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Class: XI SessionComputer Science (083)

Half Yearly Examination-2022-23
MaximumMarks:70 Time Allowed: 3
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. Section A have18 MCQ Questions. Attempt any 14 Questions carrying 01mark each.
3. Section B has 08 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
4. Section C has 04 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
5. Section D has 02 Long Answer type questions carrying 04 marks each.
6. Section E has 04 questions carrying 05 marks each.

1. MS-Office is a- 1
(a) Operating Software (b) Utility program
(c) Programming language (d) Application Software
2. What is the ASCII equivalent decimal no. for ‘Y’ ? 1
(a) 87 (b)88 (c) 89 (d)90
3. A gate gives the output as 1 only if the input signal is 0. 1
(a) NOR (b) OR
(c) NOT (d) XOR
4. Given A=“[22,4.88,”India”, “T”]” the datatype of A is:- 1
(a) List (b) String (c) Collection (d) Set
5. What shape represents a decision in a flow chart? 1
(a) Oval (b) Diamond (c) Rectangle (d) Arrow

6. What will be the output of above Python code? 1

(a) 1 (b) 6/4 (c) 1.5 (d) abc
7. What is datatype of L if L=[1,’Python’,2.5] 1
(a) List (b) String
(c) mixed (d) char & integer
8. Which of the following is an invalid statement? 1
(a) a,b,c=1000 (b) a,b,c=100020003000
(c) a,b,c=1000,2000,3000 (d)a_b_c=1000
9. Which type of value is returned by the input() function. 1
(a) Integer (b) float
(c) string (d) no value
10. Components that provide internal storage to the CPU is : 1
(a) Register (b) Program counter
(c) Controllers (d) internal chips

11. What will be the output of the following Python Code? 1
tp1=tp * 2
(a) 0 (b) 2
(c) 1 (d) error
12. day_name= ['Mon', 'Tues', 'Wednes', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday'] 1
What will be the result?
(a) Sunday (b)Saturday

(c)Error (d) Mon

13. It is a ____________ Logical Gate 1

(a) XOR (b) NAND

(c) AND (d) OR
14. What is output of following code segment- 1
(a) 1 (b) -3 (c) 0 (d) None of above

15. What is the output of the expression , 5*1**5 1

(a) 125 (b) 25
(c) 5 (d) 1
16. Whichof the following is an invalid identifier? 1
(a) my_file (b) myfile13
(c) My.File (d) Myfile
17. Which of the following will give "Simon" as output? 1
If str1="Hari,Simon,Vinod"
(a) print(str1[-7:-12]) (b) print(str1[-11:-7])
(c) print(str1[-11:-6]) (d) print(str1[-7:-11])
18. Does Python supports Exit-Controlled Loop? 1
(a) Yes (b) No
(c) May be (d) Don’t Know

19. State the difference in keyword and identifier? 2

20. What is token ? Name various types of token. 2


What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a=72.55
>>> b=10
>>> c=int(a+b)
>>> c
a) 72.55 b) 72 c) 82 d) None of these

21. What will be the output of the following Python code? 2

x, y=4, 2
print(x, y)
a) 4, 2 b) Invalid syntax c) 2, 4 d) Nothing is printed
3, 3 3, 3
22. What is the result of this statement: 2
10>5 and 7>12 or not 18>3
a) 10 b) True c) False d) None

What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> 6 * 3 + 4 ** 2 // 5 - 8
a) 13 b) 14 c) Error d) None
23. What will be the output of the following code: 2
(a) print(range(6) (b) print(range(5,20,4)
(c) print(range(7,10) (d) print(range(12,1,-2)
24. What is data type of (1) 2
(a) tuple (b) integer
(c) List (d) Both tuple and integer
25. Define cache memory in short? 2
26. Convert the following number into their equivalent:
(a) (1234)8=?2 (b) (A4B)16=?10
27. State De Morgan’s laws / theorems and prove using truth table. 3
28. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). 3
30 = To
for K in range(0, To)
If K%4 == 0:
Print(K + 3)

29. Find the output of the following code: 3
>>> L=["These", "are", "a", ["few", "words"], "that", "we", "will", "use"]
>>> print (L[3:4])
>>> print (L[1:4:-1])
>>> print ("few" in L)
>>> print (L[0::2])
>>> print (L[4:])
>>> print (L)
Write a program to check number of ‘H’ present in a string:
the output will be displayed as:
Total number of ‘H’ is: 4
30. Write a program to input names of 5 employees and store them in a List. Now 3
enter nameof an employee and find if this employee is present in the List or

31. Write a python program to calculate factorial of a number. 4
32. What will be the output of the following code 4
i. Type[34]
ii. a, b=10,20
a, b= b, a+b
print[a, b]
33. Draw the circuit diagram for the following: 5
(i) (A’B+AB’)’. (A’B’)’ (3+2)
(ii) ((X’Y’Z)+(X’YZ’))’
34. (i) Write one example of mutable and immutable data type each? 5
(ii) Write a program in python to take input from user and check whether it is (2+3)
palindrome number or not?
35. Which string method is used to implement the following: 5

a. To count the number of characters in the string

b. To change the first character of the string in capital letter
c. To change lowercase to uppercase letter
d. To check whether the given character is letter or a number
e. To replace all the occurrences of the old string with the new string.
36. Explain the following : 5
(i) What is syntax error? Give one example. (1+2+2)
(ii) What is the difference between ‘=’ and ‘==’? Explain with the help of
an example.
(iii) What do you understand by precedence of operators? What is the
precedence of arithmetic operators?


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