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A. Course Title

Basic Life Support Training

B. Introduction/Rationale

Realizing the need to reduce morbidity and mortality, the DOH issued Administrative Order
No. 155 that prescribes Basic Life Support (BLS) Training as mandatory to all health

Health personnel are no longer confined in health care facilities but they are expected to
respond in any event of emergency or disaster if deemed necessary.

Initial response to emergency is to do measure to save lives and BLS is the foundation of all
resuscitative efforts.

It is the HEMS goal to train all health workers and as many members of the community, at
least one member of each household, in BLS because timely and effective response will
ultimately save lives.

The purpose of conducting the Basic Life Support Course is to provide the Healthcare
Providers and Lay Rescuers with the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary in an
emergency to help sustain life and minimize the consequences of respiratory and cardiac
emergencies until more advanced medical help arrives.

C. Objectives

General Objective

To equip the participants with basic knowledge, skills and attitude to perform with
confidence basic life support techniques to save lives.

Specific Objective

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

1. Describe the principles of Emergency Care.

2. Identify the three kinds of life support, four links of survival for adult and pediatric
patients; and discuss the human anatomy and physiology of the nervous, respiratory and
circulatory systems.
3. Demonstrate how to provide rescue breathing alone for an adult, child and infant who
show signs of circulation but have inadequate or not breathing.
4. Demonstrate how to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation to an adult, child and infant.
5. Discuss the indications, proper use and maintenance of automated external defibrillator
6. Demonstrate how to provide abdominal thrust to conscious adult; chest thrust and
backslaps to conscious infant; and chest thrust to unconscious adult, child and infant
with obstructed airway.

D. Course Content & reauirement

The Course is intended for Health Care Providers (Composed of six modules) and for Lay
Rescuers (composed of five modules).

1. Module 1 – Principles of Emergency Care

a. Process of Getting Started during Emergency

b. Emergency Action Principles
c. Basic Precautions in Disease Prevention
d. Golden Rules in Providing Emergency Care

2. Module 2 – Introduction to Basic Life Support

a. Three Kinds of Life Support

b. Four Links of the Chain of Survival for Adult and Pediatric Patient
c. Anatomical Positions, Directions, locations and Body Regions
d. Human Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory, Circulatory and Nervous
e. Medical Conditions for applying BLS

3. Module 3 – Rescue Breathing (RB)

a. Respiratory Arrest
b. Ventilation of Adult, Child and Infant
c. Rescue Breathing Techniques

Note: For Health Care Providers ONLY.

4. Module 4 – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

a. Cardiac Arrest
b. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the Adult/Child/Infant Victim
c. Skills Demonstration on CPR

5. Module 5 – Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

a. Definition and Indications for AED

b. Proper use and Maintenance of an AED
c. Skills Demonstration for the use of an AED

6. Module 6 – Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO) Management

a. Concept of FBAO
b. Skills Demonstration of FBAO Management for conscious and unconscious victims
E. Methodology

The following will be used:

1. Interactive Lecture – Discussion

2. Audio Visual Presentation
3. Demonstration and Return Demonstration
4. Skills Enhancement
5. Examination/Evaluation (Written and Practical)

F. Target Participants

17 RHU Personnel & Staff


G. Duration

The training both for healthcare provider and lay rescuers is sixteen (16) hours in duration.
The first eight (8) hours is dedicated for the lecture – discussion of the six (6) modules and
demonstration of BLS techniques. The next eight (8) hours is dedicated for the skills
enhancement, written examination and skills evaluation.

February 18,19,20 ,2015

Budget charge to PhilHealth Capitation Fund

27 participants + 6 trainers

Registration P 500.00 x 27 participants P 13,500.00

3 days 2 snacks + 1 lunch P200/pax 19,800.00
Venue 3,000.00
Other expenses 1,000.00
P 37,300.00

Participants’ evaluation

Participant of BLS for Health care Provider must pass both the written and practical examinations.

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