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SATURDAY (8:00-11:00/11:00-2:00/2:00-5:00)

NAME : ___________________________________ SCORE : ___________________

COURSE/YEAR : ___________________________ DATE : ____________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: SELECT and WRITE the correct answer. Read carefully!!
1. This theory proceeds on the premise that human rights means sharing values of all
identified policies upon which human rights depends on.
a. Distribution of value approach
b. Human decision approach
c. Value-oriented approach
d. Human policies approach

2. Given are some of the theories of sources or rights except,

a. Theory based on equality
b. Historical theory
c. Positivist theory
d. None of the above

3. Articles of the Convention may be absolute, qualified or limited. Which of the following is
a. Article 6: Right to a fair trial.
b. Article 3: Prohibition against torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
c. Article 5: Right to liberty.
d. Article 8: Right to respect for private and family life.

4. Who has human rights?

a. Criminals
b. Dancers
d. A and B

5. This the the basis of human rights theory stemming from a law higher than the state. This
means that the divine source gives human beings a high value of worth.

a. Creed b. Doctrine c. Theism d. Theology

6. Which of the following describes 'human rights'?

a. The freedoms that all people should have
b. The freedoms that only rich people should have
c. The rights of animals that human should protect
d. The rights of adults only

7. The judges of the tribunal resorted to natural law when the Nazi army generals were
persecuted in the Nuremberg Tribunal for various offenses. As a defense, they put up a
defense of “nullum crimen sine lege” which means
a. there is a crime unless there is a pre-existing law condemning the act as crime.
b. there is no crime unless there is a pro-existing law condemning the act as crime.
c. there is no crime unless there is a pre-existing law condemning the act as crime.
c. none of the above
8. How many different articles are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
a. 50 b. 1948 c. 30 d. 100

9. A right is enjoyed only if it is

a. recognized and protected
b. protected only
c. recognized only
d. recognized or protected

10. What is the meaning of collective rights?

a) Collective rights belong to distinct groups of people
b) Collective rights are those that belong to particular groups as opposed to the
individual members of the group
c) Minority rights are collective rights
d) Collective rights entail a right of the group as such as well as individual rights of
the group's members

11. Marxist Theory is

a. concerned with economic and social rights over civil or political rights of
b. known as legal positivism states that all rights and authority come from the state
and what officials have promulgated.
c. developed through the consciousness of men
d.none of the above

12. The freedom of religion:

a. Cannot be denied to people on the ground that they belong to a minority religion.
b. Obliges nations to recognize and subsidize religions
c. Cannot be restricted in any way by a state
d. Do not have the rights to choose

13. Respect for the individual encompasses

a. Initiative, equality, and freedom
b. Initiative, equality, and trust
c. Initiative, religion, and rights
d. Initiative, religion, and trust

14. Freedom of expression:

a. May be restricted in order to protect against defamation
b. Cannot be restricted for reasons of public morality
c. Cannot be restricted to prevent religious intolerance
d. Must be absolutely restricted among “chismosas”

15. A theory that defines each person possesses inviolability founded on justice, and when
the liberties of equal citizenship are settled.
a. Bawl’s Theory
b. Brawl’s Theory
c. Rawls’ Theory
d. Rowls’s Theory
16. According to the right to education:
a. For primary school children no school fees may be charged, government must
b. It is the obligation of the state to strive to help as many students as possible
c. States have to give all students equal opportunities in education
d. Government must provide education among poor only

17. To maintain the self -respect and the dignity of the individual social primary goods (e.g.
liberation, opportunity, and income), general conception of justice is one of the fairness and
those social primary goods must be
a. distributed equally
b. counted equally
c. utilized equally
d. conceptualized equally

18.The right to life is violated if:

a. Someone dies by accident due to a police force preventing an attack on someone
else’s life
b. Someone dies due to an act of war, even if this was legal
c. Someone dies due to unnecessary force by the police
d. Someone dies due to love of passion

19. He is an English Jurist who believes that every human decision was motivated by some
calculation of pleasure and pain where under this doctrine, everyone is counted equally.
a. Mcdougal
b. Laswell
c. Rawls
d. Bentham

20. Which of the following best describe the concept of human rights?
a. Laws about rights contained in the Australian Constitution
b. The existence of UN peacekeeping forces around the world
c. Basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled
d. The rights to freedom of speech and religion

21. The United Nations (UN) defines discrimination as behaviour that includes any
distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on what?
a. race, colour, national or ethnic origin
b. sex, language, colour
c. race, colour, sex, language, religion, opinion, descent or national or ethnic origin
d. religion, race, sex

22. A person who leaves his or her country because of a well-founded fear of persecution
due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion or social group is legally called what?
a. an immigrant b. a refugee c. a disadvantaged person alien

23. Why does Aristotle said that man is a social animal?

a. because man can socialize and interact
b. because man can rationally think
c. because man is like a monkey
d. because man is made in the image of God
24. What is the key international statement of human rights today?
a. International Code of Human Rights
b. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
c. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948
d. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

25. When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights established?

a. 1928 b. 1938 c. 1948 d. 1958

26. Article 1 of the document ensuring human rights grants the right to _____.
a. Education b. Freedom c. Safety d. Equality

27. Human Rights are inherent that all persons are equally entitled to __________.
a. Discrimination b. With Distinctions c. Without Discrimination d. All of the Above

28. This definition of human rights means that human rights cannot be lost even by a long
passage of time.
a. Imprescriptable b. Imprescriptible c. Interdependent d. Independent

29. All Human beings upon birth are automatically belong to _____________.
a. Culture b. Society c. Community d. Environment

30. History has shown that as a man started to live, his inherent rights began to be violated
a. Alien b. Immigrant c. Fellowmen d. Relatives

31. As Human society became more developed, more men and women became deprived of
their full opportunity and suffered ___________.
a. Indignities b. Depression c. Discrimination d. Impression

32. Doctrines of major religious of the world that all men are created equal and free
individuals but men suffered from emotional _____________.
a. Depression b. Oppression c. Discretion d. Assassination

33. Once quotes by a religion believes: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your
a. Confucianism b. Buddhism c. Judaism d. Communism

34. The entire law of such religion teaches: “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would
find it hurtful”……
a. Christians b. Judaism c. Communism d. Buddhism

35. An old religion admonishes the principle which ought to be acted upon through outs
a. Islam b. Confucianism c. Buddhism d. Born Again
36. A passage of religion that encompasses the love and respect of humanity; “ Give to the
hungry some of your bread, and to the naked, some of your clothing”…..
a. Born Again b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Pentecostal

37. Human rights are as old as human society itself; it’s originally known as ___________.
a. Man of Rights b. Rights of Man c. Rights of Mankind d. Basic Man of Rights

38. This definition of human rights defines that human rights are not granted by any person
or authority.
a. Inherent b. Inalienable c. Universal d. Interdependent

39. This definition of human rights defines that human rights cannot be rightfully taken away
from a free individual.
a. Inherent b. Inalienable c. Universal d. Interdependent

40. This definition of human rights defines that human rights are not capable of being
a. Universal b. Inalienable c. Indivisible d. Interdependent

41. This definition of human rights defines that human rights encompasses all human beings
irrespective of their origin, status, or condition or place where they live.
a. Universal b. Inalienable c. Indivisible d. Interdependent

42. This defines the fulfillment of human rights or exercise of one cannot be had without the
realization of the other.
a. Universal b. Inalienable c. Indivisible d. Interdependent

43. What are Human Rights?

a. A way in which the government can monitor people
b. Concepts which Parliament aspire to as they create laws
c. Basic rights and freedoms accorded to all people
d. Basic rights and freedoms accorded to all who live in States

44. When did the Human Rights Act 1998 come into force?
a. 15th December 1998
b. 2nd October 2000
c. 1st January 1999
d. 20th October 1998

45. Which Article gives the right to a fair trial?

a. Article 11
b. Article 6
c. Article 5
d. Article 7

46.Which of the following are qualified rights?

a. Right to respect for private and family life, freedom to manifest your religion or belief,
freedom of expression, freedom of assembly
b. Right to life, right to liberty and security, right to respect for private and family life
c. Right to marry and start a family, no punishment without law, freedom to manifest your
religion or belief
d. Freedom from slavery and forced labour, freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading
treatment, right to a fair trial
47. Articles of the Convention may be absolute, qualified or limited. Which of the following is
a. Article 6: Right to a fair trial.
b. Article 3: Prohibition against torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
c. Article 5: Right to liberty.
d. Article 8: Right to respect for private and family life.

48. When was Magna Carta delivered by King John?

a. June 09, 1215 b. June 10, 1216 c. June 11, 1217 d. June 09, 1212

49. Central to the doctrines of all religions is the concept of ________.

a. dignity b. consequencesc. human rights c. choices

50. When did the Human Rights come into effect?

a. 1989 b. 1990 c. 1991 d. 1992

51. The right to freely move may be limited through the imposition of curfew hours.
a. non-derogable right
b. derogable rights
c. persona non grata
d. destierro

52. Suspended or restricted of social life is a circumstances to limit such person.

A. relative rights
B. absolute rights
C. extreme rights
D. unlimited rights

53. One of the requirements of valid imposition of restrictions; except:

A. made known to every citizen
B. there is a state of emergency
C. it exceeded what is necessary to achieve the purpose
D. preservationof the public safety and public moral

54. Rights that cannot be suspended nor taken away is known as _____________.
A. Non-derogable
B. Derogable
C. Temporary rights
D. Relative rights

55. Absolute are those rights that cannot be taken away; except:
A. Curfew hours
B. Deprived of arbitrarily
C. Right of freedom from torture
D. Right to be recognized as a person

56. The right of people to development or healthy environment covers:

A. Collective rights
B. Individual rights
C. Preservation rights
D. Restrictions
57. Rights that ensure the right to practice and enjoy custom, laws and traditions.
A. Social rights
B. Cultural rights
C. Economics rights
D. Humanity

58. The rights to practice religious beliefs is an expression of _________________.

A. Cultural rights
B. Civil rights
C. Political rights
D. Economic rights

59. The law which confers upon the people enable to achieve happiness and financial
A. Economics and social rights
B. Cultural rights
C. Civil rights
D. Political rights

60. The rights to own property and education considered to be _________________.

A. Social and economics achievement
B. Cultural achievement
C. Financial instability
D. All of the above

61. Economics and social rights includes; except:

A. The right to housing
B. Adequate standards living
C. The right to marry
D. The right to education

62. The right of every person or entity enable to participate in running the government.
A. Civil rights
B. Political rights
C. Social rights
D. Divine rights

63. The right of every citizens of the country to involve either directly or indirectly.
A. Divine rights
B. Civil rights
C. Political rights
D. Economic rights

64. The principle of law where rights by the people has been passed on by the legislative
A. Initiative rights
B. Divine rights
C. Political rights
D. Referendum

65. The right of the people to petition and proposed a law through signatures campaign.
A. Political rights
B. Popular votes
C. Initiative rights
D. Rallying rights
66. Which entity that has the legal obligation to protect and promote human rights?
A. State B. Human Rights C. Police D. Law

67. According to Article 1 of the United Nations, Police Officer is considered as__________?
A. Law Enforcement B. Law Enforcement Officials
B. Law Enforcement Agency D. Law Enforcement Unit

68. What is the degree of responsibility required by the Code of Conduct for Law
A. At all time respect and protects the law B. Respect the Human Rights of all Suspects
C. Accepted Standards and Practices D. All of the Above

69. Refers to the unfair, unequal or pre-judicial treatment of individuals.

A. Incrimination B. Discrimination C. Separation D. Disrespectful

70. It is the power vested in the legislature by the Constitution to promote, make, ordain and
establish reasonable laws for the good and welfare of the State and its people.
A. Police Power B. Taxation Power C. Power of Eminent Domain D. Power

71. Which power that is inherent right of the State to condemn or to take private property for
public use?
A. Police Power B. Taxation Power C. Eminent Domain Power D. Gov’t. Power

72. Which of the following are NON-STATE ACTORS, EXCEPT:

A. NGOs B. Corporations C. Armed Groups D. Gov’t Employees

73. These are the State Actors on Human Rights; Except one:
A. Armed Group B. Judiciary C. City Council D. Barangay Court

74. Refers to an organization not controlled by the State or Government.

A. Government B. State Actors C. Non-State Actors D. Supreme Court

75. They are considered and seen as the first line protection of human rights.
A. Brgy. Officials B. Police Officers C. Teachers D. Tanod


1. As a future Law Enforcer, How do you apply basic Human Rights Education among people?
(5 Points)
2. List down at least (10) Basic Human Rights (10 Points)
3. Does Life Imprisonment violate Human Rights? (5 Points)
4. Does the cutting MALE Genitalia or FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATON
violates Human Rights? (5 Points)

Prepared by:

College Instructor

Dean, CCJE

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