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What is Environmental Law?

Environmental laws are rules, regulations, and agreements that govern human interaction with
the environment, including the management of natural resources and environmental impact
assessments. They protect living creatures and their species from harm caused by human
actions and media habits.

PDs under envi law:

PD 1151

Presidential Decree No. 1151, known as the "Philippine Environmental Policy," was signed and
approved by then-President Ferdinand Marcos. The decree was issued on June 6, 1977, as part
of the efforts to establish a comprehensive policy framework for environmental protection and
sustainable development in the Philippines during that time.

Presidential Decree No. 1151, also known as the "Philippine Environmental Policy," was issued
on June 6, 1977, in the Philippines. It outlines the country's policy framework for environmental
protection and management. While PD 1151 is not specific to architecture, it provides a
foundation for the integration of environmental considerations into various sectors, including
architecture and urban planning.

- Purpose
● Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: The primary purpose of
PD 1151 is to establish a policy framework for the protection and management of
the environment in the Philippines. It aims to ensure the sustainable development
of the country by balancing economic growth with environmental conservation.

- Importance
● Promotion of Sustainable Practices: PD 1151 is crucial in promoting sustainable
practices in various sectors. It recognizes the interdependence of economic
development and environmental health, emphasizing the need to manage natural
resources responsibly.
● Guiding Decision-Making: The decree provides a basis for decision-making
processes in government agencies, local government units, and private entities
involved in activities that may affect the environment. It encourages informed and
environmentally conscious decision-making.
● Environmental Impact Assessment: PD 1151 underscores the importance of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in evaluating the potential
environmental impacts of projects. This ensures that development activities are
undertaken with consideration for their ecological consequences.
- Scope
● All Sectors and Activities: PD 1151 has a broad scope that encompasses all
sectors and activities that may have an impact on the environment. This includes,
but is not limited to, industrial, agricultural, infrastructure, and urban development
● Government and Private Initiatives: The scope of the decree extends to both
government and private initiatives. It establishes a comprehensive environmental
policy that applies to a wide range of endeavors, emphasizing the shared
responsibility for environmental protection.
- Application
● Government Agencies and Local Government Units: PD 1151 is applicable to all
government agencies and local government units involved in decision-making
processes related to development activities. It guides these entities in integrating
environmental considerations into their policies and programs.

● Private Entities: Private entities engaged in projects that may impact the
environment are also subject to the provisions of PD 1151. The decree
emphasizes the need for private proponents to undergo an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) and submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for
project approval.

● Educational Institutions: The application of PD 1151 extends to educational

institutions, encouraging them to incorporate environmental education into their
curricula. This fosters awareness and understanding of environmental issues
among the public.

PD 1152
Presidential Decree No. 1152, also known as the "Philippine Environmental Code," was signed
into law by then-President Ferdinand Marcos on June 6, 1977. PD 1152 serves as a
comprehensive legal framework that complements PD 1151 (Philippine Environmental Policy)
by providing specific guidelines and regulations for the protection and management of the
environment in the Philippines.

- Purpose
● Environmental Protection and Management: The primary purpose of PD 1152 is
to establish a comprehensive legal framework for the protection and
management of the environment in the Philippines. It aims to prevent and control
pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote sustainable development.
● Implementation of PD 1151: PD 1152 complements and operationalizes the
general environmental policy set forth in PD 1151 by providing specific
guidelines, standards, and regulations for various aspects of environmental

- Importance
● Pollution Control and Prevention: PD 1152 is crucial for controlling and
preventing pollution from various sources, including air, water, and land. It
establishes standards and regulations to ensure that industries and activities
minimize their environmental impact.
● Environmental Impact Assessment: The decree formalizes the Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) System, ensuring that proposed projects undergo a
thorough assessment of their potential environmental impacts before approval.
This promotes informed decision-making.
● Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: PD 1152 addresses the
protection and management of ecologically sensitive areas, contributing to
biodiversity conservation. It establishes mechanisms for declaring and managing
protected areas to safeguard unique ecosystems.

- Scope
● Comprehensive Coverage: The scope of PD 1152 is comprehensive, covering a
wide range of environmental issues. This includes pollution control and
abatement, solid waste management, protection of natural resources,
environmental impact assessment, and the establishment of protected areas.

● Various Sectors: The decree applies to both government and private entities
across different sectors, ensuring that all activities with potential environmental
impacts adhere to the established guidelines and standards.

- Application
● Government Agencies and Local Government Units: PD 1152 applies to
government agencies and local government units involved in decision-making
processes related to development activities. It guides them in enforcing
environmental regulations and implementing programs for environmental
● Private Entities: Private entities engaged in activities that may affect the
environment are subject to the provisions of PD 1152. This includes industries,
businesses, and project proponents who must comply with pollution control
measures, submit EIS, and adhere to environmental standards.
● Environmental Management Bureau (EMB): The Environmental Management
Bureau, established by PD 1152, plays a central role in implementing and
enforcing environmental regulations. It monitors compliance, conducts
environmental research, and coordinates with relevant stakeholders.
● Public and Educational Institutions: PD 1152 emphasizes the importance of
environmental education, and its application extends to public awareness
programs and educational institutions. It encourages the integration of
environmental education into school curricula.

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