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soLeeszseise BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE. Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education MATHEMATICS. 0563/03 Papers (ctober!November 2012 2 hours 30 minutes Additional Materials: Answer paper Graph Papor (3 sheets) Electronic caleuator Mathematical tables (optional) Geometrical instruments READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST \Write your anewers onthe separate answor paper provided: ‘Start each question on a fresh side of the page. ‘ite your entre number, candidate number and name on each sheet of answer paper you use. ‘Answer all questions. ‘All working must be clearly shown. The working should be done on the same sheet as the rest ofthe answer Marks willbe given for working which shows that you know how to solve the problem even if you get the answer wrong. {A the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together using the string provided. Do not use staples, paper cps, highlighters, glue or corection fui. “The number of marks is given in brackets [at the end of each question or part question. “The total ofthe marks for his paper is 125. Electronic caloulators may be used Ifthe degree of accuracy is not specified inthe question and ifthe answer isnot exact the answer should be given to three significant figures. Answers in degrees should be given to one decimal place. Inany question where the value of Tis raquited, use the value from your calculator or take TT as 3.142. ‘This document consists of 10 printed pages and 2 blank pages. pec 02 [Turn over 2 Mathematical formulae for paper 3 ‘Surface area and volume of solids None ts Tot tas ae vote a wet bye 3 orn 1 eaves 2 1 soe an Sew 3 Tigonomaty sie seo tong Cosine Rule statis ot Ee tnd doveton 2 arenes YAH, ate oe, ovec 2012 oseoviont2 4 Tsaone and Warona contributed a total of P170 500 to buy a house. They further contributed a total of P24 500 to renovate the house. (a) Calculate their total contribution forthe house. io} {b) They later sold the house for P372 000. (i) Calculate the profit they made on the sale of the house. a (i ‘Tsaone and Warona shared the profit in the ratio 7:5. Calculate Warona’s share of the profit. 2 (iil) Warona deposited her share in a fixed savings account. The deposit ‘eams an interest of 6.8% per annum compounded annually, Calculate, to the nearest thebe, the total amount of money in the account after 5 years. BI 2 The first four terms of a sequence are 3, 4, 7 and 12 (a) Write down the Sth term of the sequence. fo) (b) Find the expression for the nth term of the sequence, a (c) What is the value of n for which the nth term is 103? re) 3 The diagram below shows positon vectors OA = 3a and OB = 4b, The rato of BC:CA = 3:1 8 4b Sa Express, in terms of a and/or b, @ 7 "i ) BB, 2 © 0 el epec 2012 seaeon12 [Turn over 4 4 Songs A and B are played to a group of students. IRtakes p minutes to play song A and q minutes to play song B. {2) Song Ais played 2 times whilst song B is played 5 times. Express, in terms of p and g, the total ime taken to play the songs. a (0) The total time taken to play the songs is 39 minutes. v Form an equation, in p and 4, to represent ths information. i) (€)__To~another group of students, song A is played 3 times and song Bis played, 4 times. The total time taken to play the songs is 37.5 minutes. .7~ Form an equation, in p and q, to represent this information. < i) (4) Solve the equations in (b) and (¢) simultaneously. oT (©) How long does it take to play song A? a 5 Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper. Using a scale of 1m to represent 1 unit on each axis, draw the x- and y-axes for -8Sx<8 and -8< y= 10. (2) Draw and label triangle A with vertices (~4, 5), (-2, 4) and (-2, 8). a (b) Reflect triangle A on the line y = x + 4 and label the image 6. 2 (c) Enlarge triangle A about centre (~3, 3) using scale factor 2 Label the image C. @ (4) Draw and label triangle D with vertices (3, 6), (2, 4) and (6, 4) Describe fully the single transformation that maps triangle A onto triangle D. 4) osec 2012 veanaon2 5 6 The diagram below shows a vertical pole CO supported by two wires AD and BD. The points A, B and C are on level ground. The angle of elevation of D from A is 32°. AB = 5.3m, BC = 4.2 m and the size of ABC= 81°. (a) Calculate w AC, (4) (il) the height ofthe pote, CO, el {il the angle of elevation of D from 8. a (b) A transformer is to be placed along the straight line AB. Calculate the shortest distance of the transformer from the pole. 2) Li encc202 osearsion2 [Turn over 6 7 Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper. ‘Motsamai buys x boxes of apples and y boxes of oranges. (a) Abox of apples costs Pad and a box of oranges costs P25. ‘Write down an expression, in terms of x and y, for the total cost of the boxes: of apples and the boxes of oranges. fo} {b) She has at most P400 to spend on the boxes of apples and the boxes of oranges. Form an inequaity, in terms of x and y, to represent ths information and show that it reduces to 8x+5y 5 80. re {e) The number of boxes of oranges is at least half the number of boxes of apples. ‘Write down an inequality, in terms of x and y, to represent this information. 1 (@) She buys at least 5 boxes of apples in all. ‘Write down an inequality, in terms of x andlor y, to represent this information. fo Using a scale of tem to represent 1 box of apples and 11cm to represent 1 box of oranges, show, by shading the unwanted regions, the set of points that satisfy the three inequalities in (b) (c) and (d).. a (8) Calculate the maximum number of boxes of apples that Motsamai can buy. fo 8 The edges of a polystyrene cube are of length 20 cm, correct to the nearest centimetre, (a) (0) Wrte down the upper bound of the length of an edge of the cube. 1) (ii) Calculate the maximum possible volume of the cube. 2 {b) The polystyrene has a mass of 264 g correct to the nearest gram. Calculate the minimum possible density of the polystyrene. fo execz012 oveuowon2 7 9 Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of graph paper. “The table below shows some values of x and the corresponding values of y, correct to one decimal place, for the equation x| 2] +1 | o | os | + | 15] 2 | 25] 3 y |-01 | -02 |-05 | -09 |-1.5 |-26 |-45 |-78 | 9 (a) Calculate the value of g, correct to one decimal place. ro} (b) Using a scale of 2cm to represent 1 unit on the x-axis and tom to represent 1 unit on the y-axis, draw the graph of 3 yoy for “2s x53. @ (6) Onthe same pair of axes draw the graph of, fo (d) Use your graph to solve the equation a ) a esecan saanvonu 2 [Turn over 10 The diagram below shows a trophy made from two similar blocks of solids. One block is ‘made of glass and the other is made of wood. The glass block has a base radius of 7.5 cm and a height of 21 cm. The wooden block has a base radius of 12.5 em and height h cm. (@) Calculate () the vertical height, h, of the wooden block, 2) (i) the height of the trophy. (2) (b) The volume of the glass block is 1787 cm?. Calculate the volume of the wooden block. 3 (©) The trophy is packaged into a parcel for posting. The box that is used for packaging is in the form of a square-based cuboid. The box i tall enough just to fit the height ofthe trophy. Its also wide enough just to fitthe largest ‘diameter ofthe trophy. When the trophy is packed into the box, itIeaves some space inside the box for cushioning. (Calculate the volume of space that is left for cushioning. fc The cost of posting a parcel is 13 thebe for every 5g. The mass of the parcel is 1.85 kg, Calculate the amount of money needed to post the parcel, 2 © pec 2012 osssiosiomt2 41 The table below shows the number of words in 32 sentences. ‘Number of words ‘Number of sentences 1-10 6 re 2 16-20 é 21-36 @ (2) Calcuiate an estimate of (i) the mean number of words per sentence, 8 (8) the standard deviation. @ (b) Without crawing a cumulative frequancy curve, calouate an estimate of () thetower quartic, a (i) the upper quarto, a (lil) the inter-quartile range of the number of words per sentence. a 42 The diagram below shows a pipe holder made of cast ion, ‘The shaded part shows a cross-section in which BC is a semi-circular arc ‘The length of the pipe holder is 240 cm, AB = CD =, AF = 60 cm and EF = 62cm. (a) Calculate (0) the radius ofthe semicircular ac, BC, a (il) the area ofthe cross-section, 8 (W) the volume ofthe iron used to make the pipe holder 2 (©) The whole pipe holier is to be covered with an antisust protective layer. Caleulate the foal area io be covered withthe ant-rust protective. oT & exec m2 oseanacon2 (Turn over 10 43. The table below shows the number of goals scored by a group of 30 players in a tournament. ‘Number of goals ‘Number of players 1 7 2 4 3 8 4 4 (a) One player is chosen at random from the group. What isthe probability that the player chosen scored 3 goals? i (8) Two players are chosen at random from the group. What is the probabilty that (both players scored 4 goals each, @ (i) one player scored 2 goals and the other scored 4 goals? 3 44 (@)_ Some vanadium has a mass of 8g and a volume of xm Write down an expression, in terms of x, fr the density ofthe vanadium. m (&) Some mercury has a mass of 189. its volume is 1 em mare than twice the volume of the vanadium. Express, in terms of x () the volume of the mercury, "1 (W) the density of the mercury " (6) The density of mercury is 0.1 gicm loss than the density of vanadium. Form an equation in xfor this information and show that i reduces to 2+ x-80= ) (€) Solve the equation 24? + x ~ 80 = 0, giving the answers correct to 2 decimal places. oy} (e) Calculate the volume ofthe mercury " ovccane essa0012

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