Writing - Handout 6.2 - For Ss

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GE3/Writing Handout 6.

2 Student’s name:
Paragraph Writing – Disadvantages paragraph
Skill Focus:
- be familiarized with disadvantages paragraph
- writing supporting sentences

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GE3/Writing Handout 6.2 Student’s name:

1. Supporting sentences
Supporting sentences add information about the topic and the controlling idea. Supporting sentences can
include definitions, explanations, and examples. Read the topic sentence below then study the types of
supporting sentences that might follow it.
topic controlling idea
The consumerism prevalent in modern society has negative consequences for the environment.

Supporting definition (optional)

Consumerism, characterized by the continuous pursuit of material possessions and the habit of excessive
consumption, often leads to the overexploitation of natural resources and the creation of immense quantities
of waste.
Supporting Explanation
In earlier times, people relied on essential items for their needs and made efforts to repair and reuse
possessions. However, contemporary consumer culture encourages the acquisition of disposable goods and
the rapid replacement of items. This cycle results in a high demand for raw materials and energy,
contributing to habitat destruction, deforestation, and air and water pollution. Furthermore, the
manufacturing and transportation of consumer goods contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating
global climate change.
Supporting Example
For instance, the fast fashion industry, the constant demand for trendy clothing, leads to massive amounts of
waste as garments are discarded after only a few wears. This wasteful practice places a burden on landfills
and incinerators, releasing harmful chemicals into the environment. Personally, I remember purchasing
multiple cheap electronics over the years, only for them to break down quickly and end up as electronic

2. Useful language for disadvantages paragraph

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GE3/Writing Handout 6.2 Student’s name:
 Topic sentence
[subject] brings certain disadvantages into the picture.
[subject] has its share of negative aspects.
[subject] is accompanied by several disadvantages.
[subject] comes with its own set of disadvantages.
It's important to acknowledge the downsides of [subject].
[subject] has significant drawbacks.
[subject] also presents several disadvantages.
It's essential to consider the disadvantages of [subject].
 Introducing Main Ideas in the paragraph
Firstly, /To begin with, [main idea].
One notable disadvantage is [main idea].
The primary drawback is [main idea].
A significant aspect is [main idea].
Another advantage worth mentioning is [main idea].
Moreover,/ Additionally,/ Furthermore,/ In addition to that,/ What's more, [main idea].
Not only does [subject] offer [main idea], but also...
Furthermore, [subject] provides [main idea].
One of the key disadvantages of [subject] is...
An important drawback of [subject] is...

Task 1: Read this paragraph. Then answer the questions.

Disadvantages of traffic jam
Traffic congestion, a widespread issue in urban areas, presents a host of disadvantages that adversely
affect both the environment and daily life. Firstly, prolonged traffic jams lead to increased air pollution
due to the continuous idling of vehicles. This pollution, comprising harmful emissions, contributes to
respiratory problems and negatively impacts public health. Secondly, traffic congestion results in
significant fuel wastage, not only escalating individual expenses but also adding to overall energy
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, the time lost in traffic congestion has far-reaching
consequences, causing stress, delays, and reduced productivity. Businesses suffer due to delayed
deliveries, and individuals experience decreased quality of life as they spend substantial time stuck in
traffic. A striking example of the adverse impact of traffic congestion on air quality can be observed in
cities like Beijing. This metropolis has faced severe air pollution issues, often reaching hazardous levels

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GE3/Writing Handout 6.2 Student’s name:
due to a combination of factors, including heavy traffic and industrial activities. In such scenarios, the air
becomes laden with harmful particles and smog, leading to a range of health problems for the residents.
Schools are sometimes forced to close, outdoor activities are restricted, and individuals are advised to
wear masks to protect themselves from the hazardous air. The example of Beijing underscores how traffic
congestion can exacerbate pollution levels, impacting both the environment and the well-being of the
urban population. To sum up, the detrimental effects of traffic congestion are undeniable, with increased
air pollution, fuel wastage, and reduced quality of life.
1. What is the topic of the paragraph?
2. What is the main idea about the topic?
3. What ideas help explain the main idea?
Task 2: Write supporting sentences for each of the following topic sentences. Then exchange handouts
with a partner and check your partner’s sentences.
1. The convenience of air travel comes with significant environmental drawbacks.
2. The widespread practice of deforestation poses a grave threat to human and global biodiversity.

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GE3/Writing Handout 6.2 Student’s name:
3. The excessive use of plastic materials has dire consequences for ecosystems.
Task 3: Write a paragraph
Write a paragraph for this topic: Disadvantages of global warming.

Paragraph Checklist.

Put a check () as appropriate.

 1. Does the paragraph begin with a topic sentence?

 2. Does the paragraph have a concluding sentence?

 3. Does the concluding sentence restate the main idea or warn the reader or make a prediction or
give an opinion about the topic?

 4. Does the paragraph have unity? (no irrelevant sentences)

 5. In what way does the paragraph is organized? (coherence)

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