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y uisian daa India_in 204

hose uho tink t achieue 9
haue a fioon and foccussad mird
Jhoy uill vualip uhab thoy_houghY 199

Hnd euwn ab bay haue taughb Y

Jase uasealb af Thibuklunal cornvey the mobto
one hab b hold fvemly n Uhe life fulgill
hib dreams Jhe 5ame ib Applicable. have
Fjton 25 yeanb, hdia uilL be
Celebonaling ilb 100 apniuuonbany 4 ndepraloce
n 204. lalking abaub ta gulivre aluay6
eccoitirg, 50 lt5 make a plan aboub shope
euerlb and things n fuliv
Ab iorsi,I dvream af a
LoLurly uhva peape poá60b6 a modovn ttook
LLQrra men and uLoman av2 maabwud uuth he
5/me yavd sliok o l a t o _gap kalueon srioh ang
paw2 shauus ab donifilo, deolie ard uhore Camminal
Lsbu cla0b rro maka any impaci on te Gijfe ot
tre paople. wibualiba. a Counuy bhob utilisa
man pouCa ttre ullost af th aduanláges
By 204t ulamern miust ke
giuen Lual copasliuril in euary ielod' and must
be pad uuth egal uageb So thay beara can

inolependont and Sland equally uuilbmen ne

ma6 orighlenug pher2aeral o dausuy
GUm his euil shoulal b2 campletily uanibha0
dinom aUn hocei
Ure te biggost tbsue on raluoN
ooob oolay b wnemplauymen I YaLUng
arnenauon acQuiseab arly bookibh krouloadge bu
praolical skill Thib can be ulglldo hy
stablibhirg polasoioral and unaliaral

aUring ontires- holusbualibalian can solue, Ve
6ue wremplaymant S a m e eoclond lo

9nasaa psuiale Solhsa uLoulo be a oolish 9 5Ca

c a n goreala a tot enploymerb
Haalth b wwealth gausanmart
Shauld tre faoililie bast hanth case by ercouna
ing urr0ualior and iapoaouing madiool o nuInbung
adeuoolion. Eluoybady Shauld geb good Druolraert
uuiturr aun courbiy ard urfart maatality rah
Shoulol meeb zongMalnuliltòn or childoarn
mubt be Cuww2d by peoloin foad fersm arganud
Lavwuuplion ib aalfue cLwnne n
Shdia.Lle should buuld up a cosaaption yraa hda
OLLoe 6oLurloey bhoUuld alto bo aosforionaly,
nallulton vaa, Cloar ona 5ublairable calusnlbu

Glabal uavmi9 Shoulo be wanished.

ulitovily hdia shauid be
sel buoioni, 5Gng pouerl and uibrant
CQLUrlny with uuaapors and salalonb

ulhon dia vaaoh06 ils 1Oo

anriuorsasy a o0dom, 9ralia uould be goa
dora hungeor , pauwelly 9 llabacy, wremplayiraeal
lhoalth_o CovvuYpllon owomplaynt ,dibUUmina-
LtoFa2 tais uLe shauld be @piislii ad
erthusasli muralod rodia q/ my dbaam cb
a Jndia hat spoeeado ught. pancl Apubb
and vspoewrg athe nations o falbw u
Sndia ib aking Qaint sps in te sralm q
QaLolapmont. Lostebm 9 Commiuraluom ad levogveLor
Shaulo bo auaiolaol. Jt 5hould bo Bhavath q

ulhaone Gre mird ib uilraub ghasa

and bre had io hold high
lhone knauladoe io oeg
uhooe the ulavald hab not bon boakon
Into doagmonth by naonLU damablic uallo


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