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Title:Fcc catalyst crushing

Name: Elaf mohammed Jawad

the purpose

Improve value:10

Converting black oil, oil refining waste, into high-value products such as high- *
octane gasoline

Gas oil, mixed naphtha, and fuel oil

* Increased productivity of high petroleum products

.the demand

*Reducing dependence on importing petroleum products

Environmental sustainability20 :

* Reduce carbon emissions by converting oil

Black into useful products

* Using advanced environmentally friendly technologies

* Improving the energy efficiency of the refinery

Economic benefits:30

* Providing new job opportunities

* Stimulating the national economy by increasing production

the local

*Reducing dependence on importing petroleum products

In addition to improving the economic and environmental value of the Shuaiba

Refinery, increasing productivity of high-demand petroleum products, reducing
dependence on importing petroleum products, creating new job opportunities,
and stimulating the national economy.

FCC (FLUID Catalytic) The cracking is an important refining technique to

convert heavy hydrocarbons in crude oil to lighter and more valuable oil
.products such as gasoline and gas oil

In 2023, the company signed South Iraqi refineries contract with JGC Japanese
to build a new FCC cracker in the Shuaiba refinery. The new unit energy is
55,000 barrels per day. The project is expected to be completed in 2026
:Types of catalyst cracking FCC

Fluid crushing:.1

*Description: This type is used to convert fuel oil

Heavy duty (HVG) into light products such as gasoline

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and gaseous oils. .Raw Material Heavy Fuel Oil

* Products Gasoline Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Gas Oils

* Technology: Liquid reaction technology is used _ Steel with FCC catalyst

Gas cracking:.2

Description: This type is used to convert gas oil (GO) into light products such *
as gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and gas oils. .Raw Material Gas Oil

Products Gasoline, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Gas oils *

* Technology: Gas-solid reaction technology is used With FCC catalyst

:Cracking causes of the catalyst FCC unit

High Pressure: The raw materials in the FCC unit are exposed to high pressure *
(about 20-30 bar), which causes the disintegration of large hydrocarbon

High Temperature: Raw materials are heated in the FCC unit to high *
temperatures (about 500-450°C) causing chemical reactions that lead to the
disintegration of hydrocarbon molecules

The big one

*Catalyst: A solid catalyst is used (such as Zeolite)

In the FCC unit to accelerate cracking reactions. . Time The raw material is left
in the FCC unit for a specified period of time (about 1-2 seconds) to ensure that
Complete cracking reactions


:Ways to reduce the causes of cracking

*Pressure and temperature control: must be controlled

.In pressure and temperature accurately to avoid Side reactions occur

Use a suitable catalyst: A catalyst must be used *

.Suitable to ensure that cracking reactions occur smoothly effective

* Regular maintenance: Regular maintenance must be performed on the unit

FCC to prevent corrosion of equipment.
:Benefits of crushing with FCC catalyst

Increasing the added value of crude oil:. 1

Conversion of low value products (eg Fuel oil into high value products (eg *

Increased production of high demand products (eggasoline and liquefied *

petroleum gas)

*Improving the quality of petroleum products

Reducing dependence on imports•2

*Increasing domestic production of gasoline and petroleum gas liquefied

*Reducing dependence on imports of these products

*Achieving self-sufficiency in petroleum derivatives

Creating job opportunities:2

*Providing new job opportunities in the field of employment

And unit maintenance

*Stimulate the local economy

Environmental benefits:-4

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through*

Improving oil refining efficiency

*Reducing fossil fuel consumption

Other benefits5. :

Improving the efficiency of the refinery *

*Increase equipment life

* Reduce operating cost

Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is one of the most important conversion

processes used in oil refineries. It is commonly used to convert high-boiling,
high-hydrocarbon petroleum oil into automobile fuels, alkene gases, and other
products of greater value. Hydrocarbons in oil were originally cracked through
thermal cracking, which has almost completely been replaced by catalytic
cracking. Instead because it produces more of its motor fuel with a higher
octane number. It also produces byproduct gases that have a larger alkene,
and are therefore more valuable, than those produced through thermal

The feedstock in fluid catalytic cracking is that portion of crude oil that has a
boiling point of 340°C or higher at atmospheric pressure and an average
molecular weight of 200 to 600 or higher. This fraction of crude oil is often
referred to as heavy oil or vacuum oil (HVGO). The fluid catalytic cracking
process vaporizes and breaks up long-chain molecules in high-boiling
hydrocarbon liquids into much shorter molecules by creating contact between
the raw material with Powered liquefied catalyst, at high temperatures and
.medium pressure

In fact, oil refineries use fluid catalytic cracking to correct the imbalance
between market demand for motor fuel and the heavy, high-boiling-range
.excess products resulting from the distillation of crude oil

Since 2006, there have been FCC units operating in 400 oil refineries around
the world and about a third of the crude oil refined at these refineries is
processed in a FCC unit to produce automotive fuel and high-octane fuel oils.
:Components of the catalyst crushing unit

:main units

*The FCC reactor is where the black oil is broken into Smaller particles

*Separator to separate various petroleum products from each other

*Distillation tower: to separate gasoline, gas oil and diesel

Gas processing units to remove sulfur and nitrogen of gases emitted *

*Water treatment units for wastewater treatment Health from loneliness

:Other ingredients

*Control systems to control all unit operations

Safety systems to ensure the safety of workers and the environment *

Infrastructure facilities such as cooling systems and cooling systems Power *


:Raw materials

*Black oil is the waste of oil refining

The catalyst is a mineral powder that is used*

To improve the crushing process


*Gasoline is automobile fuel

Gas oil is diesel fuel*

*Naphtha: It is a raw material for the production of petrochemicals

*Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): It is a volatile gas

Because of flammability, it is used in cooking and heating

* FCC cocktail which is a raw material for asphalt production.

The FCC unit at Shuaiba Refinery is a major oil project in Iraq. The unit aims to
convert heavy fuel oil into more valuable oil products, such as gasoline and
diesel. The project is expected to have a significant impact on the Iraqi
economy, as it will create jobs and reduce the country's dependence on fuel

Construction of the FCC unit began in 2014 and is scheduled to begin

operation in 2023. The FCC unit is a joint venture between the Iraqi South
Refineries Company and Japan's JGC. The total cost of the project is estimated
.at $3 billion

The FCC unit is expected to have a significant impact on the Iraqi economy.
The project is expected to create 2,000 jobs during construction and 1,000
permanent jobs once the unit is operational. The project is also expected to
.save $1 billion annually by reducing Iraq's dependence on fuel imports

The FCC unit is a strategic project for Iraq. The project will help improve the
country's energy security and boost its economy.

The FCC catalyst crushing project at the Shuaiba Refinery is an important

strategic project for the Republic of Iraq. The project is expected to have many
benefits to the Iraqi economy and the environment.

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