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00:03 How do we raise self-reliant kids who have initiative, who are resilient, and

who could be problem solvers? 我们怎样才能培养出自力更生、有主动性、有韧性、能解决问题的孩子呢?

00:13 Kids who have the skills and the courage to step outside of their comfort
zone and take advantage of what life has to offer. 孩子们有能力、有勇气走出自己的舒适
00:24 I'm a mom to these three boys, and if you're a parent like me, you've
probably asked yourself those very same questions. 我是这三个男孩的妈妈,如果你是像我
00:33 And while I'm sure that every caring parent wants those same things for their
children, I think we're going about it the wrong way. 虽然我确信每个有爱心的父母都希望自
00:44 We want our kids to be happy and successful. 我们希望我们的孩子快乐、成功。
00:49 So our instinct is to shield them from hurt and disappointment. 所以我们的本能
00:56 We worry about their self-esteem, so we praise them for everything. 我们担
01:01 We are concerned about whether or they fit in, so we indulge them. 我们担
01:08 And we don't want them to fail, so we step in and take over. 我们不希望他们
01:14 And we do all of this in an attempt to curate our perfect life for them,
01:20 but what we're really doing is raising kids who are afraid to take risks
because they fear failure, 但我们真正做的是培养那些因为害怕失败而不敢冒险的孩子,
01:28 kids who lack the confidence in their ability to figure things out. 对自己
01:34 and then young people who are afraid to launch into adulthood. 然后是害怕进入
01:42 More young adults are living at home and for longer stretches. 越来越多的年轻
01:49 And this was occurring even before the pandemic. 这甚至在大流行之前就发生了。
01:52 A Pew Research study found that 52% of young adults are living at home.
皮尤研究中心的一项研究发现,52% 的年轻人住在家里。
01:58 which is the highest percentage since the Great Depression.这是大萧条以来的最高
02:03 And what we're finding is that young adults are stuck between adolescents and
adulthood, and that's the generation of people that we're raising. 我们发现年轻人
02:16 And in fact, we hear this in the language that young adults even use when
they have to make responsible adult decisions. 事实上,我们在年轻人必须做出负责任的成人决
02:26 There's a term for it. 有一个术语。
02:27 Who knows what that is? 谁知道那是什么?
02:29 Adulting, yes. 成人化,是的。
02:31 The practice of behaving in a characteristic of a responsible adult. 以负责
02:38 So, I am convinced that as parents and caregivers, we are missing out on a
great opportunity to raise kids who are resilient. 因此,我相信,作为父母和照顾者,我
02:50 can and can take hold of their future kids who can step outside of their
comfort zone and do amazing things. 他们能够并且能够抓住他们未来的孩子,让他们能够走出自己的
03:00 Now these are skills that are necessary not only for them to lead fulfilling
lives and live out their potential but those are skills 现在,这些技能不仅是他们过上
03:11 that are also necessary for our changing world. 这对于我们不断变化的世界也是必要的。
03:15 So back to my original How do we raise self-reliant kids who have initiative,
are resilient, and can be problem solvers? 那么回到我最初的问题:我们如何培养有主动性、
03:27 I believe we do that by raising kids who can think and act entrepreneurially.
03:34 Kids who have the opportunity or have the skill set to view the world from an
entrepreneurial mindset. 有机会或有技能从创业心态看世界的孩子。
03:44 So let me tell you how I came to this conclusion. 那么让我告诉你我是如何得出这
03:49 So for more than 20 years, my work was centered around supporting adult
entrepreneurs. 因此,20 多年来,我的工作重点是支持成年企业家。
03:57 Providing them with training and technical assistance and resources to help
them start and grow their businesses. 为他们提供培训、技术援助和资源,帮助他们创办和发展
04:05 And something I would observe, we'd have two individuals come into our office
seeking assistance. 我观察到,我们会有两个人来到我们的办公室寻求帮助。
04:09 And on the surface, it appeared that those individuals were at the same level
in terms of resources, capabilities, skills, and business acumen. 从表面上看,这
04:21 But what we would find is that one individual would take that information and
go with it. 但我们会发现,一个人会接受这些信息并接受它。
04:26 And then the other individual would just seem to have trouble really getting
traction and getting going. 然后另一个人似乎很难真正获得牵引力并继续前进。
04:33 And what I realized was that it had nothing to do with skill or capability.
04:40 What it came down to was the mindset of that individual. 归根结底是那个人的心
04:48 And observing this got me thinking, 观察这一点让我思考,
04:52 how might I raise my children such that they can view the world like an
entrepreneur, 我怎样才能培养我的孩子,让他们能够像企业家一样看待世界,
05:01 that they would have the courage to step out and to change the world within
entrepreneurial lens. 他们将有勇气走出去,在创业的视角下改变世界。
05:11 So that set us out, my husband and I, on a 15-year journey to raise
entrepreneurial kids. 就这样,我和我的丈夫开始了 15 年的培养创业孩子的旅程。
05:18 And we really saw this come together when my eldest son Silas was nine years
old. 当我的大儿子塞拉斯九岁时,我们真的看到了这一点。
05:27 We have been living here in Maryland for about two years and my husband was
planning to travel 我们在马里兰州住了大约两年,我丈夫正计划去旅行
05:32 back to Colorado to And so Silas asked me, he said, hey mom, can me and my
brothers also go with dad to visit grandma. 回到科罗拉多州,所以塞拉斯问我,他说,嘿妈
05:40 And I said, 我说,
05:41 well, you know Silas, four airline tickets were not in the budget, but you
can go if you can buy your own ticket. 好吧,你知道塞拉斯,四张机票不在预算之内,但是如果
05:50 So he paused for a moment and he said, okay, well how much are airline
tickets? 所以他停顿了一下,然后说,好吧,机票多少钱?
05:55 And I said about $300. 我说大约 300 美元。
05:57 And so his next question, I have to say, it literally blew my mind. 我不得
06:03 So he said, okay, can I find free stuff on Craigslist and then resell it?
所以他说,好吧,我可以在 Craigslist 上找到免费的东西然后转售吗?
06:11 Yeah, I was like, yeah, you can. 是的,我当时想,是的,你可以。
06:16 And so then over the course of that summer, that's exactly what he did.
06:21 You know, he would get online and research Craigslist. 你知道,他会上网研究
06:24 My husband would take him to go pick up those things. 我丈夫会带他去拿那些东西。
06:26 And then I would help him take pictures and post them online. 然后我就帮他拍
06:30 But then he also did some other things that summer he hustled. 但那个夏天他还
06:32 So he, he sold and baked, he baked and sold cookies. 所以他,他卖饼干,他烤饼干并
06:35 And then he also washed cars. 然后他还洗车。
06:37 and threw out that entire process. 并抛弃了整个过程。
06:41 My husband and I, we guided him along. 我和我的丈夫,我们引导他前进。
06:45 We were there to coach and encourage him, but we allowed him to take the
lead. 我们在那里指导和鼓励他,但我们让他带头。
06:52 When it was time for him to make his sales pitch, 当他需要进行推销时,
06:55 you know, 你知道,
06:55 we coached him on how to make But when it was time to knock on the doors, he
stood forward and we stepped back. 我们指导他如何制作,但到了敲门的时候,他站到了前面,我们
07:03 And that summer, he raised the money. 那年夏天,他筹集了资金。
07:05 He earned the money to purchase his airline ticket. 他赚了钱来买机票。
07:09 And he made a little bit more and he bought me a But, 他赚了更多的钱,给我买了一个
07:14 you know, 你知道,
07:14 I'm like, 我很像,
07:15 I don't know really who he was thinking about when he bought that gift if it
was like me or him, I don't know. 我真的不知道他买礼物时在想谁,是像我还是他,我不知道。
07:23 But think about the confidence that this put in him at nine years old, 但想想
07:29 that he could have a big goal and that he could persevere to achieve that
goal. 他可以有一个远大的目标,并且可以坚持不懈地实现这个目标。
07:36 Amazing. 惊人的。
07:38 But when I share that story with other parents, 但当我与其他父母分享这个故事时
07:43 many of them shake their head and say, you what, my kid could never do that
because my kids don't have the entrepreneurial gene. 他们中的许多人摇摇头说,你什么,我
07:52 Well, being entrepreneurial is not genetic. 嗯,创业精神并不是遗传的。
07:57 It is a set of behaviors that can be learned when given the opportunity.
08:05 Entrepreneurs are not born. 企业家不是天生的。
08:08 The skills and the experiences that cause a to be entrepreneurial can be
taught and it can be nurtured. 使人具有创业精神的技能和经验是可以传授和培养的。
08:18 Now, raising entrepreneurial kids is more than just teaching them how to
start a business so they can earn money. 现在,培养具有创业精神的孩子不仅仅是教他们如何创业
08:27 Raising entrepreneurial kids is really about preparing kids for life. 培养具
08:34 equipping them with everything that they need, 为他们提供所需的一切,
08:37 with the confidence, with the ability to speak up, to persevere, to have
tenacity, to bounce back from fear and rejection. 有信心,有能力说出来,有毅力,有毅
08:48 Those are the things that are required in our world to live to one's
potential. 这些是我们这个世界上发挥个人潜力所需要的东西。
08:56 In order for me to learn as much as I could about raising entrepreneurial
kids, 为了让我尽可能多地学习如何培养有创业精神的孩子,
09:03 I interviewed dozens of parents and kids to find out what they were doing.
09:09 I want to share with you what I learned, 我想与大家分享我学到的东西
09:12 and want to share with you five strategies that I'm actually doing, 想与大
09:17 that honestly I think every parent should be doing with their children to
disrupt our conventional way of parenting. 老实说,我认为每个父母都应该与他们的孩子一
09:28 So number one, Don't give them an allowance That's right. 所以第一,不要给他们
09:34 That's what I'm talking about too. 这也是我正在谈论的。
09:35 Yes Don't give them an allowance instead 是的,不要给他们津贴
09:39 Challenged them to start a business to earn their spending money 挑战他们创业以
09:43 So this is my boys and this is how one of the ways that they've earned money
09:48 their own spending money is they make bracelets 他们自己的花销就是做手链
09:50 and There is no better lesson around the value of a dollar that when you have
to work hard to earn each one of them. 当你必须努力工作才能赚到每一美元时,关于一美元的价
10:02 And through this process, 而通过这个过程,
10:03 our kids will learn confidence, financial literacy, public speaking, how to
convince people, all skills that are valuable for the world that we live in. 我们的
10:14 So don't give them an allowance. 所以不要给他们津贴。
10:16 The next thing is make them pay for their wants, you know, key to
entrepreneurship is about personal responsibility and ownership. 接下来的事情是让他们
10:29 And it is amazing how when you put the responsibility on someone else to buy
that thing that they said they really want it. 令人惊奇的是,当你把购买那件东西的责任推给
10:38 Kind of shifts a little bit, right? 有点转变,对吧?
10:40 It really, really does. 确实如此。
10:42 It's no different with the kids. 和孩子们没有什么不同。
10:44 And so we actually started this quite early with our children. 所以我们实际上
10:48 So when Silas was about four years old, 所以当塞拉斯大约四岁的时候
10:55 And the boys would earn daddy dollars for doing things such as chores, for
exhibiting positive behavior, and for also reading books. 男孩们可以通过做家务、表现出
11:06 And actually purchased his first bike from using daddy dollars. 实际上,他用爸
11:13 He had to earn $250 and that allowed him to purchase his first bike. 他必须
赚到 250 美元才能购买他的第一辆自行车。
11:19 Now, yeah, you these are not real, real dollars, but to silence that 现在,
11:25 experience of working hard to earn that money and to buy that bike was a very
real experience for him. 努力工作挣钱买自行车的经历对他来说是一次非常真实的经历。
11:34 Also, in 2019, our family decided to take a trip to Tanzania. 另外,2019 年,
11:41 And so the boys were really excited about it. 所以男孩们对此非常兴奋。
11:44 And I said, now, if you want to go to Tanzania, you're dead and are gone.
11:49 But if you want to go to Tanzania, you know what you got to do? 但如果你想去坦
11:53 What do you think I told them? 你认为我告诉了他们什么?
11:55 They're going to have to buy their own airline ticket. 他们将不得不购买自己
11:58 Yes. 是的。
11:58 Now, the tickets to Tanzania were not cheap. 现在,去坦桑尼亚的机票并不便宜。
12:01 They were $900 apiece. 他们每人 900 美元。
12:04 But check this out. 但看看这个。
12:06 This is what I just loved was when I told the boys that they were going to
have to buy their own ticket, 这就是我最喜欢的就是当我告诉孩子们他们必须自己买票时,
12:11 Silas, remembering back to what he had done when he was about nine years old,
he said to his brothers, That's easy. 塞拉斯回想起自己九岁时所做的事,对他的兄弟们说:
12:19 Don't worry about it. 别担心。
12:21 I'll show you how to do it. 我将向您展示如何做到这一点。
12:23 Yes. 是的。
12:25 And sure enough, they worked hard over several months and they did just that.
12:32 They were able to earn enough money by selling their bracelets that I showed
you earlier. 他们通过出售我之前向您展示的手镯来赚到足够的钱。
12:38 and they all were able to go with their parents to Tanzania. 他们都能够和父
12:44 So I would encourage you to make your kids pay for the things that they say
they want. 所以我鼓励你让你的孩子为他们所说想要的东西付费。
12:50 The next is to reduce their prosperity. 接下来是减少他们的繁荣。
12:54 Now let's admit it, kids today have a lot to of stuff, right? 现在让我们承认,
13:02 And when you think about it, 当你想到这一点时,
13:04 I understand this need and this desire as parents to want to give our kids
experiences and things that maybe we did not have when 我理解作为父母的这种需求和愿
13:12 we were children. 我们还是孩子。
13:15 But when we choose a parenting style of overindulging our children, 但当我
13:20 by providing them with too much, 为他们提供太多,
13:23 too soon, for too long with no effort on their part, what we do is actually
raise young people who are self-centered and entitled. 太早、太久,而他们却没有做出
13:37 And so when we instead, 所以当我们相反时,
13:40 in the 1700s, 在 1700 年代,
13:42 it's interesting because Frederick Douglas made a statement that I thought
was profound, even in the 1700s, because we're dealing with it today. 这很有趣,因为
弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglas)发表了一个我认为即使在 1700 年代也意义深远的声明,因为
13:51 And he said, 他说,
13:52 if you wish to make your son helpless, 如果你想让你的儿子变得无助,
13:55 you need not cripple him with a bullet but simply place him beyond the reach
of necessity and surround him with luxury and ease. 你不必用子弹打伤他,而只需将他置于
14:08 Still true today. 今天仍然如此。
14:11 Steve Jobs in a speech to some grad to graduate in a graduation speech told
the graduates to stay hungry. 史蒂夫·乔布斯在对一些毕业生的毕业演讲中告诉毕业生要保持饥饿。
14:19 And what we love about entrepreneurs is their hustle, and oftentimes that
hustle is rooted in a hunger for something. 我们喜欢企业家的一点是他们的忙碌,而这种忙
14:28 But if our kids never want for anything, what's going to motivate them to
take action? 但如果我们的孩子从不想要任何东西,那么什么会激励他们采取行动呢?
14:36 So I encourage you to reduce your kid's prosperity. 所以我鼓励你减少你孩子的繁荣。
14:40 Next is to let them be delight-directed. 接下来是让他们以快乐为导向。
14:45 Entrepreneurs are lifelong learners. 企业家是终身学习者。
14:49 They learn to do, not simply to know. 他们学会做事,而不仅仅是知道。
14:54 And when we encourage our children to seek out learning for the things that
they are most interested in, 当我们鼓励孩子去学习他们最感兴趣的事情时,
15:00 they become learners who seek to learn to do because they're teaching
themselves as opposed to just simply pouring in information, 他们成为寻求学习做事
15:09 which is sometimes what we get in our education system. 这有时就是我们在教育
15:12 And so this is my son Isaiah. 这是我的儿子以赛亚。
15:16 his delight is drawing. 他的乐趣是画画。
15:19 And he spends hours drawing and he seeks out class, 他花几个小时画画并寻求上课,
15:22 teach him how to draw, 教他画画,
15:24 and he was recently awarded an award by the Smithsonian Museum of For
creating, 他最近荣获史密森尼博物馆颁发的奖项,表彰其创作,
15:32 thank you, 谢谢你,
15:33 yeah, this superhero from looking at a piece of art in the museum and he
designed this, but now Isaiah is designing logos for people. 是的,这个超级英雄是
15:43 So now he's, yeah, I love it. 所以现在他,是的,我喜欢它。
15:47 So, so give them room and space to follow their delights. 所以,给他们空间和空
15:53 And then lastly, let them solve their own problems. 最后,让他们解决自己的问题。
15:58 Entrepreneurs are problem solvers, and parents, it is our natural instinct to
want to step in and help our kids solve their problems. 企业家是问题解决者,而父母,
16:06 But when we do that all the time, we kind of squelch the potential that they
have to discover new things about themselves. 但当我们一直这样做时,我们就压制了他们发现
16:19 It squelches their ability to go out and find the answers for themselves.
16:25 So, I want you to think about those five things as you begin to raise up
young people. 所以,我希望你在开始抚养年轻人时考虑这五件事。
16:33 And yeah, you know what? 是的,你知道吗?
16:35 It's very likely that my boys may not choose business ownership when they
grow up and that's 我的孩子们长大后很可能不会选择企业所有权,那就是
16:42 okay because whether a child chooses to build a company or become an
employee, 好的,因为无论孩子选择创办公司还是成为雇员,
16:50 it doesn't matter because every kid needs to learn how to think like an
entrepreneur. 这并不重要,因为每个孩子都需要学习如何像企业家一样思考。
16:57 And the sooner we do this as parents, 作为父母,我们越早这样做,
17:00 create an environment at home where they have the opportunity, 在家中创造一个
17:04 in multiple occasions, 在多个场合,
17:06 to challenge their beliefs about what's possible within them, 挑战他们对自己
17:11 to step outside of their comfort zone, to take risk, to learn from failure,
to bounce back from rejection. 走出自己的舒适区,去冒险,从失败中学习,从拒绝中恢复过来。
17:18 Then the sooner we'll put them on the path of living out their potential to
lead very fulfilling and successful. 那么我们就能越早让他们走上发挥潜力的道路,从而实现

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