he saw her.
Yamkelani: I want answers but
I dont know how to ask them
without offending anyone.
Me: Ask me anything ill try my
best to answer and I will let
you know if am offended.
Yamkelani: iv heard rumors
about the prince previous
courtships and how they all
die and now i feel like
whatever killed them almost
did the same to me today... she
mumbled ...Now that I wasn’t
expecting and I really don’t
know what to say or how to
Yamkelani: I really don’t want
to be a stats in the number of
people who died trying to love
the prince and I don’t know
how to protect or preserve
myself from whatever
attacked me.
Me: so you love the Prince?
She kept quiet for awhile.
Yamkekani: I know we just
meet and I know nothing
about him but they is a strong
connection that I feel towards
him. I enjoy his presence and
how he makes me feel when
his around me. I like how he
wants me to be true to who I
am and not filter myself
around him. He has taken care
of me while I think its also
difficult for him to see his
newly bride in bed and not
knowing what happened to
her. He makes me laugh and
he hasn’t asked me to do the
deed. She blushed turning pink.
I smiled at her.
Me: Well if its makes any
difference iv never seen him
behave the way he behaves
with you with any other
woman. So am assuming the
feeling is mutual. She blushed
harder turning red.
Yamkelani: Thank you... iv
never had a brother are you
okay if I call you
bhuti( brother) than me
calling you by name. She gave
me the most dazzling smile
Me: It would be an honor My
Princess. She blushed some
Yamkelani: can I ask you a
Me: yes
Yamkelani: Do you find the
Prince eyes odd?
Me: Am not understanding the
Yamkelani: It just that when I
was being attacked by the
animal, they was a time where
it looked at me and I couldn’t
shake the familiarity of its
eyes and when I woke up and
saw The Prince eyes. I swear it
felt like am starting into the
same eyes that pounced at me.
I kept quiet as it wasn’t my
place to tell her and than I
heard a sharp intake of
breathing and we both looked
to the door to find The Prince
leaning at it and looking at us
with his intense gaze evident
that he heard us and I knew
what she meant about the
lions eyes because I once had
those eyes 2 inches away from
my face before.....
Daliy new African novel
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I walked around the Royal
grounds as the festive were
happening with ease and no
one was paying much
attention to me. To my
disbelief the bride and groom
were nowhere in sight. I got
pissed because I really wanted
to se Yanga bride. I covered
my self and left going home
feeling defeated.
King Langa
“ You should have seen the
amount of blood love, my
heart was caught in my throat
and I thought history is
repeating itself again” I was
undressing after the long
successful day.
Queen: As long as she is with
him everything is going to be
Me: I think it time we let him
know on the secret and why I
want him to take the throne
Queen: Tata he just got
married, he just imprinted his
wife and his just getting used
to having a partner that is
more than just a partner.
Dropping this bomb on him
will unsettle him. I know my
son and I know he might look
tough but his still a young man
who is sensitive beyond
Me: Am just tired from
keeping this secret from him.
He needs to know. I walked to
bed and got in.
Queen: All in better time. All in
better time.
Mrs Siwa
Me: Baba
Mr Siwa: My love
Me: whole day I never saw the
Prince and my daughter. That
doesn’t sit well with me.
Mr Siwa: You heard them its
they tradition for the Prince
and Princess not to attend
they ceremony.
Me: That just bullshit baba.I
think something happened to
my daughter or is happening
to her. Am going to request for
us to see her tomorrow at
breakfast before we leave. I
just cannot leave without
knowing the well being of my
Mr Siwa: come kneel and let
pray. You need it more than I
do. You listen to these rumors
and now you losing your mind.
I would feel it if my daughter
is no more or if she is harmed.
I walked to stand next to him
as we held each other hands
and prayed:
𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿
𝗪𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗻𝗱
𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝘂𝗿
𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲
𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀. 𝗜 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂
𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱
𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝗳𝗲
𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗵 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻
𝗯𝘆 𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘀. 𝗜 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗱𝗼𝗺 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲
𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗱𝗼𝗺
𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲
𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻
𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀. 𝗜
𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻
𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗴𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱
𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗷𝗲𝘀𝘂𝘀
𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗻
Me: Ameen.
Mr Siwa: Now sleep and stop
over thinking tomorrow is a
big day. I watched my husband
get in bed as he got ready to
sleep and tried my best to stop
this uneasy feeling that I was
getting and joined him.
After Yanga helped me bath
and lotion my legs i felt better.
The pain was no longer there
and I was healing but I knew
my thighs will have these scars
forever. I was wearing his
T-Shirt and having tea as he
took a shower. I sat there
thinking of all the questions
that I so desperately want
answers too. I tried to brush it
away but the question still
came back. Is it possible for
Yanga to be the very monster
that he has on his back? Is it
possible that the monster is
the one that killed all those
girls? Is it possible that my
cousin was right that the
Langa family feed on people so
they can stay Royals and have
the money that they have? Oh
father forgive me for thinking
all these evil thoughts about
my husband and his family.
Forgive me for thinking that
you have placed me in the lion
den. Forgive me for even
allowing myself to be carried
away by all my thoughts and
my cousins words. I turned
and faced the other way when
I heard the water not running
anymore and decided to
pretend to be asleep to avoid
asking him these allegations
that I have cooped up in my
brain, ill find out the truth one
way or another.
3 months later
The past 3 months have been a
roller coaster. One minute ill
be making progress with
Yamkelani than we will take 5
steps back. Iv watched her lose
herself and lose weight. Iv
seen her spend hours and
hours in the kingdom library
and the more she stays there
the thiner she gets. Iv tried to
engage with her but she has
shut me out. We hardly talk
and she never spends more
than 30 minute in my
presence. Iv lost as much
weight as she has but I must
say I look better than she does.
We have stopped attending
any council meetings since the
press and the people have
started to comment on out
weight loss. Iv stepped back
from my company for awhile
and my parents have been
walking around eggshells with
us. We are now at the point
where we don’t speak nor
share the same bedroom. I
spend my nights in the lion
form roaming around the
woods in agony and killing
innocent people. My life has
really turned for the worse
and am exhausted and slowly
losing my mind. Iv been going
to babu skhosana hut to
consult and all he does is
speak in riddles” Give her , her
piece of mind and all will be
well” how can I give someone
they peace of mind when I
have no idea what eating them
alive. Khulekani has tried
speaking to her and all she
does she cries and that cry
pierce right through my heart
leaving me breathless. I got up
from the room that is now my
bedroom and slowly walked
out to the back of the palace
with Khulekani silently
following behind me I was
deep in my thoughts standing
in the midst of the jungle of
the forestry that surrounds
our home when I heard her
screaming my name. I turned
Around and there she stood
with a piece of paper in her
hand and tears running down
her face. This time she was
crying but I didn’t feel it and
that scared me more than the
reason why she crying. She
stood there wearing her dress
that no longer fits her and
looking like a ghost yet she
was alive.
Me: Yamkelani?
I stood there with my chest in
pain after running from the
palace into the woods. Iv seen
him come here a lot. The
library window shows the
path clear. I have what iv been
looking for in my hand and
today Ill confront him.
Me: You asked me to be myself,
you asked me to be authentic
and to always stay true to
myself when am with you yet
you failed to do the sane with
me. You married me knowing
that am just an ordinary girl
that lived on the outskirt of
this kingdom. I married you
thinking that you just an
ordinary Prince that has had
tough luck when it comes to
love or finding it and you let
me believe it..... i took a deep
breath calming myself and my
nerves and I took a step closer
to him.
Me: you watched me for
months and months end turn
into a shell yet you had the
answers all along to stop that.
You watched me have my
brain consume my life to the
point where the Palace no
longer have the warmth of a
home. Why? Why Yanga
Thulasizwe langa? Ill tell you
why!!! Because you a selfish
coward!!! I spat the words out
and watched his eyes change
to a darker shade of yellow.
Me: I knew they was more to
my “incident” that left my
thighs with scars. Heck I wont
be able to even wear a short if
i wanted too because of these
scars.... i slowly breath again
as I tried to balance my voice
out and not choke on my tears.
Me: You are a big coward
Thulasizwe, They named you
Yanga because you are a king,
you are born to lead and rule
but you cant even lead your
own simple life and you think
you can lead a kingdom. They
named you Thulasizwe
because when you enter a
room, who ever is in that room
is suppose to stop whatever
they doing and give you all
they attention due to the aura
you have around you... My
eyes caught movement and to
my surprise The king and
Queen was standing behind
me. I guess they followed me
here when I ran past them. I
turned back to Yanga who was
frozen at one spot with only
his eyes getting brighter.
Me: Am your wife!!! Am your
partner!!! Am your other rib!!!
I took vows and I meant them!!!
I shared with you who I am
and not once did i deceive you.
You picked me!!! You sent a
letter!! You wanted me and
when am here, you shy away
from me. Am going to ask you
four questions only and I
expect you to be man enough
and answer me. I steadied
myself and took a deep breath.
Me: Are you responsible for
the death of all your other
courtships? They was silent
apart the silent hushed crying
from the Queen. Yanga looked
at me without blinking.
Yanga: Yes... his voice was so
different and caught up in
Me: Was it beyond your
Yanga: Yes
Me: Are you a monster?
Yanga: No
Me: Than tell me Yanga
Thulasizwe Langa what are
you?? He looked at me as his
eyes got brighter. I felt my skin
tingle and heard my heart
beating so fast like it would
explode as I looked at him and
he turned. I could see his
shoulder moving as he was
controlling himself.
“ if I tell You Yamkelani, Than
ill have to show you too. Are
you ready for that? Will you
able to deal to cope with what
I have to say and what you will
have to see?” His voice was so
deep and scary that it sent
chills down my spine. I don’t
know where the “Yes” came
from but I heard it as it slipped
out of my mouth......
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The whether changed and its
begin to drizzle the soft
soaking rain. I could hear
thunder clapping from the
Me: Am no monster am just a
Man that stuck in a lion body
or a lion that stuck in a man
body. All I know is that you
matter to me. You make my
crazy unrealistic world a bit
better. You tame the evil in me
and somehow bring a balance
in my life. I know I could have
done things differently the
past few months but I was
afraid. I was afraid you wont
give me a chance to be the best
that I could be. I was afraid of
you judging me. I was afraid of
you not understanding but
mostly I was afraid of you
realizing that am not worthy
of your love and leave me. The
rain washed away the tears
that were on my face. I turned
to look at her and she was a
few feet away from me. She
came closer and whispered
“ show me”
Yamkelani: Show me who and
what you are because am
going crazy from all these
thoughts. My body vibrated
and I felt myself slowly
turning into the big Tamarin
Lion that I am. Once I was fully
transformed I stood there as
the rain was beating on us.
I looked at the black lion that
iv seen in the family books the
library the past months and
that attacked me on first night
imprinting on me. I looked at
the eyes that iv grown to love
and hate at the same time. I
looked at him and I somehow
saw the man that iv grown to
love in him. I walked closer
and sank my hands in his fur. I
hugged him for the longest
that i could remember crying
but this time I wasn’t crying in
pain, i was crying in relief.
Knowing that he has trusted
me enough with his big secret.
Me: We going to be fine. Am
not going anywhere. That
made him roar and the rain
stopped and the sun came out
again with a rainbow visible. I
wiped the tears that I had and
smiled at him as I nuzzled on
him. My heart was full and
Yamkelani: Now that wasn’t so
hard now was it. I moved from
him. “ you can change back
now” I turned too ashamed to
look at the king and Queen and
I walked back to the house
shaking from the rain.
Iv never seen such in my
whole life. Yes I know about
Yanga gift but iv never seen
him in such a tamed manner. I
both feared and admired the
little girl as he pushed and
pushed for him to talk. As soon
as she walked past me I went
down with my knee and
bowed my head in respect. She
stood and looked at me with
so much confusion.
Me: In all my life iv never seen
such bravery. Iv never seen
such courage and mostly iv
never seen such acceptance. Iv
been loyal to this family and
grateful to them for saving me,
but now am loyal to you and
grateful to you for saving him
but most from saving us. I had
tears in my eyes. The little girl
has made me cry. The king and
Queen walked next to me and
did the same. She smiled at us
her most dazzling smile.
Yamkelani: We are family and
family does everything for
every one. She walked away
leaving us with tears in our
I got to the house and
undressed than took a long
warm shower and came out
and wore tracksuits all I
wanted was to sleep. I got in
the bed covers and slept like iv
never slept before.
We all walked in silence to the
house and I got in and went to
the room that iv been sleeping
at the past few months. I
showered and ate than walked
to my bedroom and they was
silence. I wasn’t sure if I
should knock or if I should just
enter. I stood there for awhile.
Khulekani walk past me to his
Khulekani: iv never seen you
fear anyone and anything yet
here you are. He chuckled
Me: Am not afraid, I just don’t
know what to do or what to
Khulekani: just be your self
she has already accepted that
you a lion what more can you
do that can make her leave
you? Kahle kahle you are
blessed. Iv known woman who
leave men because of little
things. Wena you tell your
woman you a lion a whole
fucking lion bafo and you get a
hug in a full lion form. She
didn’t run screaming or swear
at you or anything vain. She
fucking hugged you. She
accepted you with your flaw.
Now what are you afraid off?
He looked at me in questioning
eyes. I shrugged in an answer
and he laughed.
Khulekani: A CEO of multiple
companies and a Lion, king of
the jungle and Palace is afraid
of his kid wife that is 3 times
his size and the sweetest most
humble person iv ever seen.
Yazi uyangihlekisa( you
making me laugh) and he
laughed leaving me standing
by the door. I walked in slowly
and made my way in the room
to find her sleeping in bed. I
took my shoes off and got in. I
snuggled closer to her as I felt
the warmth radiating towards
me. She smelt so heavenly of
lavender and roses. I snuggled
closer spooning her in my
embraced and she shifted her
ass on my big guy and
immediately He started to get
excited. I got my hands under
her track pants. Who sleeps
with track suits pants. As I
snuggled my hands under her
and placed them on her
perfect small round breast and
pinched the nipple. She
jumped in awareness and I
know she was up.
Yanga: Its me.. I whispered as I
spooned her closer to me and I
bit her neck leaving little bite
marks and I heard her breath
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I felt his hands roam in my top
and I felt my whole body tingle
and felt great warmth
spreading in my body and I
slowly turned facing him. We
stared at each other for awhile
then he slowly came closer to
me and kissed me. It felt like
my world was spinning as his
lips touched mines and our
tongues danced. He moved his
hands to my waist bring me
closer to him. He broke the
Yanga: You had to wear track
suites. He chuckled a bit as I
shyly smiled at him. He shifted
and I was underneath him and
he was on top. He continued to
kiss me as he slowly removed
my clothes and when I was
fully naked he looked down
on me and smiled in
admiration making me more
shy. He removed his clothes
and lord behold his such a
beautiful sight to see.
Me: Uhmmm... iv never done
this before.
Yanga: I know its going to pain
at first but you going to be fine
I promise. I nodded as he
kissed me and inserted his
finger in my forbidden place.
That felt uncomfortable at first
but after some time it made
me yearn for something more.
He shifted and tried to enter
but failed after the fourth time
he was able to go in and he
pushed so hard making me
scream in pain. He looked at
me without moving and kissed
Yanga: The worst is over. He
began moving. The first few
strokes were painful than lord
have mercy I felt things that I
have never thought Ill ever
feel in my life. I heard myself
moaning and screaming like
they is no tomorrow. I looked
at his eyes as they changed in
different shades of Yellow and
heard him growl a few times. I
felt myself about to explode
and few strokes i explode as a
feeling of warmth spread right
through my body. We spent
the day in bed making love,
sleeping and talking about the
horrible past 3 months than
sleeping again. I was now
sleeping on his chest listening
to his voice vibrate as he
Yanga: I love you Yamkelani
and I promise never to always
keep you by my side and to
lean on you in my times of
Me: I love you too and am
always going to be by your
side in everything that you do
and trust you always
2years later
our marriage has been a
blessing. We have helped the
community and the villagers a
lot after the animal attack.
Things were running smoothly
and I didn’t go to university
instead I was half the owner of
everything that my husband
had. I was now 8 months
Pregnant and was pregnant
with a girl .Yanga was so
happy about everything
mostly he was happy about
the fact that he don’t have to
deal with the curse and the
toughness of raising a boy.
There have been Rumors that
Phakamani the king Second
son from the mistress wanted
to over throne Yanga. We have
tried being civil with him but
he was not biting yet he
doesn’t have the curse and
they can not tell him about the
family secret.I was now sitting
by the lounge with the Queen
mother as she was sewing
clothes for her first grandchild.
Yanga and the king and of
cause Khulekani were at the
big community council
meeting.As much As I told her
we brought enough she wasn’t
budging. Just than Khulekani
came in running holding a big
duffel bag he dragged the
Queen from the chair and
myself and ushered us outside
from the back.
Khulekani: I need you to to run.
Run and don’t look behind you.
We will follow you. Things are
not good and a war is on it
way here. He sent me to make
sure that you and the Queen
mother is safe. Now run.... just
before he could finish his
sentence a bullet came
through and hit the Queen
mother right between her eyes
and she died. I closed my
mouth with the words hanging
that I was about to ask and
turned around.
Khulekani: He will find you...I
promise. I nodded and ran. I
ran as fast as I could. Stopping
every now and than to calm
my breathing. The baby was
kicking in discomfort.
Yamkelani: Please Please stay
calm for me Please I beg of you.
The baby settled for awhile. I
grabbed my skirts again and
walked briskly now trying not
to make it have that much of a
discomfort. I walked until I
saw a small cage than I went in
and sat by the rock brushing
my tummy. I opened the duffel
bag and found a bottle of
water. I drank a few sips than
closed it than saw a small
letter in the bag and opened it.
𝐌𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝
𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡a𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐞
𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧.
𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠. 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫
𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝. 𝐈 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧
𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲
𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐢𝐬
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝
𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟
𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞
𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰
𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭a𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐥𝐥
𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐥𝐥
𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥. 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐌𝐚𝐒𝐢𝐰𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭.
I read the letter so many times
and now with tears rolling
down my eyes.
Yamkelani: How many times is
this man going to learn not to
hide things from me. What
wrong with him?... I brushed
my stomach and looked at it.
“ Am going to survive this for
you my child. For you” I took
out the bottom of the duffel
bag and it made a bed. He
really thought of everything
for us to survive this
wilderness. I looked in the bag
and found an energy bar and
had that and slept. I woke up
the next day and walked. The
next few days was all about
walking and eating the energy
bars and drinking sips of
water. I had back pains. My
feet hurt and I was a mess
emotionally but I did my best
to be calm and to think of the
baby that am carrying. Today
the day was brighter and there
was a bit of a sun showing
through these trees that iv
began to find solitude in. It
been days since iv been
walking and running and
every time when I look around
am surrounded by trees. I
looked up and smiled as I felt
connected to the earth and
when I looked back down I
saw a huge white lion standing
in front of me as my heart
skipped a beat. Today am
going to die because Iv read
the family history and The
Langa clan only has A black
Tamarin lion amongst them.
The lion had blue eyes that
sparkled and didn’t growl or
roar. It stood there looking at
me as my brain went blank... I
couldn’t move nor Run nor do
anything but stand there and
see my life flash before my
eyes. I held my tummy as the
lion slowly walked over to me
the same way Yanga did when
he imprinted on me....
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I tried to move back slowly but
I fell landing on my butt. Just
than the lion pounced on me
and I fainted. I woke up to
machines beeping. I looked
around feeling drowsy and
went back to sleep. I woke up
when I heard voices and
looked around to find a nurse
and doctor. I touched my
stomach and felt it was flat
and tears filled up in my eyes.
Yamkelani: My child... doctor
my child. I tried to sit up as he
came to me.
Doctor: She is okay... try and
relax okay. I did and woke up
the next morning to find a
nurse there.
Me: Am sorry where am I?
Nurse: you were flown in from
Entabeni reserve to Durban.
You at Entabeni hospital. We
used the medical aid card in
your bag to register your
information and booked you
for an emergency
c-section.One of the hikers
found you. Your sugar was low
and your BP high. We had to
help you deliver.All your
things are in the cabinet Mrs
Lyon. We found your wallet in
your bag with your ID. I looked
at her confused as she showed
me the duffel bag that Yanga
had for me.
Nurse: If you don’t mind me
asking why were u hiking
while pregnant. I have to think
of something fast.
Me: I wasn’t hiking am
running away from my home
Nurse: I can call the cops for
you and psychologist or social
worker to help.
Me: No I just want to see my
baby. She smiled.
Nurse: The most beautiful
baby iv ever seen. Don’t be
alarmed when you see her, her
eyes were checked multiple
times its just there color.
Me: what wrong with her eyes
Nurse: They gold... iv never
seen such beautiful eyes in my
life, she smiled and left. I sat
there in anticipation waiting to
see my beautiful daughter. She
came back pushing her in her
bed. She was wrapped in a
pink blanket. She was fair in
color and had a head full of
hair and she has small pink
mouth. She was sleeping. I
smiled as I looked at her.
Nurse:The hiker that found the
two of you has been here
every single day with his son
to check on the two of you. Its
a God thing that they acted fast
or we would have lost her.
Me: where are they?
Nurse: The father is here but
the boy gone. I tried to make
myself decent. You can let him
in so I can thank him for
saving us. She nodded and left
and just 5 min later a man the
same age my father walked in.
He was fair with white hair
and blue eyes.
Me: The nurse tells me you
saved me. I just wanted to say
thank you.
Him: Am glad the two of you
are well. He walked to my
daughter and smiled looking
at her with so much care and
Him” she is beautiful”
Me: Thank you. He opened up
his bag and took out a big
brown envelope.
Him: This was in your bag, I
wanted to give it back to you..I
took it out since you can never
trust people. He gave me my
envelope and i looked in and
found all the things Yanga
gave with my other documents
and photos that he knew I hold
dear to me.
Me: Thank you
Him: No thank you... I should
be going now. I know its non
of my business but what are
you going to name her.
Me: Khanyisa
Him: beautiful name... He left
me feeling odd and out of
place. I sat there thinking how
on earth am I going to get to
20 years later
“Khanyisa, if you don’t come
down this very moment am
going to leave you” my mother
called out from down the
stairs. I finished strengthening
my Afro curly hair straight and
tide a bun. I walked down to
the stairs and found my
beautiful mother wearing a
black dress and red heels
looking amazing.
Me: Am sorry mom.
Mother: You making me late
and I have a board meeting in
30 minutes.
Me: sorry.
Mother: just go get in the car. I
walked to the car. My name is
Khanyisa Lumile Langa but at
the moment an just Khanyisa
Lyon. My mom says we had to
run away from our village but
even she doesn’t have the full
story as to what we ran away
from.she was 8 months
pregnant with me when all
this happened. Am now 20
years old and doing my 3rd
year in university studying to
become a lawyer. I don’t know
my dad as he had to stay
behind. My mom still has hope
that he will find us but I doubt.
My mom is very much in love
with my dad who we don’t
know if his dead or alive. We
moved to Johannesburg when
I was 2 days old and my mom
22. My dad already had this
house brought for us and
brought a mine company
called Khanyisa for my mom
who is no longer Yamkelani
langa but now Yamkela Lyon. I
swear my dad is this master
mind slashed genius. He made
sure that my mother doesn’t
suffer and did his best to
provide for us. I only have a
photo of my father who I look
like. I got my unusual eyes
from him but skin tone that I
have my mother to thank. I
look like my dad so my mother
says. I was looking out the
window as mom drove me to
wits university. Yes my
mother drives me to school.
Mom: Am not going to be able
to pick you up, use uber to go
home Khanyisa
Me: yebo ma
Mom: have your phone on at
all times ill be tracking you
Me: i know
She parked at the gate.
Mom: I know i sound like a
broken record by now but I
cannot lose you too. You are
my life and we fighting the
unknown. Until your dad
comes back and tell us what
happened and if it over.
Me: ma its been 20 years can’t
we move on.
Mom: you are a princess
khanyisa and if anyone found
out. Whoever is on that throne
now they will want to end us.
Me: we in Johannesburg mom.
500 km away from Entabeni.
No one cares about us here. I
saw her blinking a few times
and I realized that she holding
on just so she can cope with
having hope of my father still
being alive. I looked down.
Me: Am sorry, ill have my
phone on. I walked out hating
my father for doing this to us.
Hating him for letting my mom
go through this and making
her over protective and
bearing. I just hated my life in
total ,always looking over my
shoulder and being reminded
am a princess to a village that I
don’t even know. I went in
school and went to the gym
lockers and placed my phone
there so mom can check and
see an still at school. I took my
bag and got in a taxi. If only
she knew I know how to ride a
taxi she will kill me. I went to
the abandoned warehouse
building that has now become
my sanctuary. I got there and
climbed to the roof top and sat
by the edge with my feet
dangling and looked out on
Johannesburg. I cried for
awhile letting out my
frustration of not knowing my
father and hating our situation.
Once done. I sang my heart out.
It always calmed me down.
Today I sang Natalie Taylor- I
I heard the singing after I
finished my meeting with the
guys. I cleaned they money
and put it in investment and
gave them they codes. I
walked towards the singing
found a girl on top of the roof.
She was in pain and The words
of the songs accompanied with
so much emotion. I stood there
listening to her and felt my
heart beat in ways that I
couldn’t understand. When
she was done she got up and
turned and froze in place
looking at me. Iv never seen
such a beautiful person in my
life. She had skin so smooth as
if ugeza ngo bisi( she bathed in
milk) her eyes were huge and
gold like sapphires. Her body
was to die for. Small perfect
boobs. Not too short or tall
And a figure. She was wearing
high waist jeans and a crop top
with a biker jacket. She made
the look, look sophisticated.
Me: Hi
Her: Am sorry for trespassing.
I thought this place
Me: It is, I guess we both
trespassing. She smiled and
my heart stopped for a second
missing it beat then beat again.
She gathered her things in her
back pack.
Me: you have a nice voice
Her: thank you... she stood
there not knowing what to do.
Me: My name is Thulasizwe
but you can call me Thular.
She gave me the most dazzling
smile ever and looked down.
Her: You have the same name
as my father. I chuckled
Me: He must be a great man
than. Her face changed to
sadness in an instant.
Her: I wouldn’t know. My
name is Khanyisa she changed
the subject fast about her
Me: pleasure to meet you. I
walked closer to her and
shook her tiny feminine soft
hands and I felt my hair stand
up and felt a light breeze go up
my spine and I knew she the
one for me right there and
than. She smiled nervously at
me and looked down. This
young girl is really after my
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Insert 10:
I looked at this perfect tall thin
handsome guy in front of me.
He had deep dark blue eyes.
He had dimples and lord he
was handsome. He looked like
Trey songs even his mescaline
Thular: You should not be
roaming on empty buildings
alone you know
Me: yeah I know just needed
time out from the world, let
me get going. I walked away
moving from him and he
followed. We were now at the
bottom and they was a black
hummer there.
Thular: let me drop you off.
Me: its cool, I got it.
Thular: I insist. We walked to
the car and he drove to school
after I told him where to drop
me off. We were now at the
parking lot and the car was
Me: Thanks
Thular: Thanks for the concert.
I laughed “can I have your
Me: I don’t have a phone. He
opened his dashboard and
took out a box that had an
samsung 20
Thular: I got it for my baby
sister. Ill buy her another one
you can have it. My number is
already in it and I have yours
ill call you.
Me: I can’t take it... I smiled
returning it.Firstly what will I
say to mum? She will lose her
mind. Plus I have a phone I
just didn’t want to give him my
number. They no relationships
for a Princess.
Thular: You can and you have.
Talk later. He leaned in and
opened the door for me. I
jumped off and went to fetch
my phone in the gym locker
and attended the rest of my
I drove to my place in
Bryanston smiling and all I
could think about was her gold
eyes. I got in and saw a my
grandfather rental car parked
in. I walked into the house and
found him chilling on the
couch drinking his favorite
Grandpa: You in a jolly mood
Me: For a king you are forever
here. What are you doing
Grandpa: I had a dream that
you meet her
Me: oh please grandpa... you
have started with your myths
and with your stories. Meet
Grandpa: The girl you
imprinted on when you first
turned. I remember it like it
was yesterday.
Me: Grandpa, I really
appreciate the visit but you
can’t keep on coming here
every time you have your silly
Grandpa: They are not silly
son. Now tell me about your
day from the beginning up
until now.
Me: Am so not entertaining
Grandpa: Thulasizwe
Thulasilibone Zulu ngithi
khuluma maan ungitshele ngo
suko lakhwo!!!( i said speak
and tell me about your day)
I looked at him and saw that
he was serious.
Me: I went to work, had a few
meetings and meet a girl with
gold shinning eyes. I smiled
indulging my grandpa.
Grandpa: Really now??? He
switched off the Tv and looked
at me for more information.
Me: Am so not going to discuss
a potential girl with my
grandfather hell no. He got up
and walked to me and looked
at me with his blue eyes
sparkling and I felt my insides
Grandpa: now are you going to
tell me or should I
communicate with the beast in
you. You know how that will
end. I shake my head knowing
too well and not wanting to go
through that pain.
Me: Her name is khanyisa.... no
last name. Her dad has the
same name as mine though.
She is beautiful and has the
most beautiful eyes ever. He
looked at me slowly backing
Grandpa: You have found them.
Iv been searching for them for
20 years now. He grinned and
I looked at him confused.
I sat by my desk and looked at
the wedding photo. I really
miss Yanga so much. I wish I
could be in his arms, feel his
touch and feel his love. The
past 20 years have been hard.
Raising a child alone is tough
without any support and
having to change nannies and
housekeepers every year since
we don’t know what and who
we running from. Khanyisa is a
beautiful loving soul and is as
stubborn as her father. If it
wasn’t for her I would have
longed given up. I closed my
eyes and placed one hand to
my chest and had a picture of
Yanga in my mind. I could feel
and sense that he is alive but i
could sense a lot of self hate
and resentment.
“ oh dear lord please let this
arching stop, reunite me with
my heart again”
I walked in the room to find
my father and Khulekani
talking but as soon as I walked
in they became quiet.
“ if I didn’t know better, ill say
you two are talking about me.”
Khulekani: “ Your father and I
my king are wondering when
you going to fetch the Queen
and the princess. Its been 20
years now and I know you
miss them”
Me: “ They better off without
Khulekani:” but my king...”
Me: “ iv failed her as a husband.
I promised to lean on her but I
never did instead I chased her
from her home. The war lasted
10 years and when I went to
fetch him. I found her and my
daughter settled and living the
life that I wanted to provide
for them. Am not about to
disturb they life. They peace
and bring them to the same
place i chased her away from.
They are better off without me.
I have failed her. Our marriage
but mostly iv failed my
Father: If your mother was
alive she would have slapped
you so hard and knocked some
sense into that stupid thick
skull of yours. Stay a miserable
bitter person until you die but
Khulekani and I are leaving
tomorrow.Am going to the
Queen and Princess. Now you
can come with us or stay here
and look at those pictures that
PI sends to you weekly. I
walked away from them
because they really don’t
understand how ashamed i
feel about this whole
Goodnighy... to be continued
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I got home so exhausted and
took a bath then charged both
my phones. I started on dinner
then went to do some studying.
When done I switched on the
phone that Thular gave me
and contemplated if to call him.
I decided to text him. I checked
the balance. 1000 smses than
opted to text him:
𝚖𝚎: 𝚑𝚒
2minutes later he answers
𝚑𝚒𝚖: 𝚑𝚎𝚢, 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑
𝚖𝚎: 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚑
𝚑𝚒𝚖: 𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚕, 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎
I contemplated for awhile than
took my phone and texted
𝚖𝚎: 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎
𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗?
𝚖𝚘𝚖: 𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚝 𝟾..
𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚢!!!
𝚖𝚎: 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘𝚘.
I texted Thular back
𝚖𝚎: 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘
𝚋𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝟽𝚙𝚖
𝚑𝚒𝚖: 𝚘𝚕𝚛𝚢𝚝. 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞
I sent it than took a bath and
changed to my best PJ and
gown. I walked around the
house checking if all is good. I
waited a few min than there
was a knock so i went to open
up and i found Thular in full
white and blue sneakers. He
looked beyond hot. He walked
in and we sat by the couch.
Thular: Nice house
Me: Thanks
Thular: so what made you
agree? Thought i had to beg
Me: oh just figured since am
home alone why not.
Thular: hmmm cool.
Me: what made you ask?
Thular: oh my grandpa came
by it was either him or listen
to his million stories and
Me: myths about?
Thular: I don’t want to bore
Me: trust me it cannot top my
mom stories.
Thular: Your mom into
Me: Yeps... she always speak in
riddles that one. We both
Thular: we should hook them
up. We both laughed harder.
Me: Imagine my mom dating
your grandpa we will become
historians. We both laughed.
We chilled had dinner
together and enjoyed each
other company. They was
something about him that just
made me at ease with him. Be
able to chill and laugh and talk
to him. Iv always been an
introvert but with him I was
myself and its seemed like he
liked that.
Me: If my mom knew I had a
friend over or made a friend
she will freak. I mumbled and I
guess that cane out off.
Thular: Why? I shrugged. “ ill
also hide my daughter if she
was this beautiful” he smiled
looking at me as if seeing me
for the first time and i smiled.
Me: Thank you
Thular: nah thank you for
saving me from my grandpa
and for a lovely dinner.
Me: my pleasure. He got up
and I walked him out and he
hugged me and left leaving me
smiling. Life isn’t bad after all.
I went in the kitchen and
cleaned my evidence than
went in my room.
I walked in at around 10 pm
and found that Khanyisa is
sleeping. I kissed her cheek
and went to shower than got
in bed. I woke up on Saturday
Morning around 6 and made
pancakes for her to bribe her
for not coming home early
yesterday. When done I
cleaned a bit than switched on
the Tv. Few minutes later she
walked in her Pj and made
coffee and had with the
Khanyisa: you know mum you
don’t have to bribe me when
you come back late. She smiled
giving me her dazzling smile
Me: I know but I love too. She
came to the lounge and
hugged me.
Khanyisa: You can retire now
you getting old.
Me: and do what all day
Khanyisa: make pancakes for
me all day. I smiled just as they
was a knock on the door we
both looked at each other as
she jumped to the door.
Me: Who is it? And there was
silence. “ khanyisa lumile
langa” but still no answer I got
up and rounded the corner
and found Khanyisa embraced
in her father arms with Yanga
Covered in tears. I stood there
my eyes getting blurry as I
couldn’t believe what an
seeing with my eyes.....

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I looked up to see my beautiful
wife in track pants with tears
in her eyes. I kissed my now
crying daughter forehead and
walked into the house.I was
now standing in front if her.
Yamkelani: is that truly you?
Her voice was shaky. I nodded
and she hugged me. I wrapped
my hands around her so tight
and it felt like I was never
away from her. I went from
being dead to being alive
within seconds.
I cried. I cried so much for the
past 20 years of not being with
my love. The last 20 years of
not being in his arms. For
every birthday he has missed.
For every anniversary that we
have missed. I cried for the
what if and what haves that
we could have archived but
mostly I cried for the time
away from his love and
attention. I cried until my head
was banging than I heard
voices to see my father in law
and Khulekani. I hugged them
too. Its was so nice seeing
them after so many years.
They all came in and I made
breakfast for them. Khanyisa
was getting along with
Khulekani and her grandfather.
I was alone in the kitchen with
Yanga and my heart was full of
love. I kept looking at him and
Yanga: you making me shy
Yammy. His voice was still the
same but deeper with age. He
was still handsome but finer
with age. He really aged like
fine wine. His eyes were a
deeper shade of gold. Close
to the color of Khanyisa.
Me: Am sorry, I just cant
believe you are here.
Yanga: Me too, I see you
followed my instructions.
Me: The hope of seeing you
one day is the only thing that
kept me alive.
Yanga: Am really sorry, i
should have came sooner.. iv
missed so much. He looked
really sad and his eyes
changed color.
Me: What happened?
Yanga: We got to the meeting
and Phakamani already had
the council and the leaders
turn against us. He told them
about my curse and that am
responsible for the death of
many villagers. It turned ugly
without them giving me an
opportunity to explain what
happened. For a year
Phakamani ruled the village to
the ground until the same
community that appointed
him brought him down. We
later found out that we are not
the only one that have The
Curse but other kingdoms too
have different Curses. I found
out our nearing kingdom are
Cursed with the white lion.
Things were a mess and it took
time for me to restore it to
what it is right now. I kept
quiet for some time and
something clicked in my mind.
Yanga: What is it?
Me: When I was pregnant with
Khanyisa and I was running
away I got a run in with a
white lion.
Yanga: Did you get hurt. He
came closer to me.
Me: No, that the thing I woke
up in hospital and no harm
was done to me. I kept quiet
and we both thinking than his
eyes changed Gold and he ran
to the lounge and I ran after
Me: Yanga.We walked in on
His father and khulekani
sitting by the couch talking to
Khanyisa He walked closer to
her and grab her hands softly
and she smiled
Yanga:Angel, am going to ask
you something that I know you
been hiding from your mom
for a year now. I need you to
be honest with me and I need
you to know that she wont be
angry. I understand you were
scared and didn’t want to
stress her anymore than she is
but its okay you can tell me. I
watched them closely as they
eyes changed to a deep gold
together. I watched her
looking deep in her dad eyes
and take a deep breath. When I
looked around everyone was
quiet and looking so confused
wondering where is Yanga
going with this....
To be continued 🤍
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My heart was beating so fast.
How did he know this. Did it
somehow show. I try my best
to hide it. I looked deep into
his eyes and I saw that I could
trust him even if mom wants
to do something he wont allow
I looked at my daughter with
her thinking face on and I
knew she weighing her
options. She stood up and
removed her gown and than
removed her top and turn
around and there on her spine
going down from between her
shoulder blades to her
bottoms she had white
markings. It looked like chalk
marks but not really chalk. The
marks look like chinese but
when i turn my head it looked
like those drawings of khoi san
people. I walked closer to her
and touched it and she didn’t
flinch at all. I touched her all
the way down her spinal cord.
And the marks didn’t blurr, i
touched again and they still
didn’t move. Her father walked
closer and moved my hand
from her back
Yanga: why you never told
your mom?
Khanyisa: She already was a
mythological person So I
didn’t want to add.
Yanga: what did she say that
you don’t believe?She dressed
up and looked at me
Khanyisa: she said I have gold
eyes because my family
descends from lions
Yanga: and you don’t believe
that? My daughter looked at
her dad and was shy while she
nodded no. I saw her father
eyes change to the mustard
yellow with a glint and I knew
what will happen. I moved
back grabbing my daughter
with me and in a blink of an
eye he was a Tamarin lion.
Fully black as if he couldn’t get
any darker.
My eyes saw it happening in
front of me. I looked at what
seemed to be my father and I
walked to him. He nuzzled me
as soon as he did that I felt a
tingling sensation on my back
and he roared as I felt my eyes
roll in my head.
Saw my daughter eyes turn
from gold to blue and blue to
gold flickering as she shook
and I stepped back and she
stopped going back to her
normal gold eyes. She looked
at me with questioning eyes. I
turned back to my original
human form and looked at her.
Me: Did you feel that?
Khanyisa: I did and you? I
Yamkelani: feel what? ...
guys....we turned to her.
Khanyisa: its nothing mom just
a tangling sensation.
Yamkelani: I see... for now can
we just not talk about this. Can
we table it and wena.(you) she
pointed at our daughter. We
will talk about the secrets you
hiding. This is just to much for
me right now. Help with your
father bags and ill be
preparing the rooms for
Mkhulu(grandpa)and bhuti
khulekani. Khanyisa fixed her
self and walked to the car.
I felt my spine twinkle and I
feel my bones crack and I
knew it was happening so I
jumped out of bed and stood
there and allowed my body to
change and I changed to the
white lion that I am. In less
than a minute my grandpa was
there with his blue eyes
Grandpa: calm down ndodana,
try to breathe. I did and the
tingling sensation stopped and
I felt my heart beat in a slower
pace. I relaxed my mind and
body and I went back to
Me: What the fuck? I looked at
him with questioning eyes.
Grandpa: we need to find that
girl. That happens when she is
in contact with other creatures
and in fear. You are her
protector. For as long as she
lives and she has mixed
emotions that makes her have
fear, love and contentment
running down her spine. You
will change and want to jump
to protect her or be there for
her. You are her protector and
her partner. She can only be
whole with you in her life.
Me: Grandpa, you started with
the riddles
Grandpa: we need to go back
home with me. We cannot
have you living here especially
now that we know that you
chosen one has her marking.
Me: I can’t just leave my life
here and go to Entabeni
Grandpa: stay here and you
die. That stopped me in my
Me: Yesterday I told you about
khanyisa you said i must be
closed to her because she my
chosen one. Today uthi we
must go home. Exactly which
is it?
Grandpa: What happened
today only happens when your
chosen girl is in contact with
the curse in it animal form. We
are in Johannesburg in the
suburb and your little
khanyisa stays in a suburb.
Now tell me how can she be
with a full turned lion,
elephant or leopard right now
without us hearing helicopters
or people screaming they head
offs? I kept quiet we are about
10 minutes away from each
other. White people react
before thinking so yeah they
would call the cops. We don’t
have any bushes so yes his
Me: We can leave tomorrow
than. Today I have to sort out
my business and see khanyisa.
He nodded and he was about
to leave the room but he
looked at me when pleading
Grandpa: Do not make the
same mistake your father did.
He never listened and now his
dead with your mother. He
took an innocent woman with
him. Whatever you do with
this khanyisa woman do not
fall in love with her until we
know she is the one. You not
normal Thulasizwe. Your beast
is more dominant now tread
lightly. He left me and I took
my shirt off and went to the
mirror and turned. I looked at
the white greek writing that
was running down my spine. I
looked at it for sometime than
put my shirt on. “ I know you
the one Khanyisa, I don’t know
how how but I know you the

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I felt so emotional after what I
just saw happening between
Yanga and Khanyisa. I walked
to the kitchen and took of the
meat to start cooking lunch. I
than walked to the bedroom to
start with the changing of
sheets. All this time Yanga was
following me around and
silent. When I got to my
bedroom he got in and closed
the door.
Yanga: It feels like you are
angry at me or at Khanyisa? I
looked down and the tears just
rolled down on my face. I
wiped them off. I really don’t
know why I was feeling like
this. But I just cried and he
held me brushing my back
trying to calm me down.
I was with malume Khulekani
and he was helping me with
the bags. He looked at me and
Khanyisa: What is
Khulekani: You really are a
replica of your father. He
smiled we walked in and
found granpa sleeping on the
Khulekani: Old man is tired. I
showed him the room his
using and I heard mom crying
in her room. I know my
mother cries from all the times
she did when she thought am
Me: I thought if dad comes
back she will stop.
Khulekani: Its all too much
plus I guess she just thought
you are normal like her.
Me: I know, that why I never
told her. We continued with
setting up and went down
It pained me to see Yamkelani
crying like this. We were now
laying on her bed and iv
cuddled her like a baby as she
cried. After sometime she was
quiet and I snuggled closer to
her. Brought her on top of me
as I rested on the continental
Me: What eating you?
Yamkelani: She hid that from
me for a whole year? I thought
we spoke about everything
you know. I nodded.
Me: Maybe she was afraid you
will freak out like how you are
Yamkelani: am freaking out
that she never gave me the
opportunity to be there for her.
She doing the very same thing
you did when you were hiding
your curse.
Me: Am sorry on her behalf.
Now we know and we will
address it. She got up and
looked at me.
Yamkelani: How?
Me: we need to leave and go
back home, the village needs
you. You parents need to stop
hating me and see they child.
Khanyisa needs to know about
her roots and explore
whatever imprinted on her
and you need to get to the
bottom of how its going to
affect us and the world we live
in. Apart all that iv said. I miss
you so much that sometimes
its feels like my heart will give
up just from a thought of not
being able to see you, hold you
or even kiss you. To feel your
skin touch mine. I slowly
unzipped her jacket and
Me: Do you always have to
make me work before I touch
you. She blushed. “ you
wearing track suits again” we
both laughed as I undressed
her snd kissing her senseless.
The moment his lips touched
mines all the hunger for the
past 20 years came rushing
down on me. Once we were
both naked he looked at me
with that glint in his eyes and
making me blush. He got on
top of me and tried to insert
himself. After trying a few
times he was finally in. My
body adjusted to his size. He
started moving in slow motion
and I felt my mind go on a
frenzy. In less than 30seconds
I was on cloud 9. He flipped
me upside down with my ass
up and started moving faster
and I was screaming my lungs
out with my head in the pillow
to stifle the sounds. After what
felt like my 100th orgasm i felt
him tighten. I was now pinned
up against the wall one leg on
the floor and the other one
flying. I didn’t even know that
my 41 year old body could do
that. He stiffen and I exploded
soon followed by him with his
roaring like a lion that he is...
we both collapsed on the floor.
I on top of him breathing
trying to catch out breath.
After awhile they was a knock
on the door.
Khanyisa: mom... dad... are you
good...Yanga was now shaking
with laughter.
Me: Yes... please cook... i
answered trying not to laugh.
We heard her footsteps
leaving and Yanga busted out
laughing and I joined him. My
heart was content. My love for
him was multiplying ten folds.
I was happy to have him back
in my life but mostly I was
happy to have his
unconditional love. I looked at
him an saw he was at peace
and I smiled back at him.
Yanga: You really are not good
for this old heart of mines.. he
chuckled. He rolled me over
and I was underneath him.
“ let me ravish you once more”
we spent the whole day as on
in body, mind and spirit.....
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Insert 15:
We walked downstairs later
when our tummy was
grumbling to find everyone
seated and having lunch.
Me: Thank you for cooking. I
patted her shoulder and
dished out for her father and I.
We ate over light
Yanga: Your cooking is
amazing Angel.
Khanyisa: Thanks dad she
smiled like they is no
Me: After much discussion we
think its best we move to
Entabeni. I looked at her and
she looked at me.
Khanyisa: Mom I have school.
Me: They are so many
universities near home. You
can study in Durban or via
Khanyisa: Its almost my last
year mom.
Yanga: What the main reason
you don’t want to move Angel?
She looked down and kept
quiet. I got jealous of the bond
these two have. Its just been a
few hours and he could read
I really don’t know how my
dad does it. It kind of
frustrating but cool. I really
didn’t want to move since I
made a friend plus am afraid
that when we get home ill
have all the duties if being a
princess thrown at me.
Me: when Are we leaving?
Dad: we rest the weekend
leave monday morning since
you have to sort out school.He
looked at me with his
piercings eyes. I looked down
and thought for a sec.
Me: can I Atleast go to campus
and clean out my locker today?
Dad stopped eating and looked
at me for some time and I felt a
bit of panic.
Mom: Khanyisa are you okay?
I looked down and calmed
Me: yeah.
Mom: you eyes changed there
for a sec to light blue. I turned
and looked at the mirror but
saw my eyes yellow, dad eyes
meet mines in the mirror and I
saw my eyes turn blue and I
looked down.
Me: Its nothing dad
Dad:I think it something for
your eyes to change like that
when you look at me is they
something you want to say?
My mom looked at me and
kept quiet and I saw dad eyes
changing to multiple shades of
Khulekani: Bafo... dad looked
at him and he looked at me
one last time and kept quiet.
The rest of the meal was in
silence and awkward. Once
done I helped clean the place
up and went to the kitchen to
clean up and my father
Dad: Something is amiss, talk
to me. He looked at me and I
was really scared to talk but I
found myself talking.
Me: just that all my life iv
never really connected to
people and now that iv
connected to one friend at
school and than you say we
must up and leave. I do want
to go to Entabeni but
somehow my heart here. He
keep quiet for awhile.
Dad: the friend we talking
about is it a guy? I looked
down not knowing if to
answer him or not. “Okay,
don’t answer how about we
make a deal?” I looked up at
Dad: Ill accompany you to say
your goodbye to this friend
that may be a guy or a girl. I
thought that through.
Me: you accompany me but
you stay in the car dad. He
came closer and hugged me.
Dad: I stay at a distance where
I can see everything. You a
princess Lumile and since you
have those markings on your
back that we have no idea
what they mean. That means
we must be cautious with
everything and everyone.
Promise me you will never
hide anything from me. He
looked me in my eyes.
Me: I promise
Dad: Good cause ill find out
you know you can’t lie to me
Me: I know, please don’t tell
mom about this.
Dad: for now yes I won’t but
she will know. Just like how
you can’t hide things from me,
I can’t hide things from your
mother. He kissed my
Dad: I love you. He hugged me
so hard making me giggle.
Me: I love you too, thanks for
finding us. Mom walked in on
us hugging.
Me: Yourl all lovey dovey here
the dishes won’t wash
themselves.i playfully ruffled
Khanyisa curly hair. She
giggled and washed the dishes.
Yanga: Khanyisa and I are
going out for awhile just a
father and daughter thing. I
looked at Yanga and looked at
khanyisa who concentrated
more on the dishes.
Me: Hmmmm. I walked out
sensing they both up to
Whole day iv been trying to
call and text Khanyisa and its
goes un answered. Its now at
the point where am frustrated
and I can’t think properly.
Grandpa has been watching
me pacing up and down while
he was having his lunch.
Grandpa: Maybe she forgot her
phone at home you know.
Me: yeah maybe
Grandpa: explain to me how
you feeling other than just
being anxious?
Me: mkhulu( grandpa) am not
going to be your lab rat, yazi
you should have became a
scientist cause wow. I left him
sitting there as he chuckled. I
opened the fridge and took out
bottled water. My phone
vibrated i checked to see it a
text from her:
𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚑𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚒
𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚜 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚊
𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢.
𝚖𝚎: 𝚐𝚕𝚊𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝
𝚖𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚖 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎
𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚗𝚊𝚑, 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚊𝚍
𝚖𝚎: 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖?
𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐
𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚞𝚑𝚖 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚜𝚎𝚎
𝚖𝚎: 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎?
I looked up to find my grandpa
looking at me intensely
Me: and than
Grandpa: I guess that her
Grandpa: remember what I
said Thulasizwe
𝚔𝚑a𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚗
𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎
𝚖𝚎: 𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚎.
𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛
𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑. 𝚑𝚒𝚜
𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚛.
😳😳😳😳😳😲😲😲😲😲😧 ⚰️
𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐
𝚖𝚎: 𝚊𝚖 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚢
𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚙𝚊 𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚞𝚙😎
𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚕𝚘𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑
𝚖𝚎...𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗🤗
𝚖𝚎: 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗,𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚒
𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎
𝚔𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚒𝚜𝚊: 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚊𝚍
𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚕.
𝚖𝚎: 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚘
𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕
𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛
She blue tick me. Oh shit I
went too far with the emoji
now she thinks am some love
struck puppy. Why did i even
send that? What the fuck is
wrong with me. I breathed and
drank my water and looked at
Me: mind taking a ride with
Grandpa: sure where too?
Me: khanyisa, Khanyisa dad
offered to drive her and am
scared. My grandpa laughed so
hard after he has gained
Grandpa: a 27 year old man
who turned at 7 years into a
beast is now afraid of a regular
human being. Wow just wow...
he got up and washed his dish.
I wore my black pants and top
and got my boyfriend’s coat
jacket on. I left my hair in its
original afro and than went
downstairs. I found my dad in
full black also. Mom looked at
Mom: Are you two going to
rob a bank? We laughed
Me: no..dad went and kissed
mom and we got in the car and
I directed him.
Dad: what were you doing
Me: I come here to think and
be alone
Dad: so we meeting a guy? I
looked at him and smile
Me: its not what you think
Dad: how do you know what
am thinking. He looked at me
than again at the road. The
warehouses was now visible.
Me: His just a friend dad I
promise. We got there and
already his black tinted
hummer was there.
Dad: A friend that drives a
Me: dad please. He parked a
few feet away and Thular was
already standing outside
leaning on the car.
Dad: You have 10 minutes
Angel. Me being here with you
doesn’t mean I support
whatever this is but your
safety is my main concern. It
was either I come with you or
you sneak out. So 10 minute is
all you have okay. I nodded
and he kissed my head and I
walked out of the car to Thular
who unexpectedly hugged me.
The minute he hugged I felt
the tingling on my spine and
felt an unexplainable feeling in
my heart and felt his heart in
my ear as it the same rhythm
as mine. I really didn’t want to
let go
Me: You smell really nice. I
mumbled, he laughed his voice
vibrating in my chest.
Thular: You smell nice too. He
kissed my forehead and let go.
Me: I have some news to share
Thular: me too but you go first.
We held hands and took
maybe 5 steps and dad hooted.
I laughed.
Me: He said to be visible. I
stopped. “ well my dad came
back and now I have to go
back with him to our family” i
left out the princess thing and
the place.
Thular: For how long?
Me: I don’t know but Monday
am going to change to distance
learning. Ill see you when I
come here now and than.
Thular: Am leaving tomorrow
to my family home, am not
sure if it permanently or not
but we will chat and call each
Me: okay
Thular: Look am not sure if
you can feel this but I have a
strong connection to you. I
don’t know what it is yet but I
want to explore it you know
and see where it goes. They
are things about me that I
need to deal with but also I
don’t want to lose you or your
presence in my life.
Me: I get you, I feel the same
Thular: Good, now will talk
later via chats.
Me: uhm mind if I give you
your phone back and give you
my number. My mom will flip
if she knew about it.
Thular: nah keep it and give
me your other number. I
rattled my number. Just than
my father hooted.
Thular: Your dad impatient
Me: I know. I kissed his cheek
than ran to the car.
Dad: You took your time
Me: Hawu baba... we drove to
the mall got flowers for mom
and drove home. My mind was
on Thular all the way. Is it safe
to say am inlove? Or is it too
soon to say so? But the feeling
I have makes me want to
explode in happiness.....
To be continued......

Daliy new African novel

download here
Insert 16:
2months later
We have been settling well but
i feel like am losing Khanyisa
daily. She hardly says anythng
but she is extremely close to
her dad. Iv been doing more of
researching in regards to her
marks and we have found out
that they belong to the Zulu
tribe. They is little information
that we can go on with but so
far nothing major has
happened apart the occasional
turning of the eyes blue and
gold. I walked in and she was
busy typing on her phone. I
glimpsed again and I notice
that this ain’t her regular
Me: Khanyisa
Khanyisa: Ma... I walked closer
as she quickly hid her phone.
Me: show me that phone. She
sat there looking at me as her
eyes changed.
Me: show me that phone now
young lady. She looked down
and didn’t move at all. Her
father walked in on us as he
was coming back from a
Yanga: My beautiful ladies. He
kissed my cheek and Khanyisa
than looked at us.
Yanga: What wrong?
Me: iv asked Khanyisa to show
me her phone as it doesn’t
look like her original phone
but she ain’t showing me.
Yanga turned.
I looked at my daughter as her
eyes were now royal blue.
Sometimes we don’t push to
hard since we fear that we
might cause damage since we
dealing with the unknown.
Me: Angel, is what your
mother was saying true? She
just looked down and I saw
tears fall down her face.
Me: Angel remember my rule
about how we talk things
through, now kindly show
your mother the phone. She
slowly moved and showed us a
totally different phone. I
looked at her and her eyes
were extremely blue.
I looked up to see my dad and
mom looking at me and I had
fear all over me.
Dad:I thought we don’t have
secrets. My dad had
disappointment in his voice.
Me: We don’t
Mum: Than explain the phone.
Me: It just something that I got
myself for extra pixels. I felt
my skin tingle.
I looked at her as her eyes
turned brighter and felt my
body heat up.
Me: we don’t do lies baby. She
looked away. “ I think you just
tell us what going on with you,
the past few months iv felt you
slowly pulling away from us.
We can’t help if we don’t know
what or where we went
Khanyisa: I really don’t know
how to explain this without
hurting both your feelings. So i
rather just keep quiet. I looked
at her as Yamkelani sat down.
I felt my body shake and I
knew something was amiss
with my chosen one that I
imprinted on the day I
changed. My bones started
cracking and I changed within
minutes and my grandpa came
and nodded as I ran out of the
house in four legs. I got in the
woods and ran following the
tingling sensation that am
feeling and somehow being
directed to where am needed.
I watched as my parents
looked at me somehow
confused at my statement.
Dad: Am not understanding
Angel. I kept quiet.
Mom: I really hate it when you
do this lumile, what going on
with you.
Me: I just feel incomplete here.
I don’t expect you to
understand but I just feel like
they is a half of me that
missing and no matter how
much you and dad try to make
us whole but its not enough.
Don’t get me wrong. I love dad
very much and am happy that
you two are reunited and the
kingdom is happy but my
heart is not here.
Dad: what you mean it not
Me: iv been having dreams and
now they stronger.
Dad: what kind of dreams. I
looked at them with dad eager
to understand and mom
looking so hurt. I got up from
my chair.
Me: Look I don’t know how to
explain this and I really don’t
want to sound ungrateful or
sinister. Just like how mom
have you dad to complete her,
I feel like these marks and
these dreams are related to
I looked at my daughter
standing in front of me but not
looking like my daughter. She
had her afro and now blue
eyes and wearing a long black
dress with hops. She looked
amazing but somehow grown.
She looked frustrated, scared
and hurting.
Me: Khanyisa, you still so
young to even date. You still
studying and they so much
that the world has to offer
than being a princess to some
kingdom plus we don’t have
any kingdoms that we wish to
build alliances from.
Khanyisa: What you mean by
that? Her eyes got brighter.
Me: What I mean is that you a
princess. Yes your dad and I
are complex but you a princess
and they are rules that need to
be followed.
Khanyisa: mama. She looked at
her dad who looked the other
way than looked at her.
Yanga: You special angel and
you come from a special line.
You have markings on your
back. No random boy will do
for you. They are so many
unknowns surrounding you
that you thinking about a
spouse right now or even a
relationship is out of the
I looked at both my parents
and slowly moved to the door.
Me: I really love you guys and I
hate to be the cause of any
conflict. I heard a distant roar
and I looked towards the door
and them and I saw my dad
eyes change to gold.
Me: Dad don’t... but before I
knew it grandpa also was
turned into a lion. They all
rushed out of the house using
the sliding door and I ran in
they direction. When I got
there I saw two white lions at
the brim of our yard at the
back and a few feet I saw
grandpa and dad and Bhuti
Khulekani with his gun aimed
at the white lions. I ran
towards them.
My eyes were deceiving me i
stood there as i watched my
daughter hair turn pure white
as she ran so fast towards her
father and grandpa she stood
in the middle of the four lions.
I stood there as i watched my
daughter features has change
her whole head was white and
her eyes blue.
I looked at the two lions and
somehow i felt that they wont
harm me but will harm
everything and anyone that
might come near me.
Me: dad back away please.
He roared so loud and grandpa
growl. The two white lion
made a snarling sound and
when I looked around I saw a
few more white lions coming
out of the forest. They was
now seven lions against two
black lions and khulekani with
a gun. I knew my dad could
take them all well and not be
scratched by even one of them
but I really didn’t want that to
be the case. I felt myself
vibrate and I felt myself feel
dizzy and next thing my whole
spine tingled and i felt my
body get weak and it was
lights out for me....

I woke up and heard distant
voices and I swear I heard
Thular voice and my father
angry tone. I turned a couple
of times so they can stop
arguing and than I opened my
eyes to find my dad standing
at the foot of the bed with his
arms folded and a old man.
Thular was right by my
bedside I blinked a few times
since his eyes were blue as the
ocean. He smiled showing his
dimples. I smiled at him.
Thular: You look better
Me: Thanks, its been awhile
Thular: Yeah its been awhile
Me: Iv missed you
Thular: Iv missed you too. He
kissed my forehead and I felt
myself feel complete and
content and I knew that the
empty void and feeling that iv
been feeling is because of him.
I felt tears blur my vision and I
blinked them away but failed.
He wipes them away
Thular: Hey, am here okay...
come high or low am here. He
kissed my forehead again and
that reassured me
Dad: Am going to call your
mom she was worried. I totally
forgot about him and felt
guilty as he left.
As much as I want to whoop
that boy ass but one thing was
evident, he loved and adored
my daughter. I walked out
with the old man at my tail
Old man: now what?
Me: look, I have no idea what
next but what I want is you
and your son out of my house.
Old man: You cannot stand
before fate and destiny
Me: Look your presences
made my wife faint than my
daughter and now its
beginning to make me sick.
Your son is one hot head and
his stubborn. The only reason
his alive now is the binding
between him n my daughter. I
would have ripped his head
apart and join the family in the
most needed time. Now its
either you leave willingly or
you will be chased out. Just
than Yamkelani walk in on us
I stood there for awhile than
greeted the old man and
offered him a chair while
Yanga looked at me as if am
mad. I made tea and biscuits
for him and he sat down
Yanga: A minute please
nkosikazi( my wife) I walked
out of the room with him.
“ what on earth are you doing
feeding him with my food?”
Me: Now I was under the
impression what yours is mine
and vice versa.
Yanga: You know what I mean.
I looked at him point blank
disarming him
Me: nope I don’t. I folded my
arms on my chest as he looked
at me defeated.
Yanga: Am sorry. I smiled and
kissed him.
Me: Are you calmer now? He
nodded and looked at me
waiting for an explanation.
Me: Babe I know you and the
Zulu have history. Yes they
helped with the war but yet
they a lot of things going on
between the two. Now step
out of the throne and look at
this as a parent. They child is
the only thing or persons that
makes me see a glimpse of the
Khanyisa I know. She opens up
and brightens up they world
but mostly her
confidence.Maybe you haven’t
notice that we been losing our
daughter the past two months.
If they are the only ones that
can give us our light than we
make peace and forget the
past and start afresh. He stood
there thinking for a while and
came and kissed me out of my
Yanga: Have I ever told you
how much you bring sense to
my world.
Me: I don’t mind hearing it
again. I smiles at him as he
kissed me again.
Yanga: well you bring sense in
my life and you find me when
am lost and clear my eyes
when I get blind.
Me: I see when you can’t, now
get in there get as much
information as you can and
remember. You a father first
before anything else so act
accordingly. I first his collar
and left him there going to my
daughter room. I got to the
door where it was slightly
open and I peeped in to see
The boy spooning Khanyisa
and cradling her as she was
crying. He kept brushing her
and whispering sweet
nothings to her. I stood there
and watch the love I always
pray for my child and the kind
of man Iv always wanted her
to be blessed with.
I cried for sometime knowing
well that we about to embark
on a hard journey that my
father won’t allow. After I was
done, i wiped my eyes and
Thular: Its hurts to know you
hurting and our Love for each
other is the cause. My heart
did a flip flop when I heard
those words so am not crazy,
he truly loves me.
Me: I love you too. I mumbled
feeling shy.
Thular: Are you better? Any
Me: Nope
Thular: your hair gone back to
Me: kanti how was it?
Thular: All white babe, for a
minute there I was confused
until I saw that awesome ass. I
laughed at him and jokingly hit
Me: I have an awesome ass
Thular: beyond words. I think
that calmed my boiling blood
and made me change to
human making it easier for me
to catch you before you fainted.
I sat there thinking of the
Me: Thank you for catching me
Thular: Thank you wife. He
kissed the back of my head
sending shivers down my
spine. I felt him shift as
something was poking my butt.
I knew exactly what it was, i
rubbed my ass on him and he
growled and just than my
mom walked in and I was so
embarrassed and ashamed.
She looked like she knew what
just happened.
Mom: How you feeling? She
asked as Thular shifted but not
leaving the bed.
Me: Am okay mom. She
nodded looking at Thular with
those broad-room eyes when
she tries to intimidate.
Mom: And you young man, I
hope you not in bed with
shoes. He shifted getting up
and adjusting his pants. As
much as he tried I could see
his bulge. He handed her his
Thular: Thulasizwe
Thulasilibone Zulu. They
shook hands with my mom
expression not read able
Mom: Khanyisa mom.Pleasure
to meet you although I wish
the circumstances were
different. He nodded and put
his hands in his pocket making
his lower region look better.
Thular: Now that you good, let
me find my grandfather. I felt
my heart race and I saw his
eyes instantly change. “ babe,
if you don’t control your
emotions am going to change
and am Afraid I might hurt
your mom, now breathe
please” i slowly did as my
mom shifted from him a little
and as I was breathing his eyes
went lighter. He kissed my
forehead one more time and
“ Remember keep your
emotions on check or else’s I
change” I nodded as he walked
out.My mom walked to me and
stood next to the bed, i could
see she was conflicted and
trying her best to stay calm.
Me: Am sorry mama.
Mom: For what khanyisa. Okay
I really didn’t expect that from
Me: For hiding things from you,
for being distant and for being
secretive in things. Am sorry
for not rejoicing in your
moment and excluding myself
in things.
Mom: why did you do it? Why
did you if you knew you were
Me: I don’t know
Mom: How you feeling? She
touched my forehead checking
if all is well.
Me: Am okay. I really am sorry
mom, didn’t mean to make you
feel neglected or to be
disrespectful or anything. I
just can’t put into words what
I was feeling.
Mom: And now what are you
feeling? I looked down cause I
know if I truly speak my mind
she will be offended.” And the
boy?” I looked down again.
“ Ay lumile is they anything
that you can explain ke?”
Me: I just don’t want to lose
you and dad and I also don’t
want to lose Thulasizwe. She
looked at me with her eyes
blurry as she was blinking a
couple of times.
I was nervous sitting there
listening to my grandfather
and Khanyisa father argue
pointlessly without any
resolutions. I looked at the
man with the gun at the corner.
He looked at me than turned
to look at my grandfather and
Mr langa at it.
Me: urhm... they all turned and
looked at me. “Well if it not to
much to ask from both of you
but Will it be possible to marry
Khanyisa “ they both kept
quiet and looked at me
Mr Langa: You want to marry
my daughter?
Me: Yes
Mr Langa: why?
Me: Am not sure if you have
been aware but lately she been
distant and she been down
and I hate for that to continue.
Ill like to make her whole
again. He looked at me for
awhile than got up and stood
in front of me
Mr Langa: Your family and my
family have a past, a horrible
past but that shouldn’t stand
on your way of happiness. Am
willing to give you my blessing
so long you promise that her
happiness will be your first
Me: Sir I love your daughter,
She completes me as much as I
wish to complete her. She is
my world and my happiness is
dependent on her happiness
Mr Langa: Than you have my
blessings. He shook my hand
as his eyes turned darker.
Me: They something you
should know. He looked at me.
“ I feel like Iv imprinted on
your daughter and Ill like to
apologize for any
inconvenience that might have
caused” he looked at me for a
long time.
Mr Langa: One day you going
to make a good King and I
wish am alive to notice all
your work and efforts. He
shook my hand again.
I sat there for sometime
anxiously waiting on anyone
to walk in and my Grandfather
did. He is a quiet man and his
gone old but he treated me like
a princess.
Grandpa: Hows my light
Me: Not bad an hows my old
man? I smiled as he crinked
Grandpa: Your father is good.
He laughed and so did I.
Me: I was talking about the
one in front of me.
Grandpa: Am good. He sat by
my bed at my leg.
“ You know you one hell of a
bright girl and I like that about
you” i smiled as he shifted to
look directly at me with his
Topaz eyes.
“ I overheard a conversation
that makes me ask this my
child, Are you inlove with that
young boy or its something
You can’t explain nor control?”
I looked at him for awhile than
Me: I think its both. I was in
love with the idea of having
someone and now they are
feelings I cannot hide or
Grandpa: hmmm, you remind
me of your grandmother( may
he soul rest in piece) when I
first saw her she was fetching
water by the river. I called her
and she looked at me with so
much compassion in her eyes.
I introduced myself and she
told me “ you named after the
prince in the village” that took
me back and Iv asked if she
doesn’t know the prince and
she was like “ I tend to seclude
myself from things that wont
serve or sooth my soul” that
took me back because
everyone knew about us. We
were a powerful kingdom.
Me: what did you say after that?
I asked intrigued.
Grandpa: i asked her why she
says that? She told me she has
never seen such selfish and
cruel people who make they
village work for them rather
than giving them
opportunities to better
themselves and the kingdom. I
asked her if she was Queen
one day what will she do? She
laughed at me so hard and
said” ordinary people like us
should never dream that high
cause some dreams never
become a reality but if ever
she had a chance to be Queen
one day. She will love all
Village people as if they her
kids and no mother doesn’t
want they child to prosper” i
stood there stunned and I
helped her with her water and
walk her home. When we
neared her gate people were
looking at us and whispering
and she asked me what wrong?
I knew there were asking
themselves how can she let a
Prince carry a bucket of water
for her. Anyways I walked in
her house and placed her
bucket where she showed me.
She stayed with her father
who wasn’t so well. When I
was done and her father saw
me and tries to bow. I asked
him not to but whispered
something in his ear.
Me: what did you whisper?
Grandpa: Next time an coming
through these doors it will be
to make your daughter my
wife. He smiled and cried and
guess what your grandmother
did? I looked at grandpa to
finish. “ he kicked me out of
the house and told me that no
one makes her father cry and
gets her kindness. She closed
the door on my face and I
heard her singing as she was
soothing her father that when
I lost control of my body for
the first time and broke her
door imprinted on her giving
her dad a heart attack that
killed him. I wipes my tears at
this beautiful story and looked
at my grandpa smiling.
Me: Why are you telling me
Grandpa: I want you to know
that sometimes we go through
things that might shock or
hurt our parents but its a must.
They are things that are
beyond our control and things
that we can only manage by
how we react towards them.
Only you know what you feel
for that boy and only you
know how he makes you feel,
Now don’t let what you hear
or see stand between you and
your happiness. Let your
happiness start within before
placing it in another persons
hands. I looked at him for
awhile and nodded.
Me: I don’t see myself ever
living without him Grandpa
and am afraid that my mother
wanted us to be together as a
family all my life and now that
she has it, am ruining it. I
wiped away a tear.
Grandpa: I watched your
father roam around this house
as an empty soul for 20 years
and it broke my heart but I
never stop having hope that
everything will sort itself
eventually. I gave him a hug
and he laughed.
Me: I feel better, thank you
Grandpa: No thank you, today
I watched a feud that two
families had for over 20 years
come to an end because of you
and for that I thank you. I
looked at him confused as he
Grandpa: It will make sense to
you later you will see.
Me: You never finished the
story as to what happened
when grandma woke up and
heard the news?
Grandpa: Ill tell you some
other day, now rest. He started
humming a song as I got in bed
and tried to rest.
My husband walked in and
smiled as I was in nothing but
a towel. I just took a shower
since they were forever in that
study. He came and kissed me
and sat down taking me with
him as he placed me his thigh.I
hugged him than he smiled
and looked at me.
Yanga: I love you
Me: I love you too. He kissed
me for the longest time.
Yanga: Tell me your fears in
regards to our daughter? Now
that I didn’t expect.
Me: I don’t have any fears
Yanga: I know you Yammy and
I know you have fears now tell
me so I can assure you. I got
up from him and dropped my
towel and I watched him via
the mirror as he shifted and
his eyes changed. I lotion
myself as he kept quiet. When
done I turned around.
Me: Is it possible to have you
make timeless love to me and
make me whole while I forget
everything that requires my
attention or my fears. I slowly
walked to him and started
undressing him.
Yanga: The boy asked to marry
her. I stopped and took the
towel and wrapped it around
me and looked at him in fear.
Me: And you said? He looked
down and I knew that meant
yes. I felt myself losing my
sight as tears started filling in
and I cried. He walked closer
to me and held me.
Yanga: He showed me the
same markings she has on her
back. He is her chosen one and
we cannot stand before her
and her destiny. Now Tell me
your fears and Ill do my best
to make it right. I looked up at
his as I silently cried.
Me: What the point, you have
already given our only
daughter away.
Yanga: Was it such a bad
Me: you don’t understand.
Yanga: Make me. I collected
Me: I read if a zulu cursed man
imprints on any family that
has the same curse as them
and they consummate they
Union the girl too shall change
and if she changes within the
same grounds as her fore
fathers than she will di....
Yanga: she will Di?? What does
that mean?
Me: The page was torn those
are the only two letters there
“ di” the only conclusion I have
is “die” the paragraph was
going to say “die”... he looked
at me and he sat down. “ I
cannot lose my daughter
Yanga you have to go back on
your word. Those two are
never to be together, never or
we will lose her forever” he
looked at me with so much
fear in his eyes as I stood there

Inser 19:
I walked in her room and
found her sitting there and
looking at the ceiling. She
smiled the moment I walked in
on her and shifted giving me
Me: Hy beautiful
Khanyisa: hey. She blushed. I
sat next to her looking at her
Me: I want to ask you
something and I want you to
give me your honest answer.
She nodded as her eyes got
brighter. “ will you be able to
spend the rest of your life as
my friend, lover, mother to our
beautiful kids but mostly as
my better half. She looked at
me with tears in her eye and
she nodded hugging me. After
the hug kissed her as I felt her
soft lips against mines.
Me: it would be nice if I hear a
yes you know. She laughed at
Khanyisa: Yes ill love that very
much. She kept quiet after
some time. “ My father is very
traditional you will have to ask
him first you know” I smiled at
Me: I make it a point to know
things... iv already asked and
he has given me his blessing, I
wouldn’t have asked you if I
didn’t speak to your father
first. She smiled one of her
best smiles that made my
heart skip a beat.
I looked at him and fell in love
Me: Thank you, now I wait for
mom. He looked at me with a
questioning eye. “ iv always
been mom little girl you know
am pretty sure she ain’t going
to be glad that am getting
married it not in her 5 year
plan for me.
Thular: I wanna show you
something but I don’t want to
show you here and now.
Me: Okay... I can see you later
on tonight.
Thular: alright let me get going
home and sort my uncles to
come by this weekend. I
smiled as my heart did flip
Me: cool. He kissed my
forehead and left. I snuggled in
for a while and heard the door
open.I acted as if am asleep. I
could feel that someone was
there. I kept quiet for the
longest and so did they. After
awhile I heard them leave and
I peaked to see who it was and
I saw my mother leave my
I walked to the library from
khanyisa room maybe Yanga is
right. Maybe am blowing
things out of proportion. Its
can be so many things but I
can’t risk with my one and
only child. I got there and
found Yanga by the files
Me: you are her
Yanga: am trying different
contents that this paragraph
can be in to see what it means.
He kept quiet as we searched
for hours for more
Me: You can just call the Zulu
family and ask them. He
looked at me mad. If tables
were turned and the Zulu’s
were asking me the question
you want me to ask, how
would you feel. I kept quiet
thinking it over and knew I
would be offended. Yanga:
They have to be another way.
We kept quiet for awhile
Me: This is all just to much for
me. I don’t want to sound like
an evil mom who don’t want
her child to be happy nor do I
want her to hate me for this.
Yanga: Well its too late for that
my dear wife, if we stop her
wedding without a solid
reason. She is going to hate us.
We need proof or cases before
or a journal that points to this
otherwise we just have to trust
in God.
Me: Am sorry but I don’t have
faith that its means otherwise.
Eventually we have to tell her
and trust she sees our reason
for doing this and for you
going back on your word. The
door banged and we both
turned and we found Khanyisa
standing there looking at us
with tears rolling down her
Khanyisa: Dad I hope mom
isn’t saying what I think she is
saying. Yanga walked to her
and she raised her hands as
her eyes turned blue within a
minute and her hair went
white. “ dad”
Yanga: Let us explain. She
broke down in tears and
quickly turned and ran out of
the house. She ran right into
the words and after a few
seconds we heard the most
scariest roar as Yanga quickly
changed and ran in her
direction as I stood there
thinking to myself what have I
done? I really cannot have my
daughter hate me nor can I
lose her.....
Daliy new African novel
download here
Insert 20:
I ran so fast letting the woods
swallow me and i reached the
peak of the cliff and cried. I
cried for all the years i wished
for my father to come back
and for all the prayers that I
wanted to be answered. I cried
for my mother to find
happiness again yet here she is
standing between my own
happiness, she knew how
connected we were yet here
she was begging father to go
back on his word. When done
crying I tried to breathe in the
cool air and think things over.
The past couple of months
have been to much adjusting
to things and the new way of
life can be draining. I sat on
that rock for awhile until I saw
movement from the corner of
my eyes as something blank
with green eyes emerged from
the shadows.
I tried my best to run after her
but its difficult to follow when
you have no sense of where
she ran to. I tried sniffing her
smell but it got me so far that i
looked around and she wasn’t
there so I turned and walked
back to my wife who was at
the bottom of the stairs with
tears rolling down her face. I
looked at her and shake my
head to let her know that i
didnt find her.
Yamkelani: its all my fault, i
should have listened to you
and didnt ask that of you. I
should have just let fate be and
dont middle. Am truly a bad
mom, i let my fears get the
best of me. I walked to her and
hugged her as we heard more
screeching from a far end of
the forest.
Me: she going to be fine. I
walked with her in my arms
into the house.
As i was sitting there listening
to my grandfather and the
elders talk i felt the tingling
sensation at my back and i
looked at my grandfather as he
looked at me with worry and I
felt myself sweat and I knew
that something was happening
with Khanyisa
Its now close to 8pm and still
Khanyisa isn’t back and Yanga
is now pacing and Khulekani
has a group of guards in the
forest looking for her. I pray
nothing is amiss or I would
never forgive myself. How can
I be so cruel towards my
daughter feelings and
emotional wellbeing.
I looked at my new friend as
he chopped the rabbit that he
cooked a few hours ago. He
dished up for me and himself
and gave me a plate.
Me: Thank you. He sat
opposite me and we were
silent for awhile as we ate and
when he was done he washed
the plate with the bottle of
water. He took one of the
chairs from his camping tent
and sat right in front of me.
Him: I changed from a Jaguar
to a human and you never
screamed nor run why? He
said with the most musical
voice iv ever heard in my life.
Me: My name is khanyisa and
you are?
Him: how come you not afraid
of me?
Me:how come you don’t
answer my questions yet you
expect me to answer yours?
He looked at me and his eyes
changed dark green in color as
he was getting worked up. I
looked right at him as I felt
rage and I knew when I over
re act on my emotions my eyes
changes. He stood back as he
saw this and I smiled at him as
he looked at me waiting for me
to change.
Me: unfortunately my body
isn’t as supernatural as yours
is, I don’t change to any animal
Him: Nkosinye is my name
Me: pleasure to meet you. I
gave him my hand for him to
shake and he looked at it and
looked at me.
Nkosinye: I rather not
Me: suit yourself. He stood
there as he looked at me and I
took my time to study him and
look at him. He has short hair
in a brush and was supper fair
with pink lips and he was
buffed up as if he goes to gym.
If I wasn’t mistaking he was in
his late twenties or early
thirties. He had perfect white
teeth and was very handsome.
He was a taller version of
Columbus short. Exactly like
him. I looked down as i
blushed from starring to much
and I felt my heart race faster
and I felt the most horrible
pain in my heart and I touched
my chest as I felt the pain
pierce right into it. I screamed
out loud at the pain and cried
in agony as he walked to me as
I dropped to the floor. He
called me a million times and
it was light out for me.
I felt the burning sensation in
my body and felt myself
change and un-change the
third time I felt my heart beat
so fast and next thing I felt a
sharp pain in it as if a knife
went right through it. I saw the
panic in my grandfather and
the elders eyes and I could feel
myself slowly slipping away
and next thing i felt it getting
more difficult for me to
breathe and next thing I saw
khanyisa smile and I saw her
slowly moving away from me
and the more she moved away
from me the harder it got for
me to breathe than i felt my
last breathe as my grandfather
was panicking and trying his
best to revive me.
The phone rang and I quickly
ran to it thinking it was
khulekani with the news.
Yamkelani was right next to
and I put the phone on loud
Me: hello
Voice: its me Mr zulu,
Thulasizwe grandfather. His
voice sounded awful and i
looked at my wife as she has
panic all over her face.
Me: Yes.
King Zulu: I call to let you
know that Thulasizwe
Thulasilibone Zulu just died a
few minutes go. Yamkelani
drop on the floor and
screamed. “ My child” “My
child” “Noooooooo” i held
her as tears came rushing in
Me: How?
King Zulu: we don’t know, he
just screamed in pain and was
sweating than he died in less
than a few minutes nothing
could have been done.
Me: our daughter been missing
the last few hours, they
connected. Is it possible she
dead too? I asked not wanting
to hear the answer but also
wanting to know if whatever
caused the young prince death.
If it was related to our
daughter? If she is still out
there? If somehow whatever
happened to her might have
caused the prince to die since
they emotionally connected?
He imprinted on her when she
was still in her mother Tummy
so they were one right? My
mind raced with this as I
waited for the old man to
King Zulu: I don’t know, I
really don’t know. That broke
me more than the “yes” that I
was waiting for......
Hope you enjoy... kusazoba
Daliy new African novel
download here

My name is Nkosinye Konke
Jali. Am 30 years of age and am
one of the richest business
man in Durban. 20 years ago I
changed into a Jaguar than I
later learnt I have a royal
curse. I was raised by a trusted
servant that my family trusted
when the kingdoms was at
war. Iv been back home
around Entabeni and it has
been bliss. I usually camp
every now and than at the big
hill of Entabeni since my roots
are there. My parents are very
much alive and in love. I Have
two other siblings which are
girls. We all have this curse
since its in our blood. Female
or male. I usually camp every
now and than just to be in
touch with our roots and to
detox the city life and gain
clarity in situations. As much
as am not crowned king yet
but I will be soon and my
father took it upon himself to
teach me a few things. I looked
at the young beautiful girl in
front of me. She has a smart
mouth yet is shy. Her hair is
curly and Afro like giving that
authentic african look. Her
eyes were the best feature
ever. She had closed to goldish
amber eyes and they were big
and sexy. I looked at her as she
was sleeping in the tent. Her
breathing was now even. She
really did a number on me
with her fainting and
screaming. This is really not
the best time for interruptions.
I wonder why she never
screamed when I changed. I
sat there watching her breathe
and kept my distance. I really
don’t know how to deal with
woman ever since I killed my
ex wife in a rage after finding
out she cheated on me. Iv
really tried to keep my
distance away from anything
feminine and woman like.
Its been a week and still they
haven’t been any sign of
Khanyisa. Yamkelani is besides
herself and so is the villagers.
Some has come in support to
search for her to no avail its
like she disappeared into thin
air. Thular has been buried
and it was a sour moment. I
looked at my father who is still
as strong and frail at the same
time and looked at Khulekani
who has aged the past week. I
sat at the head of the table as
everyone was playing with
they food. This broke my heart
and I wish that out daughter
was here. I wish Yamkelani
can stop with her research of
wanting answers and just
accept that they is a possibility
that our daughter is dead.
I woke up to a glass ceiling
looking out to the sky and
smiled as I saw the moon and
the stars. I felt a slight pain in
my heart and my body felt like
it was on fire. I felt somehow
alone and lost and cold all at
once. I tried to get up but I had
no energy in me. I shifted and
my whole back felt like it was
on fire. I screamed in pain as it
got so much and in a few
seconds Nkosinye and some
woman were in front of me.
Woman: breathe little girl...
breathe. I tried and it got
worse and worse but
eventually I managed to get
better with each breath and
Nkosinye left to pour water in
a cup and handed it to me.
Me: Thank you
Woman: Our pleasure.she
smiled at me with her
beautiful white smile. I looked
around and saw am in a room.
A beautiful room.
Me: where am I?
Woman: Enhlabathini. I
nodded as am not to far from
home its just an hour drive.
Me: Do you mind if you loan
me your phone I need to call
dad and let him know am good.
They both looked at me and he
nodded and the woman took
the phone out as she got
Woman: Before you call, just
know its been a week and 3
days since you have been
here.Panic caught me off guard
making it hard to breathe
again as a panic attack took
over me.
Nkosinye: little girl you need
to breathe this time or you will
die for real. I looked at him all
confused as I breathed trying
to stay calm
Iv finally called of the search
and was thanking the people
for they help. I hated the pity
looks they gave us as they
walked out of the yard. I was
now sitting by the stope with
khulekani as I felt my phone
vibrated in my pocket. I took it
out and looked at the number
as it shows as unknown. I
returned it back in my pocket
as I saw Yamkelani by the
garden. The number called
Khulekani: You really need to
get it boss. I took it out and I
Me: hello
Voice: dad. I felt my heart
panic and I stood up and
looked around thinking the
universe is playing tricks on
Me: Lumile is really that you? I
asked with so much hope
Khanyisa: yes its me dad. Am
so sorry, I shouldn’t have ran
away. She cried over the
phone and I tried my best to
console her until someone else
came on the phone. I had
khulekani right next to me.
Male voice: It will take me an
hour to drop her off.
Me: Thank you... thank you
sooo much. He hang up. I
wiped my tears and looked at
the garden and watched my
wife walk around aimlessly.
Me: Don’t say anything until
Khanyisa is here. Khulekani
After eating, i got dressed in a
man track pants and big
hoodie. His clothes smelled
earthy and inviting. My back
really hurt and I really wanted
a mirror to see what going on
back there. I lifted my back
and turned and showed
Me: Its really pains do you
mind checking?
I stood there as I looked at the
exact same black markings
that I have on my back. They
looked fresh like how I had
them wen I turned at 10. I
remember that discomfort and
burning sensation that lasted a
week and also I remember the
words of our healer when my
father took me to her. She
said” These are a sacred
markings that represents your
beast if ever you see these
anywhere apart your back. It
will be from a woman who will
love you as you are and accept
you with your flaws and
animal.” I blinked a few times
and touched her as she moved.
Khanyisa: It pains don’t touch.
I stepped back.
Me: sorry, you have a few
bruises from your fall I lied.
“ come dress up and let go,
your family must be anxious to
see you” she dressed up and
we walked out off my
bedroom with me helping her
as she refused me to carry her.
By the lounge mom and dad
had the traditional healer and
she looked at me as her eyes
turned grey for a moment and
back to normal as she smiled. I
got khanyisa in the car.
Me: ill be back. She nodded. I
walked back and found the
king and Queen and the
traditional healer.
Me: why is she here?
King Jali: you go to the
Mountains and come back
carrying a half dead girl, we
had to consult. I turned to the
Me: So?
Healer: She the one. You
brought her back from the
claws of death. You broke the
curse that she was bestowed
to and tied her to you. She is
now yours. The ancestors and
the Gods have answered your
prayers. I looked at her.
Me: she has my mark, she
showed me.
Healer: You have marked her
the minute she took her last
breathe as she was thinking of
you rather then her bestowed.
You intrigued her so much that
you invoked feelings in her
that only her intended should.
Me: in simple terms please.
Healer: she is now yours for
eternity but its not going to be
an easy ride as she was in love
with her intended. I looked
around and saw my mother
smiling and so was dad. “ so I
had to link myself to a woman
inlove with another, You know
what happened to my wife
when she cheated on me”
Healer: This is different
Me: how?
Healer: your wife never had
the mark, it was just an elusion
of what you people call love.
Now this girl will understand
you more than you understand
yourself. Make you better and
mostly love you more than you
love yourself or anyone has
ever loved you. I looked at the
lady and for the first time I
was thinking she losing it.
Healer: Am not losing it. She is
what you prayed for and more.
All your efforts of reviving her
worked now accept the gifts
that the Gods have given you. I
took the keys and wallet and
He came back angry and his
jawline strong and flexing. I
kept quiet as his black Jaguar
prr as he drove . The irony of
having a Jaguar drive a Jaguar
was so funny that I smiled and
looked out of the tinted
Nkosinye: You have a beautiful
smile. Now that shocked me.
Me: Thank you. He continued
to drive and some
instrumental jazz was playing.
“ you like Jazz” he nodded.
“ My dad likes jazz too the
classical type”
Nkosinye: You close with your
dad, his the first person you
asked about.
Me: He is one of a few people
who truly gets me and
understands me
Nkosinye: I see. He drove in
silence as we neared home I
got anxious.
Me: Are you going to drop me
off and go? I really don’t know
why I asked that
Nkosinye: Yes
Me: Please stay, just for awhile
for me to thank you. Am sure
my parents will like to show
you they gratitude for finding
they prin.... daughter. He
looked at me.
Nkosinye: we will see. He took
the turn that goes to Entabeni.
“ I figured you from around
here, you will need to direct
me to your house” I swallowed
as I directed him to the Palace.
We got there and the guards
came to the window. He
lowered it and he saw me and
bowed opening the gate
without questions
Nkosinye: So you part of the
Royal family? He asked as he
drove in the drive through and
I could see dad, mkhulu and
Khulekani by the steps
Me: something like that. I felt
myself get nervous and
struggling to breathe. I closed
my eyes and I saw Thular face
and his blue eyes covered in
tears he he slowly left me and I
cried so much and fainted. As I
knew in that moment that am
no longer with him.
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I woke up to find my mom in
my room with tears all over
her face. I cried and she cried
hugging me.
Mom: oh sana lami( oh my
child) she wiped my tears.
“ stop now or you going to give
yourself a headache” i tried
but couldn’t. She hugged me
and shhh me to sleep. I slept in
her arms like a little baby
knowing that Thular is dead.
Am not sure how but I felt it.
The coldness in my heart was
him. The next few days was
me mourning and crying
myself to sleep. My mother
was worried and did her best
to keep me calm. It was now 3
weeks since am home and i
just stepped out of the shower
and was wrapped in a towel
when I walked to my room to
find my mother sitting there
waiting for me.
Me: Hi.. i walked past her and
went to the mirror to lotion
and get dressed and my back
was on her and I heard her
gasp and close her mouth with
her hands.
Me: what wrong? I looked at
her as she looked like she just
saw a ghost.
Mom: oh its nothing. I looked
at her once more than turned
and dropped the towel and
lotion. She looked at me with
Me: Mom. She snapped out of
it and looked at me and faked
a smile.
Mom: Lunch will be ready in
30 min. She left and I got
dressed in black boots and
pants and hoodie today am
going to take a walk a bit in
the forest after lunch.
Iv seen this marking in the
library. I walked as fast as my
legs could and got there and
took out the book on
neighboring villagers and got
to Enhlabathini kingdom that
was home to The Jalis and
there it was they unique mark.
I read on how they were full of
love and unity and how they
all can change into a Jaguar.
Woman were brown with
black spots and males were
black. I read all about them
until I got to Khanyisa mark. It
All marks had unique features
based on how they got it and
why. Circumstances differ. The
darker the mark is that means
the person receiving the mark
was at the tip of dying and
who ever saves them will
forever be in they life as a life
partner. I stood there re
reading the paragraph over
and over yet it wasn’t making
any sense. Did khanyisa
almost die and was saved by a
Jali? If so what could have
killed her? But how can a jali
imprints on a woman that was
already imprinted on? This
was all not making sense to
me. I heard footsteps and hid
the book and took another
random book as Yanga walked
Yanga: food ready.
Me: Thank you. I closed the
book and placed it back as
Yanga looked at me studying
me and I did my best hiding
my emotions. I kissed his
cheek as I reached him and we
walked out.
Yanga: are you good?
Me: yeah just tired that all. We
got to the lounge and food
khanyisa already seated.
I watched my parents sit and
the conversation was lively
and I was in my own thoughts
and I heard my father call my
name a few times and I finally
looked up.
Dad: Are you good?
Me: Yeah am good
Dad: Well I was just letting you
know that I had an interesting
meeting Izolo.( yesterday) i
looked at him waiting for him
to finish so I can go outside.
Me: about?
Dad: You. Now that came as a
Me: what about me?
Dad: The Jali boy that drop you
off the other day came to see
me and asked of Ill give my
permission for him to ask you
out like on a date. My mother
was grinning. I have never
seen her grin before when
Thular was here. What so
special about Jali that she
Me: He should have asked me
first though, I would have told
him what am telling you now. I
don’t date, I won’t date. Am in
no position to love a person
and more less care for one
right now. Am still in
mourning my one true love. I
got up from the table and
looked at them.
Me: Am sorry if I sound harsh
but his not my type and he
looks old.
Dad: I wasn’t saying date him
nor marry him but you need to
get out more. Meet people live
a little, for a 20 year old you
look dead, even am afraid to
talk to my own daughter cause
I fear you will break. Lumile
this is no life, people die for
various reasons and some are
unknown its happens. It life
now suck it up and live it. I
looked at them both and my
grandpa looked at me.
Grandpa: I lost your
grandmother unexpectedly
and its left a whole in my heart
and life but somehow I
manage to get up every
morning and live and love and
find joy. Your are my joy. This
family and watching you all
navigate through life. You
young, you still have so much
to explore and given today
times its rare to find me who
ask the child father to be
friends or whatever you call
with the girl. He only has good
intentions only. I really love
my grandfather
Me: What was your answer
Dad: That I doubt you are
dating and he can try his luck
he has my blessings so long I
see my daughter smile again,
that all I want.
Me: I love you guys so much
and am sorry iv been a pain
the past few weeks. My mom
smiled and came kissed my
Mom: we just don’t want to
lose you that all
Me: I know mom and you
won’t. Now let me get some
fresh air I promise to be
around the yard.dad nodded. I
got up and walked out. I
walked around the yard the to
the far end of the yard and sat
at one of the stones and let the
afternoon sun wash over me
as I was deep in my thoughts. I
looked up and just let the tears
roll down as I thought of all
the things I wanted to say to
Thular but now have no
chance too. “ Am letting you go,
am letting you go now” i felt so
much ease in my heart and the
peace was beyond words. I got
up and took a stick and walked
the way back to the house just
as I saw a black car drives up
the drive through. I walked up
and got closer to see it was a
Jaguar and my heart skipped a
beat and I saw malume
Khulekani speak to the guy
that came out of it. I got closer
and greeted them.
Malume Khulekani: woza la
khanyi( come here khanyi) i
stood next to them and looked
at them and the driver who
looked to scary to just be a
driver handed me a note. I
looked at them confused.
Driver: its for you. I opened it
and it reads:
𝙸 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚏
𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜, 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝
𝚑a𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎
𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚞𝚙 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑
𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛. 𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙸
𝚑a𝚟𝚎 a𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚐𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚢
𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝚒𝚗 𝙳𝚞𝚛𝚋𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚕𝚕
𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚖𝚢
𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎. 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚢𝚎𝚜
𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚃𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎
𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 , 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛
𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙a𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚕 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎
𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑a𝚗 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕
𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞
𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚎𝚕.
I read the note a few times and
laughed. Malume and the
driver looked at me.
Me: is he always so sure of
himself. I asked the driver who
nodded. “ its a yes” he opened
the back door and took out a
box of Steve Madden and a
cover bag of Sissy boy and
gave me.
Driver: He will pick you up at
6:30. I nodded and he shook
malume hands and got in the
car and drove off. I stood there
for awhile.
Malume: what are you waiting
for go dress up. I turned and
when I was closed to the door
he called out. “ It was nice
hearing you laugh again
Nkosazana” I smiled and went
in the house.
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Insert 23:
I looked at myself in the
mirror after taking a shower
and stood there smiling like a
retard. How can a little act as
this make me smile so much. I
looked at the note on my
mirror and smiled again than
went on finishing on getting
dressed in this stunning red
silk dress.
Yanga: What do you mean he
saved her?
Me: exactly that. Read here. I
passed the book to my
husband smiling and just than
Khulekani walks in.
Khulekani: The Jali boy
dropped a package for the
princess and she was laughing,
like really laughing. We both
looked at him.
Me: You lying Khanyisa
haven’t laughed in months
Khulekani: My Queen ill never
lie to you, she received a note
and laughed. I smiled and
looked at my husband.
Me: His bringing our daughter
back, oh lord please make it
last. I jumped up and down
squealing like a child and
Yanga and khulekani laughed
at me.
I wore my black suite and had
my red hankie in my pocket. I
looked myself in the mirror
just as luko walked in.
Luko:She took the first parcel.
I smiled a half smile.
Me: At least ill have a date
tonights function.
Luko: The media will be there
and will jump at you, i have set
the security detail and the
restaurant is booked off for
dinner afterwards. And I have
a team that will follow at a
Me: thank you
Luko: boss if I may ask?
Me: sure?
Luko: You have never done
such for a woman? Not even
the first lady, what so different
about her?
Me: I don’t know but all this
feels right and I always listen
to my gut. He nodded as I went
downstairs and bumped into
my baby sister.
Nokhulunga: why didn’t you
tell me the event is today, am
not even ready.
Me: That because am not
taking you today? She stopped
and looked at me.
Nokhulunga: why? Have I
done something? Has mom
said anything to you?
Me: I have a date. She
screamed and my other sister
followed by my parents
walked in.
Mom: Nokhu yini?( what is it?)
Nokhulunga: Bhuthi has a
date( brother) she squealed
some more. My mother walked
closer to me and brushed my
cheek like am a little boy and
frankly i liked it.
Mom: Is it true? I nodded and
she smiled with tears in her
Dad: Is it that girl you saved? I
nodded and my dad punched
the air in excitement.
Dad: well let us not keep you
long, enjoy. I nodded and
kissed my mom cheek and left
with Nokhulunga following
Nokhu: Buy her flowers, and
chocolate and open the door
for her. Don’t forget to tell her
she looks lovely. Take her to a
nice restaurant and don’t fuck.
I looked at her and raised my
“ am sorry, i know you older
than me and all but we don’t
fuck on the first date and its
been years since you been on a
date so you like a virgin”
Me: what do you know about
Nokhu: Am 20years and in
varsity what do you think?
Me: Am 10 years older than
you, I shouldnt be having this
conversation with you.
Nokhu: well Am a girl and you
taking out a girl. We hate it
when men throw sexual
advances on us on our first
date so trust me.
Me: okay no fucking, anything
else? She looked serious for a
Nokhu: does she know about
your curse?
Me: Not in full but she has
seen me change and didnt ask
Nokhu: oh and your past, does
she know?
Me: No
Nokhu: Tell her before you
step out of the car because by
tomorrow morning she will be
in every newspaper and so
will be your past. Best she
hears it from you than from
another source. And Goodluck.
She kissed my cheek and ran
up the stairs. My sister and I
are close and she gets me so
much although sometimes she
too much for me to handle and
I finished dressing with a black
pencil shoe and the red silk
dress i looked ravishingly
beautiful. It cupped my boobs
perfectly.it hugged me at all
the right places and it was a
whole open back. I didn’t mind
knowing we going to durban
and I didn’t wanna to look at
the mirror cause ill se Thular
markings and break down and
right now I cannot. The front
had a slit from my thigh going
down and it was a deep neck v
with long sleeves. I was
flawless. I Tied my hair into a
top afro bun and braided to
long plates on either sides of
my ears. I applied black
lipstick and wore black stud
earrings. My mom walked in
and she was in tears.
Me: oh my baby you look
amazing. She smiled.
“ wow, iv never seen such a
Khanyisa: me too, he delivered
it for me. I made her turn and
there it was the big Jaguar
looking marking with some
writing at the bottom visible
as day light. It looked like a
Tattoo but I knew what it was.
Khanyisa: Is my ass showing
am not wearing a panty
Me: No, you look amazing and
you can’t wear a panty with
the dress being your second
skin. You look amazing love.
Did you check out the back.
Khanyisa: Don’t want to see
Thular markings, do they look
good... white and red matches.
Me: Its complements the dress
dear. The markings looks
amazing. I really don’t know
why I didn’t tell her about the
markings but I guess its
Nkosinye job to let him know
about the markings and to tell
her what happened. I wiped
away the tear.
Me: oh his already here and he
looks amazing.
I smiled and took a clutch that
came with the bag and placed
my things than walked out
with mom following. I got to
the waiting area and dad was
busy quizzing him.
Dad: She must be back by 11
not later than that,if you
encounter any problems you
call. He nodded.
Me: dad. He turned and looked
at me with his eyes huge in
Dad: wow, you look like your
mother 20 years ago on our
wedding. I got so shy.
Me: Thank you. He gave my
mother a bunch of Red roses
and she grinned and my dad
rolled his eyes making me
laugh. I kissed my dad cheek
and turned and heard him take
a sharp in take of breath. I
turned and looked at him with
his eyes glassy as if he will cry
and I went back to him and
held his hands.
Me: I love you dad and am
going to come back.
Remember we taking it one
step a time. He nodded and i
kissed his cheek again and
turned and left with Nkosinye
right next to me looking
Lol i delivered🤪
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Insert 24:
I got into the car and he went
to his side and settled to drive.
Nkosinye: You look lovely
Me: Thank you, you not bad
yourself. I fasten the seatbelt
and relaxed as he drove as
classical Jazz played. Decode
by paramore was now playing.
I looked at him shocked.
Me: You listen to Paramore?
Nkosinye: Yeah they have nice
Me: wow who would have
thought that you will listen to
Nkosinye: Am full of surprises
Me: I can see.
Nkosinye: Tell me more about
Me: Where should I start? I
looked at him as I settled more
into the seat. “ well, Am
currently studying law but
although I think I failed this
Nkosinye: why you think so?
Me: a lot have happened and I
haven’t been focused so, i
doubt I passed.
Nkosinye: I see, well hopefully
you can pull through if you
study more and pull the
weight during exams.
Me: thats the plan.
Nkosinye: So you beautiful and
you have brains. What else? I
smiled at him.
Me: What makes you think I
have brains?
Nkosinye: You studying
towards one of the hardest
jobs in the world that requires
a lot of critical thinking and a
lot of improvising so you must
be smart.
Me: I never really looked at it
like that. What do you do? He
laughed and continued to
drive. I thought he was not
going to answer me.
Nkosinye: I studied IT than as
time went did business
management and now I own a
few shares here and there and
have an IT company that
provide security to big
companies softwares.
Me: That a mouth full. I smiled
as he gave me a half smile.” So
what do you do for fun”
Nkosinye: I go spend it with
family and involve myself in
everything that they do.
Me: I see. Thank you for the
Nkosinye: Its my pleasure.
Me: she has her whole back
covered in a Jaguar. A black
Yamkelani: can you calm
Me: how on earth did this
Yamkelani: You read the book
right? Its says she was dying
or she died and the only way
she could be saved was to
mark her.
Me: what caused her to die in
the first place?
Yamkelani: Ill like to think I
know it all but that I don’t. I
paced around the room and
looked at my calm wife as I
Me: where they going?
Yamkelani: some art thing in
Me: That 2 hours away
Yamkelani: Aybo wena
futhi( not you again)
Me: Am just saying, as pure as
the boy intentions are and as
much as we know they will
wed one day and maybe have
kids due to they binding but
am still her father.
Yamkelani: and I never said
otherwise now did I? I calmed
myself as I looked at the watch
and My wife laughed
“ aybo its only been an hour
and you already checking the
time, i feel like it going to be a
long night” she laughed and
left me there as she swayed
her hips leaving me standing
there with a hard on.
I looked at her as she
answered my questions with
ease and her smile was breath
Me: I want to tell you
something but am afraid of
your reaction
Khanyisa: Iv heard and seen
things beyond an imagination
so I doubt what ever you going
to tell me will fright me.
Me: I was married six years
ago and she died. I looked at
her as she went silent.
Khanyisa: Am sorry for your
Me: Its been 6 years since iv
allowed a woman into my life
but somehow you seem to fit
well. She looked at me shocked
and her eyes bright. Gosh her
eyes were amazing.
Khanyisa: I haven’t been
myself because I just learnt the
man I was to marry died. I
dont know how he died or
what killed him but I lost him
when you saved me. I haven’t
been to his grave because I
fear I let him down somehow.
She looked at me with glassy
eyes and I felt and saw the
love she had for this guy.
Me: Since we being honest
here, I like you and your
company. She wiped a tear
that escaped and laughed a bit.
Khanyisa: I think I like you too.
We both smiled and got
absorbed in our thoughts as
we got closer to our
King zulu
The traditional healer threw
the bones after I blew on them
and looked at me with grey
eyes and after awhile she
looked normal.
Traditional healer: The girl
killed him unintentionally
Me: what girl?
Traditional healer: the girl he
imprinted on. She was
unaware of the feelings within
that she felt for another cursed
boy who hasn’t imprinted and
when he imprinted on her he
killed her intended as he is
stronger than your boy and as
his bond with this girl will be
stronger than your boys
Me: you mean to tell me that
my Grandson died due to lust?
Lust. I shake my head in
Traditional healer: Your boy
has killed many before, his
bond with his ancestors was
weak due to this. This girl was
his survivor but unfortunately
some ancestors work hard
than others the boy who did
this come from a stronger
spirit world. He saved the girl
from dying and the only way
he could was to make him his.
Me: what caused them to even
be in danger of dying in the
first place.
Traditional healer: Admiration,
the one feeling that the girl
had which wasn’t tired to your
Me: I want to get this clear, my
grandson died because his
chosen girl admired another
man instead of him?
Traditional healer: Yes, the
only flaw to your curse. You
ancestors left that emotion out
since your grandson had
nothing that they could be
proud off.
Me: she killed him
Traditional healer: she didnt
know and still doesnt know
Me: it doesn’t matter, how can
you admire someone you dont
love or have feelings for? She
might as well lusted on that
man or slept with him.
Traditional healer: we come
from different worlds and our
curses are different. She no
longer yours to cry for but
now belongs to another. Her
eyes turned grey for a second
than she looked at me “ am
warning you don’t do what
you want to do” i looked at her
confused because I wasn’t
thinking of doing anything
what on earth is she talking
We got there and they was
cameras flicking everywhere
almost blinding. He held my
hand and helped me in with a
security detail. Once inside I
swear the room went silent as
the watched us walk in and
heads turning. I moved closer
to him. “ if I didnt know better
ill say everyone is shocked to
see you or with a girl or you
have grown an extra head” he
laughed out loud earning us
more people to look our way.
After walking around and him
introducing me to a million
people he took me to Isibaya
lodge where we dined as the
whole restaurant was closed.
Its was amazing. We talked
mostly about art and the
evening it was already 1 o
clock when I took my vibrating
phone and saw it my father. I
panic and answered
Dad: Thank God you okay.
Me: Am fine dad, we lost track
of time and we still by the
Dad: am just glad you alive, i
can book at a hotel and he can
drop you there and ill pick you
up in the morning.
Me: dad
Dad: Am sorry, i don’t know
how one dad is suppose to act
when they only girl is out with
a guy.
Me: You doing fine. If I have a
problem, ill call but for now
am good.
Dad: No sex Angel, you too
Me: dad... he laughed
Dad: I love you and call me if
you need me
Me: I will. I hung up and he
was grinning. “ oh you heard
that” i blushed away
Nkosinye: you volume is high
Me: sorry
Nkosinye: No need to
apologize. Come. He was
holding my shoes and I was
wearing his jacket and we got
to a beautiful suite and I threw
myself on the couch and he sat
looking at me.
Nkosinye: You really looked
beautiful today
Me: Thank you, you too. He
took my feet and massage
them as he whistled some
blues song and I relaxed
feeling the pleasure in my toe
and feeling warmth spread all
over my body. I closed my eyes
as I enjoyed the company with
a smile on my face

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Insert 25:
King zulu
I looked at the newspaper and
I felt rage as I see all lovey
dovey with her new animal.
Her whole back had the beast
marking and my grandson
died for this lose child. I threw
the tea cup at the far end off
the table and took my car and
went for a drive.
I woke up before Khanyisa so I
ordered a variety of breakfast
food.Yes it was late around 10
but we had to eat before going
back. I looked at her in my T
shirt as she slept peacefully.
Her phone was ringing again
so I answered it.
Voice: Angel
Me: Sorry she sleeping right
Mr langa: Oh, I was just
checking in.The news and the
papers had a field day so I
wanted to know if she coping
okay.Now it my turn to be
Me: Sir, I know i violated
curfew and am sure you will
never trust me with your child
after reading the papers but
she holds a dear place in my
heart and ill never hurt her
Mr langa: Just make sure she is
home safely. He hung up and I
went to read the papers. Front
page we made front page.
" 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞???"
That what the headlines were.
It talked about my business
and how I wasn’t linked to any
woman for 6 years and than
the tragic death of my ex wife
and the bastard who is in a
wheelchair after I beat him up.
It talked about my court case
and how I got scot free with
just community service. Than
second page it showed a
picture of me in Ballito with
family and the big Jaguar
Tattoo I have and the small
paws. The put that picture
right next to Khanyisa open
back dress and her marking
showing how similar it was.
And expert even went on to
say one is of a male Jaguar and
hers is female. When did they
get this animal expert over
night? Seriously. I closed my
eyes as I was breathing to
calm down and than looked up
to find Khanyisa standing by
the door looking at me
I walked to him with just the
top he gave me to change into
last night as he quickly took
the papers and folded them
and he tried to smile but his
eyes were emerald and
Me: Good morning
Nkosinye: Morning, slept well.
He moved to meet me half way
and direct me to the balcony
where they was food. He
opened up a chair for me and I
sat there. I looked at him as he
dished up n placed things and
I just sat there waiting for him
to finish. When done I looked
at him as he avoided looking at
Yamkelani:Can you come
Me:What if he killed her?
Yamkelani:They is an
explanation, dont you always
tell me not to trust the papers.
Me:This is our daughter
Yamkelani:am aware
Me:his a murderer?
Yamkelani: and you are not?
She looked me dead in the eye
and that stopped me from
Yamkelani: Look, we all have a
past. We don’t judge. I never
judged you and I accepted you
just the way you are and all
those 24 people you killed.
Now give the boy a chance or
you lose your child. She
bounded to him for heaven
sake. I tried to separate him
from the previous guy and
look where that got us?
Me: He murdered his wife and
paralyzed the guy she cheated
Yamkelani: He had his reasons
now relax and stop blowing
the child phone.i walked out
leaving her standing there.
Me: Its either you not a
morning person or the paper
damped your mood. Which is
it? I looked at him as he ate as
if He wont answer my
Nkosinye: The paper
Me: Dad says never believe
what they write, they have to
twist things so we buy.
Nkosinye: your father is wise
but unfortunately this time
around they didnt twist
anything. I looked at him
waiting for him to explain
My mouth went dry and I
licked it a few times and
looked at khanyisa who was
looking at me.
Me: remember I told you
about my ex wife? She nodded
“ well I killed her” i looked at
her and she looked at me her
eyes gold in color
I think I didn’t hear properly
did he say he killed his ex wife?
I looked at him trying to see or
picture what his saying but for
the life of me I couldn’t. It just
didn’t make any sense.
How?why? Where? All these
questions came racing in my
head and I took a sip of strong
coffee and sat there looking at
a man that capable of

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Insert 26:
I looked at him for awhile as
my brains was trying to
process everything and I saw
his eyes flicker as I was staring
at him.
Me: can I see the paper? He
nodded while getting up and
going to fetch it and he gave it
to me. He sat down looking at
me as I read the newspaper
I looked at her with my heart
beating so fast as she read the
paper without any emotions
showing on her face. Her eyes
as clear as the sun and that
made me panic more but I sat
down waiting for her to finish
I walked back to find my
husband sitting by the lounge
having some tea.
Me: Am sorry
Yanga: You are right who was I
to judge when Iv killed so
Me: You have to trust
Khanyisa, Don’t do the same
mistake that I did and look
now we have another beast
that we dealing with.
Yanga: Am sorry for all this. He
threw his hands up in the air.
Me: I love you so much that
sometimes its hurts just
thinking about all the years iv
missed to have watch you
grow into this amazing soul
that you are. You are a great
husband but mostly a fantastic
father. Now don’t ever doubt
that you mean the world to
use. I kissed his forehead as I
tried to distract him. My mind
was also doing its over
thinking wondering if my
daughter is safe and trying my
best to keep calm. One of us
had to remain sane.
I looked at the pictures I really
looked amazing not to
mention the markings on my
back. I knew what they were
from my first experience with
Thular. I read the story twice
and looked up and saw him
sitting there like a statue.
Me: Any of what in the paper
Nkosinye: Yes
Me: which parts are true?
Nkosinye: I was married to my
high school girlfriend. My
father asked a million times if
she had the marks and my
answer was always no and he
always told me it will end in
tears but I never listened. I
was young and in love and
naive. So one day I had a
meeting in CapeTown and it
was short making it possible
for me to come back a day
sooner than I expected. I
wanted to surprise her so I
hoped on the plane and got
back home. Here I was withe
flowers in my hands walking
home at 9pm to find a car I
don’t know on my drive. I
figured she asked one of her
friends to come over. So I
slowly got in and was greeted
by a sight that made me see
red. She was on top of our
kitchen counter bend over and
the guy was having his way
with my wife that I loved and
adored. I cannot explain what
happened or how I got there
but all I remember is my heart
pumping so hard and tasting
blood in my mouth. I was in
hospital for two weeks un
responsive and was told she
was dead and the guy was
fighting for his life. What later
followed was court case where
I admitted to all the charges
brought to me even though I
cannot remember half of what
happened. Years went by
where I blamed myself for it
but eventually stopped when I
saw guy and he apologized
and forgave me. I looked at
him and somehow I felt his
pain and confusion.
Me: where you ever going to
tell me this?
Nkosinye: Eventually yes. I
don’t even know what
happening between yet am
attracted to you and want you
constantly by my side. I think
about you all the time and all I
want is to hear your voice and
see the one dimple when you
smile. I got up from the table
and walked to the bedroom
and undress from his top and
turned around and looked at
the markings on my back on
the mirror. He walked in while
I was completely naked and
looked at the mirror. Our eyes
connected and he slowly
walked to me.
Nkosinye: Its looks better on
you than on me. He took off
the shirt and turned around
exposing a similar marking
only difference were the
markings at the bottom. I
walked to him not minding
that am completely naked and
traced my hands on his
markings on his back. We
stood like that for what felt
like hours as I admired it.
Me: what does this mean?
Nkosinye: they are so many
speculation one of them
meaning we are bounded as
Me: I see. I turned around not
knowing how to feel or react
about that and walked to the
top i was wearing and picked
it up.
I walked up from behind her
as she picked up her top and
held her in my arms as I kissed
the back of her neck. She
looked at me in the mirror as
her eyes turned darker. That
was invitation enough for me
to continue. I turned her
around and hitch her as I
walked with her to the bed
kissing her anywhere and
everywhere that my lips could.
All I wanted was to feel her
under me and to make her
mine in body as well. I trailed
kisses for her going from her
neck right into her navel. Just
as I was about to go down on
her they was a disturbing
knock on the door. I looked up
and saw she needed me more
than I needed her.
Khanyisa: ignore it... she
whispered and as I kissed her
again the knock persisted and
i smiled at her as she groaned
in frustration.
Nkosinye: Don’t move. I took a
towel and wrapped it around
my waist as I went to attend
the door....
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I walked to the door and there
stood an old man with white
hair and he looked angry
beyond words
Me: Can I help you?.. he
pushed right through me and
shouted for khanyisa. He
called for her a couple of times
and she walked out in a gown
and looked shocked.
Khanyisa: Babu zulu? He
jumped on her and slapped
I felt the hot clap on my cheek
and felt tears running down
my cheeks. Nkosinye jumped
on on him and punched him to
the floor and he was already
breathing hard.
King Zulu: You little slut. He
spat the blood out of his
mouth as he struggled to get
up and looked at me with so
much hate.
Nkosinye: Ill ask you to leave
now cause you really making
me angry with the slapping
and name calling. King Zulu
laughed so loud.
King Zulu: This is what you
killed my grandson for? A
murder? Thulasilibone died
because you lusted on a man
who couldn’t even keep his
wife happy had another man
do it for him. Nkosinye just
stood there and looked at him
with his eyes turning so green
and the kings went blue. Last
thing I needed was a white
lion and a Jaguar in one room.
I moved closer to Nkosinye
and touched him and he
looked at me as I willed him to
stay calm which made King
Zulu react more.
King Zulu: Wow, just wow. To
think I thought you were good
for my blood but look at you
already half naked and ready
to sleep with a murderer. You
killed my grandson and you
two deserve each other. I hope
you rot in hell. He moved
closer to me as his eyes turned
royal blue.
I drove the car faster as I had
this feeling of being uneasy
with khulekani right beside
me. Iv called 6 times and her
phone just rings and that so
unlike her.
I stood there frozen as my
white gown was soaked in
blood head to toe. I looked at
the dead king on the floor and
looked at Nkosinye in his full
animal form looking at my
with his nuzzle full of blood
and his K-9 dripping. I couldn’t
believe what has just
happened. He transformed
back to normal and started
vomiting. I stood there
watching him frozen not sure
what to do or say. When he
was done he called someone
by Luko than the driver came.
They moved like professional
cleaners as they cleaned as I
stood there not moving only
blinking and letting it all sink
Luko: boss is she okay.
Nkosinye: going to be fine. I
watched them mumble a few
things to each other and luko
left with the kids body in a
suitcase. They put a whole
human being in a suitcase and
I stood there watching. I didn’t
fear that he will kill me. I
wasn’t afraid i guess my mind
needed time to adjust to all of
I was panicking like a leaf but I
couldn’t show her that. When
we were down cleaning. I went
and opened up a shower and
carried Khanyisa and she
never protested nor screamed.
I scrubbed her head to toe
without saying anything and
she never not once said a word
to me. That was more scary
than what iv just done. Yes I
could have called the cops and
had it as self defense which it
was but I couldn’t tarnish her
name like that. I knew what
the press did to me and I lived
it. I really don’t want her to go
through all of that. The king
grabbed her strangling her
and I reacted the only way that
I could. I really tried to reason
with him but he turned
attacking us both and I had to
protect her and that means
killing the killing. Yes I didn’t
plan too but it happened so
fast. I wish she didn’t had to
see it or live it but she did.
Now here she is in my arms
snuggling like a terrified child.
I rocked her to sleep but I
knew her mind was racing
with so many things and I let
her be.
I was now in the arms of a
murderer. Somehow that
didn’t terrify me and that
terrified me more than
anything. He protected me
from what the king was about
to do. Yes he strangled me but
was dying the only resolution
to him letting go off me. Why
didn’t he call the police and let
us explain everything surely
they would have seen my
marks and seen we telling the
truth. Now I feel like an
accomplice to murder. The
king said I killed Thular. How
did I kill him when I wasn’t
even near him, how can he
blame for something that was
way before me? What have I
done to have such a life and to
be surrounded by such people?
When am I going to be happy
like my mother, live my life
and accept things? When will I
be loved and appreciated by
just being me not because am
bonded to someone. I want a
connection far more stronger
than a curse. A connection by
faith snd love. A connection I
know that Am in it because I
want to not because I have too.
I dozed off with all these
thoughts in my mind and slept
with one hell of a headache
and I wasn’t about to ask for
anything from Nkosinye who
knows he might kill the
receptionist or pharmacist for
not having a simple pill.
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Khulekani: Yazi bafo
siyahamba ngoba unekeni
kodwa uzoyenza njani
mawufikha lapha ufike
kukhona into engeke
ikhujabulisr? (We travelling
because you are stubborn.
What happens if we get there
and you find something you
don’t like)
Me: I have no choice this is my
only daughter i have to protect
her at all counts. We drove and
got to the Jali kingdom and we
found the local royal healer at
they home. We walked in as
she welcomed us with warms
hands. I sat down as she
looked at me expectedly.
Traditional healer: iv been
waiting for you all morning
Me: you have?
Traditional healer: yes. Just
than they was a knock on the
door and she gave permission
and in walked the king of this
kingdom Mr Jali and his
brother. He was also shocked
to find me here.
Traditional healer: Good you
are both here....
Iv been trying to call Yanga for
the past hour and he hasn’t
been picking up and that is
getting on my nerves. I sent
him a long ass text:
𝐈 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞???
𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐈𝐯 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝, 𝐧𝐨 𝐢𝐯
𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐛𝐞,
𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐆𝐨𝐝. 𝐈
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝
𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞
𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝. 𝐢𝐯 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬
𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝!!! 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚
𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞
𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐟
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐛 𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝
𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫
𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛l𝐞𝐦
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐨𝐭
𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬!!!!!!!
I threw the phone by the
couch and Baba walked in as I
was pacing up and down.
Baba: Where my son
Me: beats me baba, yazi
uyanga( your son...)
Baba: calm down an sure all is
well where he is
Me: I just have a bad feeling
usually when he leaves me
hanging like this he ends up
doing a bigger mess than the
one we were in , in the first
place. He never listens. I
always ask him to talk to me
before he runs. I threw myself
on the couch in frustration as
baba poured tea and handed a
cup to me smiling as if he
knows something that I don’t.
I woke up starving and I went
and gaggle my mouth and
walked out to the lounge and
found food there. I smiled as I
sat and ate like iv never eaten
before. I looked up after I felt
much fuller to see Nkosinye
looking at me in amazement. I
got all shy and drank up juice.
We ate in silence than when
done i looked at him for awhile
than looked down.
Nkosinye: go ahead ask?
Me: what did you do to the
body? That just came out of
my mouth. He looked at me for
awhile than looked away
wiping his mouth with a
Nkosinye: You do know that at
some point one day this will
come back to me or you. Luko
tells me there were reporters
booked here and waiting to
see us leave together and get a
story and they also saw the
angry king walk to here after
demanding at the front desk
for us.
Me: I never thought of that,
why couldn’t we call the cops
and explain ourselves.
Nkosinye: incase you forget i
changed, i ripped his had of his
body with my jaws and claws,
how on earth will you explain
the cops? Yes it will come back
to us but it will come back to
us lighter. Luko took the body
out to the bushes at the back it
will be like he went for a walk
to calm down after fighting us.
You will answer everything
honestly apart the question
“ do you know how he died”
which is No. i nodded and
tried my best to hide the
image from my head.
Nkosinye: Am sorry about this
all, this is not how I planned to
have my day from you.
Me: I know. It was a lovely
evening. He scratched his head
and took a brown envelope
and handed it over to me. I
looked at him with
questioning eyes.
Nkosinye: In there is a
contract and a marriage
certificate that require your
signature. While you were
sleeping Luko brought this.
This is just a precaution just
incase if the law finds
something amiss with our
story or the body shows more
evidence that might link me to
it or us. Ill ask you to read this
tonight and all the contents
and what hangs in the air if all
this unravels. If you trust me
and willing to travel this road
with me you will sign that. Yes
i know you had a bigger dream
of things working out the
other way and of things being
different than what it is right
now..... i opened up the
envelope and took out the
papers and that made him
stop. I got up and walked to
the coffee table took the pen
and came back with it and sat
down. Signed everywhere
where my signature was
required than put the papers
back in the envelope and
looked up at him as he looked
at me shocked.
Me: Now what next???.... He
stared at me speechless and
my heart was beating so fast.
Oh gosh did I just get married
like this? Am I crazy? Those
are the questions that burnt
within but my face told a
different story. Its showed
love, bravery and courage......

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Insert 29:
All of the sudden my mouth
felt dry as he took the
envelope and went to the door
and disappeared. I poured
myself some juice and than
wen to the bathroom to take a
cold shower to calm my nerves.
If ever my parents were to find
out about this ill be dead. I
stood there and took the
longest shower iv ever taken
in my life and than came out
when I was feeling a little
better. I wrapped a towel
around myself and walked out
to find Nkosinye in the room
sitting on the bed. He looked at
me with his light green eyes.
Nkosinye: Hi
Me:Hi. I walked in to the room
some more. He got up and
came closer to me and kissed
my forehead as I closed my
eyes and thinking to myself
not right now. Am so not in the
mood to be loved am
Nkosinye: I know this isn’t
what you have planned your
life to be like and how you
envisioned yourself getting
married. He searched his
pocket and took out a small
red box.
Nkosinye: This is a little
something to make the
marriage a little more realistic.
He opened the box and my
heart stopped, in the box was
the most beautiful ring iv ever
seen in my life. It was a pear
shaped diamond that looked
almost like the colour of my
eyes. I smiled at him as he took
it out of the box and put in my
finger. The weight of it made
everything seem realistic. Am
officially someone wife. He
smiled as he saw me smiling
and kissed my forehead 1
more time.
Nkosinye: I leave you to get
dress, am taking you out.
Me: I don’t have any clothes.
He walked to the closet and
took out a big Woolworths
Nkosinye: am sure you can
find something in there that
you can wear. He kissed my
forehead again and walked to
the lounge and i looked at my
ring again with a deep smile
and got dressed humming my
mom fav song.
I sat there shocked at what the
traditional healer just revealed
to us. King Jali and I looked at
each other and were both
silent. The room was so tense
a knife could cut through it.
She came out a pair of black
jeans and top and white
sneakers and she looked
amazing. She did her hair in an
up do kind of a style. She did a
mini twirl making me smile
and giving my heart a kind of a
Me: you look good
Khanyisa: Thank you. We
walked out of our suite and
went to the car. I drove us first
to paradise valley where we
took a walk and hike than had
ice cream as we enjoyed each
other company.
Me: Can I have a bite of your
ice cream. She stopped and
handed me her chocolate
cookies ice cream and I had a
few bites and when she tried
to take it back I ran and she
followed laughing.
We were now sitting at Tashas
having dinner and I must add i
had a lovely day amongst the
horrific start of it. We were
enjoying each other company
and talking about random
things while laughing and a
old couple walked by and
stood by our table.
Old lady: Don’t you let go of
her. She smiles kindly at
Nkosinye: I won’t. She walked
away. I looked at him smiling
than continued with my food.
Nkosinye: Will it be too much
to ask you to spend one more
night with me?
Me: ill have to call home and
let them know. I kept quiet for
awhile thinking of home and I
have no idea where my phone
is. Am pretty sure dad is
throwing fits. I looked up at
him as he handed me his
Nkosinye: call home just to let
them know you are good. I
smiled at him as i dialled dad
number thinking how
thoughtful he is.
My call phone rang as I just got
home from the long journey
that had made me weak. I
looked at the screen and saw it
the Jali Boy.
Me: Yes?
Khanyisa: Its me dad am
checking in. Her voice made
me smile. I really love my
daughter with all my heart.
Me: Iv tried calling to no avail.
Khanyisa: my phone was on
vibrate and I have no idea
where it is
Me: I see, you not home yet
Khanyisa: I know dad and am
Me: I know you a big girl and I
know that sometimes your
mom and I can be over bearing
at times and lately life hasn’t
been steady. Am sure your
head is spinning with all the
supernatural stuff and you
want some sort of normality.
What am trying to say Angel is
be careful okay. Never forget
the good that your mother
have thought you and never
forget that I love you always.
Khanyisa: Dad are you okay?
Me: Am fine, I just want you to
always know that I love you
and that you are my
everything. I wiped the tear
that escaped from my eye.
Khanyisa: I love you too dad
and always will.
I hang up feeling a little bit
odd and have an urge that my
father wasn’t well or wasn’t
himself. But I brushed it off
and handed Nkosinye his
I walked out to find my
husband looking defeated and
he quickly wiped a tear from
his face the minute he saw me
and faked a smile. I panicked
as I walked to him and hugged
him. He cried out loud and that
made me panic some more as I
let him let it out. I looked
behind him to Khulekani and
he shrugged his shoulders in
not knowing what got into
Old king langa
I looked at my wife picture
smiling on the day i married
her and I kissed it and got into
bed holding it like how I
usually do every night.
“Soon my love ill be with you
in heaven” i smiled as I dozed
off to sleep with nothing but
the loving thoughts of my wife.
I walked into the bedroom to
find Yanga already in bed. I got
in and he kissed me so
hungrily. I pushed him back a
bit and looked at him
searching for answers.
Me: are you okay?
Yanga: Am fine, i love you You
Yamkelani Siwa langa. You
have been nothing but a friend,
advisor and mostly the best
wife that any man can ever ask
Me: I love you too, You are
scaring me.
Yanga: All I want to do tonight
is to make love to you. He
moved in closer and I let him
have his way with me blowing
my mind out of this world and
making my limbs turn into
After dinner we went to game
world at Sun Coast City and
played gamed until midnight.
Than went to the casino and
played a bit. Iv never laughed
so much in my life. At around 2
am we went back to the Sibaya
lodge and got into our suite
and I took a shower right after
he took his. I wore one of his
tops and got into bed. We
snuggled with my heart so full
and content.
Me: Thanks for today.It was
Nkosinye: Its was my pleasure.
I snuggled closer to him as he
shifted to allow me to be half
on top of him. We stayed like
that for a while until he lifted
my chin and looked at me right
in my eyes.
Nkosinye: Ill try my best to
make you not regret the
decision of being my wife. I
smiled as a tear escaped my
eye and he kissed me. Kissed
me with so much passion
making me forget what was
making me even cry. He
removed my clothes and his
and got on top of me. Touching
me everywhere making me
Me: uhm am a virgin. He
stopped for awhile than
looked right into my eyes.
Nkosinye: Do you want to stop?
I shook my head No and he
nodded kissing me further.
Whole night he made love to
me making me scream and
moan and lose my mind as if
am going crazy. I woke up to
him kissing me again and i
giggled as he nibbled my ear. I
really had no energy as he
slowly lifted my leg and
inserted himself in. He moves
slower making me lose my
mind. Next thing he flipped me
up down and my big ass was
flying in the air as he pounded
on me until we both collapsed
trying to catch our breath.
I woke up and Yanga was still
asleep. I don’t blame him after
the work out he gave me. I
went to the shower Humming
and went downstairs to help
prep for breakfast while
everyone came down And they
still wasn’t any sight of him. I
got up after asking to be
excused and went back to our
room and found Yanga still
sleeping. I touched him and he
was cold. I felt my heart race
as I screamed. Khulekani came
running in and found me
shaking and screaming. He
went and touched Yanga
trying to find a pulse and a
tear rolled down his eyes and I
felt my heart bang against my
ribs as it slowly stopped
beating and I went down with
the image of my husband
peacefully sleeping...
Daliy new African novel
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I woke up to a bunch of white
roses and a smell of coffee
next to me. I sat up and
drank the coffee while smiling
and hearing the shower. I got
up and looked for my clutch
bag and found my phone and
took it out to charge while i
enjoyed my coffee and relaxed
enjoying this feeling of
I stood by the lounge as the
ambulance carries the bodies
one by one from the house. My
heart was shattered by the
lose of the king, his wife who
has been a friend and the old
man. The doctor came to me
looking all glum.
Doctor: are you they next of
Me: Yes, they daughter is out.
Doctor: Am sorry for your loss
Me: what killed them.
Doctor: for now I conclude it
heart failure on all of them but
what I noticed with Mrs Langa
it was shock and a heart attack.
I nodded. “ for more we will
need to do an autopsy, they
are documents that you need
to sign” i nodded again as he
left the house. I say there not
knowing if to call Khanyisa or
I drove into the Langa Royal
grounds and saw that they
were to many cars on the drive
through. I quickly took a U-
turn and we sat there for a
Khanyisa: I don’t want this
feeling to end.
Me: ill come see you in two
days time.
Khanyisa: Two days?
Me: Giving you time to bond
with your family before I send
my family over to pay the
Khanyisa: Really?
Me: We may be married but
that for us to know but we
need to do the traditional
rights also. I can’t have your
father hating me for stealing
you away and not doing it
Khanyisa: Thank you my mom
will be happy and am happy
Me: Anything for you My
queen. I leaned in and kissed
her cheek and she got out and
walked to the house and I
watched her use another
entrance than drove home. I
got home to finding cars
everywhere and figured they
hosting so i slipped through
the back to my room to find
my sister on my bed crying her
eyeballs out.
Me: Hey. She looked at me
with puffy eyes and jumped to
me crying louder and my door
opened and my mother stood
there with red eyes. I looked at
her confused as to why the
woman of this house are in
tears. Just than my uncle came
in and called me. I nodded as I
calmed my sister.
Me: whatever it is, you going
to be fine. Ill fix it. She cried
louder and my mom took her
and walked out. I went to the
study and looked around to
find all the royal elders apart
my father standing there.
Me: what happening?
Uncle: Son take a seat. I sat
down as he kneeled in front of
me and looked at me like how
he looked at me the day I lost
my Bike.
Uncle: They have been a
tragedy. Your father is no
more. I felt my ears ring at the
words and looked at the whole
room and everyone looked
away. I felt my eyes burn with
tears and I ran out of the room
as I couldn’t breath anymore. I
don’t know when I changed
but I saw my self running as
a Jaguar into the woods and
not looking back.
After bathing and changing I
walked down to the lounge
and found the royal council
there by the table with
malume khulekani but my
parents where not there. I
greeted and they mumbled a
greeting as I walked passed. I
was standing by the kitchen
when malume Khulekani came
Me: Malume is dad around? He
looked down shifting his
weight about. I looked at him
as this is the first time iv seen
him out of words.
Malume K: uhm come sit sisi. I
sat down and looked at him as
he stood there and I took my
time studying him. His eyes
were red as if crying and he
looked his age.
Me: whats wrong? He looked
at me as his eyes got blurry
with tears and for the first
time in my life I felt cold and
weak and I knew something
Me: is it mama, baba? He
nodded. “ what about them?”
For the first time in my life I
saw a man cry and not be
ashamed and I knew what this
meant. Am officially an orphan
and that crushed me so hard. I
couldn’t breathe I ran out of
the house trying to breathe
and still I couldn’t. Its felt like
a brick load of bricks came
crashing down on me making
it impossible to breathe. I felt
myself get light headed and I
sat down focusing on
breathing and controlling my
breath’s. When I looked up the
clouds were forming and as
the clouds gathered I felt my
emotions roll out and I cried
like they was no tomorrow as
the rain came pouring down
on me making me wet within
seconds. I cried for the time
lost, i cried for the pain of
losing my two favourite people
but mostly I cried for my
grandfather who had to burry
two kids. Just as the thought of
my grandfather knocked on
me I ran into the house and
her room and didn’t find him
and when I turned I saw
malume Khulekani shaking his
head and that crushed me
more as I cried like a wounded

Daliy new African novel

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