Lanz, K. (2013) - The Art of Self-Awareness. Training Journal, 65-69

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The art of
Kate Lanz has some advice for leaders on identifying,
and managing, their triggers for unhelpful behaviour

lexibility, agility and versatility are We are creatures of habit and none more so than
all hallmarks of good leadership, leaders, who rely on a clear set of behavioural
and self-awareness is the starting habits that helped them reach senior positions
point for leaders to generate a where they lead and influence others. We can
flexibility of response, achieve the easily identify typical leadership behaviours.
best results and keep their team engaged and There is the tough gruff leader, don’t catch
motivated. However, leaders often default to them on a bad day. There is the approachable,
unhelpful and habitual patterns of behaviour warm and engaging leader, but one that might
that can hold them and their teams back. default on difficult decisions. There is the sparky,
entrepreneurial leader, often described as ‘a bit all
In this article, I look at what triggers unhelpful over the place’.
behaviour and provide advice on how leaders can These leaders all have positive habits,
identify patterns so that their response can be but problems arise when their behaviours
more appropriately managed. outlive their usefulness as they move up the
Leadership behaviour stems from habitual organisational hierarchy. Unless a leader can
neural pathways that develop a deep sense of self-
are developed
over time.

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awareness that gives them access to change, these patterns to encompass others around him. This is
neural habits can hinder performance and start most commonly seen when a leader believes that
to have the very opposite effect from the desired his team should be responding in the same way
outcome. Notably the very aspects that were once he would.
drivers and motivators can become a handbrake Let’s look at an example of this in practice.
on their ability to get others to deliver. This is
often to the puzzlement of the leader in question, A case in point
since these habits are so deeply engrained that Michael is an immensely driven and successful
they become very difficult for the leader to leader in the digital media sector, where he
observe in themselves. has highly specialised knowledge and is greatly
Poor behaviours are often identified at respected. When working with his team, though,
crucial crunch points in a leader’s career such as he was prone to intermittent outbursts when
promotional opportunities, appraisals or feedback specific deliverables were not up to the standards
from the senior leadership team. Equally, L&D he expected, or were slightly late. These outbursts
teams might only become aware of them through were not especially frequent but happened often
response from the leader’s team members during enough for others to be somewhat on their guard
their own development and reviews. Another around him.
point of identification is when teams begin to His behaviour, and lack of self-awareness to
disintegrate or there are low levels of engagement modify his response, was on the way to blocking
or support for the leader. Michael’s career prospects. He was very much
From a leader’s perspective, as he progresses someone the company wanted to have at a more
through an organisation, he extends his behaviour senior level within the business, given his vision,

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deep market knowledge and results delivery – on
a good day he was a delight. However, it was felt How does one stay one
that it would be difficult to take him to the next
level within the organisation as his ability to keep step ahead of oneself and
a team motivated on a consistent enough basis
was hampered by the risk of his outbursts. stop a limiting default
He certainly had a reputation. He could be
outspoken, and quite tough with those concerned, pattern kicking in?
sometimes losing his temper with them. It was
never personal, always about the failure of the
task, but bruising nonetheless. This was especially and have led them to a senior position, have
likely to happen if he felt that he had put time become so firmly embedded that leaders cease to
in, up front, with those concerned. Somehow, at recognise them. There are four stages involved
some level in his mind, the others to whom he in changing this pattern blindness to raise self-
had delegated tasks were treated as if they were awareness and create the possibility of consistent
part of him. He would not have tolerated the behavioural change.
output he was receiving from himself, especially
given the amount of preparation and time he Stage one – the attention shift
felt he’d personally given to the task. Therefore, Given that the pattern is in the leader’s blind
he felt it appropriate to treat others as he would spot, there will need to be external intervention.
treat himself. This involves the leader receiving some kind of
Michael drove himself hard and had a critical wake-up call that something needs to change.
and demanding inner dialogue if he did not It might be feedback from the boss, an overt
deliver as he felt he should. He would give reaction from a colleague, 360° data or similar.
himself the same dressing down that he gave to The key is for the behavioural symptoms to be
others and, once done, he would then move on to called out to the leader in some form.
the next thing. So he could not even experience In Michael’s case, it was the stalling on
this as a pattern – it was simply the way things potential promotion that came up during a
were. This is much like the adage of the last review. The boss felt that he should raise his
one to experience the sea is the fish that swims concerns. This conversation came as rather a
in it. Michael did not even realise that these shock to Michael. The feedback should have
behaviours were a pattern that he was known for happened much sooner, but because he was
by others. The pattern sat firmly in his blind spot. generally approachable and a decent person
As such, he had no choice or flexibility in his to work with, it had become easy to avoid
approach as he was prevented from seeing it as mentioning anything.
an issue. He might admit that, on occasion, his A second example is Sandra, who had a pattern
tone was a little harsh and that he did not mean of being enormously friendly and open. However,
it to be but this was as far as his self-awareness she would opt out of any conflict if she ever had
went. He was being asked to change behaviour of to defend her own turf. Unwittingly, she allowed
which he wasn’t even aware. He was stuck. others to encroach on her role on the basis that
This was the only downside in Michael’s she was ‘not one to play politics’. It was only
leadership. He was otherwise an approachable when a fellow board member commented directly
person. He enjoyed developing younger to her that he could see her losing an entire work
executives, was generally a good team member area with significant knock-on effects that she sat
and was certainly known for his excellent up, took notice and decided to get some
delivery. People liked him, but were wary as he coaching help.
could suddenly turn on them under certain types
of pressure. Stage two –
It was only as he started to push the promotion post-interaction awareness
conversation at a mid-year review that this issue The second stage is helping the leader to better
began to surface as an obstacle. read the impact of his behaviours. He needs to
begin to separate out, and distinguish, his own
Four stages of self-awareness pattern from the other person and situation. This
Michael is a typical example of leaders with is where effective coaching comes in.
low self-awareness. The drive, demands and Michael first needed to process his reaction
expectations that they place on themselves, to the feedback and coaching allowed him the November 2013 67

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space to do this in private. He felt upset that this interpretation was that she was above all that. At
was the first he had heard about the issue, he this point, the underlying triggers had not been
was angry, he was ashamed to have been called uncovered but she could start to use the moment
out in this way. He had to work through his own of inactivity as her prompt to pay attention and
reaction first in order to be able to engage with start doing something different.
changing behaviours.
During coaching, questions were raised about Stage three – identifying the triggers
what he might notice in himself first when he Identifying what causes reactions will only
was personally unhappy about something. His happen when the leader has become able to
own anger reaction became his cue to really read the impact he is having on others. With
notice how the other person was responding. coaching, Michael learned to look out for the
Learning how to distinguish the pattern ‘in the triggers that provoked his strong responses. He
moment’ was beginning. This step was critical. detected that, if he felt that his own competence
Michael came up with examples where he could was reflected poorly in the work of others, he
identify that the other person started to shut would default into an angry response and become
down. Perhaps they were polite, passive and overly directive. He lost the ability to tune in to
subdued, but probably keeping the score for later. the other’s world.
Others bristled and, while they might not have Another trigger was his relationship with
openly pushed back, he could see that there was a control. If his subordinate’s delivery started to
more defensive ‘fight’ reaction visible. put him too out of touch with his own sense
This was all news to him. He had previously of control of the task, he would lose the ability
never paid deep attention to others’ responses to relate to the subordinate as an individual. It
when the pressure was on, as the conversation would become about him and how this might
was about task delivery. Why would he, if he make him look. With coaching, he began to be
had previously experienced them as an extension able to read the degrees of loss of competence
of talking to himself ? He could handle it and and control that he experienced and see how
indeed would expect it, so why wouldn’t they? these triggered the unproductive responses.
Identifying how people respond post- In Sandra’s case, two beliefs triggered what
interaction is necessary, but does not yet offer was hampering her. One was that others should
flexibility in a choice of response. At this stage, respect work boundaries in the same way that
the leader can reflect on the impact of his she did and the other was that it was not classy
behaviour but has not yet identified the triggers behaviour to engage in what she called politics.
or change in his behaviour in the moment. Both of these beliefs held her in a very passive
In Sandra’s case, she did notice that people pattern, which also meant she avoided the stress
were actively making a pitch for her area. Her of dealing with potential conflict, but they were
project was leading-edge and multi-disciplined unrealistic in a corporate and high
and therefore attracted people’s attention, profile position.
including the attention of the senior team. Unlike
Michael, she could actually notice the difference Stage four – self-management
in her response when others encroached on under pressure
her turf but, at the point of noticing, she This is the final and most challenging part of
became highly inactive and did nothing. Her the process. This is the stage where the real
change occurs – or not. How does one stay one
step ahead of oneself and stop a limiting default
The very aspects that pattern kicking in? Going back to the opening
observations – we are creatures of habit. Making
were once drivers and behavioural change involves changing a habitual
response and this takes practice, in the moment,
motivators can become on a consistent basis.
Michael worked on developing a personalised

a handbrake on their set of practices that he could deploy when he

started to feel his frustration rising. They allowed

ability to get others

him to make the final, critical step for responding
differently in the moment. Again this is where
coaching has real impact. The practices have to
to deliver be tailored to the individual to work.

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In Sandra’s case, she needed to distinguish the Flexibility, agility, versatility
boundaries between hers and others’ project areas. When a leader has mastered these four steps, and
She became able to articulate this very clearly particularly self-management under pressure, he
and quickly in her own mind so there were no has the flexibility to change his response with
grey areas where she should give others the his team and his peers. Indeed, self-awareness
benefit of the doubt. is the starting block for generating flexibility in
She then worked on getting into a highly response. We can all default to our habitual and
active mode around these boundaries. A plan typical response patterns, but we have to know
was made for each individual in relation to what these are and what triggers them in order to
project boundaries. The coaching task work was change them.
to keep her in active mode at every point where Agility and versatility come with practice.
a boundary issue came into play. This involved Once we have well understood the triggers
conversations with the person making the play for particular behavioural patterns, catching Kate Lanz
and asking questions that demonstrated her unhelpful patterns early, or even circumventing is the owner
own superior knowledge of the area. Her aim them from occurrence, the leader is able to of Lanz
was to keep peers engaged and on side while, at choose different behavioural responses in the Executive
the same time, being very clear about what she actual moment. This enables him to utilise the Coaching.
was leading and owning in terms of the work. most appropriate behaviour to maintain and She can be
In some instances she had to have an assertive increase the loyalty and engagement of his team, contacted
on +44(0)20
exchange in which she made it clear she was not develop his own career and position, and achieve
3086 7678
happy about colleagues overstepping boundaries. the desired results for the organisation. or at kate@
She formed some broader alliances with senior lanzexecu
stakeholders, demonstrating her knowledge and tivecoaching.
competence in the project area. November 2013 69

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