Inventions British English Student

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1 Warm up

Work in small groups. Match the words with the images below.

a door handle a dustbin a light switch a plate

a spoon a tap coins stairs

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Which of those objects do you use every day?

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2 What’s in your backpack?

Part A: Study the list of objects and use some of the words to label the photos below.

body wipes earphones coloured pencils glue

a highlighter a map a pencil case a pencil sharpener

scissors sunglasses a towel a water bottle

sunscreen tissues a toothbrush a torch

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

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Part B: Look at the list again and guess what Oleg has in his backpack and what Zoe has in her
rucksack, then listen to check. Some objects can be in both bags.

Part C: answer the questions.

1. Does Oleg have any snacks or sandwiches?

2. Where does he eat breakfast?

3. Which meal does he eat in the school cafeteria?

4. What is in his folders?

5. What’s Zoe’s hobby?

6. What’s at the bottom of her rucksack?

Now, tell a classmate what you have in your bag.

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3 What are they for?

Part A: Guess the object(s) described.

1. It protects your skin against the sun.

2. You use it to make marks on printed text.

3. You use it to wash your body when you have no water.

4. It keeps sheets of paper together.

5. You use it then it is dark and there is no electricity.

6. You use it to listen to music when you don’t want to disturb others.

7. It is used to make windows and mirrors.

8. A car has four of them and a bicycle has two.

9. It is a metal used to build machines and tools.

10. You take photos with it.

How many of the things above existed in the year 1900?

4 An invention that saves lives

Part A: Read the definitions and underline the correct forms.

• bacteria (singular – bacterium)

Very small living things, which can only be 1. saw/seen with a microscope. They live all around
us and inside us. 2. A/Some bacteria can cause disease.
• antibiotic
A substance that 3. kill/kills bacteria.
• fungus (plural - fungi)
A plant without leaves or flowers, which 4. grow/grows on other plants and on food. There
are kinds of fungi that can be 5. eat/eaten – they are called mushrooms.
• mould
A type of fungus that 6. live/lives on food that 7. has/have been kept too long.

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Part B: Watch the video about the discovery of the first antibiotic – penicillin and put the events in
the order they happened.

He grew the dangerous bacteria in his laboratory.

5 He came back from his holidays.

In 1928, Alexander Fleming was working on the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

He found mould and studied the fungus in it.

9 He called it penicillin.

He discovered that some of the bacteria were dead.

He went on holiday.

He left some bacteria on his desk.

Penicillin saved the lives of many people.

He grew the fungus on his own.

Part C: Complete the sentences with the verbs.

brought up examined throw away wounded

1. Alexander Fleming was on a farm.

2. He many kinds of dangerous bacteria.

3. He forgot to some cultures of bacteria.

4. Many soldiers died because of infection.

Infection – an illness caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi (=germs)
A culture of bacteria - a population of bacteria grown in a laboratory.
A boil – a painful swelling under your ski

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5 Language focus: Past Perfect

Part A: Look at the underlined verbs in each sentence and decide which of the actions happened first.

1. Fleming discovered that some of the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria had died.
2. The scientist didn’t know what had killed the bacteria.
3. He noticed that mould had grown on the bacteria.

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Part B: Complete the missing verb forms.

Present Simple Past Simple Past Perfect

cut cut
eat had eaten
grow grew

go had gone

leave left
save had saved

Part C: Decide which of the underlined events took place first and then write the verb in Past Perfect.
Write the other verb in Past Simple.

1. She (sharpen) her coloured pencils because her little sister (use)
them to do her homework.

2. When the film started I (realise) that I (see) it before.

3. I (not call) you because I (lose) your number.

4. The night was very cold and windy. When we (wake up) in the morning, all the
leaves (fall) to the ground.

5. Marek (eat) the breakfast that his father (cook) for him.

6. The children (not fly) on a plane before, so they (be) very excited.

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6 Optional extension: a game

Read the instructions and then play the game.

iron → 400 BC glass → 5000 BC wheel → 3500 comb → 3000 scissors → 400

paper → 105 eyeglasses → pencil → 1565 microscope → telescope →

1000 1600 1608

thermometer → steamboat → hot-air balloon canned food → steam train →

1714 1783 → 1783 1810 1814

bicycle → 1818 matches → 1826 photography → plastic → 1862 telephone →

1827 1876

light bulb → car → 1886 radio → 1895 flashlight/torch airplane → 1903

1879 → 1899

refrigerator → helicopter → television → coloured pencils pencil sharpener

1913 1924 1925 → 1924 → 1828

tissues → 1929 sunscreen → microwave oven computer → body wipes →

1938 → 1947 1957/1971 1958

compact video cassette → mobile phone → digital camera → CD →1981

cassette → 1962 1971 1973 1975

laptop → 1982 smartphone → DVD → 1995 GPS → 1995 hybrid car →

1992 1997

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