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VISION : EMCOTECH is a strong resource provider in technology and community partner in addressing the needs of the less privileges members of the society.

MISSION: EMCOTECH strives to maximize the extension of technical and other social services to the community that will create a meaningful impact to their economic


VISION : Quality-skilled productive criminology graduates.

MISSION : Specialized knowledge capability in the field of criminal justice education for possible transformation of graduates into a competent
professionals for total commitment to support the primary task of law enforcement agencies in the solution of vital problem of crime in our society.

Goals :

- enhancing student’s ability through purposive research in the field of forensic science, criminal detection and investigation, criminal law and jurisprudence, law
enforcement administration, and correctional administration.
- developing student’s cautiousness in the importance of security management.
- developing the student’s skills and competencies in self-defense tactics through adequate training procedures.
- disciplining the student’s at all times with the integration of moral values through honesty, obedience, respect, diligence , punctuality, courtesy, and developing social
awareness and sense of responsibility.
- encouraging the student’s to act accordingly within the limits of their roles in conformity with institution’s stipulated standard policies, rules, and regulatiokns.
III. PROGRAM/DEGREE : Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BS CRIM)

IV. PROGRAM/DEGREE OUTCOMES : Based on CMO No. 05 Series 2018

A. Common to all programs in all types of

schools The graduates have the ability to:
1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PQF level 6 descriptor)
2. Effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing.
3. work effectively and collaborate with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 descriptor)
4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
5. preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)

B. Common to the Criminal Justice Education Discipline

A graduate of a Criminal Justice Education degree should be able to:
1. Conduct criminological research and further studies;
2. Ensure public safety and order maintenance;
3. Prevent suppress and control crime;
4. Investigate and detect crime;
5. Enforce laws, rules and regulations;
6. Protect lives and properties.

C. Specific to the Sub-Discipline and Major

A graduate of BS Criminology program should be able to:

1. Conduct criminological research on crimes, crime causation, victims, and offenders to include deviant behavior;

2. Internalize the concepts of human rights and victim’s welfare;

3. Demonstrate competence and broad understanding in law enforcement administration, public safety and criminal justice;

4. Utilize criminalistics or forensics science in the investigation and detection of crime;

5. Apply the principles and jurisprudence of criminal law, evidence and criminal procedure;
6. Ensure offender’s welfare and development for their re-integration to the community.


• Pre-requisite/s :

VI. SCHOOL YEAR SEMESTER OFFERED : School Year 2024-25 1st Semester

VII. COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course presents an overview of the different schools of thought in criminology; theories that explain
criminal behavior; techniques for measuring the characteristics of criminals, crime and victims; the
interrelatedness of theory, policy, and practice in the criminal justice system; and current issues and studies in

VIII. COURSE CREDIT/UNIT : 3 units: 1-hour lecture/unit; 3 hours/week 3 Units


At the end of the semester, he/she is expected to:

1. Define criminology
2. Define crime
3. Define criminal
4. Identify the criminological classification of crime
5. Enumerate and elaborate the legal classification of crime.
6. Identify the classification of criminals.
7. Explain the school of thought in criminology.
8. Distinguish criminologist from criminalist.
9. Explain the Filipino criminologist.
10. Enumerate and elaborate the major areas of study in criminology.
At the end of this module, He / she can: Unit I: Overview in Criminology
Online Discussion Pen and paper tests Modules 10 hours
1. Define criminology A. Definition of criminology Performance tasks Online articles
Periodic Examination Online
2. Enumerate and elaborate the B. Nature of criminology instructional
nature of criminology 1. Applied science videos
2. Social science
3. dynamic
4. nationalistic
3. Identify the different factors
C. Factors that enhances
that enhances the the development of
development of criminal criminal behavior:
1. Criminal demography
2. Criminal epidiomology
3. Criminal Ecology
4. Criminal Physical
5. Criminal Psychology
6. Victimology
4. Enumerate and elaborate the
major areas of studies in D. Major areas of studies
criminology. in criminology.
1. Dactyloscopy
2. Police photography
3. Polygraphy
4. Ballistics
5. Questioned document
6. Penology
7. Police supervision
and administration.
8. Investigation and detection
of crimes.
9. Industrial security
10. Traffic accident investigation

E. Meaning of criminalist
5. Define criminalist
F. Meaning of criminologist

6. Define criminologist
G. Meaning of criminal
7. Define criminal justice justice practitioner
H. Practice of criminology under
8. Identify the Filipino R.A. 11131
I. Areas of study in
Philippine Criminology
1. Sociology of law
2. Law Enforcement
3. Forensic Science
4. Criminal Detection
5. Criminal Etiology
6. Penology

J. Object of interest in criminology

1. Crime
2. Criminals
3. Crime victims or victimology
4. Punishment or penology
K. Purpose of studying criminology

L. Importance of studying
At the end of the lesson, he/she can: Unit II. Study of Crime
Online Discussion Pen and paper tests Modules 10 hours
1. Define crime A. Legal and sociological definition Performance tasks Online articles
of crime. Periodic Examination Online
2. Enumerate and elaborate the videos
legal classification of crimes. B. Legal classification of crime

1. as to manner of crime committed:

3. Identify the 1.1 Dolo of deceit

criminological classification
of crime 1.2 Culpa or Fault

2. As to the stages in the

4. Identify the classification of
commission of crime:
crime according to the police
2.1 Attempted crimes

5. Enumerate and elaborate the anatomy 2.2 Frustrated crimes

of crime .
2.3 Consummated crimes
3. As to the plurality of crime:

3.1 Simple
3.2 Complex

4. As to the gravity of penalty

or offense:

4.1 Grave felonies

4.2 Less grave felonies

4.3 Light felonies

5. As to the basis of criminal acts:

5.1 Crimes against person

5.2 Crimes against property

5.3 Crimes against chastity

5.4 Crimes against public order

C. Criminological classification of crimes

1. As to the result of crime

1.1 Acquisitive

1.2 Extinctive

2. As to time or period committed

2.1 Seasonal

2.2 Situational

3. As to the length of time

3.1 Instant
3.2 Episodial

4. As to the place of location of

the commission.

4.1 Static

4.2 Continuing

5. As to the use of mental faculties

5.1 Rational

5.2 Irrational

6. As to the type

6.1 White collar

6.2 Blue collar

. As to the standard of living of the


.1 Crimes of the upper world

.2 Crimes of the underworld

D. Classification of crime according to

the police.

1. Index crime
2. Non-index crime

E. Anatomy of crime
1. motive
2. Instrumentality
3. Opportunity
At the end of the lesson, he / she can: Unit III. STUDY OF CRIMINALS
Online Discussion Pen and paper tests Modules 11 hours
Performance tasks Online articles
1. Define criminals A. Legal and criminological Periodic Examination Online
classification of criminals instructional
2. Identify the general classification videos
of criminals B. General Classification of criminals

1. Criminals on the basis of etiology

3. Enumerate and elaborate 1.1 Acute criminals
criminals classified on the basis of 1.2 Chronic criminals
behavioral system
C. Criminals classified on the basis
4. Enumerate and elaborate criminals of behavioral system
on the basis of activities 1. Ordinary
2. Organized
3. Professional
5. Identify the criminals on the basis
of mental attitudes D. Criminals classified on the basis
of activities

6. Distinguish Habitual delinquent 1. Professional

from recidivist 2. Accidental
3. Habitual
7. Identify the classification of 4. Situational
criminal’s accdng. to Lombroso
E. Criminals on the basis of
mental attitudes
8. Enumerate and elaborate the
classification of criminals 1. Active aggressive
according to Ferri 2. Passive inadequate
3. Socialized delinquents

9. Identify the types of F. Criminals on the basis on legal

criminals according to point of view
1. Habitual delinquent
2. Recidivist

G. Classification of criminals according

to Lombroso

1. Born
2. Insane
3. Criminaloid
4. Occasional
5. Pseudo
6. Criminal by passion

H. Classification of criminals according

to Ferri

1. Instinctive
2. Insane
3. passional
4. occasional
5. habitual

I. Types of criminals according to


1. Murderers
2. Violent
3. Deficient
4. Lascivious

At the end of the lesson, he / she can: Unit IV. FACTORS AFFECTING
DEVELOPMENT AND EXISTENCE OF Online Discussion Pen and paper tests Modules 11 hours
CRIMES AND CRIMINALITY Performance tasks Online articles
(BIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, Periodic Examination Online
SOCIOLOGICAL instructional

1. Explain the geographical factor A. Geographic factor affecting crime

affecting the development of crime and and criminality:
1. North and south pole
2. Approach to the equator
3. Season of the year
2. Identify the types of physique and 4. Soil formation
type’s crime they are prone to commit 5. Month of the
accdng. to Kretschmer. year 6.Temperature
7. Humidity and
atmospheric pressure
8. Wind velocity
3. Enumerate and elaborate the types of
physique, temperament and types of B. Types of physique and crimes they
crime they are prone to commit accdng. are prone to commit accdng. to
to William Sheldon. Kretchmer.

1. Pyknic
4. Explain biological factor that affect 2. Athletic
crime and criminality. 3. Asthenic
4. Dyplastic

5. Enumerate and elaborate the mental C. Types of physique and crimes they
deficiencies are prone to commit accdng. to William

1. Endomorphic
2. Mesomorphic
3. Ectomorphic
D. Type of temperament and crimes
they are prone to commit accdng.
to William Sheldon.

1. Viscerotonic
2. Romotonic
3. Cerebrotonic

E. Biological Factors (Hereditary

1. Study of Kallikak Family Tree

2. Study of Juke Family Tree
3. Study of Sir Jonathan Edwards

F. Classes of mental deficiencies

1. Idiots
2. Imbeciles
3. Feeble-minded

G. Environmental factors
1. family backgrounds
2. Childhood trauma

H. Pathogenic family structure

1. Inadequate
2. Anti-social
3. Discordant
4. Disrupted

At the end of this lesson, he / she can: Unit V. Explanations to criminality and
the School of thought in criminology Online Discussion Pen and paper tests Modules 12 hours
1. Identify the types of explanation to Performance tasks Online articles
criminal behavior A. Types of explanation to criminal Periodic Examination Online
behavior: instructional
2. Identify the earlier to the existence of videos
criminality 1. Single or unitary causes
2. Multiple factor theory
3. Explain the schools of thought in 3. Ecelectric theory
B. Earlier explanations to the existence
of criminality:

1. Caused by demon
2. Caused by divine will

C. Schools of thought in criminology

1. Classical
2. Neo-classical
3. Positivist


1. Define crime L
2. Identify the Filipino criminologist L
3. Distinguish habitual delinquent from a recidivist L
4. Demonstrate an understanding of various terms used in criminology L
5. Discuss and explain the schools of thought in criminology L
1. Explain, in their own words, the importance of knowing the different factors affecting crime and criminality L
2. Reflect on the benefits of giving importance to RA 11131 L
3. Appreciate the importance of the study of criminology L
1. Analyze and explain the anatomy of crime P
2. Apply the concepts behind criminology P
3. Analyze and discuss the classification of criminals P
L= Learned P= Practiced O=Opportunity to learn


Periodic Examination - 60%

Quiz - 20%
Output - 20%
Total - 100%

XI. References :


1. Environmental criminology and crime analysis 2nd ed, ,Wortley, Richard, ed.2017
2. Criminology : theories, patterns and typologies 12th ed, Siegel, Larry J.,2016
3. Introduction to criminology, R.Castillo, B. Guerrero, 2021
4. Introduction to criminology, M. Amparado, 2020
5. Introduction to criminology, D. Lagumen, H. Lagumen, 2021
Prepared by: Reviewed & Recommended by:


Dean Academic Dean/Executive Committee

Approved by:

Chairman, Board of Trustees & President

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