Ii. Business Description: A. Name of The Business

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Spuds Batch is a food business run by five partners who share both profits and
responsibilities equally. As a team, they work together to create tasty dishes and grow
their business while sharing the workload and risks.They are committed to delivering
high-quality food and exceptional service, drawing on their individual strengths and
skills to make Spuds Batch a success.

a. Name of The Business

The name "Spuds Batch" was chosen for its catchy and memorable nature, as
well as its relevance to the business. "Spuds" is a colloquial term for potatoes, which
are likely a key ingredient in the business's offerings, such as potato-based dishes or
products. The word "batch" suggests a group or collection, reflecting the partnership
of the five individuals running the business. Overall, the name "Spuds Batch" conveys
a sense of creativity, collaboration, and a focus on quality food products.

b. Location
The production area is in Rebe, Lala, Lanao del Norte, specifically in Purok
Lamak. This location offers strategic advantages like access to resources,
transportation networks, and a skilled labor force. Situated about 4.5 km away is the
market area, located at Lala National High School in Maranding, Lala, Lanao del
Norte. This proximity facilitates efficient delivery of products to customers.

c. Business Structure

The decision to form a general partnership for Spuds Batch was based on
several key considerations. Firstly, all five partners wanted to have an equal stake in
the business, both in terms of ownership and decision-making. This shared ownership
structure fosters a sense of collaboration and teamwork, with each partner
contributing their skills and expertise to the venture.

Additionally, the partners valued the simplicity and ease of setting up a general
partnership. Compared to other business structures, such as corporations, general
partnerships require less paperwork and formalities, making them an attractive option
for a small, closely-knit group like Spuds Batch.
d. Uniqueness

A delicious dessert or sweet snack option may be a sugary twist on baked sweet
potatoes with cheese. It's a different kind of decadence from more savory options because of
the natural sweetness of the roasted sweet potato and the creamy texture of the cheese. Those
with a sweet tooth may find this sweet mix appealing as it offers a unique and pleasing flavor

e. Factors That Will Cost The Business to Grow

1. Resource sharing

Partners can pool their resources, including capital, equipment, and

personnel, to spread costs and increase productivity. By sharing resources,
partners can avoid redundant investments and optimize utilization.

2. Collaborative Innovation

By working together, partners can collaborate on research and

development initiatives, innovation projects, and new product development.
Sharing the costs of innovation allows partners to access new markets, stay
competitive, and drive business growth more efficiently.

3. Customer Service

Enhancing customer service offerings or addressing customer

complaints may require additional investments in personnel, technology, or
training, leading to higher costs.

Sweet cheesy spuds offer a unique and exciting twist on traditional potato
dishes, combining the savory richness of melted cheese with the natural sweetness of
sweet potatoes. This innovative fusion creates a delightful culinary experience that
tantalizes the taste buds and brings a new level of flavor to the table. Whether as a
side dish or a main course, sweet cheesy spuds are sure to impress with their creative
blend of ingredients and bold, delicious flavors.

Here's a table outlining the composition, product name, uses, and benefits of
sweet cheesy spuds:


The composition Combines savory

of sweet cheesy cheese with sweet
potatoes for a
spuds typically
SWEEZY SPUDS For snacks unique and exciting
includes sweet
taste. Provides
potatoes, cheese, vitamins from sweet
milk and sugar. potatoes and
protein and calcium
from cheese

 Potatoes creamy and Contains vitamin

smooth, C, vitamin B6,
 Cheese
cheese Milky potassium, and
 Condense
blending into sweet and Paper Cups manganese.
d Milk the potato for cheesy calcium, vitamin
 Margarine a rich and A, vitamin B12,
 Sugar indulgent phosphorus, and
texture. selenium

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