FA Lab 4

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Session 4
Texture and color
 Texture analyser
 How to use:
o Put the switch to on
o Open the software
o Calibrate instrument
 Attach probe that we want to use then start calibration
 TA tab  calibrate  calibrate force
 Use calibration weight
o Click next  wait until calibration weight is finished
o Calibrate again
 Calibrate height
 The probe will move down and then back up
 Always calibrate the probe height after moving the probe
 Adjust setting
o TA tab  TA settings
o Click library
o Select TA sequence appropriate for the experiment
o Adjust setting as desire
 Make sure we use the right platform based on the probe we are using for the test
 Running the test
o TA tab  run the test
o Name the file and select the folder to save the result
o Start test
 After test is complete  there will be graph  analysis
o Process data tab  quick calculation
o Check off any calculation we want
o The result we want will automatically appear
 General step
o Choose the right probe according to the sample
 There are several types of probe
 Different usage and different sample
 Choosing depends on the sample and the attribute tested
 Ex: use spherical probe to measure fracturability
o Choose the parameter measured based on type of sample
 Hardness, firmness, etc
 The first and second step is related to each other
o Check the equipment setting before use
 Test speed, test depth, load cell
 The numbers (default setting) might not be suitable for the experiment
o Run the test
 Attributes measure using TA
o General attribute: TPA
 Hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness
 Graph
o The first peak  hardness
o Area below x-axis  adhesiveness
 It is negative in value because it is below the x axis
o Cohesiveness is calculated  A2/A1
 But it is usually calculated by the software
 Probe
o Ottawa cell
 It is specialized for extrudate sample
 Chiki, crackers
 The set-up is different
 Specialized container
 Put paper below to collect sample
 No need graph in the thesis
o Just the value
 Every probe has different equipment setting
o The Ottawa cell has simpler set-up than other probes
o Cylinder probe has more complex set-up than ottawa
 Results is measured in the screen
o The texture analyser is connected to the computer
o The table will give value for the measurement
 Jelly
o Put inside cylinder probe in a bloom jar
 Pay attention to the size of the sample
o Make sure that it is big enough for the test
o There is no standard dimension
o Sesuaiin dengan probenya
 Make sure that the sample can be fully analysed
o Probe should be able to analysed the sample in the center, not the edge
o Fill the container at least half
 Ottawa
 Use Chromameter
o An instrument to analyse color
o Measure 3 types of color attributes
 Lightness – overall intensity to how dark or light the color is (L)
 Range: 0 (black) – 100 (white)
 Chroma
 Hue – describe the color
 Blue green yellow etc
o Chromameter will not give the color directly  it gives the a and b value
 A
 + (red)  - (green)
 B
 + (yellow)  - (blue)
o Chroma value
 Related to saturation degree of hue
 Do not discard the (+/-) value from the measurement – it has some meaning
 Hue angle
o There is a formula

o It is divided into quadrants

 Depends on the (+ or -) of the a and b  can know in which quadrant

o IF the hue angle falls in II and III quadrant  must be added with 180
 -68.43 + 180 = 111.57
 11.89 + 180 = 191.89
o IF the hue angle falls in the IV quandrant  must be added with 360
 - 59.05 + 360 = 300.95
o It is important because different number gives different color description
 Liquid sample
o Must be placed in a clear petri dish
o Put white tile below the petri dish
 Grounds that is not white will interfere with the result of the chromameter
o Pour small amount
o Close the lid
o Do measurement
 If the sample is in powder form – there is a special container
o Put into the hole in the middle of the container
 The container is special like a camera lens
o Spread it
o Close the lid
o Put it on top of the chromameter
o Clean
 To clean:
o Take out the parts of the container
o Remove sample from the glass
o Rinse with distilled water
o Dry with tissue
 Gently  don’t let it scratch
o Rinse the upper part of the container with distilled water
o Dry with tissue
o Assembled the container back
Antioxidant analysis
 Principle: Sample containing antioxidant component will be reacted with a free radical solution (DPPH).
The antioxidant compounds will donor hydrogen ion into the radical solution thus stabilizing it. The stabile
DPPH compound will change color to yellow.
 Dilution of sample (UC1000)
o Use methanol or ethanol
o Always use alcohol
 DPPH does not dissolve in water
 Material:
o Diluted sample
o Ethanol
 Samples are diluted into various concentration
o 1000, 800, 600, 400, 200 ppm
o To plot the graph
 Spectrophotometer set-up
o 30 minutes before turn on the spectrophotometer
o Set the wavelength before usage
 517 nm
 DPPH is a powder – dark purple powder
o Dilute it with ethanol
 1 Ampul DPPH is diluted into 25.4 mL ethanol
o From 1mM to 0.2 mM with ethanol – dilution
 DPPH is sensitive to light
o Use alufo to cover the containers for DPPH
o If it still purple  still can be used
o If the color turn purple reddish  can no longer be used
 Control: 1.5 mL DPPH + 1 mL ethanol
o Ethanol is the solvent used to dilute the DPPH
 Incubation in dark place for 15 – 30 minutes  and then measure absorbance
o Vortex before incubation
 Make DPPH sample mixture
o 1.5 mL DPPH + 1 mL sample
o No need to add ethanol to the test tube
 Incubate in dark place for 15-30 minutes
o Usually it is 30 minutes in the lab
 After  measure absorbance at 517 nm
o Don’t forget to input blank as well into the machine
o Rinse cuvette using solvent before use and after use
 Control: 0.9 – 1.1
o If it is too dark, it will go beyond 2 – spectrophotometer cannot read the control
o If it is below 0.9  DPPH activity is too low
o Just make the absorbance of DPPH control is above the sample
 DPPH antioxidant
o It will turn yellow in the presence of antioxidant
 Calculation
o X axis: concentration of sample
o Y axis: % of RSA
 Plot graph and find the IC50 value
o Put the Y axis as 50
o Line graph  xy scatter
 Tricky part is doing the dilution series
o Need to obtain a good range for the standard and samples
 Learn how to make ppm concentration

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