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Works as an interface btw user and hardware – OS


CPU : Keyboard, printer, mouse

RAM: Main memory, secondary memory (hard disk)
Now are we using all this directly? NO! The user isn’t using the hardware components directly, it is
via OS. So OS is working like an interface.
Need of OS:
If there’s no OS, then if a user wants to access Word, then he shld type a pgm to open that file. Now
if u want to print a file from word, then u shld write a pgm to invoke the printer.
Even for CPU, we need to give instructions to it by writing a pgm. Lets say one user is using hardware,
and they aren’t releasing it for another user to use. Then itll become a problem.
so we need OS!!
OS is used in Windows
Goal is to provide convenience to the user.
Throughput :
No of tasks executed per unit time
1. Resource allocator:
Now if multiple users are accessing one system/sever then itll act as resource allocator bcz it decides
for which user, how much hardware / for how much time the hardware has to be given, after a while
itll be taken back.

2. Process management
We manage many processes, like we are opening word, ppt, games, swiggy, so it sees how to execute
all these processes. These processes are handled by the CPU, it has a special term called CPU

3. Storage management - hard disk

How to store the data? Permanently or temporarily? How to manage all the files storage.

4. Memory management
Ram – this is the place where all the processes first come. No matter how many process u run, they
all first go to the Ram. Then we will divide the process one by one and give it to CPU
types of views
1. Lets consider one person who is using the system, he need not share his resources with anybody
else. So resource allocation need not take place. There is no sharing, the only thing we need to think
about is performance.

2. Mainframe comp
Lets say multiple terminals are connected to mainframe, then there will be a problem with the
resource utilisation.

Resources such as CPU, memory, I/O devices are divided uniformly.

3. Workstation

There are many clients connected with each other,

Take example of lab, theres a single printer, and many clients are there, so they all need the printer
and server.

4. Hand held comp

We have a strong processor in our phones, here the main issue to be handled is that the battery
aspect. But theres no problem of resource allocation, bcz it is single user.

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