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00:00 Thank you very much.

00:14 This is a very difficult one use. 这是一种非常困难的用途。
00:21 So you use the in What is use the in the So I'm making a for the Thank you
very much. 所以你用在什么是用在所以我正在制作一个非常感谢你。
00:47 Do you speak German? 你会说德语吗?
00:49 I don't understand. 我不明白。
00:57 I have don't but far We with right people I'm not No, I feel like I'm going
to right point You don't have those little... 我还没有,但我们和合适的人在一起,我不是,
01:17 But this don't have you very much. 但这并没有你太多。
01:20 I want to you very for support. 我非常希望得到你们的支持。
01:23 Thank very much. 非常感谢。
01:29 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
01:33 But I don't want to it's good. 但我不想这样就好。
01:38 I don't want to I want to to of the locally-owned This case is one of our
owners. 我不想 我想要 当地拥有的 这个案例是我们的业主之一。
02:16 I take this and do I would like to from colleague She She She She has..
02:56 Ciao! 再见!
03:16 I'm not going to that. 我不会那样做的。
03:17 I know to They're very and they don't know why. 我知道他们非常,但他们不知道为什么。
03:20 So they may move on to it. 所以他们可能会继续前进。
03:24 I'm very strong and they come, and they look strong. 我很坚强,他们来了,而且他们
03:27 Now, they can go back to side. 现在,他们可以回到一边了。
03:29 So what's the between two sides? 那么两侧之间有什么关系呢?
03:33 As long they have a fifty-fifth that's why do not what Thank you. 只要他
03:59 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
04:00 Thank very Thanks you watching. 非常感谢您的观看。
04:09 you again I want to welcome our Our nice you. 我想再次欢迎您。我们友善的您。
04:21 I happy to here. 我很高兴来到这里。
04:25 so I am very here, And I'm happy be here. 所以我很高兴来到这里。
04:35 I'm happy to be here. 我很高兴来到这里。
04:36 Happy Thank much. 快乐 非常感谢。
04:37 World So, it say that Kesurin, is not the one who it is. 世界所以,它说
Kesurin 不是那个人。
04:43 To tell Kesurin, 告诉克苏林,
04:44 I have heard of the many who his name It's the only one knows he 我听说过很多人,
04:51 But he wants to hear what he wants 但他想听听他想听什么
04:55 He's not the one he 他不是那个他
05:12 I'm not I'm sure if I'm sure sure I'm sure I'm sure sure I'm sure if sure I'm
sure if I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure sure sure if I'm sure if I'm I'm 我不确定 如果
我确定 我确定 我确定 我确定 我确定 如果我确定 我确定 如果我确定 我确定 我确定 我确定 如果我确定确定
05:27 sure if I'm sure if I'm if I'm sure if I'm sure I'm sure if sure sure if sure
if sure if I'm sure if I'm sure sure 确定 如果我确定 如果我确定 如果我确定 如果我确定
我确定 如果确定 如果确定 如果确定 如果我确定 如果我确定
05:35 And then, upon the release of China, the U.S. 然后,中国一放,美国就放了。
05:41 And a been a since, it been a since, since. 从那时起,从那时起,从那时起。
05:46 And in this case, 在这种情况下,
05:50 it a it is just for the hope of China, 这只是为了中国的希望,
05:55 the of I'm not if sure if I'm sure sure if So this is the orange color.
06:43 In the last movie, we would like What's the color and the green color??
06:52 It's alright, it's the color these. 没关系,就是这个颜色。
06:55 So is the red 红色也是如此
06:58 since I Sony can I am not of 既然我索尼可以我不
07:02 this kind of ethical example 这种道德榜样
07:07 want to write these 想写这些
07:10 and I don't really know 我真的不知道
07:13 instead could I'm not sure if I'm not I'm sure I'm sure sure sure I'm sure
sure sure sure I'm sure I'm sure sure sure sure I'm sure sure sure I'm I'm sure
sure sure sure 相反,我不确定我是否不是 我确定我确定我确定我确定我确定我确定我确定我确定我确
07:43 sure sure I'm sure I'm sure sure I have been over 60 dollars. 我确信我确信我
确信我已经超过 60 美元了。
08:01 I already I have been working on this. 我已经在做这方面的工作了。
08:14 I on on that. 我对此表示赞同。
08:16 I just got started. 我刚刚开始。
08:17 I I Ten-seung-the-bairin hao xiang hui fait the mien huatang. 我十胜百林好相
08:24 Watayto kang the ten-seung-the-bairin, ditou xiang shi, qiyun yin su jiang,
ama dai wu chichu zin nai wang bao bing. 渡头康十胜梅林,地头相食,气运印素降,阿婆无地楚真
08:32 Sifu zi chiang shi mien yi wang yi zi ziang shi ziang zong ji ji zong Ditou
zi. 师傅子将是面一网一子子子子子子子孙继继总低头子。
08:38 I'm not I'm going to do it. 我不打算这么做。
08:42 I'm not I'm I'm not sure if I'm going to it. 我不是,我不确定我是否要去。
08:49 I know that This is the most important part this important of this video.
09:28 So, let's hope that you're accepting knowledge of the to No matter what, you
have to make a to it Thanks attention. 因此,希望您能够接受有关的知识。无论如何,您都必须
09:48 Please welcome the next panelists. 欢迎下一位小组成员。
09:51 Thank sir. 谢谢先生。
09:52 best. 最好的。
09:53 Please panelists. 请各位嘉宾。
09:53 sir. 先生。
09:55 Thank you. 谢谢。
09:55 Thank very much. 非常感谢。
09:56 If you have any please, please, please, please. 如果有的话,请拜托,拜托,拜托。
10:07 Thank you very watching this and in the video. 非常感谢您观看此内容和视频。
10:12 I will see you video. 我会看到你的视频。
10:15 See you in the next video. 下一个视频见。
10:33 I'm not sure I'm say I'm going say to that I'm going to say that I'm to that
I'm to say I'm to say that going to I'm I'm to say that I'm to say that 我不确
定 我要说 我要说 我要说 我要说 我要说 我要说我要说的是
10:48 I'm to say that I'm going say that I'm I'm to that to that I'm to I'm I'm
going that I'm to that I'm going to say I'm going going to say that going say that
to 我要说,我要说,我要说,我要说,我要说,我要说,我要说,我要说,我要说说那个 说那个
10:59 say Let's see here. 说让我们看看这里。
11:19 I think I in Have a great day! 我想我有美好的一天!
12:05 Thank you very much watching this in video. 非常感谢您观看视频。
12:10 Tiny figure that doesn't happen as the Diablo looks hardest, 暗黑破坏神看起
12:15 winging set put a a scant wantach can you who or it was a We have a beautiful
system, 翼组放了一个很少想要的东西你能是谁或它是一个我们有一个漂亮的系统,
12:39 and we also have a sensitive device that we have to see, and we have to a of
phone We have a different phone phone. 我们还有一个我们必须看到的敏感设备,我们必须有一个
12:49 We of phone It's a make a long-term decision. 我们对电话是一个做出长期的决定。
13:00 And if we can environment, we can make a long decision to make a decision.
13:12 The second thing I'm going long-term decision. 第二件事是我要做长期决定。
13:18 It is a for Which is the best place spend time and so on, 这是一个花时间最好的
13:26 what is that work It is always hard spend and hard, 那是什么工作总是很辛苦很辛苦,
13:29 it a a I don't know how to say it, but how how When you eat your it's all eat
you're eating your vegetables. 我不知道该怎么说,但是如何如何当你吃你的一切时,你正在吃
14:00 When you eat your vegetables, 当你吃蔬菜时,
14:06 you're eating really You're eating some vegetables like this thing want to
this is to S you are in place, are you? 你真的在吃东西 你正在吃一些蔬菜,就像这个东西想要
这是为了 S 你已经就位了,是吗?
14:21 Everyone is able to monitor experience, 每个人都可以监控体验,
14:26 if you don't know if you It's my People that but what to But it's been fun
with the Thank Hah! 如果你不知道你是不是我的人民,但是该怎么办但是谢谢哈哈!
15:12 We can see that people can't act right. 我们可以看到人们无法正确行事。
15:17 I will not let you make money. 我不会让你赚钱。
15:24 I can't do money without To find the we been supply. 如果没有找到我们的供应,我就
15:43 To Matagoras, we this have been on I want to my sense view.对于马塔戈拉斯,我们
16:03 The speed of there I want to my voice dead. 那里的速度我想让我的声音死掉。
16:12 I good. 我很好。
16:13 I'm very happy don't know. 我很高兴不知道。
16:15 Okay. 好的。
16:37 I want to Women in She has the whole system. 我想要她拥有整个系统中的女性。
17:00 She has the whole system. 她拥有整个系统。
17:05 What can I do now? 我现在能做什么?
17:09 Women in the government have a good time. 政府里的女性过得很好。
17:15 I've never So, 我从来没有 所以,
17:16 you know, when you say that you are not working, you are not working, you are
not working, you are not working, you are working. 你知道,当你说你没有工作,你没有工
17:37 each day I for a contribution between everyone. 我每天都在为大家做出贡献。
17:40 was able use friends I was able graduates, that week. 那周我能利用我能毕业的朋友。
17:49 In Ramadan, them You have more and that he can't able to drive drive
collectively. 在斋月里,他们有更多的东西,他不能集体开车。
17:59 But is able himself And he be himself North. 但他自己是北方人。
18:07 He will be able us to 他将使我们能够

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