Never Do To Cats

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Experts reveal 13 things you

should never do to your cat
Sophia Mitrokostas Updated Nov 23, 2020, 4:02 PM EET

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There are certain things that pet owners

should never do to a cat.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not

give your cat yarn or milk.

Scolding a cat using loud sounds usually

won't help them learn and they might just
start to fear you.


Cat owners know that every feline has its

own distinct personality, but there are
certain guidelines that pet owners should be
aware of.

Insider consulted with veterinarians and

veterinary technicians in order to highlight
a few things that cat owners sometimes get

From exposing them to harmful

houseplants to accidentally training them to
scratch humans, here are a few of the worst
things you can do to your furry friend:


Never force attention on your cat.

Allow your cat to come to you for aEection and learn to

understand when it wants to be left alone. Chris J
RatcliDe/Getty Images

Veterinarian Wendy Hauser told Insider

that pet owners should never force a cat to
socialize or cuddle when they are not in the

"Cat owners should not force attention on

cats. Though cats enjoy human attention,
they like it in smaller doses than dogs, and
on their own terms. Owners should respect
this basic need of their feline friends and
never force attention on them, such as
holding them against their will," said


Don't bring plants into your home

before checking that they are safe
for cats.

There's nothing like a fresh bouquet of Howers to brighten

up a room — unless, of course, they end up poisoning your
cat. Shutterstock

"Never bring plants or Howers into your

house without Irst checking to be sure they
are not poisonous to cats. Lilies, which are
often found in Hower bouquets, are highly
toxic to cats and consumption of any part of
this plant can lead to kidney failure and
death," veterinarian and author Ruth
MacPete told Insider.

Lilies are so toxic to cats that even sipping

the water in a vase containing Lilies can
lead to kidney damage.

For a more complete list of plants that are

poisonous to cats, check the ASPCA's
Animal Poison Control Center site.


Don't let your cat play with yarn or


That classic picture of a kitten batting around a ball of

yarn is actually a dangerous scenario. Shutterstock

Animal nutritionist with PurringPal and

former veterinary technician Jaimee Alsing
told Insider that yarn is an unsafe toy for

"Ingesting yarn or string can cause what

veterinarians call a linear foreign body.
Intestines become scrunched and knotted
as they attempt to pass the yarn. This results
in the death of sections of the intestines that
must be surgically removed," said Alsing.

Toys that have been certiIed as cat-safe are

a far better option for feline fun. Consult
your vet if you're unsure about the
appropriateness of any of your pets' toys.


Owners should not teach their

cats to "hand play."

Cats might begin to think your Lngers are toys.


Whether it's a laser pointer or a light cord,

cats love to bat at things that move their

But during playtime owners should avoid

using their own hands as lures.

"Owners should never 'hand play' with their

cats. This is because cats are hardwired to
chase and hunt prey. When humans teach
their cats that hands are appropriate objects
to be hunted, the outcome is generally
unpleasant and potentially dangerous for
both the human and the cat," said Hauser.

A more appropriate way to play with your

cat is to use an inanimate object (usually a
toy) as the go-between.


Never directly punish your cat,

whether you plan on tapping their
butt or using a loud sound.

It might make your cat avoid you. iStock

Longtime dog owners who adopt a cat for

the Irst time may be shocked to learn that
training a cat to behave isn't as
straightforward as with their canine

For starters, Hauser told Insider that

directly reprimanding your cat could have
unwanted consequences.

"Cats should never be directly punished,

verbally or physically. Where some owners
will clap their hands, stomp their feet, or
jingle coins in a can to teach a dog that their
behavior is unacceptable, this method will
backIre with a cat," said Hauser. "Cats are
highly sensitive to loud noises and raised
voices, Inding them scary. They can
perceive the person making these noises as
a threat, and will begin to avoid them."

If your cat is displaying behavior that you

Ind unacceptable, it might actually be
perfectly healthy behavior that simply
needs an appropriate outlet.

For example, cats who are constantly

leaping onto countertops and tables may
beneIt from having a cat tree or dedicated
high perch so that they can see what is
going on around them.

And cats who like to scratch may stop

destroying the furniture if given a
scratching post or a toy they can sink their
claws into.


Avoid feeding your cat only dry


Cats need to stay hydrated. Shutterstock

Alsing told Insider that cats are adapted to

live in dry environments and can get all of
their water from their food if they are served
the right diet.

And since cats do not have a strong urge to

drink water when they are thirsty, keeping
them hydrated using food is super

"Even cats who seem to drink a lot of water

don't drink nearly enough. Chronic
dehydration too often leads to tooth decay,
bladder stones, and urinary tract infections.
Many health issues can be prevented simply
by adding a daily meal of wet food to your
cat's diet," said Alsing.

There is also a common misconception that

feeding cats the occasional portion of
canned food will lead to obesity since a
higher portion of the calories in canned
food come from fat. But Alsing explained
that wet food is actually lower in calories
than the same volume of dry food because
of canned food's higher water content.


Don't "free feed" your cat.

Although it may be easy to leave out an overHowing bowl

of food for your cat to snack on, cats will be tempted to
overeat if their food bowl is always brimming.

Veterinarian Gary Richter with Rover told

Insider that "free feeding" you cat by
allowing it to graze on food whenever it
desires can lead to obesity.

"Make sure to only provide the appropriate

quantity of hard food and wet food your vet
recommends to avoid weight issues," said

If your schedule doesn't allow you to return

home for regular feedings, you may want to
consider purchasing an automatic pet-food
dispenser that will release pre-portioned
amounts of dry food at timed intervals
throughout the day.


Cats tend to like the sweetness of

milk, but you should avoid
indulging them with a saucer of
the stuE.

Your cat might like the milk, but it may not be good for
them. Shutterstock

Richter told Insider that most cats are

actually lactose intolerant, so giving them
cow's milk can cause signiIcant health

"Milk is not necessary for cat nutrition and

though you may think you're giving your pet
a tasty treat, many cats will suYer
stomachaches or other related problems
when given dairy," said Richter.

Stick to water for hydration or oYer your cat

a small, low-calorie pet treat if you want to
give them something special.


Never give your cat animal bones

to chew or eat.

No pet should be chewing on bones. Shutterstock

Contrary to what cartoons often depict,

house cats have no business gnawing on Ish
skeletons or any other animal bones.

"Bones pose a serious danger to both cats

and dogs. Poultry bones, in particular, are
very dangerous because they can splinter
and get stuck in a cat's throat, stomach or
intestines," said MacPete.

Make sure any Ish or meat you are giving

your cat as a treat is completely free of
bones, and call your vet immediately if you
suspect your pet has ingested a bone and is
showing signs of distress.


Unless your veterinarian has

given you a medical reason for
doing so, do not shave your cat.

Cats aren't meant to be shaved. Shutterstock

Although cats with lion-like haircuts are

oftentimes pretty cute, Richter said shaving

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