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SECOND EDITION Skills for Success LISTENING AND SPEAKING iQ ONLINE: integrated digital content Margaret Brooks ce UE How to Register for 1Qaommy UNIT1 ‘UNIT2 ‘UNITS UNITS Architecture (What are current reds narchiteture? Uni Vie Frank Gehry "Note-taking Shilt Identliying key words Listening |: Moder Architecture Lining Siero for manieas Listening 2: Sustainable Architecture: Vocaelar Sik Colecatonsrowsand webs Geer The presen contnanis Prominin neato an vonaton Speaing Ski rung aterin to mainideas Unit Assignment oleplaya news conference Psychology (Q:How can colors be useful? Not king Skil srg visual laments Listening 1:The Colors of Nature Listening Si: Understanding cause and fet Listening 2: Builéing with Color Unit Video: olor Branding Vocabulary Si Word fies nous and verbs Grama, There ants Pronurcoton Schwa in unstessed sabes Sekine: Asking for and hing eapes Unie Assignment resent bung design Behavioral Science Q: Why ate good manners important? nit Vide: Making Small Talk Listening 1:Be Polite Litering Sa Pricing Not tle Sie Ogpriing nots Listening 2: Classroom Etiquette Vacabulaty Sk Synonyms Gaara ada vets shoul and stout Pronunciation: Final/s/ or // sounds ‘Speaking Skil: Giving advice and making revommendetions Unit Asignment Givea presentation on manners Game Studies Q:How can games compare torealife? Noten Sit Reviewing and eng notes Lstening 1 Crossword Puzales Listening Skil Listening for names and des Ustening 2: Business ra Garne Unit Video: Kids Learn about Finance Vocabulary Skit Word foes: sufines Grammar imperative verbs Pronuncaton: Wor stress Speating Sl: Ging istuctons Unit Assignment Develop a hoard ame 2 8 2 3 3 8 y a a 8 30 St 55 38 61 a 8 n n % 7 81 82 cy 85 UNITS Sociology 0 Q: Whatdoes itmean tobe partotafamily? Unit Video: Sisters Reunited an oteakng Stl Using 2 simpleoutine 3 LUstering T Separated at Birth oa Listening Sil: Listeing or reasons and exlentions 38 LUstening 2: Fail History 99 Vocabulary Ski Wordfamils vert, nouns, adjectives 104 Grammar Auslary vers in questions 105 Fronuncation Intonation in questions with or 7 Speaking Sil Expresing opens 108 ‘Unit Assignment Give a short speech 109 UNIT6 Business 2 GQ: Why do things yourself? Note-takng Stl Using symbolsand abbreviations us Ustering 1:Howtoons 116 Listening Skiing for spetic information 120 Listening 2:Selit youself m1 ‘Unit ideo: ebay 16 \ocabulry Si Using the dictionary 7 Grammar Comparativesanesuperatves 128 Fronunciton Links between consonant sounds 30 Speaking Skil: Askingfor andgivingcanfcaton BI Unit Assignment: ive presentation 13 UNIT7 Environmental Studies 136 Q: Whathappensto ur trash? Lsterng 1 Sustainable Dave 19 Listening Si Reccgrizinga sealers tude 13 Note taking Stl Peparng or noe tkingina dass M4 Lstering 2: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch 5 ‘Unit Video: Parts ef the PaciicCovered in Trash 19 Vocabulary Skt Compound rouns 150 eam: Future with wil 181 Fronuncition Word sss in compound nouns 132 Spanking Sil Summaraing 153 Unit assignment: Have panel discussion 155 UNITS Public Health 158 How important is cleanliness? staring 1 aterfor Life 181 Listening Sil: Reeegrizingfacts ard apron: 165 Notetakng Stl Using notesto wate summary 186 sting 2s Possible to Be To Clean? 157 ‘Unit Video: Why Drs Good m Vocabulary Slt Usg the dtonary m CGeammar:ciwes foe futre pssiity 4 Fronunciation Function word and stess vs Speaking Skil Pateipating ina roup dscussion ” Unit Assignment Give a periuasive presentation 78 AudloTrcktist 182 ‘Authors and Consltnts 13 ow tUse/0 Online 184-185 2 Vocabulary List and CEFR Corrsation 196 vi DAC Omid LISTENING >} listening for main ideas VOCABULARY } collocations: nouns and verbs COM cay CO Ue Meee on SA ea e UNIT QUESTION What are current trends in architecture? A. Discuss these questions with your classmates, 1. Think about acy you know well, Which buildings are the most attractive? The most unattractive? How important sit fr actyto have beautiful architecture? Look atthe photo. What kind of building isi? ‘What do you think of the buildingg vwrr Listen to a conversation and a class discussion, Gather information and ideas to role-play a nevrs conferen about a new office building rad ) B Listen to The @ Classioom online. Then answer these questions. 1. How does Soph describe modem architecturc? What isher opinion oft? 2. Does Marcus agree with he? Why or why not? ‘Qer: C Goonline to watch the video about architect Frank Gehry. and the museum he designed forthe city of Bilbao in Spain, Then check your comprehension, basket ease a.) someone who is ‘xvemiely nervous or stressed ‘evolution (nthe processof change and development vertine Innovative off) descrbing something re hat usesnew woysofthinhirg masterpiece n) an arist’sbestpice ot wore miracle) something wander end imposible texpain sal. conselous (aj) worried about ‘what cther people wil thinkabout you BD Goto the Online Discussion Board to discuss the Unit Question With your classmates. y = es = ot |} fSR. a. = E Circe the statement (oor 6) that you agree with the most. Then compare your answers with a partner. 1 a, Buildings shouldbe sustainable and energy-efficient. by, Buildings should be beautiful, 2. a, ‘Thebuildngs ina city should havea similar style. by ‘The buildings ina city should be very diferent from one another a. Tprefer traditional architecture from 100 years ago or more. by, Tike modern architecture 4. a. [pay lois of attention to the architecture in my city, by I ever notice the architecture ofthe buildings around me, 5. a. Working i by, Wocking in architecture i not an interesting careet LINO JHL MaIAgdd » F Do you notice the architecture around you? Do this activity to find out. |. Think about a building in your city ora famous building most people kknow about. What does it look lke? Complete the chart. Include as much, information as you can. Shape il etngula? ase? CEPT |) \ 2. Work witha partne. Describe the building to your pertner. Use the information inthe chart. Have your partner guess which building you described. 3. Listen to your partner describea building, Which building is your partner describing? 4 UNITS | What are current trendsin architecture? BR ——— eeeeee—“CsC—CisSYNS en oem When you take notes, write ony key words—the mos important words Dot spe time wtinglitle words ike of the, ands Tes are some ways to identify key words as you listen: + Listen fr repeated words, These ofen point tothe main Mea, ‘+ Focuson words that the speaker defines. Ifa speaker takes time to say what awword means, it's probably important, + Listen for words the speaker emphasizes by saying them more slowly ora litle louder. ‘A. Read the paragraph that introduces a podcast titled “Careers in Architecture” Underline the most important wards. The words career opportunities are underlined as an example. You may not be aware oft, but there area variety of career opportunities in the field of architecture. Being an architect is, of course, the frst one everyone thinks of but there are many others. Soifyou ae creative and have a good ‘ual imagination, conser one ofthese carers. © B. Listen asthe speaker describes three ciflerent careers in architecture, ‘Write the important words. Does the speaker repeat any of the words: yeu underlined in Aetivity A? [landscape arctcec’s pn C. Compare notes witha partner. Which words did you write? Why? . Go online for more practice with identifying key words. | Ustening andSpeaking 5 t ails LISTENING 1 Modern Architecture You are going to listen to a conversation between two newspaper journalists, Vicky and Julia Vieky has towritea story about architect Oscar Valerians design forthe city'snew library. As youlisten tothe eanversation, gather information and ideas about the current trends in architecture, PREVIEW THE LISTENING A, BERIENIER Here are some words from Listening 1.Read the sentences. Then match each underlined word withits definition below. % 4.1, Energyefcent houses are anew architectural rend, Many people ‘want them now, [b_]2. Five years ago, no one knew who be was. Now he's celebrity. His name isin the newspaper every day. 4. Bill old jake at dinner lastnight, Weall hughed very hard [1]: thats the mos sidicwtous idea Te ever heard, Iwill never work e h Drivinga car without wearinga seatbelts risky, You can get hurt lent ‘The person who wrote the article was crea ofthe book. He didn't like ita al. Hesan experienced joumalist He works foran important newspaper company. [EP]s. | adimire Hlaine very much, She'sa great author and a very nice person. 4, (vb) to respect semeone very much (noun a famous person © (adjective) saying tat something is bad or wrong (noun) a popular ides ce change ©. (noun thing that someone says thats funny, ne serous (noun) person who collects writes, and publishes news 4 adjective very sly er unreasonable h (adjective dangerous 6 UNITS | What are current trendsin architecture? Foie Hr vd, iQ 6. cocninetormarepractcewit the vocabulary. G ‘You ave going to listen to a conversation between Vicky and Julia about an archictectural design. Work with a partner. What key. words do you think you will hear in the conversation? Make a list. @ WORK WITH THE LISTENING © AWGN Listen to the conversation. Write the key words youhear. Leave space on the page to add more notes later. Here are some words to help you getstarted. the new city library architect plan = ridiculous? © B. Listen again. Add more information to your notes. . Check (7) the two statements that express main ideas in the conversation. Julia s writing an article about the president’ speech. Qe Vicky tints that hee are some serio problems withthe plans for the new library. O: “The mayor and members of the city council were at the meeting. (Dt People ae sometimes afraid to criticize anew style ortrend because of what other people may think. for Success @ 1. What does Vicky say the new library design looks like? Many ster are nervous cbout Peery it looks very strange, lika a big round ball yeu ae neveus or stessad.tsmore 2 aia icon ard undestand 20 people what youhea ‘Answer the questions, Then listen and check your answers. How many people were at the meciing? P32) | tistening and Speaking ? 4. Dial people laugh when they saw the plans? no 4, What does Vicky think about the architect’ plans? riducalas: & What do people in the town think of Oscar Valeians work? they admire his work 6, Why does Vichy ee that itisimportant tobe critical of the library design? tn le has to use the building for a library for a 7. What advice does Julia give Vicky about her article? [write about what things you didnt like and what to ‘8. Will Vicky follow Julia’s advice? What do you think? E. Who saidit? Mark each statement as Julia) or V (Vicky). [T]1. tcan take a break. Whats up? [7 ]2. 1 don't know what to say. LV ]3. You're joking. [Es though i was ajo, bu it wasnt ‘We needa bigger building with ots of room for books and computers. ‘Thisarchitectis sort of aceebrity. 7 For one thing youre going to make lot of people unhappy. [Je I neeto give my honest opinion ofthe plans forthe library even if itsrisky. 8 © UNIT1 | What are curent rendsin architecture? FF, Work witha partner, Continue Julia and Vicky's conversation. Follow these guidelines. Then present your conversation to the class. Julia Give Vicky thre suggestions for things she can say in ber arte, After each suggestion, give Vicky time to answer Vicky: Agree or disagree wit each of alias suggestions, Explain why. Example Jala: You can say thatthe balls a goed medern design, but it doest't cok good the neighborhood. Vicky: Hin | don't know, Tha ist really what I think (OR Tata great idea That doesn't sound 30 critical) (Note: You can use your own namesinstead ofthe names ula and Vicky) SAY WHAT YOU THINK Discuss the questions ina group. ci shaig BJ + Deyo theta rites shu allow the aes ends? Why o why Gk esion easyer 20 Gieexamples, See cemeey, 2+ What architectural styles do you admire? What kindof buildings do you {ray to show you disliked understand ay idea, 3. A famous architect said, “Buildings should serve people, not the other vay around” What do you think this means? Do you agree? Why or why not? “The main ideais the most important thing thespeaker wants you to understand. Focuson understanding the min ides fs Listen fr repeated ideas Pay attention when a speaker emphasize a sertence. Dont top to think about ‘words youdont understand, Keep listening, © A tisten toa short presentation on tends in fumiture design. Check) the sentence that best states the speaker's main idea. i. Many frsiture makers these daysareusing eyed materials Da. ens in future design inthe 2s century asia o renin buildingdlesigs, Ds. Peopesometimes et nosalgje when they member hingsthey sae intheir grandparent homes. | UsteringanaSpeakng 9 © B.tsten again. Work wit a partner. Discuss the questions. 1. Which ofthese words from the Listening did you NOT understand Grek them. deforestation echoed gadgets impact nostalgia rotable suff vintage 2. Why wasit possible to understind the man dea without knowing these words? 3. What examples did the speaker use? How did they help you understand the main idea? QUEM. cocntneformre practice wit stening for msi ideas. LISTENING2 | Sustainable Architecture FREED) (sesso olsen cpa ofa callegarctesure css. the instructor is leadinga ciscusion of something called sustainable architecture. As you listen to the discussion, gather information and ideas about the current ‘rendsin architecture. PREVIEW THE LISTENING ‘A, UGRIENIENE] Here ae some word from Listening 2.Read their definitions. Then complete each sentence, benefit rcun) 2 gocdor usfulefectof something combination (noun) @ two or rote things mixed or joined together eco-iendly anfectne) notharfulto the envionment economics (noun) the facil element of semethng:how tinvalves money forest (ncun) 2a large are ofland covered with ees relationship [nown| 2 a connection between two or more people root (un) the structure that covers the oo of abuling sustainable ajc using ratual materials and energy ina way that can continue without harming the ervronmert 10 UNITY | Whatarecursent ends in architecture? ‘They're studying the! ofthe fashion industry. They ‘want to know how much people spend on clothes and how this affects business in the area, 2. Lock stall the water on the floor! I think there isa bole in the Hectic ents are more than cars that use gas Sandra and I havea good| ‘We understand each other very wall 5 Oni ofa job with an airline company is that you can travel forfree 6, People are cutting down a tof trees to buikl houses, This activity is ot Soon there will be no more trees! 7, Behind our house there isa small[_________] witha variety of trees and otherplants. ‘This isa new for trslike a] of orangeand banana, [like the way they taste together! SiQam 6 WORK WITH THE LISTENING © A WERE iistentothe discussion. write the key words youhear. Leave space on the page to.add more notes ater. Here are some words tohelp you get stated. . Go online for more practice with the vocabula sustainable architecture| relationship environment BS) seing resenting 1 ide Son short phraies to help ‘you remensber an. neers remrswin citer “The Vervil Frese (toc Verta) © B.tister again, Add more information toyour notes. . Rend the questions. cle the corectanswes. Derso% 1 hw isncainble rehire? a_architecture that uses traditional methods to build modem buildings 1, architecture that tries not to harm the environment ©. architecture that uses alot of different materials) 2, Do the students mention any economic benefts of sustainable a, Yes, they say it creates jobs for builders, 4, Which ofthese is NOT true of sustainable architecture? 7 Tisencouraging arhitecisto create new and alractive Dung designs 1, Tis good for the environment, but the buildings are kind of Boring Buildings can be sustainable, economical, and also beautiful atthe same time, © D Rend the questions. Cirle the answer tha best completes each statement Then ten again and check youranswers, |, ‘he instructor believes that. 4, itisimportant to build sustainably, even iitismore expensive 1. sustainable architecture needs to be economical and good forthe environment €._Sustuinable architecture has no economic benefits 2. Rafi saysthat solar energysystems_ a._are expensive, but they save money in electric bills bare cheaper to put in than of Wi crease people sect Ds 3, Kim saysthat the Vertical Forest (Bosca Vertical) is, _atall apartment builing with a fret around i b. a large public park in the middle of Milan) {wo apartment BUTmgs WAN Trees On a Me Dakcones) systems) UNIT? | Whatate cuntent tends in architecture? 4, The trees in the Vertical Forest __. ‘a_muke the apartments hot and dark ‘,_clean the air and keep the apartments cool, ‘are going to bea problem forthe people in the building 5, Atthe end ofthe class the instructor does NOT __ a. give the siudentsa jest on the lecture ',_review the important points ofthe discussion} ©. give The students homework or the next dap EE, Workwitha partner. The graph below descibes the increase inthe use of green roofs in North America. Discuss the questions. 1. How much did the use of green roofsin North America increase between 2004 and 20122 2. When did the biggest increase ocur? 3. Why do you think green roofs are becoming more popular? 4, Doyyou know of any buildings in your community that have a “green oof”? Estimated Growth of the North American Green Roof Industry 20 ‘Square Footage Installed Per Year Unvenitions) °"y004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source Green of for Healthy Cee, Anal Green Roof ndesty Suey for 207 mw teeeohong SiQam Gocnlinetolisten to Buy Khalifa and check your comprehension, PEED) | esteritg nsspeatig 13 SAY WHAT YOU THINK A. Discuss the questions in a group. 1, What ae some other ways architects can design susainable buildings und homest 2. Is living ina sustainable home important to yout Why or why not? B. Think about the video, Listening 1, and Listening 2 as you ciscuss the ‘questions. What are some trends in modern architecture? What diferent trends did Listening 1 and Listening 2 suggest? 2. How modern is the city you live in? How sustainable isthe architecture? 3. Imagine a world without creative architects, What would our cities look. like? Oe @ Collocations are groups of words that are commonly used together. One type of ——— callcition isthe noun + verb combination ee ‘The word web shows verbs often used with the noun home and with other related ‘Sontt hese Tey words, cantly you find themeanngof thenew wor a | go home afier class and ‘watch TV with my family. build | design Ipantouse recycled ——__ ome Nowadays mast ‘materials when | 2 Eiaiieatati build my home, computers to design homes. 14 UNITY | Whatare current trends inarchitecture? ‘A. Read the sentences. Underline the verbs used with the noun trend. 1, Hey, your shoes look cool! Ii going to get some, toa. We can starta trend, 2, Franco doesn’ ik to follow architectural trends, His buildings follow a classical tye, 3. Twasn'ttrying to set a trend. rode my bike to work because I missed the bus. 4, More and more people are driving cars, even for short distances. want to stop the trend. Im going to start walking everywhere Igo, 5, Buildings in my city are geting more energy efficient. hope architects continue this trend, B. Complete the word web. Use the words you underlined in Activity A. == o SiQcm . Goconline for more practice with noun and verb collocations. PE) serio nsning 6 ‘At the end ofthis unit, youare going to participate in a role-play of anews 4 ‘conference about a new office buildingin your community. As youspeak, ‘youvill need to highlight your main ideas. a ‘The present continuous describes actions that tak place at the moment of speaking. ‘Alfirmative Negative [forcing afm fer ing lamenting drs, Weare not stucsig fora test rghit now, re oe subject fermatbe subject fmt te ‘Theptesent continuous also describes actions that take place around now, but not cxactly tthe moment of speaking, The actions continue fora period of time, Look for hae words and phrases ike fay, this wee, his year, and ana, ‘Affirmative Negative, tes fact ig baiefomotveb +i Steinting hs toned, ‘They are not watching TV this week, sje Yomofbe subject formet te |A, Write sentences. Use the present continuous. Then read your sentences, toa partner. 1. My cousin study / architecture at university My cousinis studying architecture at univrsit 2, Mark /attend/the conference on sustainability / today 3, We/discuss / modern architecture / this week 4, Right now Professor Martin / tlk /to some students 16 UNIT? | What are curtent tends in architecture? © 8. tistento the conversations. Do they deseribe actions that are happening ‘ow or actions thatare happening around now? Wit HN happening now) or AN happening around now), i a 6 . Go onlinefor more practice with the present continuous. 1D. Go online for the grammar expansion. Iniejctions ae shot words phrases, sounds that people ase when they speak Inerjections often expres fling, For example, Wow! san inerjetion ‘that usually indicates surprise or excitement. © Wo that cress fantasti vet. ‘he meaning an imeyjcton fen depends on the speaker’ntonation. For ‘example, Oh! can express diferent emotions, as in these examples. Oh! Ididn’tknow you were coming. happiness) ‘Ot failed my diving test again (isappointmert) Oh! Someone parked their car right behind us. Now we can't get out. (anger) Other common interjections are well and yeah © A. tistento the sentences. Two different speakers wil ead each one. Answer the questions. Check | the correct speaker, 1 Well think this isthe right answer. Which speaker sounds more uncertain? PREY senso 7 2 Yeah and afer we finish ths project, wee going to do another one Which speaker vounds more exited? Oprester Ospeater2 5 Yeah Host my presentation, ‘Which speaker sounds more disappointed? 4. Off Me. Lombards going tobe in Tokyo next weck. ‘Which speaker sounds happier? Speaker 1 Speaker 2 BiQdemmmgb. coontne or more prs wih tees and noaton Ouest ‘When you speak, help Fsteners understand your man ideas + Repeatan important idea with diferent words. Buildings should serve people ot the other way around. nother words, achitects shuld remember the eal practical purpose ofa building as they design, + Use phrases foremphasis i The key pointis that builings should serve peopl, not the other way around, ‘+ Summarize the minidessofthe presentation. [ ‘To sumup, architects should consider both the form and function of a buiiding,. 18 UNIT | What arecurent rendsin architecture? ‘A, Read the lecture “ls Archictecture Art?” Underline an example of each strategy from the Speaking Skill box. Write 1,2,and 3 near the underlined text. Is Architecture Art? Think fora minute about the word to hurt us n some wey. Other ulngs archteeture. What words do you think of? provide spaces for people to come together ‘Maybe you thought of building materels, for public meetings, concerts, or sporting, ‘ves, or diferent shapes and colors. events. In other words, architecture is @ How many of you thought of at? Useful at. We want the buidings we move In fact, architecture is an at. Artists around in every day to be beautiful but ‘se shapes and colors in thelr work they also have tobe safe and comfortable. Artists also use ferent materials To sum up, architecture is a form of ‘ad work in different siyes. They make art. Itis creative and uses many ofthe ‘drawings with pen or pencil. They paint same elements that artists use, People With watercolor or ols. Some artists’ work look at buildings and admire or cricize is very moder, yet others stil prefer more the way they look, just @s they do with traditional ses. People have diferent artwork. But a bung also has to be Cpinions about both works of art and useful and practical architecture The hey point is, hone that there ‘sa diflerence between architecture ‘ard other at forms. People have to live ‘2c work in the buildings that architects design, We dont have 10 “lve” ina painting. Our homes protect us from the weather They Feep us warm inthe winter ‘andl dry when it rains, They protect us from other dangers on the outside—for ‘example, other people who might want ‘The Scort arlamer Bulag B. Workin group. Choose one ofthe following statements and talk about itto the group for one minute. Give examples and draw attention tothe main ideas. Take turns, 1, I would ike tolive in (i old) very modera) house, 2. Being an architect isa creative and interesting career. 3 Tthink tha] s the most beauifl building in our community. SiQom . Go online for more practice with drawing attention to main ideas, BIBI seins nseiag 9 TTA Role-play arnews conference EERE) 10, you wt pay therote of ether an architect or ajouraist ata news conference. The architects are presenting plans for anew office building in the main business district of your city. Journalists are questioning the architects about the plans for te building. As you prepare your role-play, think about the Unit Question, "What are current trends in architecture!” Use information from Listening 1 Listening, the unit video, and your work in this unit to support your role-play. Refer tothe Self-Assessment checklist one 22 CONSIDER THE IDEAS © _Uisten as the head architect starts a news conference about the new office building. Answer the questions. 1. Why does the city council support the building? 2. What questions are critics asking? 20 UNITY | What arecurent trends in architecture? PREPARE AND SPEAK A ‘Think about the questions journalists might ask and the information the architects will need for the news conference. Make notes about these topics. Use your own ideas. a size of building How tal is the bulding? (12 floore) energy use parking location /neighborhood interior of bulding uses landscaping / green roof 8B. ‘Work in groups of five or six, if possible. Assign each person the role of either journalist or architect, at least two for each role, Journalists: Meet and prepare questions forthe interview. Use your notes from Activity A to help you. Archi Meet and consider the questions journalists might ask. Prepare answers. Use your notes from Activity A tohelp you. Remember, the architects are all working onthe same building, they have toagree, ie Role-play the news conference. Choose one of the architects tobe theleader. As you do the role-play, think about news conferences you see on TV. Refer to the Self Assessment checkist on ag 22 before you begin. 1. During the news conference, + journalists aise their hands to ask questions + the leader calls on journalist, + each journalist should ask at leat one question. + each architect should answer at least one question. + journalists ake notes tose when they writ their reports 2. Present your role-play tothe das. Go online for your alternate Unit Assignment. FEB sringsnspeatag CHECK AND REFLECT A. GEEEEY Think about the Unit Assignmentas you complete the Self-Assessment checklist. { {was able to speak easly about the topic. © typsrnes ros undestoode, OO used tepresert continuous. OO tusee vocabulary rom the unit. © cew attention to mainides. © O tusee intration to expres feings. Qe». mm Goto the Online Discussion Board to discuss these questions. 1. What is something new you learned in this uni? 2 Look back atthe Unit Question —What are curent trends in architecture? Isyour anser diferent now than when you started this uni? If yes, how is it diferent? Why? 22 UNITY | Whatarecument trends in architecture? TRACK YOUR SUCCESS 7 Ad Girdle the words you have learned in this unit. Nouns journalist & Adjectives benefit @ a= relationship & critical & celebrity roof & cce-friendly combination & tend @ co ridiculous & economia OO | wate risky forest & aise sustainoble 028 joke 2 (EN Aademe rds (Check ) the sills you learned. you need more work on asl, refer to thepage(s|in parentheses. E TAKING @ |canidemtify ke Cet En clears Cay SE Oe en Perera erry | Ustening and Speaking 23 ne Me a UNIT QUESTION How can colors be useful? A Discuss these questions with your classmates 1. Why can wearing dark clothes at night be dangerous? Why dotrafic police in some countries wear orange? 2. Imagine you want to paint your house What color do you choose? Why? 3. Look atthe photo, How iscolor useful to this animal? Tee oun Ent etd Dk OB Listen o The @ Classroom online. Then match the ideas intheboxto the students inthe chart. a.toaffect moods beforsymboiicreesons hospitals use relaxing colors datoatractattention _¢.diferen-colored notebooks {to organize g.wearing choolcolors h.bigredletters ona sign Sophy |b for symbolic reasons wearing school colo! Felx ito affect moods hospital use relaxing Marcus [to attract attention _|]big red letters ona yuna to oginize different-colors SQ, [XING C Goto the Online Discussion Board todiscuss the Unit Question with your classmates, D Complete the questionnaire, Then compare answers with a partner, 7 vu a oi s mi @ inthe yard € @ inthepark Z O otter a q 4 4 E Discuss the following questions with your partner. How easy ordffcult is it to see these animals? Does it have anything to do with their colors? Why or why not? F Look tthe photo. The manis wearing a special kindof clothing called camouflage. thas the same colors asthe grass, Why is this clothing useful for his job? [am animal photographer 26 UNIT2 | How can colors be useful? Lens Instructors often use visual elements in their classes. They sometimes refer to pictures ina textbook or show photographs and chars cn e screen They also dav simple pictures and dagramson the board. To use a visual element in yournetes, you can... + first copy the pctute or diagram into your notes. + then abe! the picture and write notes around it You dont need io be a great artist to use pictures in your notes Even aroagh Arawing will help you remember the contents ofthe class [A Lookat the picture of leaf usedina biology class and read theinstructor's explanation. Then finish labeling the student’s drawing and write notes. ‘The Structure of a Leaf ‘The Structure of a Leaf ‘Theleaves are the food-making part ofa plant, The petiole connects the leaf oa stem on the plant. The petice is ikea smal tube or pipe. It carries ‘water and minerals to the leaf. Water goes from the peticle tothe midrit The ‘midrib runs from the bottom tothe tp ofthe leaf. Then smal veins distribute this water all through the leaf, 'The petiole also turns the leaf toward the sun ‘This is important because leaves use energy from the sun to make food from carbon dioxide inthe air and water. This process is called photosynthesis © B Lookst thepictureofthe treeand Parts of a Tree listen as aninstructor describes the parts of a tree. Copy thedrawing and make notes, roots bring water from the soil to tree trunk =main support for tree; bark protects the SiQam , Go online for more practice using visual elementsin your notes, | Ustening and Speaking 27 LISTENING 1 Te The Colors of Nature DP ‘You are going to listen to part of anature program. A famous scientist talks about how animals use color. As you listen to the program, gather information and ideas about how colors can be useful, PREVIEW THE LISTENING ‘A. UGTETITIENT] Here ae some words from Listening 1. Read the sentences. ‘Then circe the ansiver that best matches the meaning of each underlined word. 1. Animals ide when danger is neat. They come out when i’ sfe (Rreomeoutand ookarcund 2. Listen to that bird. [think it’s giving the other binds warning that theresa cat hunting them 4. Dorit letthe children touch that. Iti rat poison, It can hurt them, ,_ something thats dangerous to touch oF ea) Bi, something that hasa very bad taste) 4, This hand cream makes your skin soft and beautiful, a._cuter covering of your bods) (fr shoes andelthing 5, Some langebids have wings that are more than sis et atoss, Toy a ris used 10 walk 6 Mos a anit survive inthe wild, They ned peopl to take care of them, 7. Lions are prators Other animals stay anay from lions because they ‘are dangerous, (animals that tive ina group) animals that klland eat other animals 8. All insects have si legs, and many have wings. Most are very smal. @._an animal likean ant or abee) an animal likea cat ora rabbit) 1 UW | Hanon wu power me BQ AT 6. cocninefor mare pracice withthe voabuay. ¢ You are going tolistento a nature program about ways ‘animals use color. Work with a partner, Discuss these questions. 1. Lookat photos | and 2. Why sit dificult to see the animalsin these photos? 2. Lookat photo 31 it easy or difficult to se the frog? 3, Why do you think the animals have these colors? [take tet eye ee [Ade po det og WORK WITH THE LISTENING ‘A. Lookt the photos again, Make rough sketches ofthe animals on a page for your notes. Label the photos and make notes about what you see— for example, col, sie, or location. Leave room on the pageto add more @ tents © 8. WSENTETES tisten to the nature program and take more notes abouteach animal inthe photos. © complete the chart with the words inthe box. Then listen and check your answers. among the green leaves blue brown ‘on the forest flor gieen Inthe rainforest Folse-leafkatyeid ae) Grae lo [green orown ous baten BEDS) | terns nt spmaking 28 © Dead the sentences. Then Isten again, Circe the answer that best completes each statement |The false-Leafkatydid’s look just like leaves. 6, Poison dart fogs live inthe ran forests of 1 South Afric . Work with a partner. Take tums asking and answering the questions. Use your own words, 1. What docs the word camouflage mean? 2 Why do animals ue camouflage? Give an example from te Listening or from your own experience, 2 Hose does the poison dact frog use cole? How sitdifferent rom the cryptic frog? 30 UNIT2 | Howcancolorsbeusetu? F. Read the descriptions of these animals. Do you think they use color for camouflage of asa waming? Write C (camouflage) or W (waming). Compare answers with a partner, Eh « eal \ [et Monarch buterties ae bright orange. Their wings havea terrible taste, [E Je Zebras are African animals inthe horse family. They have black and white stripes You oten ind them standing in tll gras, "The coral snake lives in forests. Ithas red, yellow, and black stripes, ‘he arctic fox has brown or gray fur in the summer, but in winter ts fur changes to white. SAY WHAT YOU THINK Discuss the questions ina group. 1, ‘Think about the animalsin Activity Don ee Do these animals use color for camoutlage o asa warning? Explain. Mos large predators like lions, are not brightly colored, Why do you think this is true? 2. Whatare some ways people use color as camouflage oF asa siga of danger? PS) tserscenioeing 3 Skill Understanding cause and effect ‘A cause isthe action that makes something happen. An effet is what happens as a reslt. Ina sentence, the cause can come before the effector ater it (Connecting words lke so and beause show a cause or an eet Listen for them carefully. Soshowsan effect, Because shows a cause. Folution wes a pokon to the fogs, so the fiogsinthe pond died 1 i awe effect ‘The fogs survived because ther camouflage matched the leaves. ea eer eee L atest case Listen to these statements about the nature program you heard in Listening 1. Circle the causein each statement. Underline the effect. 1. Katydids arg hard to su because ottheneneey 2 do a tithe asta se 4 Wshard foghecase ROARS A Thee jatar 5, ‘The bhi poison da © 8. Listen to thescientis talk about Australian bowerbirds. Then match each cause with the correct effec. Cause Effect Ja}. The satin bowerbird decorates its ‘The bower looks nice. bower with blue things. IC 13. ‘thebowerbird doesnt like red. _b. Predators cannot find thenest ec ‘Amal koverbid and lisbower Bid ‘The female builds anest in attee, ‘The bowerbird removes, the ed thing. Go online for more practice with understanding cause and effect. 32. UNIT2 | How cancolors be useful? LISTENING2 Building with Color PERS) 120 21 90503 vfsen to» css presentation abouthow two ferent architects use colorin their work. The presentation includes photographs of the architects work. As you listen to the presentation, gather information andideas. PREVIEW THE LISTENING Vocabulary A, (ERITETS) Here are some words from Listening 2. Read the paragraph. StillReview____Thenwrite each underfned word next tothe correct definition. InUnt you lred about run + verb _ toate an Building My Dream House nay nn + feb coleaton Luke most people, Ihave aieem tobe in wth the trees sroundit, inthe paragraph ‘home. | want to build my home in the not stand out. | want the house to be rnaciy A court. hey wt geen road esque Dessert i from whan if. | even drew pictures more natural shape. The high rot of fof the heuse. Ofcourse Imnata the house can be gray. Gray matches real architect, so my drawings are not the color of the rock in the mountain perfec | want to use natural materials The roadto the house ist stash, inthe home, ike wood and stone, It folows an cld, curving walking path, ‘not blocks of concrete. Know exaethy Some of my frends don't ke my idea Where want tobuld it The she's They advise me not to waste money on byalake in the mountains. want the house, but someday Iam going to topaint the house brown and green build my dream house. 1. [stand out (pivasal ver) to look different from the things around 2. [Blend in (phrasal verb to looks ike the things around 3. [concrete (noun) a hard, man-made building material 4. [matches (vert) to bethe same coloras something ese 5. [shape (noun) the form of something, such as acircle orsquare 6. (noun) a place or location 2. [Beraight ___] (adjective) in a divect line, not curved 8. [urban (adjective) related to the city, not the country 9. [advice (vert) to tell someone what you think he or she should do B. Goonline for more practice with the vocabulary. BEE} ceiorseinn 3 uM C. GERI) Look at the two photos from the presentation. How are the: colors diferent Discuss with partnet Great Banton Wall ewe Munderwaser House WORK WITH THE LISTENING © A USERRA usten to Part 1 ofthe panel presentation about the work ofthe Japanese architect Kengo Kuma. Take notes, Remember to write onlyimportant words. MEEAGRATCEI Listen to Part 2of the presentation about the work of the Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Take notes. . Compete the summaries withthe words and phrases from the bones. Use your notes toheip you. Then listen and check your answers. Part: architects blend in country rmoterialsandcolors to looknatural The presentation is about the work of wo diferent architect _, Kengo Kuma and Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Both architects want their building Kuma often builds in the T He makes his buildings with theenvtonment He des this wth the The chaos, Part2: apartment bwight colors ity diferent straight Ines Hnderivaser builds most ofis buildings in the). t and he uses alt of not gray or black, He uses natural T LUNTT2 | How can colorsbe wet? u Look at the two photos from the presentation, How are the colors different? Discuss withapartner. Great Bamboo Wal House undrtwasies Howe WORK WITH THE LISTENING A, NSTIETEETTEEIGTS tien to Par 1 ofthe panel presentation about the work of the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma. Take notes. Remember towrite only important words, Oe Listen to Part ofthe presentation about the work of the Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Take notes. © © Complete the summaries withthe words and phrases from the boxes, Use your notes tohelp you. Then listen and check your answers. Part I: architects blend in country materials and colors to looknatural Thepresentation is about the work of two diferent_arcitecte._, Kengo Kuma and Friedensteich Hundertwasser. Both architects vwant their building Kuma oten bulls inthe (Heras his bilaing_Jwith theenvironment, Hedoes this wth the[ The chooses, Part 2: apartment brighteolors ity diferent straight ines Handertwasser builds most of his buildings intel 7 and be usesallot o 1 not gray or black, He uses natural T LUNIT2 | How can colors be useful shapesandalmost nol 1 tie ans every hae tobe J even itis part of = building, 'D, Work witha partner. Complete the chart wit information about the two architects’ buildings. Then listen again and check your answers. Great Bamboo WallHHouse | Hundertwasser House E. Read the sentences. Cirle the answer that best completes each statement 4, The presenter discusses Kuma work in, 4. Hundertwasser planted trees. _ only on the oof of his buildings) b,_only inside his buildings) on the roofs and nse the buildings) ‘3 Hundertwasser sai that the “usual” apartment buildings (not his) made him think of (2. prisons) Etat) 6. Hecalled the people eh lived in those buildings _. PBIED tscingaispatiog 38 SiQam 36 a F. Read the statements. Write F (true) or F (false). Then correct the false statements. |. For Kuma, the location ofa building was not important fo the design, —SSS=q 2. ‘The Great Bambeo Wall House blends in with the mourlains around. ee eee 3. Hundert aster believed tha! buildings inthe city should be connected to nature 4. Hundertwasser didn't allow people in his building to change the colors. G. Work in a group. Look atthe two buildings and compare them with the ‘work of Kuma and Hundertwasser. Which reminds you more of Kuma? Which of Hundertwasser? Why? H. Go online to listen to What Colors Your Car? and check your comprehension. SAY WHAT YOU THINK A. Discuss the questions in a group. 1. Which house do you prefer—the Great Bamboo Wall House or Hundertwasser House? Why? 2. What colors are popular for houses where you live? Are there many different colors or are they mostly the same? 3. What does your dream house look like? B. Before you watch the video, discuss the questions in a group. | What colors do you prefer for your clothing and fr your home? 2. What companies do you identify with a particular color? LUNIT2 | How cancolors be useful? C. Go online towatch the video ‘about how corporations 5iQ, usecolor. Then check your 0 comprehension, ). Think about the video, Listening 1,and Listening 2s you discuss the questions. 1. How can you compare the way animals use color with the way architects use color? 2. Think shout companies and businesses in your community. What colors do Yyou associate with each one? Are there any colors you think would NOT be ‘good fora company? Why? Te TI S.CT EER Some words can be used a noun ora verb, To know if word isa noun ora verb you have to fookat the words around ‘There ate pictures the architects workon the Internet. (noun) The men werk atthe building ste everyday (verb) A word is probably a noun ifit comesatier. + anartic (a, an, or the). + anadjctve +anumber, te words this, tat, these, or those Avword maybe vebifitcomes fir. + a pronoun suchas ito hey + time word suchas sometimes or never + a helping verb such as do, des, can, wil, or should ‘A. Lockat the bold word in each sentence. Write W (noun) or V (verb) V1, Wecan camoutage thisbirdhouse. Wecan pant it the same colo as the ree 2. An owl isa ied that fies at night tells, Hoo, hoo, hoo” It sounds like its asking, "Whe? Who? Who?" PY) rei arasieiny 37 |3. The poison ofthat insect is very srong, but it cant killa person, 4. ‘There are many diferent sounds in the forest at night 5. That architect blends natural materials and concrete 6. Both ofthese shirts are blue, but the colors dont match This ones darker, [71x thecolor green i actually ablend ofbiue and yellow 8. ‘That iq dls dangeous Li can potion peopl and rials 'B. Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box. Then write (noun) oF V (verb). carrouflage change fight-—match-— poison sound 1, When these birds are young, they are brown and white. When they become adults, theirevlors change __toackand orange. 2. When catbirdssing,the[_______ slike cats meowing[_] fox Sucoes @ 3. Bowerbinds sometimes ether birds for building The pronoun ts tobeth me and materials a im Oni 4, Theyretrying to the buildings by painting them eenene brown and green] ofthe ei GQ 38 UNIT? . Istheredin these shoesagood ‘ith the redin my jackee[_] 6, Can the skin ofthe dart frog me if touch i Papacy , Go online for more practice with word families How can colors beusefu? PEER) teen of tis ut, you wit design house ran apartment building ‘Make sure to give examples when you describe the building to group members. ACUTE Led ‘There’ (Thee isi sed when somethin is being mentioned forthe ist time, Tere a bookstore on campus. ‘ThereS a software program called Camouflage it hides your fs so others cantfind them, Theres a tee on the roo ofthat building! “The pronoun itin the expression it (i i) refers to something we already know, |The dart frogs bright blue. Predators know that its dangerous. | He ives ina new apartment building. I'slike 3 big ray box. ‘A. Complete the paragraph with there'sandit's, ‘There are many different animals in the park. Ther’ a bright red bird ina tree. male cardinal, Nearby ;: similar bird, bat ; brown, not ed female cardinal. Ona flower Tabata ‘orange and lack buttery, monarch utterly, Predatorscan seit easily, Bu + they also know ‘ha Ja dangerous inset, Its wings have a terrible tase Is colorisa warning to predators. B, Work with a partners Imagine that you are in a place in your city. Describe What you see, using there’s and is, Take tums, A: Ther'sarestaurenton the comer. |think i'sen alin esturant Bs Ther’sa new exhibition at the museum, k'sabout thefisttrp to the moon. . Go online for more practice with there's and it's. D. Go ontine forthe grammar expansion. PBR) seria nd Sperkng 39 eer: 40 ‘The schwa sound is the most common vowel sound in Engksh. isthe same sound speakers make when they pause and say Ua. Itisa very rdaxed sound, Unstressed syllables often use the sca. In dictionaries the pronunciation ofthe schwais usually shown with the symbol, ‘The word banana ise good example ofthe schwa, ‘The rst and last syllables have the Schwa. Note that the stressed sylable/n is longer than the other slabs. ‘(bo ‘nw na} ‘The underlined syllables in these word also use the schwa These areal unstressed syllables. Remember that any vowel can have the schwa sound. anim —polson survive predator —_for-est ‘The schwais common in unstressed syllables, butit is sometimes use in stressed syllables. hun-ory —mo-ney ‘A. Listen and write the words, There is one unstressed syllable with the schwa sound in each word. Circle the syllable that contains the schwa sound. — B. Listen again. Then practice with a partner. Take tus saying the words. . Listen to these pairs of words, Which word has theschwa sound in the underlined sylable? Circle your answers. er) UNIT2 | How can colors be useful? D. Vfork witha partner. Underline all the syllables with the schwa sound. Then take turns reading the sentences. |. ORBEA. 2 0RIIDEOHOOED 1 MEHOIMIMHOOED 4 BEIDOOENIOHOHMIOS Sida . Goonline for more practice with schwain unstressed syllables. Speaking Skill Asking forand giving examples ‘When you exphin something, gve examples to hp thelistener understand your ideas, When you dn uerstand somthing a pear says ask fran ample. Giving an example: Asking for an example: | Forexample,... Canyou give me an exarrple? Forinstanc,.. Do youhave any examples? _Heresan example. © A. Listen tothe excerpts from the Listenings in this unit. How do the speakers introduce or ask for examples? White the expressions they use. TD) eis wispatig 'B. Work with a partner. Choose one ofthe topics below. Tell your partner about the topic. Take turns asking for and giving examples, + the best colors forthe rooms of ahouse + why ove the colors ofthe desert (or the mountains the beach, ete.) + my favorite colors to wear . Go online for more practice with asking for and giving examples. UTS ueua Present a building design DERRY 1°

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