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Volume: 05 Issue: 01 | Jan-Feb 2024 ISSN: 2660-4159


1. Dasari Kavyashree Abstract: Clinical research, a cornerstone of medical
2. Vontari Spandana Reddy progress, is an intricate and dynamic field aimed at
advancing our understanding of diseases, developing
3. Koppunuru Manogna innovative treatments, and improving overall healthcare
outcomes. The background of clinical research is deeply
rooted in the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to
Received 20th Nov 2023, enhance medical practices. Historically, clinical research
Accepted 28th Dec 2023, has been driven by the need to address unanswered
Online 30th Jan 2024
questions in medicine and to find effective interventions
for various health conditions.
1, 2
Pharm. D, Student at ClinoSol Research,
Hyderabad, India
B. Pharmacy, Student at ClinoSol
Research, Hyderabad, India

I. Introduction ethics. In the aftermath of World War II,

revelations about unethical medical
The roots of clinical research can be traced
experiments conducted by the Nazis prompted
back to ancient times when early civilizations
the international community to establish ethical
engaged in rudimentary forms of medical
standards for human research. The Nuremberg
experimentation. Over the centuries, the
Code, developed in 1947, laid the foundation
practice evolved from anecdotal observations
for informed consent by emphasizing the
to more systematic and structured approaches.
voluntary and informed nature of participants'
However, it wasn't until the 20th century that
consent.1, 2
clinical research emerged as a distinct and
formalized discipline. As clinical research expanded and diversified,
so did the complexity of the informed consent
The evolution of clinical research has been
process. The traditional approach involved
marked by significant milestones, including the
paper consent forms, where participants were
development of ethical principles and
provided with written information about the
guidelines to protect research participants. One
study and asked to sign a document indicating
crucial aspect of this evolution is the
their agreement to participate. While this
transformation of consent forms, which serve
method served its purpose for many years, it
as a fundamental tool in ensuring that
became evident that traditional consent forms
individuals voluntarily and knowingly
had limitations and were not always effective
participate in research studies.
in ensuring true comprehension and voluntary
The evolution of consent forms is closely tied participation.
to the broader historical context of medical

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
The advent of electronic consent forms (e- provide a transparent record of the consent
consent) represents a paradigm shift in the way process.
researchers obtain and manage informed Informed consent, a cornerstone of ethical
consent. This evolution is driven by the rapid research, emphasizes the principle of
advancements in technology and the autonomy, ensuring that individuals have the
recognition of the potential benefits that right to make decisions about their
electronic methods can offer to both participation in research based on adequate
researchers and participants. Electronic consent information. The evolution of consent forms
forms leverage digital platforms to present reflects a commitment to upholding the
information in a more interactive and engaging principles of informed consent and underscores
manner, incorporating multimedia elements the importance of respecting participants'
such as videos and interactive graphics to autonomy.
enhance participant understanding.
As the landscape of clinical research continues
One key advantage of electronic consent forms to evolve, the role of electronic consent forms
is their ability to address some of the becomes even more prominent. These digital
challenges associated with traditional paper tools not only streamline the consent process
forms. Traditional consent forms were often but also contribute to the overall efficiency and
lengthy, complex, and written in technical effectiveness of research studies. The
language, making it difficult for participants to integration of electronic consent forms with
grasp the essential information. E-consent electronic health records further enhances the
allows for a more user-friendly and tailored seamless flow of information and
approach, presenting information in a step-by- documentation, reducing the administrative
step manner and allowing participants to burden on researchers and institutions. 1, 3
navigate through the content at their own pace.
II. Traditional Consent Forms vs. Electronic
Moreover, the evolution of consent forms
Consent Forms
aligns with the broader shift toward patient-
centered care and a recognition of the A. Challenges with Traditional Paper Forms
importance of participant autonomy. Electronic The utilization of traditional paper consent
consent forms empower individuals by forms in clinical research has been a
providing them with a greater degree of control longstanding practice, but it comes with
over the consent process. Participants can inherent challenges that have prompted the
review information at their convenience, ask exploration of more efficient alternatives. This
questions in real-time, and electronically sign section delves into the limitations associated
the consent document, all contributing to a with traditional consent forms, shedding light
more transparent and participant-friendly on the factors that have driven the need for a
experience. paradigm shift in the informed consent process.
The evolution of consent forms is also Complexity and Length:
intertwined with legal and ethical
considerations. The regulatory landscape Traditional paper consent forms are often
governing clinical research has become characterized by complex language and lengthy
increasingly complex, with stringent documents that can be overwhelming for
requirements to protect participants' rights and participants. The intricate medical terminology
ensure the integrity of the research process. and dense content may impede comprehension,
Electronic consent forms offer features such as leading to potential misunderstandings about
audit trails and version control, which enhance the research study.
compliance with regulatory standards and

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
Limited Interactivity: Enhanced Participant Understanding:
Paper consent forms lack interactivity, making Electronic consent forms employ multimedia
it challenging for participants to engage with elements such as videos, animations, and
the information. The static nature of these interactive graphics to convey information in a
forms hinders the dynamic exchange of more digestible format. This multimedia
information between researchers and approach enhances participant understanding
participants, potentially resulting in a less by catering to diverse learning styles and
informed decision-making process. providing a more engaging educational
Inconsistency in Delivery:
Real-time Interaction and Feedback:
Researchers may struggle to maintain
consistency in the delivery of information Unlike their static paper counterparts,
when using paper forms. Variability in how electronic consent forms facilitate real-time
information is presented and explained to interaction between researchers and
participants can compromise the participants. Participants can ask questions,
standardization of the consent process, seek clarification, and receive immediate
introducing potential biases and feedback, fostering a dynamic and transparent
misunderstandings. consent process that promotes genuine
Storage and Retrieval Challenges:
Tailored and Modular Presentation:
Managing and storing numerous paper consent
forms can be cumbersome for research E-consent allows for a modular presentation of
institutions. The manual handling of physical information, breaking down complex concepts
documents increases the risk of errors, loss, or into smaller, more manageable sections.
damage, posing challenges in maintaining an Participants can navigate through the content at
organized and accessible record-keeping their own pace, ensuring that they fully grasp
system. each aspect before proceeding, thereby
promoting a more personalized and tailored
Limited Accessibility:
approach to the consent process.
Paper forms may present barriers to
Efficient Data Management:
accessibility for certain populations, including
those with visual impairments or individuals Electronic consent forms streamline the data
who speak languages other than the one in management process, providing features such
which the form is written. This limitation raises as audit trails and version control. These
concerns about inclusivity in research features enhance the accuracy, traceability, and
participation. 4 security of the consent process, addressing
regulatory requirements and contributing to the
B. Advantages of Electronic Consent Forms
overall integrity of the research study.
With the advent of technology, electronic
Integration with Electronic Health Records
consent forms (e-consent) have emerged as a
progressive alternative to traditional paper-
based methods. This section explores the The integration of electronic consent forms
advantages offered by electronic consent with EHRs establishes a seamless flow of
forms, highlighting the transformative impact information between different stages of the
of digital solutions on the informed consent research process. This integration not only
process in clinical research. reduces administrative burdens on researchers
but also enhances the continuity and
completeness of participant records, fostering a

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
more cohesive and efficient research U.S. Federal Regulations:
environment. In the United States, clinical research is subject
Improved Accessibility and Inclusivity: to federal regulations, including the Common
Rule (45 CFR 46) and the Food and Drug
Electronic consent forms can be designed to
Administration (FDA) regulations. These
accommodate diverse needs, including
regulations provide guidelines on informed
translations for multiple languages and features
consent, the composition and functions of
for accessibility. This inclusivity ensures that a
IRBs, and the protection of human subjects in
broader range of individuals, including those
with disabilities or language barriers, can
participate in research studies, promoting a European Union Regulations:
more representative and diverse participant The European Union (EU) has established the
pool. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
III. Legal and Ethical Considerations and the Clinical Trials Regulation to govern
data protection and clinical research,
A. Regulatory Framework
respectively. These regulations emphasize the
The landscape of clinical research is intricately rights of individuals regarding the use of their
governed by a comprehensive regulatory personal data and set standards for
framework that outlines the rights and transparency and accountability in research
protections afforded to research participants. practices.
This section explores the key components of
Ethics Committee Oversight:
the regulatory framework governing the use of
consent forms in clinical research, emphasizing Many regulatory frameworks require the
the legal obligations and standards that establishment of ethics committees or IRBs to
researchers must adhere to. review and approve research protocols. These
committees ensure that research is conducted
International Standards and Guidelines:
ethically, with a focus on participant welfare,
Clinical research operates within an and that informed consent processes meet the
international context guided by ethical necessary ethical standards. 5
principles and standards. Notable documents
B. Informed Consent and Participant
such as the Declaration of Helsinki and the
International Council for Harmonisation of Autonomy
Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals The concept of informed consent lies at the
for Human Use (ICH) guidelines provide a heart of ethical clinical research, emphasizing
global framework for ethical conduct in the importance of transparency, autonomy, and
research, emphasizing the importance of voluntary participation. This subsection
informed consent. explores the ethical considerations surrounding
informed consent and the central role it plays in
National and Regional Regulations:
upholding participant autonomy.
Each country and region has its own set of
Voluntariness and Coercion:
regulations governing clinical research. These
regulations may include requirements for the Informed consent must be obtained voluntarily,
content and format of consent forms, free from any form of coercion or undue
procedures for obtaining informed consent, and influence. Researchers are obligated to create
the establishment of ethical review boards or an environment where participants feel
institutional review boards (IRBs) to oversee comfortable declining participation without
research protocols. fear of negative consequences.

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Comprehension and Disclosure: the GDPR is essential. The GDPR mandates
transparent data processing practices, explicit
An essential aspect of informed consent is the
consent for data processing, and the
participants' understanding of the information
implementation of security measures to protect
provided. Researchers must disclose relevant
personal data.
details about the study in a clear and
understandable manner, ensuring that Data Encryption and Storage:
participants comprehend the purpose, risks, Electronic consent forms often involve the
benefits, and alternatives to participation. 6 collection and transmission of sensitive
Ongoing Informed Consent: participant data. Encryption technologies and
secure storage systems are crucial for
The informed consent process is not a one-time
protecting the confidentiality and integrity of
event but rather an ongoing dialogue between
this information, minimizing the risk of
researchers and participants. Changes in the
unauthorized access or data breaches.
research protocol or new information that may
impact the participants' decision should be Participant Data Access and Control:
communicated promptly, and their consent Participants have the right to control their
should be reaffirmed. personal data. Researchers must clearly
Proxy Consent and Vulnerable Populations: communicate how participant data will be used,
stored, and shared. Providing participants with
In certain situations, individuals may lack the
options to revoke consent or control their data
capacity to provide informed consent (e.g.,
preferences contributes to a participant-centric
minors, those with cognitive impairments).
approach to data security and privacy.
Proxy consent, obtained from legally
authorized representatives, is permissible in IV. Streamlining the Consent Process
such cases. Special considerations and A. Improved Participant Understanding
additional safeguards are implemented to
protect the rights of vulnerable populations. Efforts to streamline the consent process in
clinical research are intrinsically linked to
C. Data Security and Privacy enhancing participant understanding. This
The collection and management of participant section explores strategies and innovations
data in clinical research necessitate a strong aimed at improving how information is
commitment to data security and privacy presented to participants, ensuring that they
protection. This section delves into the legal have a comprehensive grasp of the study
and ethical considerations surrounding the details.
safeguarding of participant information. 4 Multimedia Integration:
HIPAA Compliance: Electronic consent forms leverage multimedia
In the United States, the Health Insurance elements such as videos, animations, and
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) interactive graphics to convey complex
imposes strict regulations on the protection of information. This approach caters to diverse
participants' health information. Researchers learning styles, making the content more
must implement measures to ensure the accessible and engaging for participants. Visual
confidentiality and security of participant data, aids can elucidate key concepts, medical
especially when electronic consent forms are procedures, and potential risks, contributing to
used. a more thorough understanding.
GDPR Compliance: Plain Language and Simplified Content:
For research conducted in the European Union Recognizing the potential for confusion in
or involving EU participants, compliance with complex medical terminology, researchers

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
strive to use plain language in consent forms. Immediate Clarifications and Updates:
Simplified content ensures that participants, Researchers can address participant queries and
regardless of their educational background, can provide immediate clarifications through
comprehend the essential information. Clear electronic communication channels.
and straightforward language facilitates a more Additionally, if there are updates or
transparent exchange of information, aligning modifications to the study protocol,
with the principle of informed consent. participants can be promptly informed,
Modular Presentation of Information: maintaining transparency and ensuring ongoing
informed consent throughout the research
Electronic consent forms allow for a modular
presentation of information, breaking down the
study details into manageable sections. This Secure Messaging Systems:
approach enables participants to navigate Electronic consent processes can incorporate
through the content at their own pace, ensuring secure messaging systems to facilitate
that each component is understood before confidential communication between
proceeding. The modular format promotes a researchers and participants. This ensures that
more personalized and tailored approach to the sensitive information is transmitted securely,
consent process, fostering improved participant meeting data protection and privacy standards
comprehension. while allowing participants to seek clarification
Assessment of Participant Understanding: or express concerns in a private and secure
Incorporating interactive quizzes or
assessments within electronic consent forms Documentation of Communication:
can serve as a valuable tool to gauge The electronic format enables the
participant comprehension. Real-time feedback documentation of communication exchanges
on their understanding of key concepts allows between researchers and participants. This not
researchers to identify areas of potential only provides a record of the informed consent
confusion and address participant questions process but also contributes to the transparency
promptly, contributing to a more robust and accountability of the research study,
informed consent process. meeting regulatory requirements for thorough
B. Real-time Feedback and Communication documentation.
One of the hallmarks of electronic consent C. Accessibility and Inclusivity
forms is their ability to facilitate real-time Ensuring that the informed consent process is
feedback and communication between accessible to diverse populations is a crucial
researchers and participants. This subsection aspect of streamlining the consent process. This
explores how this dynamic interaction section explores how electronic consent forms
contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness contribute to accessibility and inclusivity in
of the consent process. clinical research.
Interactive Q&A Sessions: Multilingual Capabilities:
Electronic consent forms enable participants to Electronic consent forms can be designed to
ask questions in real-time, fostering an accommodate multiple languages, addressing
interactive dialogue between researchers and language barriers and facilitating the
participants. Q&A features allow for participation of individuals from diverse
clarification on study details, potential risks,
linguistic backgrounds. This multilingual
and procedural aspects, ensuring that capability enhances inclusivity and ensures that
participants can make informed decisions based participants fully understand the study
on accurate information. information in their preferred language.

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
Adaptive Design for Accessibility: or reviewed, creating an accountable and
traceable timeline of the entire consent journey.
Electronic consent forms can incorporate 6,7
adaptive design elements to enhance
accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Real-time Monitoring:
Features such as text-to-speech functionality, Audit trails allow for real-time monitoring of
adjustable font sizes, and compatibility with participant engagement with the electronic
screen readers contribute to a more inclusive consent form. Researchers can track participant
consent process, accommodating participants progress, ensuring that each section is
with varying needs. completed and that participants spend an
Remote Participation Options: adequate amount of time reviewing critical
information. This real-time monitoring
The electronic format enables researchers to
enhances the overall compliance and quality of
reach participants in geographically distant
the informed consent process.
locations. Remote participation options,
facilitated through electronic consent forms, Identification of Modifications:
reduce logistical barriers and enhance Version control within electronic consent forms
accessibility for individuals who may face identifies any modifications made to the
challenges in physically attending study sites.
document. This feature is crucial for tracking
User-friendly Interfaces: changes, ensuring that participants are always
presented with the most up-to-date and
Designing user-friendly interfaces is integral to
accurate information. Researchers can easily
ensuring that electronic consent forms are
identify and document alterations, minimizing
accessible to individuals with varying levels of
the risk of using outdated or inaccurate consent
technological proficiency. Intuitive navigation,
clear instructions, and user-friendly interfaces
contribute to a positive user experience, Adherence to Regulatory Requirements:
making the consent process more accessible to Regulatory bodies often require thorough
a broader participant demographic. documentation and compliance with specific
V. Enhancing Compliance and standards during the informed consent process.
Documentation Electronic consent forms with robust audit trail
A. Audit Trail and Version Control capabilities enable researchers to demonstrate
adherence to these regulatory requirements,
The meticulous documentation of the informed facilitating a smoother auditing process.
consent process is paramount in clinical
B. Electronic Signatures
research to ensure compliance with regulatory
standards and maintain the integrity of the The integration of electronic signatures in the
research study. This section explores how informed consent process represents a pivotal
electronic consent forms contribute to advancement, streamlining the documentation
enhanced compliance through the of participant consent. This subsection explores
implementation of audit trails and version the advantages and implications of electronic
control. signatures in clinical research.
Audit Trail Transparency: Legally Binding Authentication:
Electronic consent forms incorporate audit Electronic signatures are legally binding,
trails that provide a transparent record of all providing a secure and authenticated method
interactions and changes made during the for participants to signify their consent. This
consent process. These audit trails document technology ensures the integrity of the consent
when the consent form was accessed, modified,

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
process by linking participants to their specific Efficient Data Retrieval:
agreement with the study terms and conditions. Electronic consent forms integrated with EHRs
Enhanced Security Measures: facilitate efficient data retrieval. Researchers
can easily access and retrieve participant
Electronic signature platforms employ
consent information alongside other pertinent
advanced security measures, such as encryption
health data, streamlining the research process
and authentication protocols, to safeguard the
and minimizing the time and effort required for
integrity of the consent document. These
data compilation.
measures mitigate the risk of unauthorized
access or tampering, reinforcing the overall Automated Documentation Updates:
security of participant consent records. Changes in participant health status or
Efficiency and Expedited Consent Process: modifications to the study protocol can be
automatically reflected in both the EHR and the
Electronic signatures significantly expedite the
electronic consent form. This automated
consent process compared to traditional paper-
synchronization ensures that all records are
based methods. Participants can sign consent
consistently updated, reducing the risk of
forms remotely and promptly, reducing
discrepancies and enhancing overall
administrative delays and streamlining the
compliance with study requirements.
overall timeline of the research study.
Data Security and Privacy Measures:
Traceability and Accountability:
The integration of electronic consent forms
Electronic signatures contribute to traceability
with EHRs necessitates robust data security
and accountability by providing a digital record
and privacy measures. Adhering to strict
of when and where the consent was signed.
protocols, such as encryption and access
This traceable trail enhances the auditability of
controls, ensures the confidentiality and
the consent process, demonstrating the
integrity of participant data across both
legitimacy of participant signatures and
platforms, maintaining compliance with
ensuring compliance with regulatory
regulatory standards.
C. Integration with Electronic Health Records VI. Overcoming Challenges and Resistance
A. Addressing Technological Barriers
The seamless integration of electronic consent
forms with electronic health records (EHRs) The integration of electronic consent forms into
has far-reaching implications for research clinical research, while promising numerous
efficiency and data management. This benefits, is not without its challenges. This
subsection explores the benefits of such section explores strategies to overcome
integration in enhancing compliance and technological barriers that may impede the
documentation in clinical research. adoption and effectiveness of electronic
consent processes.
Unified Participant Records:
User-Friendly Design:
Integration with EHRs allows for the creation
of unified participant records, consolidating Developing user-friendly interfaces is crucial to
relevant health information with consent data. overcoming technological barriers. Ensuring
This integration ensures that researchers have a that electronic consent forms are intuitively
comprehensive view of participants' medical designed and easy to navigate caters to
history and study-related interactions, participants with varying levels of
contributing to more informed decision- technological proficiency, promoting a
making. seamless and accessible experience.

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
Accessibility Features: implemented in electronic consent processes.
Clearly articulating how participant data is
Electronic consent platforms should
protected, encrypted, and stored fosters a sense
incorporate accessibility features to
of transparency and helps build trust in the
accommodate individuals with disabilities. This
research process. 9
includes providing options for adjustable font
sizes, compatibility with screen readers, and Data Security Assurance:
other adaptive design elements to enhance Implementing robust data security measures
inclusivity and overcome barriers faced by and obtaining relevant certifications, such as
participants with diverse needs. 8 ISO 27001, can serve as assurances of the
Training and Support Resources: commitment to safeguarding participant
information. Demonstrating compliance with
Offering comprehensive training resources and
industry standards contributes to participant
support materials can empower both
confidence in the security of electronic consent
participants and researchers. Clear instructions,
video tutorials, and help desks can address
technological concerns, providing assistance to Educational Materials on Data Security:
those who may be less familiar with electronic Providing educational materials that explain the
data security measures in place can alleviate
Pilot Testing and Feedback: participant concerns. Informative brochures,
infographics, or video presentations can be
Before widespread implementation, pilot
used to convey the importance of data
testing of electronic consent processes allows
protection and the steps taken to ensure the
researchers to identify and address
confidentiality of participant information.
technological challenges. Collecting feedback
from both participants and research staff during Ethical Review Board Endorsement:
the pilot phase enables iterative improvements, Obtaining endorsement from ethical review
ensuring a smoother transition to electronic boards for the use of electronic consent forms
consent methods. can enhance participant trust. Knowing that the
Alternative Options for Participation: research protocol and electronic consent
process have undergone rigorous ethical
Recognizing that not all participants may be
comfortable with electronic methods, providing scrutiny provides participants with additional
assurance regarding the integrity of the study.7
alternative options for consent, such as in-
person or paper-based processes, can mitigate Incorporating Participant Feedback:
technological resistance. Offering flexibility in Actively seeking and incorporating participant
the consent process accommodates varying feedback throughout the research process,
preferences and levels of comfort. including the consent stage, demonstrates a
B. Ensuring Participant Trust commitment to participant perspectives. This
iterative approach allows researchers to address
Establishing and maintaining participant trust is
concerns, adapt processes, and build trust
paramount in the success of any research study.
collaboratively. 8
This subsection explores strategies to overcome
resistance related to concerns about data C. Training and Education for Researchers
security, privacy, and the overall Researchers play a pivotal role in the
trustworthiness of electronic consent processes. successful implementation of electronic
Transparent Communication: consent processes. This subsection explores
strategies to address resistance stemming from
Researchers should prioritize transparent
a lack of familiarity or confidence among
communication about the security measures

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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
research staff in using electronic consent support, and contribute to the overall
methods. enhancement of research staff competency.
Comprehensive Training Programs: VII. Conclusion
Implementing comprehensive training The future of electronic consent forms in
programs for research staff ensures that they clinical research holds exciting possibilities,
are well-versed in the use of electronic consent driven by technological innovations and a
platforms. Training sessions can cover platform commitment to improving the participant
functionalities, troubleshooting common issues, experience. As the research community
and addressing participant inquiries, fostering continues to embrace and refine electronic
confidence among research personnel. consent processes, the anticipated
advancements aim to strike a balance between
Simulation and Mock Exercises:
regulatory compliance, technological
Conducting simulation exercises or mock sophistication, and participant engagement,
scenarios allows researchers to practice using ultimately fostering a more ethical, efficient,
electronic consent forms in a controlled and participant-friendly research landscape.
environment. This hands-on approach helps
build familiarity, identify potential challenges, VIII. References
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Continuous Support Mechanisms:
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ensures that researchers have access to
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assistance when needed. This continuous
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support minimizes barriers associated with
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technical challenges and allows for timely
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resolution of issues.
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Peer Mentorship and Knowledge Sharing: files/eudralex/vol-
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their experiences and challenges with data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
electronic consent processes. This feedback (General Data Protection Regulation).
loop can inform improvements in training https://eur-
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CAJMNS Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Jan-Feb 2024
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