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Oath of Fate: A Paladin Subclass

aladins are chosen, and they choose to swear First Try. When you or an ally within 30 feet of you makes
the oaths. But paladins always fight a losing an ability check, you can use your Channel Divinity to grant a
battle. They are compelled to face evil and one bonus to the roll equal to +10. You make this choice after you
day evil will win. Adventurers don't meet old see the roll but before the DM says whether the check
paladins like they meet old wizards or old succeeds or fails.
druids. Your hear stories of the deaths of great ex Machina. As an action, you can expend a use of your
paladins by great bards. Some paladins find Channel Divinity to conjure forth an inanimate object that you
this oddly comforting. These paladins are known as charms, can see within 10 feet of you. The object can be no larger
for they have been blessed by Fortuna, lady luck, or some than 3 feet on a side, weigh no more than 10 lbs, and its form
other god(dess) of fate or luck. These paragons of luck exude must be that of a nonmagical object that you have seen. The
good fortune and those around them seem to find that things object is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet. The
are just easier with them around. Those who have been given item disappears at the end of your next rest or if it takes any
the gift are often called "charms." Adventurers flock to them damage.
like sailors flock to adopting cats and tattooing hens and pigs
on their feet. All want to take a little luck for themselves. And Good Luck Charm
so, the "Charms" were born. Charms know a secret though, Examples of good luck charms.
eventually their luck will run out. Eventually they will lose,
but they feel that they are lucky in knowing that fact ahead of d6 Lucky Charm
time. Until then, they have a choice: do they try to grab onto 1 A four-leaf clover encased in amber
that font of fortune and use it at every opportunity or do they
only use it sparingly, trying their best not to rely upon it? Do 2 A rabbit's foot
they pass it to others in hopes that more luck will come back 3 A necklace of braided unicorn hair
to them or do they save it all for themselves? How do they
keep the fickle lady luck pleased with their performance and 4 A coin with heads on both sides
extend their careers as Charms and their lives as paladins? 5 A horseshoe fashioned into a bracelet
6 The number "7" Tattooed on your hand
Tenets of the Charms
Once you have been called to be a "Charm" you should strive At 3rd level, choose a lucky totem that protects you from
to follow the following tenets: the worst fate has to offer. While you are wearing the totem
"Luck/Fate, not Chance." - Being chosen by fate or lady and no armor or shield, your base AC is 16 + your Dexterity
luck means you do not need to rely on chance to succeed. modifier
Luck/Fate means you will succeed despite the chance you fail, Your lucky charm counts as a divine spellcasting focus for
not because of the chance you will be successful. Be fearless the purpose of casting spells.
and trust in your deity. When carrying your lucky totem, you are attuned to the
"Better Lucky than Good." - While you could train hard to whims of chance. As an action on your turn, you can open
get better at skills and practice all your life to master them, your awareness to know the outcomes of things normally
sometimes it's just better to have favorable winds when you reserved for chance. Using this ability expends a used of your
sail. Look for the favorable winds and ride them to success Divine Sense ability. Until the end of your next turn, you can
"Luck giveth, Luck taketh away/ Live your Fate." - At correctly predict any roll of dice, tossing of coins, spot on the
some point your luck will run out and fate will decide that dartboard hit, or cards chosen within 60 feet of you. Within
things will not turn out in your favor. You have lived a blessed the same radius, you can also detect if magic is being used to
life. Accept your fate with dignity, don’t shy away from it. alter the outcomes beyond chance.

Oath Spells Shift Fate

You gain the following oath spells at the levels listed Also at 3rd level, When you or a creature within 30 feet of you
makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can
Paladin Level Spells use your reaction and expend one spell slot to alter the
3rd featherfall, guidance outcome of the roll. You can add or subtract 1d4 plus 1 for
each spell level to a maximum of 1d4+5 from the result of the
5th enhance ability, bane roll.
9th counterspell, pass without trace
13th death ward, protection from energy
17th legend lore, divination

Channel Divinity:
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
two Channel Divinity options
Fortuna audaces iuvat
Starting at 7th level, you can take the help action as a bonus
action to help other creatures within 10 feet of you.
Additionally, when you take the help action to aid an ally in
attacking the creature, the target of that attack can be within
10 feet of you, rather than 5 feet if the target can see of hear
you. At 18th level the range of the radius expands to 30 feet.
Uncanny Dodge
Beginning at level 15, when an attacker that you can see hits
you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the
attack’s damage against you.
Paragon of Luck
At 20th level, you learn to emanate an aura of impossibly
good luck. Time seems to slow and the impossible feels
possible. Using your action, you get a feeling that lady luck is
watching you closing, and you can do no wrong. For 1 minute,
gain each of the following benefits:
You have advantage on all attack rolls, saving throws, and
ability checks.
All creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against
When you would normally roll dice to restore hit points
with a spell, you instead use the highest possible number
for each die
You add your proficiency modifier to any ability check you
make. If you are already proficient, you may instead add
double your proficiency to that check.
Warlord: A Fighter Subclass

ost fighters dominate the combat arena Well-oiled machine
through strength or skill. Warlords have
those in spades. What sets them apart Starting at level 18, when you roll initiative and have no uses
from the normal soldier is the ability to of Combat Orders remaining, you regain one use of Combat
command troops. Through tactical Orders.
decisions, warlords can pin down
particularly nasty foes. While engaged Maneuvers
in combat, a warlord issues orders to let their group function .
seamlessly as a unit Shield wall Until the beginning of your next turn,
creatures of your choice gain a +2 bonus to AC if they are
Combat Orders adjacent to an ally.
When you reach 3rd level, you learn 3 Combat Orders of your Cover him Choose a creature other than yourself. Until the
choice which are detailed in the “Combat Orders’ section beginning of your next turn, whenever that ally is attacked, a
below. Combat orders enhance your allies in some way. You creature of your choice may choose to use their reaction to
can only use one combat order per round. Combat Orders are make an attack against the attacker. This attack can be a
a bonus action unless otherwise specified. You learn an melee attack, a ranged attack, or a cantrip.
additional order at 13th level and 17th level. Each time you Take him down Choose a creature. Until the beginning of
learn a new order, you can replace one order you know with a your next turn, all attacks against that creature get a +2
different one. You can use a expend a use of Combat Orders bonus to hit and to damage.
twice, after which you must complete a short or long rest Get out of there! Choose a creature other than yourself.
before you can use Combat Orders again. Until the beginning of your next turn, this creature cannot be
the target of attacks of opportunity
Mark You’re going to be ok Choose a creature other than
yourself. Until the beginning of your next turn, that creature
At 3rd level, you excel at foiling attacks and protecting your gains temporary hit points equal to your Warlord level
allies by menacing your foes. You can take the Mark action Brace for impact Until the beginning of your next turn,
on your turn. As part of the Mark action, make a melee Creatures of your choice within a 10' radius reduce by 3 any
weapon attack against a creature. If you hit, in addition to the damage they take of non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and
normal damage, the target is marked by you until the end of slashing damage.
your next turn. A creature ignores this effect if the creature Charge Until the beginning of your next turn, when you
can't be charmed or frightened. The marked target has move, you can also move any allies adjacent to you up to half
disadvantage on any attack roll against a creature other than your movement speed.
you or someone else who marked it. You can only mark 1 Just like in practice As a reaction, you can allow a
creature at a time. creature other than yourself to reroll a saving throw and take
the second result
Commanding Presence Don’t die on me As a reaction, when a creature other than
Beginning at 7th Level, you gain proficiency in the yourself is reduced to 0 hit points within a 10' radius of you,
intimidation skill. if you already have proficiency in they are instead reduced to 1 hit point. You cannot use this
intimidation, then you may choose to gain proficiency in ability on that same creature again until you have completed
Deception, Persuasion, or Performance. Whenever you a Long Rest
attempt to move a group of people, you can add double your
proficiency bonus to any checks made to convince the group.
Improved Combat Orders
At 10th level, you gain an additional use of combat orders.
You gain a 4th use of combat orders at 18th level.
Master Tactics
Starting at level 15, If a target marked by you is within 5 feet
of you on its turn and it makes an attack that suffers
disadvantage from this feature, you can make one melee
weapon attack against it using your reaction. You can make
this special attack even if you have already expended your
reaction this round, but not if you have already used your
reaction this turn. You can make this attack three times, and
you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short or
long rest.

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