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By: Chong & Lee

Some people think history has little or nothing to
offer, while others say the study of the past helps
us understand the present.

Discuss both the viewpoints and give your opinion.

Every country has some conspicuous history
associated with itself.

Many experts opine that past history is less

important for the present generation.

However, I am in consummate disaccord with

the aforementioned notion and the following
expository paragraphs will expatiate both the
stances with lucid examples.
Firstly ,those who are in favour advocate that the past
events do not hold any importance for the present
scenarios as they have no possibility to reoccur.

In other words, they stress that present circumstances

should be given focussed attention to mitigate prevailing
problems with the latest technologies.

Whereas in past days, the resources were not widely

available, people were not proficient and the system was
not efficient to cater to any issue.

For example, earlier the wars between the countries used

to happen with manual weapons and there was no way to
showcase the strength of any country as the media was
not strong enough. As a result, the chances of getting
into a brawl with other countries were high.
Secondly, I assert that history has an inextricable
connection with the present. The knowledge of it can
guide people to surface any catastrophe with more
prudent efforts.

To elucidate, the various ways to handle any issue

prevailing in society lies within the past and folks can
get a fair idea to tackle them. Nevertheless, the older
generation had a solution for any kind of problem
associated with health or society.

As an illustration, these days many individuals suffer

from health problems, and now they are taking the
valuable solutions present in the treasure of history
such as yoga, Ayurveda to cure diseases.

Therefore, they can now maintain a healthy lifestyle

as their ancestors for their well being.
To conclude, from the above cogent points, I reckon
that past and present are interrelated and must be
kept in juxtaposition.

People can get prodigious benefits by maintaining a

link to the history and thereby, will be able to pass it
to the future generation.

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