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ee) Microsoft Office Questions Latest Microsoft Office MC@ Objective Questions CER ABR he lial Start Complete Exam Preparation aC a a eee ra Glens Practice fox} Mock Tests osc) Cree ee Jownload App xtc) Question 1: View this Question Online > In MS-Word 2010, which shortcut key is used to delete one character to the left side? 1. Shift + Delete 2. Ctrl + Delete 3. Ctrl + Backspace 4. Backspace 5. Delete a Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: Backspace coaching India’s Super Teachers for all govt. exams Under One Roof — Win over the concepts of and get a step ahead with the preparations for with Testbook. Microsoft Office Question 1 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Backspace. © Key Points + Both the Delete and Backspace keys are used to delete one character at a time in the text > To delete the word, press and hold the Delete key. + MS Word provides Ctrl + Delete shortcut to delete one word ata time to the right side. + To delete one character to the left side, click Backspace. Hence option 4 is correct. + To delete the whole word at a time to the left side, use Ctrl + Backspace shortcut key. + Shift + Delete is used to select the item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle ge Tee ane Recta) CRCec DRE ctr Start Complete Exam Preparation Ca feed ac as od resieacog Ex trery a i oo D> Download App : al Question 2: isthe top silage that CONTO!S all INTOFMatllon about the theme, tayOut, background, color, fonts, and positioning of all slides. 1. Main Templet 2. Beginning Slide 3. Slide Master ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: Slide Master Microsoft Office Question 2 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Slide Master. © Key Points + A slide master is the top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation. + This includes the background, colour, fonts, effects, placeholder sizes, and positioning. oom Take a tour Bring you presentations. » QuickStarter ECE aR enn Rare Rar et Start Complete Exam Pri a} ) Bally uve oe) DearS poset Jownload App ed ss Extra Question 3: View this Question Online > The error value corresponding to the Excel €xpression = 0/0 is: 1. #DIV/0! 2. #NULL! 3. Infinity #NAME? 5. Not Attempted Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: #DIV/0! Microsoft Office Question 3 Detailed Solution The correct answer is #DIV/O! @ Key Points + The error value corresponding to the Excel expression = 010 is #DIV/0! © The error occurs when Excel divides any number by an empty cell or zero value. * Instead of 0/0, even if we divide 5/0, the error will be the same. + To correct the error, any of the following can be done- + Make sure the divisor in the function or formula isn't zero or a blank cell. x » Change the cell reference in the formula to another cell that doesn't have a zero (0) blank value. ° Enter #N/A in the cell that’s referenced as the divisor in the formula, whic! ange the formula result to #N/A to indicate the divisor value isn’t available. * Important Points O + Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel 2010- x 2 Ctrl + A — Selects all contents of the w« 0S * Ctrl + B - Bold highlighted selection * Ctrl + 1 — Italicizes the highlighi © Ctrl + K — Inserts link > Ctrl + U - Underlines the hig lection. * Ctrl + 1 - Changes the format of selected cells. = Ctrl + 5 - Strikethrough the highlighted selection. © Ctrl + P— Brings up the print dialogue box to begin printing. ° Ctrl + Z — Undo the last action. » Ctrl + F3 — Opens Excel Name Manager. 2 Ctrl + F9 — Minimizes the current window. = Ctrl + F10 - Maximize the currently selected window. = Ctrl + F6 — Switches between open workbooks or windows. + The maximum limit in Excel 2010- = Open workbooks - Limited by available memory and system resources = Total number of characters that a cell can contain - 32,767 characters ° Total number of rows and columns ona worksheet - 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns * Column width - 255 characters > Row height - 409 points » Page breaks - 1,026 horizontal and vertical ° Maximum number of line feeds per cell - 253 © Colors in a workbook - 16 million colors (32-bit with full access to 24-bit color spectrum) as fre eer Pela me (CMe Climate l elec) RCC Soc if Elen oie Tac Dos colony resend Ex tier) Download App Question 4: View this Question Online > Microsoft Access is a 1. RDBMS 2. Network Database Model, 3. OODBMS. 5. Not Attempted Answer (Detailod Solution Bolow) Option 1: RDBMS Microsoft Office Question 4 Detailed Solution The correct answer is RDBMS © Key Points + A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a type of database Management system that stores data in a structured format, using rows and columns. This ofganization llows users to atcess, manage, and analyze data efficiently. « MICFOSOTE ACCESS IS an Example OF aN RUM. It is a Gatadase 1O0! that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphitaluser: interface and software- development tools. It provides a flexible set of too fariereating custom apps without needing to be a professional developer. to the straightforward table Sifultture used by the relational model. In a network model, data are represented as records, which are connected to one another through links. That is, a record in a network model can have multiple perent and child records. + OODEMS (Object-Oriented Database Management System): An OODEMS combines the abstraction power of objects with the query and performance capabilities of a traditional database system. Data are stored not just in a structured format but are grouped according to similar functionality and unique behaviors, encapsulating both data (attributes) and functions (methods) into a single unit called an object. + ORDEMS (Object-Relational Database Management System): An ORDBMS is a database management system with that is similar to a relational system, but with an object-oriented database model. It supports classes, objects, inheritance, and other object-oriented features, effectively bridging the gap between relational databases and object-oriented programming languages. + Network Database es organizes data in a more complex structure compared India’s #1 Learning Platform CRD rt Start Complete Exam Preparation alee oe Mock Tests MasterClasses oresieurd Exotic) Download App Question 5: View this Question Online > What is the minimum Zoom Percentage in MS-Word 2010 application? 1. 5% 10% . Not Attempted Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: 10% Microsoft Office Question 5 Detailed Solution The correct answer is 10%. © Key Points + MS Word allows you to zoom in er zo6m out of the document. By default, the document is displayed at 100% z: + You can magnify inl document and the maximum percentage of 500% and minimize the page to 10%. Hence option 4 is correct. + Zoom in or zoom out neither changes the font size of the text nor affects the print output it is just for viewing, &; Additional Information * To change the zoom, you can use the slider with + or - signs at the bottom of the page. + In the View tab, you can pick the zoom percentage or enter the custom zoom percentage. MCQ Objective Questions EERE Seen eer ecm cot Start Complete Exam Preparation iets oor od ce Download App Question 6 View this Question Online > Which of the following is the shortcut key to open a 'New Blank’ document in MS-Word? 1. CTRL +B 2. CTRL+N 3. CTRL+D ™” Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: CTRL + N Microsoft Office Question 6 Detailed Solution The correct answer is CTRL +N. © Key Points + Create a new document with Ctrl+N. ©: Additional information + Basic computer shortcut keys © Ctrl + M -- Indent the paragraph. * Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection. + Ctrl+D — Font options. + Alt + F--File menu options in the current program, + Alt + E--Edits options in the current program. + F4--Universal help (for any sort of program). 2 Ctrl + A--Selects all text. ° Ctrl + X--Cuts the selected items > + Ctrl + Del--Cut selecigg jt + Ctrl + C--Copy the item. + Ctrl + Ins-- Copy the sel item » Ctrl + V--Paste the selected item. > Shift + Ins -- Paste the selected item. + Home -- Takes the user to the beginning of the current line. + Ctrl + Home--Go to the beginning of the document. ¢ End -- Go to the end of the current line. © Ctrl + End -- Go to the end of a document. + Shift + Home -- Highlight from the current position to the beginning of the line. + Shift + End -- Highlight from the current position to the end of the line. © Ctrl + (Left arrow) -- Move one word to the left at a time. » Ctrl + (Right arrow) -- Move one word to the right at a time. rd CR ARR Rela) RCE et Start Complete Exam Preparation ipa ans Download App Question7 View this Question Online > Which function key displays the Print Preview window in Microsoft Office? 4, Alt + Ctrl + F2 2. Alt + F2 3. Shift + F2 4. Ctrl + F2 om Answer (Detailed Solution Bel Option 4: Ctrl + F2 Microsoft Office Question 7 Detailed Solution ~ correct answer is Ctrl + F2. + Ctrl + F2 function key displays the Print Preview window in Microsoft Office. © Key Points + Print Preview function lets users see the pages that are about to print and allows the users to see exactly how the pages will look when they are printed. + This feature allows you to see exactly how your pages will look when they are printed. * We can print directly from the Print Preview page by clicking on the print button or printericon Print © Additional Information Shortcut Function Ctrl + B toggle the Bold attribute Ictrl +1 ‘ogle the Italic attribute Ctrl + U oggle the Underline attribute ctrl + Q remove paragraph formatting lens c opy selected text to the lipboard leer = x ut selected text to the clipboard ICtrl + V ‘0 paste text from clipboard [Ctrl + Z 0 undo the last action Ctrl + ¥ to redo the last action Ctrl + Shift + = “ 7 ‘0 decrease font size one point |cen + Shift = : 7 0 increase font size one point [Ctrl + space _|to remove character formatting [Ctrl + End jgo to the end of the document India's #1 Learning Platform Ree eet cS ela mew cinta ie Laced) Gees FB) Prastice eens Px) psc correct) Download App ‘Question 8 View this Question Online > In MS - Excel, what is the shortcut key you can press to Select the entire row? 1. Ctrl + Shift + Space 2. Ctrl + Home 3. Ctrl + Space 4. Shift + Space Answer (Detailed Solution ‘oe’ G Option 4: Shift + =O ee 8 Detailed Solution ee ie + Short-cut key to Select entire row in M.S. Excel Worksheet is Shift + Space. A Key Points + This table lists the most frequently used shortcuts in Excel. TASK SHORTCUT KEY Close a workbook. ctrl lOpen a workbook. kctrl+o IGo to the Home tab. lait+H ISave a workbook. ctrl+s copy selection. kctrl+c paste selection ctrl lUndo recent action lctrl+z Remove cell contents. Delete choose a fill color. [alt+H, H {cut selection. lctrl+X IGo to the Insert tab. lalt+N Apply bold formatting. —_|ctri+B center align cell contents. Jalt+H, A, C IGo to the Page Layout tab. |Alt+P ~ |Go to the Data tab. [Alt+A, |Go to the View tab. JAlt+W IShift+F10 or lOpen the context menu. indows Menu key |Add borders. JAlt+H, B Delete column. JAIt+H, D, C |Go to the Formula tab. JAlt+M. IHide the selected rows. —|[Ctrl+9 IHide the selected columns. |Ctrl+0 & India’s #1 Learning Platform ORD cesta Start Complete Exam Preparation es bac eas MasterCl Ext Download App restetcog Question 9 View this Question Online > The ‘LEN’ function in MS-Excel belongs to which “ie categories? 1. Financial G oe" 3. Text XO Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: Text Microsoft Office Question 9 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Text. + The ‘LEN’ function in MS-Excel belongs to text. © Key Points + LEN function in excel is taken from the length and is used to count the number, ay there in a cell. QO + It considers special characters, spaces and alphabets and counts all these valu ere isa selected cell. + LEN function only counts the character length for only one c e + Example to use LEN function: mM . x fe | =tENIA2) ig Oo [ A Lm S Good Morning! saat @ Agamonal information + Financial functions in EXCEL are FV Function, PMT, XIRR in Excel, PMT Function, IRR Excel Function, RATE Function, NPV Function, etc. + Logical functions in EXCEL are AND Function, NOT, OR Excel Function, TRUE Function, IFERROR Excel Function, Excel XOR Function and Excel Lo + Math functions in EXCEL ere EVEN Excel Function, SUM Function, POWER Function, SUMIF and LOG Excel Function. Pie AR eT Belial JL RR Se eae Start Complete Exam Preparation Prue) bee ar Giees a prerer G ecre Download App Question 10 \View this Question Online > feature of MS Word helps to create alist in a document. 1. Word Art 2. Scalifig: A... and Numbering 4. Word Wrap Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: Bullets and Numbering Microsoft Office Question 10 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Bullets and Numbering, + Bullets and Numbering feature of MS Word help to create a list in a document. ie ae: aeeeesesee ass + Bullets and Numbering are used to create a list in documents in MS word. + To create a list in MS Word: * Select the text required to format as a list. ck on the Bullets or Numbering drop-down option on the Home tab + Select the bullet or numberina style required, and it will appear in the document Marketing: 3,010 tegal'st.090 B Addit f : + Word wrap is a word processing feature that automatically transfers a word that has no insufficient space from the end of one line of text to the beginning of the next. + Scaling in MS Word is another text effect to make the text larger or smaller. + WordArt is used to create decorative effects to the text styles Cea Reco CRC Ree eet Start Complete Exam Preparation a) eter) eco Col irrars Download App Question 11 }) View this Question Online > Which of the following function keys can be used to edit a cell of an MS-Excel worksheet? 2. FS 4. FA Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: F2 Microsoft Office Question 11 Detailed Solution An MS Excel worksheet contains rows 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns to storesthe text and numbers and merged into a single workbook knaws as a File. Workbooks are the Excel files that one can open and share, while Excel worksheets are individual spreadsheets within them. Function Key Shortcuts: + F2: Edit Cells + F4: Anchor Cells + F7: Spall Check + F41: Generates a bar graph from the values @htered * F12: Save As + SHIFT + F10: Right ( + SHIFT#F11: Insert a new worksheet + CTRL +F2: Switch to Print Preview + CTRL + F3: Name a Cell + CTRL#F9 Minimize the workbook window + CTRL #N :Create a new workbook + CTRL #W:Close a workbook + Windows Flag + D: Minimize Programs + ALT#N: Open the Insert tab + ALT#H: Go to the Home tab Ca India’s #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation Roca cotta ee (im) Brstee bee Dos capers resin’ Exotic) Download App ‘Question 12 ‘View this Question Online > Which of the following shortcuts is used to select a’Sentence in a paragraph in MS-Word? 1. Alt + click ona sentence to select it 2. Single-click on a sentence to select it 3. Ctrl + click on aiSenitence to select it 4 N le-click on a sentence to select it Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: Ctrl = click on @ sentence to select it Microsoft Office Question 12 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Ctrl + click on a sentence to select it. + Triple-click (Ctrl + click) on 2 sentence to select it is used to select a sentence in a paragraoh in MS Word. A take Points * Double click can only select a single word but Ctrl+Click oma statement can select complete statement. Hence option 3 is correct and 4 is incorrect. © Key Points Shortcut in MS word for selection: + To select the current won \le-click on it. + To select the current para triple-click on the paragraph. + To select a sentence and noti¥st a line, hold down [Ctrl] and click once in any place within the sentence. * To select a vertical block of text, click at the start of the block. Later, hold down the [Shift] key and click a second time at the opposite end of the block. This trick is used when only want to copy one column of a tabular list Approach (to find the difference in the shortcut) These can be easily understood if you do it practically on MS word as it has very minute differences which you need to see while performing and reading each point. & eee SEL ete Roem cotta Sela Mw CMe l el) fenton Download App Question 13 View this Question Online > In MS Word, “Ctrl + Home" is used to 1. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Document 2. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Line 3. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Paragraph 4. All of the above Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: Moves the cursor to the beginning of Document Microsoft Office Question 13 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document, © Key Points + Ctrl + Home is a shortcut key used in MS Word to move the cursor to the beginning of the document. B Addit ional Informa’ Shortcuts in MS Word pena document. {ctrl+O Krewe anew letrlan locument. [Save the document,{ctrl+S close the Ieee jaocument. ut the selected contentiothe — ttrl+x lipboard. copy the selected content tothe — {ctrl+C lipboard. Paste the contents trl+V. f the Clipboard. Kelect all document|. 1. content. Apply bold jormatting to the |Ctrl+B ext pply italic formatting to text. t+! lpply underline formatting to text. [tH +U PPecrease the font fui.) ize by 1 point. increase the font trl+] ize by 1 point. centre the text. [ctrl+e HAlign the text to the} left. [align the text to the| ight fctrl+R {cancel a command.|esc lUnde the previous faction. fez IRedo the previous bation, ifpossible CULY. it fc ee ee Puss the zoom Hialogue box to the value 3 ‘ ou want. Bplit the document urs aites Fiemove the sy [MteShift+C or Ctrl+Altes Split. Ca eee eer eee PS ela mean) (My Cima teh ecel) Daily Live rare ry Ci I Ce I Cr Download App ‘Question 14 View this Question Online > Which of the following displays both the name of the application and the name of the spreadsheet in MS-Excel? 1, Title bar 7 bar 3, Task bar 4. Menu bar Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1 : Title bar Microsoft Office Question 14 Detailed Solution The correct answer is the Title bar. © Key Points + Microsoft Excel consists of basic components like an Active cell, title bar Column headings, a Formula bar, a Name box, a mouse pointer, Row headings, Sheet tabs, a Taskbar, Tab scrolling buttons, and Toolbars. + The title bar displays both the name of the application and the name of the spreadsheet. © Additional Information + A toolbar is just a collection of icons that provides aishortetitto using @ drop-down menu. + A quick access toolbar shows the options that are frequently used. 2 The user can add favorite options by adding new options to the quick access toolbar. + The Menu Bar at the top of the screen gives atcess to different commands that are used for tasks such as opening and clos printing documents, formatting data, and other operations. 3D Line Column Wi Map lo Charts Tours Sparklines Eee Eee) Pela mee) (CM cies related) eC a a eee lice oe hes Dos ole Ciestea trig Download App 21 Question 15 View this Question Online > - In MS-Excel, is a collection of rows and COr- text and numbers. 1. Workbook ak 2. Worksheet NO Answer (Detailod Solution Bolow) Option 2: Worksheet Microsoft Office Question 15 Detailed Solution The correct answer is Worksheet » \mportant Points + An MS Excel worksheet contains 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns (by the text and numbers and merged them into a single workbook knows as 2 ooks are the Excel files that one can open and share, while Excel worksh re it ial spreadsheets within them. O © Key Points 10 e + Aworksheet is 2 collection of cells where y workbook can contain multiple works! + When you open an Excel workbo the worksheet appears ongigecheet anipulate the data. Each Excel tically selects Sheet for you. The name of bottom of the document window sey a THE: tes eo

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