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The Impact of Time Management towards the Academic Performance among G12 HUMSS

Students of Kauswagan National High School

Presented to

The Faculty of Kauswagan National High School

Senior High School

Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Practical Research 2

(Quantitative Research)

Ibanez, April
Lanada, Jhusmen
Padernal, Diadem
Tabigne, Daryl C.
Lonoy, Justine Dave D.
Bayantong Joe Anton Rey
Salas, John Rey
Chapter 1

The Impact of Time Management towards the Academic Performance among G12 HUMSS

Students of Kauswagan National High School

Time is a valuable resource for everyone to attain personal goals and objectives. It is so

delicate that it cannot be saved but can only be spent and once misused it can never be regained.

Time management is crucial to both, whether it's the management of an organization wanting to

improve operations or a person searching for better ways to use their time.

Time management is a limited resource that is important to everyone, especially students.

Time management is the most important task for students to carry out. Time is the main obstacle

of any student's ability to complete their schoolwork. Students who have good time management

abilities are those who aim to achieve their goals and get good grades. Furthermore, individuals'

performances and achievements may suffer if they do not assist themselves in practicing time


Effective time management is associated with greater academic performance and lower

levels of anxiety in students; however, many students find it hard to find a balance between their

studies and their day-to-day lives. Most students nowadays struggle with time management in

order to improve their study skills. They are struggling to discipline themselves on how to spend

their study time properly. They view themselves as successful in their studies and schoolwork,

but they fail to develop a practical strategy or establish a routine that will allow them to achieve

academic achievement.

Students must value time management because it enhances their efficiency, ensures

timely completion of assignments, reduces stress, and allows them to strike a balance between
academics, extracurricular activities, and personal life. Cultivating time management skills early

prepares students for the demands a adulthood and fosters a sense of responsibility, ultimately

leading to academic success and personal growth. According to Kaushar (2013), has an

important effect in students' academic performance. Time has an importance in our lives,

whether it is practical or educational. To accomplish tasks or goals in school, students must

balance and control their time, set priorities, and schedule tasks that must be completed on time.

Managing time can be difficult, but if it is just as expected, it can be said that it is effectively

managed. That the differences among individuals depend on how they approach making such

time management practices in how much students achieve during their school years having good

time management considered to have direct performance level of the student.

Students that practically challenge themselves to have good time management are

students who have a desire to succeed at a better level, which can lead to having the courage to

be more efficient. To be able to improve their academic performance, a student who utilizes time

management techniques can help students become more productive. And it helps to know what

must be done and what goals must be achieved in order to determine that it is effective.

Studying the impact of time management on academic performance benefits students by

improving their learning experiences, fostering personal development, providing educational

support, promoting a balanced lifestyle, preparing them for the future, and reducing stress, all of

which are essential aspects of a successful academic journey and future career.

Studying time management in the context of academic performance serves the purpose of

enhancing learning experiences, improving grades, reducing stress, promoting a balanced

lifestyle, preparing students for future challenges, and providing necessary support to ensure

their overall success in their educational journey.

The relationship between time management and academic performance is undeniably

vital. Efficient time management equips students with the tools needed to prioritize tasks, meet

deadlines, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy balance between academic commitments and

personal life. Through effective time management, students enhance their productivity, focus,

and discipline, leading to improved learning outcomes and overall academic success.

Furthermore, the impact of mastering time management skills extends far beyond the

classroom. It prepares students for the challenges of the future, both in higher education and the

professional world, where the ability to manage time effectively is a prized asset. Therefore,

investing in cultivating strong time management habits is not just an investment in academic

achievements; it is an investment in lifelong skills that foster success in all aspects of life. As

students develop these skills, they not only excel academically but also build a foundation for a

well-rounded, balanced, and successful future. Thus, the aim of this research is to study the time

management habits of Kauswagan National High School students and its impact on them.

Theoretical / Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored by the pickle Jar Theory developed by Jeremy Wright. The

theory states that activities and responsibilities of an individual should be balanced according to

the level of importance. Furthermore, this theory emphasizes that every person has many

priorities in life such us studies, workload, family responsibilities, leisure, sleep and rest by using

effective time management system it may help in enhancing work achievements and improve

academic performance.
The theory states that activities and responsibilities of an individual should be balanced

using an effective time management system. This theory is predicted on the fact that every

person has many priorities in life such as studies, workload, family responsibilities, leisure,

sleep, and rest. According to the theory, none of these activities is bad; the important thing is that

you can manage your time efficiently in order to enhance your academic performance.

Pickle Theory emphasizes the necessity of establishing priorities during school hours as it

relates to time management and academic achievement of the senior high school students at

Kauswagan National High School.

Figure 1 shows the visual representation of the study. Wherein the independent variables

are the students time management skills that includes the goal setting, planning, prioritizing, and

scheduling. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the academic performance of the


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Time Management Academic Performance

Figure 1. shows the schematic presentation of the potential relationship between independent and

dependent variables of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the impact on Time Management towards the Academic

Performance among G12 HUMSS Students of Kauswagan National High School.

Especially, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What factors greatly influence the time management of the Grade 12 HUMSS students:

1.1 Male

1.2 Female

2. What is the Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students:

2.1 Male

2.2 Female

3. It there any significant relationship between time management and academic performance

of Grade 12 HUMSS student of Kauswagan National High School?

Research hypothesis:

Problem 1 is hypothesis free, while problem 2&3 will be tested at a 0.5 level of

significance, when the hypothesis our stated in a null from, as follows:

HO1: There is no significant difference between male and female of Grade 12 HUMSS students

in their academic performance.

HO2: There is no significant relationship between time management and academic performance

of Grade 12 HUMSS students of Kauswagan National High School.

Significance of the Study

Time is a valuable resource that must be properly consumed and used in meaningful

ways. The following are the primary implications of this study:

To the students. Students will be able to develop and maintain new strategies for achieving their

desired grades even while participating in several extracurricular activities.

To the parents. Parents will enable their children to employ advantageous time management

strategies, fostering greater productivity both at home and in school. This will contribute to

parents’ increased awareness of the issue.

To the teachers. This will raise awareness among teachers, encouraging them to support their

students in managing their time effectively.

To future researchers. This could benefit future researchers working on a similar topic.

Additionally, it may enable them to expand the scope of their own studies, enhance this research,

and utilize it for their literature reviews.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on the impact of time management towards the academic
performance among G12 HUMSS student for S.Y 2023-2024 conducted during the 1st quarter
grading period in Kauswagan National High school located at Zone 1 Eagle St., Kauswagan,
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, 9000.

This study primarily focusses on how time management impacts students' academic
performance, as well as how they manage their time between the several tasks they have to do.

A total of 50 students from 2 sections of HUMSS students will be the respondents of the
study using selective sampling. Survey questionnaires and grades from the 1 st Quarter grading
period are considered as the data used in the gathered procedure.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were used operationally defined as follows:

Time Management. Time Management is an act or process of planning the time that
would be spent on an activity.

Academic Performance. Academic Performance is the outcome of education the extent

to which a student, teacher an institution has achieved their educational goals.

Absenteeism. Absenteeism is when a student either is or is not in school. It is also defined

as absence of non-attendance of a student scheduled class learning.

Skill. It is the ability on how they manage their time at the same time their academic
performance at school.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

This chapter provides the necessary information that strengthens the credibility of our
research study. The information presented in this chapter is taken from foreign literature, local
literature, foreign studies, local studies which gives additional information about the specific

Time management might actually affect their overall performance and accomplishments.
Students today frequently complain about their lack of time to fulfill all of the responsibilities
given to them. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the connection between students'
academic performance and time management.

Time Management
Time management is a set of practices that work together to help you get more value out
your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life (Adebayo, 2015). Mohamed, Hamal
& Mohamed (2018) stated that time management plays a vital role in improving student's
academic and achievements. Every student should have time management qualities which
include setting and priorities, using time management mechanism and being organized in using

Time management techniques point the way not only to excellent academic success but
also to good physical health and less stress. The present study's primary goal was educational.
(Faisal, Miqdadi, Abdulla & Mohammad, 2014) Competency, applying time management
approaches, test pressure, and test proficiency.

Time management is a collection of skills that you may use to maximize the use of your
time and enhance the quality of your life (Adebayo, 2015). According to Mohamed, Hamal, and
According to the literature, time management techniques are similar to the feeling of
having control over time and are related to an individual's awareness of and attitudes toward time
management. Therefore, time attitudes include the belief that one is in control of time, the belief
that one is effectively managing one’s time, and the belief that one is utilizing time productively
(Karim et al., 2015).

A study by Altheme and Almardeni (2014) sought to understand students' perspectives on

how to manage their time in terms of planning, organizing, directing, and censorship and its
impact on academic performance as well as the impact of personal characteristics. The
information was gathered using a sample of junior high school pupils. The study's findings
indicated that planning had a significant impact on academic success, which was supported by a
correlation coefficient.

Numerous studies have found a connection between time management and students'
academic achievement. For instance, effective time management is positively correlated with
improved academic performance. When demonstrating time management, several elements can
be taken into account. Planning (short- and long-range), time attitude, and other time
management factors were discovered by Nashrullah and Khan (2015) as independent variables
that were related to students' academic achievement. Findings demonstrated a substantial
correlation between students' academic progress and time management factors such short- and
long-term planning as well as time attitude.

According to a different study (Adebayo, 2015), the time management factors should also
consider independent variables including procrastination, prioritization, and students' academic
success. Further ramifications of the findings include that students should prioritize their work,
avoid putting off completing assignments or taking exams, and limit their socializing. Karim et
al. Al, (2015) also makes connections between time management issues and student attitudes and
behavior. According to their findings, a student's behavior and attitudes both affect how well they
succeed academically.
The time of students is a finite resource. Time can be managed well, much like other
finite resources. It is believed that performance levels directly correlate with having effective
time management skills. Students who believe they have good time management abilities are
typically more engaged and motivated to succeed, which leads to higher levels of performance
(Makaweba, 2016).

Students' academic success is significantly predicted by time management practices, time

attitudes, and time control. The standard method for evaluating student academic success is to
look at their GPA. The most recent study by Jalagat (2016), which also supports findings from
several other studies (Adebayo, 2015; Kaushar, 2013), highly recommends using GPA as a gauge
of student academic performance. The focus of this study is Adebayo's use of procrastination and
prioritization as independent variables for students' academic achievement.

According to Jalagat (2017), time management is crucial for a variety of reasons. Since
everyone uses time in their everyday activities, it follows that managing time is necessary to
finish the day with accomplishments since time cannot be stopped or stopped. According to
Sevari and Kandy (2011), effective time management is favorably correlated with improved
academic performance.

Planning (short- and long-range), time attitude, and other time management factors were
discovered by Nashurallah and Khan (2015) as independent variables that were related to
students' academic achievement. Another study suggests that independent variables including
prioritization, procrastination, sociability, and students' academic success are also included in the
time management variables (Adebayo, 2015).

Time management techniques' impact on students’ academic achievement These abilities

enable students to prioritize impending tasks and assignments and to prepare ahead. This is
crucial for keeping students on track, preventing procrastination, and eventually paving the way
for academic achievement. In a student's busy schedule, time management can be quite helpful.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter includes the research methodology used to carry out the study. In this part,
the research outlines the research design. Research sampling, research instrument and data
gathering procedure, ethical considerations, and the research process. This chapter serves as a
guide in developing the research objective to identify the impact of time management towards
academic performance.


The researchers used the descriptive correlational research method to investigate the
potential relationships among the variables.

Descriptive research involves gathering and analyzing data to understand the variables,
while correlation research aims to establish the presence and strength of connections between
two or more variables. This method essentially aims to describe and analyze the phenomenon
while assessing the relationships between the identified variables.

In this study the variables to be correlated were the relationship between time management
and the academic performance of Senior High Students, academic year 2023-2024.


This study was conducted at Kauswagan National High School located at Zone 1 Eagle
Street, Kauswagan Cagayan de or City, Province of Misamis Oriental, 9000, Philippines.
Kauswagan National High School is a public secondary educational institution located
at the municipality of

Kauswagan Cagayan de Oro. The institution was just recently established last 2011.


Figure 2.

Kauswagan National High School

Sampling Procedure

The study respondents were the Grade 12 HUMSS Senior High School learners of
Kauswagan National High School. Therefore, students from two (2) sections of HUMSS students
officially enrolled in the school year 2023-2024. This will be the respondents of the study using
selective sampling. The researcher used selective sampling since all the respondents were picked
by 25 students per section. A total of 50 respondents from 2 sections. Also, the researcher will
use quota sampling as non-probability sampling in selecting the respondents among the senior
high students of Kauswagan National High School. Through this type of sampling, the researcher
selected units from the population to create sample based on certain characteristics. In this
regard, the respondents from each class will be selected to answer the questionnaire. Their grade
average from first quarter will also be recorded for the purpose of identifying their academic

The following table shows the distribution of the participants of the study.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Grade Level No. of Students Percentage

Grade 12- Monet 25 50%
Grade 12-Vermeer 25 50%
Total 50 100%

The questionnaire was used as the main data gathering instrument. The instrument to be
prepared focused on answering the statement of the problem. The impact of time management on
Kauswagan National High School. The questionnaire contains fifteen (15) questions. The
questionnaires will be distributed to the respondent. The data gathering instrument was structured
as a scale ranging from 1-5. Where in the (1) is strongly disagree, (2) is disagree, (3) is neutral,
(4) is agree and the last one, (5) is strongly agree. This legend will help the researchers to
analysis the result of conducting data gathering.

Part 1. The Effect of Time Management.

The questionnaire will consist of 10 items. The items were rated using the five (5) point
scale as follows.

Scale Description Verbal Interpretation

1 Strongly Disagree Under no circumstances
2 Disagree Rarely
3 Neutral Often
4 Agree Most of the time
5 Strongly Agree Consistent
Part 2. Academic Performance.

The research used the documentary data that was provided by the teacher at the end of the
1st grading period. The student’s academic performance was based on a numerical value after
summing up the student’s learning outcomes.

Equivalent Numerical Value Verbal Interpretation Quantitative Description

90-100 Advance The students are advanced
with a rating of 90-100%
85-89 Proficient The students are proficient
with a rating of 85-89%
80-84 Approaching Proficient The students are approaching
proficient with a rating of 80-
75-79 Developing The students are developing
with a rating of 75-79%
0-75 Beginning The students are beginning
with a rating of 0-75%

Statistical Treatment

The statistical treatment in research studies on The Impact of Time Management towards
the Academic Performance among Grade 12 HUMSS Students of Kauswagan National High
School typically involve the use of statistical analysis to identify patterns, relationships, or
correlations between variables. Common statistical techniques include regression analysis,
correlation coefficients, and test retests. Researchers analyzed the data to determine whether
there is a significant relationship between effective time management and academic success,
thereby gaining insight into the potential impact of time management strategies on student
performance. The researcher preferred this design and statistical treatment as the best strategic
approach to gain an understanding of the study.

Scoring of Variables

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

Scale for Academic Performance (Based on DepEd Order No. 8 a 2015)

Grade Scale Description Remark

90-100 Outstanding Passed

85-89 Very Satisfactory Passed

80-84 Satisfactory Passed

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory Passed

Below 74 Did not meet Expectations Failed

Outstanding means learners perform excellently in school and have high academic performance.

Very satisfactory means learners perform well in dealing with the activities in schools.

Satisfactory means learners have moderate and satisfying performance and lacks a mastery in
some topics discussed.

Fairly Satisfactory means learners perform in school fairly but have some difficulty to
understand the discussion.
Did not meet Expectations means learners have a poor performance in dealing with the school
related activities.

Gathering Procedure

In collecting the data, the researchers asked permission from the school principal of
Kauswagan National High School where the study will be conducted. After the approval, the
researchers asked for permission from the advisers of two sections where the study will be

As soon as the permit was granted, the researchers made an agreement with the students
for the specific date and schedule in the distribution of questionnaires. The questionnaires were
distributed by the researchers. After the respondents have answered the questionnaire, the
researchers retrieved the data from the respondents.
Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the presentation of analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered
by the researchers. The research was conducted at Kauswagan National High School in Grade 12
students. However, only twenty-five (25) questionnaires per section were given, making it a total
of fifty (50) respondents.

The presentation of the data placed on the table is obtained by the percentage followed by
the sentence as an explanation.

Problem 1. What factors greatly influence the time management of the Grade 12 HUMSS

students between Male and female.

Table 1 Distribution of Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 20 40%
Female 30 60%
Total 50 100%

The research table 1 shows the number at and the percentage of the students who
respondents based on sex. It indicates that there are the same number of men and women who
respond to the questionnaire.
It is concluded that the number of men and women involved in the research is much
better to prove if there is any difference between the two sex perspectives. This will prove to the
majority of the studies that have gathered positive data and some of the conflicts in the study.

Table 1.1 Factors of time management skills of Senior High School in terms of gender.

Table 1.1. Breakdown of Time Management of Grade 12- Male HUMSS students

Indicators ALWAYS (5) OFTEN (4) SOMETIMES (3) SELDOM (2) NEVER (1)
Question1 5 10% 11 22% 11 22% 2 4% 1 2%
Question2 10 20% 7 14% 9 18% 4 8% 0
Question 3 6 12% 7 14% 13 26% 3 6% 1 2%
Question 4 18 36% 3 6% 11 22% 5 10% 3 6%
Question 5 11 22% 11 22% 6 12% 2 4% 0
Total 50 100% 39 100% 50 100% 16 32% 5 10%

The table 1.1 shows the frequency and percentage of the Male respondents on how they

management their time. In overall 20 male respondents revealed that the option “Always” has the

highest number of responses with 18 (36%) and the lowest number of responses is the option

“Never” is equal with 1 (2%) response.

However, there are still students that cant manages their time well, in the table show there

are some student responded “Never” that indicates that some of the male respondents wasn’t able

to priorities there school works. Although some can’t manage their time, there might be some

result such as not getting their assignments on time, and even some can’t use their time
effectively. This aims to show the result of which can manage their time well between Male and

Female with the total of 20 male and 30 females overall of 50 respondents.

Table 1.2. Breakdown of Time Management of Grade 12- Female HUMSS students

Indicators ALWAYS (5) OFTEN (4) SOMETIMES (3) SELDOM (2) NEVER (1)
Question1 13 26% 4 8% 3 6% 0 0
Question2 9 18% 5 10% 5 10% 0 1 2%
Question 3 6 12% 7 14% 5 10% 2 4% 0
Question 4 6 12% 7 14% 5 10% 2 4% 0
Question 5 7 14% 7 14% 4 8% 1 2% 1 2%
Total 41 82% 30 60% 22 44% 5 10% 2 4%

The table 1.2 shows the frequency and percentage of the Female respondents on how they

management their time. In overall 30 female respondents revealed that the option “Always” has

the highest number of responses with 13 (26%) and the lowest number of responses is the option

“Never” and “Seldom” equal with 1 (2%) response.

However, there are still students that cant manages their time well, in the table show there

are some student responded “Never” and “Seldom” that indicates that some of the female

respondents wasn’t able to priorities there school works. Although some can’t manage their time,

there might be some result such as not getting their assignments on time, and even some can’t
use their time effectively. This aims to show the result of which can manage their time well

between Male and Female with the total of 20 male and 30 females overall of 50 respondents.

Problem 2. What is the Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students Male and Female.

Table 2. Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS STUDENTS

Table 2. The respondents of Academic Performance of Male G12 HUMSS students in the 1st
Quarter period.

Academic Performance Frequency Percentage

Outstanding 18 36%

Very Satisfactory 10 20%

Satisfactory 2 4%

Fairly Satisfactory 0 0%

Did not meet Expectation 0 0%

Total 30 60%

Table 2. The grading scale used includes different ranges of numerical grades, along with the
corresponding descriptions and remarks. The majority of students in Grade 12 HUMSS male
students achieved passing grades for the first quarter. A significant number of students, 18 in
each grade, obtained outstanding grades. while 10 students in each achieved very satisfactory
grades, However, there are 2 students in each grade who received a satisfactory grade. Notably,
no students in either grade fell within the range of grades fairly expectations or did not meet
expectations. Overall, these findings indicate a generally positive performance by the students,
with the majority meeting or exceeding the expected standards. However, the small number of
students with satisfactory grades highlights the need for support and intervention to enhance their
academic performance.

Table 2.1 Academic Performance of Female G12 students in the 1st Quarter period.

Academic Performance Frequency Percentage

Outstanding 13 26%

Very Satisfactory 3 6%

Satisfactory 4 8%

Fairly Satisfactory 0 0%

Did not meet Expectation 0 0%

Total 20 40%

Table 2.1 The grading scale used includes different ranges of numerical grades, along with the
corresponding descriptions and remarks. The majority of students in Grade 12 HUMSS female
students achieved passing grades for the first quarter. A significant number of students, 13 in
each grade obtained outstanding grade, while 3 students in each achieved very satisfactory
grades, However, there are 4 students in each grade who received satisfactory grades. Notably,
no students in either grade fell within the range of grades fairly expectations or did not meet
expectations. Overall, these findings indicate a generally positive performance by the students,
with the majority meeting or exceeding the expected standards. However, the small number of
students with satisfactory grades highlights the need for support and intervention to enhance their
academic performance.


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