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Example of Lewin’s Change Model : McDonald’s

In 2017, McDonald’s implemented Lewin’s change model to overhaul its business strategy and
operations. At the time, McDonald’s was struggling to keep up with changing consumer preferences
and was losing market share to competitors.

McDonald’s recognized the need for change and began by unfreezing its current business model. The
company’s leadership team communicated the need for change to the employees, explaining why
the traditional fast-food model was no longer effective and how the new changes would benefit the
company and its customers.

McDonald’s then began implementing changes to its business model and operations, such as
introducing all-day breakfast, creating more customizable options for its menu, and revamping its in-
store technology to improve efficiency and customer experience. These changes were based on
customer research and feedback and aimed at meeting customers’ evolving needs.

During this stage, McDonald’s faced some resistance from franchisees and employees who were
accustomed to the old ways of doing things. However, the company’s leadership team continued to
communicate the benefits of the changes and worked with franchisees and employees to ensure
they had the necessary resources and training to adapt to the new model.

McDonald’s fully implemented the changes and were then able to evaluate their success. The
necessary adjustments were made, and the new business model was solidified by incorporating it
into the company’s policies and culture. Employees who adapted to the changes were recognized
and rewarded, and the company constantly continues to monitor and assess the effectiveness of its
business model and operations to this day.

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