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Volume: 05 Issue: 01 | Jan-Feb 2024 ISSN: 2660-4159


1. Khodzhimatov Gulomidin Abstract: Currently, in healthcare around the world,
Minkhodzhievich including Uzbekistan, the gold standard for surgical
treatment of combined diseases of the abdominal organ
2. Egitov Ayubkhon Azizbekovich
proved to be simultaneous operations using
endovideosurgical technologies. The purpose of this
scientific work was to evaluate the effectiveness of
Received 20th Nov 2023, simultaneous endovideosurgical operations in patients with
Accepted 28th Dec 2023,
Online 25th Jan 2024
combined diseases of the abdominal organs in adolescence
and young adulthood.
Key words: girls and boys of adolescence and young age,
Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, cholelithiasis.

Introduction. According to a number of sclerosis, gallbladder dystrophy and stone

authors, due to the use of modern high-tech formation [3].
means, as well as scientific progress in Stagnation of the digestive and biliary tract and
medicine, improvement of diagnostic methods disturbance of concentration, as well as change
in recent years, the number of patients of in the specific weight of bile, dietary disorders,
adolescent and teenage age, whose examination as well as consumption of low-quality products
reveals several diseases that require surgical are the main causes in the development of
correction is increasing [4] biliary cambial disease. These factors are the
Nowadays in medicine the gold standard of most significant in adolescence and youth [2].
surgical treatment of various diseases of According to numerous foreign and domestic
abdominal cavity organs is the use of authors in recent years there is an increase in
endovideosurgical technology[1]. the number of patients with combined diseases
The hereditary-determined disease of liver and of abdominal cavity organs and the frequency
biliary tract leads to biliary stone disease in of their combination reaches from 3.2 to
youth and adolescence. Violation of the 65%[5] .According to WHO published data,
processes of bile formation and biliary 25-30% of adult patients have one or two co-
excretion, accompanied by chronic morbidities requiring surgical correction[8].
inflammation, the natural outcome of which is However, simultaneous surgical interventions

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
in these patients are performed only in 1.5-6% performed as the second stage. At first the cyst
of cases, and in adolescence and young was punctured and the contents was aspirated,
adulthood there is no static data at all. the cyst cavity was washed through the
puncture needle with warm solution of
The aim of the work: to evaluate the efficiency
furacilin. Then the capsule was precisely
of application of simultaneous
removed, and if it was impossible, 2/3 of the
endovideosurgical operations in patients with
cyst wall was excised.
combined diseases of abdominal cavity organs
in adolescence and adolescence. This work Thoracoport placement at laparoscopic
is based on a prospective analysis of 48 echinococcectomy from the liver in 19 patients
patients with combined diseases requiring was performed as at LCE according to the
surgical treatment. Among the patients who generally accepted technique, but in the right
underwent laparoscopic simultaneous surgery subcostal region we placed a 20 mm
girls were 25 (58,3%) and boys 20 (41,6%), thoracoport in the place of 5 mm. After
age ¬ ranged from 15 to 20 years. delimitation of the echinococcal cyst with a
gauze swab wet with 76-80% alcohol, we
All patients underwent anamnesis and physical
performed puncture of the echinococcal cyst
examination, laboratory and instrumental
with aspiration of the contents. Through this
investigations, radiation diagnostics, and
needle 76% alcohol was injected into the cavity
consultation of specialized specialists.
and then washed with hot solution of furacillin
Surgical intervention was performed in (78-80o) with exposure of 5-8 min. Then, the
endovideosurgical operating room using fibrous capsule was dissected, the chitinous
endovideosurgical rack produced by "Karl- shell was removed, and it was extracted from
Storz" (Germany), under intravenous the abdominal cavity in a special container.
anesthesia in conditions of artificial lung The residual cavity was treated with 76%
ventilation. alcohol, then with warm furacillin solution (78-
Chronic calculous cholecystitis was the main 80o). In 17 patients after that the residual cavity
surgical diagnosis in 48 patients. In all patients was tamponed with a large omentum. In two
laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCE) was patients, due to the impossibility to tamponade
performed as the first stage, and then the residual cavity with the omentum, a "mini"
simultaneous surgery was performed. laparotomy access in the projection of the
residual cavity was used. Through the "mini"
In 9 patients diagnosed with CCH there was a laparotomy access the residual cavity was
concomitant hepatic solitary cyst, which was liquidated by the "capitainege" method. The
located mainly superficially in V and VII operation was completed by draining the
segments of the liver. The first stage patients subhepatic region with a silicone tube through
underwent LCE in the following way: the a 20 mm thoracoport placed in the right
patient's position was on the back. The subcostal region.
operating table was tilted to the left by 15-20
degrees and the head end was raised by 20 In 12 patients with umbilical hernia, after LCE
degrees. Then pneumoperitoneum was applied according to the conventional technique, the
and trocars were inserted into the abdominal umbilical ring plasty was performed in 10 cases
cavity: 1-parumbilically (10 mm), 2-in the according to the Meyo method and in 2 cases
epigastrium (10 mm), 3-in the midclavicular with the help of propylene mesh.
line 2 cm below the rib arch on the right (5 In 8 patients with inguinal hernias the inguinal
mm). Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was ring plasty was performed using propylene
performed according to the generally accepted mesh and 2 composite meshes.
technique (Puchkov K.V. 2005 ). The time of
LCE did not exceed 20±10 min. Then Results of the study and their discussion:
From all 48 patients 40 patients were operated
laparoscopic resection of solitary liver cyst was

378 Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES"

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
in planned order. The diagnosis of CCH with drainage tubes were removed a day after
concomitant pathology was established during control ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
examination in the preoperative period, and in In all patients postoperative wounds healed by
8 patients the concomitant pathology was an primary tension. Bile discharge up to 60-80 ml
operative finding. The indication for from the tube installed in the residual cavity
emergency CRC in 8 patients was acute pain in was observed in one patient. The operations
the right subcostal area with signs of obturation lasted in average 60±10 minutes, the average
calculous cholecysitis. bed-day of the patient in hospital was 4,6±05
All operated 48 patients did not need narcotic days, the rehabilitation period was 16-18 days
analgesics in the postoperative period, they on the average.
became active by the end of the day and felt
It should be noted that in two patients after
satisfactory. laparoscopic echinococcectomy simultaneous
In 45 patients drainage tubes were removed a LCE with drainage of residual cavity there was
day after control ultrasound of the abdominal bile secretion from the drainage tube up to 120-
cavity. In 2 patients who underwent emergency 130 ml per day. In these patients bile secretion
SLX+removal of echinococcal cyst of the liver stopped on the 7th-9th day independently.
there was bile discharge from the drainage tube Severe condition of patients in postoperative
in the amount of 120-160 ml per day, which period was not observed, we did not observe
stopped independently on the 6-7th day after any lethal outcomes .
the operation. Due to the impossibility of laparoscopic
On the control ultrasound of the abdominal correction of concomitant combined surgical
cavity of these patients due to the absence of diseases of abdominal cavity organs, 3 patients
residual cavity the drainage tubes were underwent combined "mini" laparotomy
removed on the 8-10 day after the operation. access.
In all operated patients the restoration of The combined technique with the use of "mini"
intestinal peristalsis and gas discharge occurred access surgery is a promising one, which
on the 2nd day after surgery. greatly reduces the duration of surgery, thus the
postoperative period in patients is favorable.
The duration of LCE in all patients was
approximately the same: the average duration Thus, laparoscopic simultaneous operations for
of LCE + removal of solitary hepatic cyst correction of combined surgical diseases of
50±10 min; LCE + removal of echinococcal abdominal cavity organs and anterior
cyst of the liver 65±10 min. LCE + abdominal wall is the most optimal and
herniorrhaphy (umbilical hernia) 55 ± 10 min justified intervention, which at one anesthesia
and LCE + herniorrhaphy (inguinal hernia) 60 eliminates combined surgical pathologies,
± 10 min. reduces the time of hospitalization and
rehabilitation. After simultaneous laparoscopic
The average bed-day of the patient's stay in
surgeries patients feel fully satisfactory.
hospital was: in patients who underwent LCE +
removal of solitary liver cyst 4,5 ± 0,5 days; Conclusions:
LCE + removal of echinococcal liver cyst 4,8 ± 1. Simultaneous laparoscopic surgeries are the
1 days; LCE + herniorrhaphy (umbilical most optimal in adolescent and teenage patients
hernia) - 4,6 ± 0,5 days; LCE + herniorrhaphy with combined surgical diseases of abdominal
(inguinal hernia) - 4,6 ± 0,5 days. cavity organs.
In the postoperative period, all patients were
2. For liquidation of residual cavity after
activated by the end of the first day, they did laparoscopic echinococcectomy from the liver
not need narcotic analgesics. In patients

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
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