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2. Polite person: My best friend, first known : when I was at grade 3, transfer school, into her class, the one who was
willing and volunteer to give me a school tour; introduce me with her friends -> I could make friends with great ease
and faster; amiable -> had many friends, she was modest and always use honorifics with the older, optimistic, always
look on the bright side, always be there for me, console me when I was down in the mouth, give me great advice to
help me get through the trouble and move on, not only me but other people, she helped me with the subjects in which
I wasn’t competent, always respect everyone and never look down on anyone, she believe that everybody deserve to
be treated equally

3. Wearing weirdly: Billie Eilish + luxury brands, oversized clothes, utilize the palate of bright color or neutral color like
neon green or black and white, eccentric and large jewelries, gothic theme like skull, chain


11. Share: since a few days ago, share room with my younger sister, the air conditioner in her room was out of order,
summer in Viet Nam was boiling hot, we couldn’t sleep without it, it was a horrible experience, my sis was famous for
being annoying and talkative, she could talking ‘bout her favorite movies nonstop for a few hours, she didn’t care
whether the listeners understand or not, she just need someone listen to her, my private zone was snatched away ->
upset, even though we were in our summer break, I still had online classes due to the covid-19, I got distract because
she was in the same room with me and playing games, so troublesome, besides, I got used to sleeping alone and now I
had to share bed with my sis it was so uncomfortable, I felt like I didn’t sleep at night at all -> irritated, she was so clingy
that she even cling on to me during her sleep, she stayed up so late to watch movies and that made me wide awake as
well, while I need to wake up early in the morning to attend my class -> distressed, I just hope that the air conditioner
can be fixed ASAP so that she could return to her room.

17. Tried but not so successful = interesting conversation = using imagination: using imagination to make a story, not
successful because cannot consist, too many ideas, don’t know which one to choose.

23. Street market: locate near my residential area, within the walking distance -> usually walk to the market to get the
grocery, vnese people usually shopping every day to get the freshest ingredients for their meal so does my family, sell
almost everything not only foods but also clothes or toys for children, the market is available almost all year and only
close in the important national holidays such as Tet holiday, my summer break this year, I’m in charge of shopping for
the whole family, I seldom go to the market because I have tight schedule during school, one time I need to pick up the
grocery for dinner, I went to the market and realized that I had no idea which store was my mother’s favorite. She was
doing important business so I couldn’t call her to ask. I just went to some random stores whose products looked fresh.
What’s worse was I even cannot distinguish any kinds of meat, I just told the seller the type of meat that I needed with
the hope that she didn’t trick me. Luckily the rest of the shopping trip was smooth and I didn’t meet any trouble. I was
kinda proud because I could finish my duty without the help of anyone. After that I went to the market with my mom
more often so I knew the store where I should buy and also the types of goods.

24. Work in a group: last year, my class was divided into 5 groups to act a play that we needed to come up with the
idea based on the given topic on our own. Our team chose a topic about independence, since I was close to a group of
girls sitting near me, we decided to form a team with some boys in our class -> my team included 10 people. My best
friend was a leader and we split the group based on our duty so we had actors, writers and translators because we had
to use English script to act. My best friend was a truth worthy leader. She’s thoughtful and sensible -> understand what
each member had a knack for and charged the suitable tasks for everyone. She used the members’ strength as an
advantage so we could achieve the best result. She’s like able, disciplined and competent in motivating members to
reach the common goal so everyone wanted to collaborate with her and felt content while working with her. Thanks to
her precise instruction, our rehearsal went on really well and in the end, our team got the highest mark. The whole
team was so delighted and cheerful because our hard work was paid off. And we all looked forwards to banding
together more in the future.

26. Many people smiling + 29. When you got close to wild animal: few years ago, I visited an aquarium with my mom
during my summer break. It was the first time I got to aquarium so I was so exhilarated. Since I’m a student I had to
study real hard preparing for the high school entrance examinations. I was quite stressed out lately, my mom was so
afraid of me being depressed. She took me to the aquarium so I could wind down and leave all my worries behind for
the time being. When I got there, I could see so many fish, they were the eccentric types that I had never seen before. I
was so edger because I was a big fan of ocean, I simply love everything in the ocean from colorful fish to coral. After
that, there were so many shows for us the visitors to watch. I could watch the staffs feeding the penguins, the penguins
were so adorable, the way they walk waddling with two short wings, made me fall on my knee due to their cuteness. I
also had opportunities to watch dolphin performance, they did some tricks, math and interacted with the staffs. The
whole audiences, most of them are children, they smiled so brightly when watching the excellent performances of
dolphin. Since everyone wanted to capture the content moment while they were in the aquarium, they took so many
pictures, all of them smiles widely to get the most beautiful photos, so did I, my mom took so many pictures that I felt a
little shy. But still, it was one of my happiest memories, may be in the future I will return there with my mom.

28. Weather: my favorite one is autumn’s weather. Definitely because it is the most pleasant atmosphere comparing to
other type. The weather of autumn is the best for those activities. It’s not boiling hot like summer but also not freezing
like winter. It’s chilly with cloudless sky and a few occasional breezes. It will be the best for stargazing as there is usually
starry sky in autumn and there’s a perfect night to observe the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival. There is nothing
better than enjoying the cold breeze while observing the moon and sipping some chamomile tea. The weather become
dry preparing for winter so there is no long summer pouring rain that prevents people enjoy their time outside or nasty
gust of wind that can freeze people in the winter. Outdoor sports which require less wind like badminton now can held
with great ease without the need of indoor courts. It doesn’t have strong sun’s rays that can make people have thermal
shock if they spend a long time under the sun. Spending time having a picnic with family and friends and enjoying the
chilly wind is the great way of recreation, recharge positive energy and strengthen their relationship. Since I can spend
so much time outdoor without worrying about the dreadful atmospheric condition, autumn’s weather is obviously my
cup of tea.

38. Activities on the sea: beach volleyball. It is a great way to get in some exercise without overheating yourself in the
in the hot sun. It’s easy to set up and even easier to play. The best part is you don’t even have to have a team; plenty of
beachgoers would be happy to join in as long as you’ve got a ball. So people can get ready whenever they want. Similar
to indoor volleyball, volleyball is a team sport played by two teams on a sand court divided by a net. The only difference
is, while in indoor volleyball, each team has 6 members, beach volleyball includes teams of two players. The objective
of the game is to send the ball over the net and to ground it on the opponent's side of the court. Each team works in
unison to prevent the opposing team from grounding the ball on their side of the court. Actually, I haven’t played any
match of volleyball on the beach, but since I’m a big fan of volleyball in general, I really want to try it sometime when I
go to the sea. Unfortunately, the corona virus are preventing me from accomplish my dream.

41 + 42: One day I came across local news on the page that usually updates the hottest news in my residential area on
the social media which is Facebook. I read it about a few months ago, I still remember it vividly because it almost like
turned over a new leaf for my family and the whole local area in general. It was about the decision of the local
administration to renovate the lake that my house overlooked. To be honest, this news was so wonderful that it
literally lifted the whole family’s mood up for all day. Because the lake behind my house was so unlikely a lake, I don’t
even know if I should consider it as a lake or a big hole storing water inside. It didn’t have a lake side, if I opened the
back door, I would fall right into the lake. It was serious hazard, many neighbor of mine had young children so they
were always worried and supervised their kids all the time. What’s even worse was many families were so slothful that
they dumped their household waste directly into the lake, made it seriously polluted. We had to live with nasty smell
and water pollution for a long time and we started being unable to stand that horrible surrounding. Then it was when
the news was released on the Internet, it’s like a life savior, we were all light-hearted, finally we could live without
being petrified of children falling into water or the awful environment.

51. Skill that teach people: i can say that I’m quite competent in cooking which is one of my favorite skill. I started
learning how to cook since I turned teenager. And my teacher is my mom. Back then she taught me how to cook just
because it was one of the most essential life skills. However I was so into cooking and I wanted to develop it to more
than just acceptable level. I can teach everyone from the beginner but I prefer teach teenagers and above since kids are
too young to use dangerous tools like knife. In order to teach people how to cook a dish, I will need a kitchen with the
necessary ingredients as well as the tools for that dish. As I learnt from my mom without any specific recipes, I grew use
to cooking with my intuition. And I also learnt from my mistakes, came to conclusion with the easier and more effective
recipes. I want to guide people use my recipes so they can cook with the lower risk of failing. However, I won’t be able
to teach many people if I only teach them directly, and Corona virus makes it even more impossible. So I’m thinking of
recording my cooking session and posting it on the social media platform like Youtube or Facebook. I believe that with
that way, I can help people kill their spare time during quarantine, instead of sitting around and gluing their eyes on
computer games, people can spend the quality time with their family in the kitchen.

52. Nature talent: I can say that I’m quite competent in cooking which is one of my favorite skills. I started learning how
to cook since I turned teenager. And my teacher is my mom. Back then she taught me how to cook just because it was
one of the most essential life skills. However I was so into cooking and I wanted to develop it to more than just
acceptable level. As I learnt from my mom without any specific recipes, I grew use to cooking with my intuition. I have a
knack for measuring with my eyes and my tongue, I rarely use any measure implements. In order to sharpen my skill,
besides learning from my mom to cook Vietnamese traditional dishes, I also want to learn to cook other foreign dishes
from main dishes to desserts. I watch bunch of cooking videos whenever I have time, even though I don’t have much
spare time, I will make sure that I can cook at least twice a week. My favorite show is Masterchef because through the
show I can learn so many unique techniques of the contestants as well as the judges. Since I’m a big fan of Gorden
Ramsay, I’m thinking of attending his online class on the platform called Masterclass so I can learn more professional
techniques from him, but only after I finish my university entrance exams. Personally, I think cooking is kind of arts and
whenever I cook I feel like I’m an artist, I absolutely love the sense of contentment after finishing a dish, and I’m even
more delighted if other people enjoy the food I made.

53. Plan: lately, I’ve been thinking about sharpening my cooking skill. I can say that I’m quite competent in cooking
which is one of my favorite skills. I started learning how to cook since I turned teenager. And my teacher is my mom.
Back then she taught me how to cook just because it was one of the most essential life skills. However I was so into
cooking and I wanted to develop it to more than just acceptable level. In order to sharpen my skill, besides learning
from my mom to cook Vietnamese traditional dishes, I also learn to cook other foreign dishes from main dishes to
desserts. I watch bunch of cooking videos whenever I have time, even though I don’t have much spare time, I will make
sure that I can cook at least twice a week. I also make time to watch Masterchef which is my favorite competition
because through the show I can learn so many unique techniques of the contestants as well as the judges. Since I’m a
big fan of Gorden Ramsay, I intend to attend his online class on the platform called Masterclass so I can learn more
professional techniques from him. It will be a bless if I can become a professional cook and follow my dream. I think
cooking is kind of arts and whenever I cook I feel like I’m an artist, I absolutely love the sense of contentment after
finishing a dish, and I’m even more delighted if other people enjoy the food I made.
54. Craft activity: When I was at grade 7, my school held Mid-Autumn event. During the event, each class was assigned
a spot in the school yard and then opened a stall to sell whatever they wanted to the students in our school. My class
decided to sell handmade souvenir. We divided the class into small group each of which made different types of
souvenir. My best friends and I came to my house on the weekend to make the handmade photo frames out of ice
cream sticks and tongue depressors. First, we had to buy all the materials at the store in the walking distance of my
house. Then we started to make the frame by sticking sticks or depressors together with hot glue, we had to be
extremely cautious because none of us wanted to be burn. Once finished, we painted it with acrylic color which stuck
on wood permanently. On the subsequent step, we decorated with colorful strings or accessories like flowers or stars
to give the frames adorable look. And for the final touch, we added some sparkle, the frame shined under the light. Our
products were absolutely lovely, and we were proud of our hard working. In the end, our merchandises were the best
seller which made us even more delighted and exhilarated. I hope that my high school will held similar event in the
future, since it is so entertaining.

55. Tradition: I want to share with you the tradition in Tet holiday in Viet Nam which is cleaning the house on the last
day of lunar year. It’s popular in China and Viet Nam because we all have lunar Tet holiday. In order to welcome a New
Lunar Year, every household in Viet Nam will clean their house with their family. People believe that no matter what
the old year may be, it should be arranged and put aside to welcome a new year with a better new beginning. House
cleaning has a meaning of making everything neater and tidier. It also requires the whole family to work together, each
person does the suitable tasks, the parents paint and repair, the children polish the furniture. It is an opportunity for
family members to be active, to work together, it will bring the sense of delight and contentment, they might feel
exhausted but joyful. A cleaned house, decorated with peach and kumquat trees carries a great meaning in feng shui.
It’s believed to receive a lot of fortune in the New Year. Even though it’s kinda superstitious, I think that we should try
our best to keep this tradition, as it can help to strengthen the kinship and bring back spiritual value.

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