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pad DISCOVER THE MOST BEAUTIFUL § IDYLLIC PLACES ON EARTH Welcome eal have avish Ist of places we'd tke to visit around the world, whether i's beautiful beaches, majest ‘mountains stunsing cies or a combination ofa these features and more. As one location ges ticked off the lst another is usualy aeced! 101 Dream Travel the uitimate companion for anyene looking to turn ther travel ‘reams into 2 realty. Packed with information an what to see ‘and do,how to get around, where to lot more. the hardest decision to make wl be where to a rt. Organised by continent, and sumbered for reference, i's important to point out that the places are by no means ranked, because we believe each experience is subjective and unique 0 the incvidual. So. what ae you waiting for? Sit back, eax ‘and stat planning your next cream getaway! cations is tay and eat, and a whole TRAVEL LOCATIONS ! [Aji N \ \ S N \ \ S Me pose sb Seychelley Sharm. eb-Sheik, Kibamen jer pagesé Cope Teo age ss iki Iylendy Most Fige er Zengiber page's Terusalern one Mesa Maver par Cape Verde. age 62 Rwer Nike page 6s Tel Av age ss a e6 Nie ats Joke Iypyl-Kel —? Menvitiny page es, Shestre lend, ee The Pypermidy of be ne Medegascer Chicsnsy Mec para Me pages. WLITILILILITI TST T TS dd Phuket pages Kh Seanué pages Koh. Tes page 8s Koh foute page Koh Phangnane Kh. Phe Phi Meldives page ss He [ony Bey Ang ber temples iz) pages? pageos 5 Hong Kong Kerele = rues pages? 3 Hisreleyes a page se Everest peseoe Kethmendec Anaepurne Giveait Sevetel pages River Ganges eel \ \ S Frayer Ylrd Queenstown Cheristones Tylond, ageist pigeise Great Barrier Reef. Tispnanie ‘page 135 sr Denrtvee ee pagenat Fiji French pageie page Fivrd lend, Netisnel Park ageis9 MARRAKESH SEYCHELLES DUBAI SHARM EL-SHEIK KILIMANJARO. CAPE TOWN ZANZIBAR JERUSALEM MASA MARAI CAPE VERDE RIVER NILE TELAVIV MAURITIUS SOCOTRA ISLAND. THE PYRAMIDS OF Giza, MADAGASCAR FRASER ISLAND ‘QUEENSTOWN CHRISTMAS ISLAND SYDNEY GREAT BARRIER REEF Cy tomsox ciuistanos E>) MOUNT FU g GOA © |omwe ace specu CHIANG Mal MANDALAY Uauo: PuuKer KOWSanut rate) Kon Ura KOH PHANGNAN Kon put pi MalDves HALONG Bay Hone kone Beurota Toxo. KATHMANDU SAtAWan. River cuncts ANGKOR TEMPLES Kerala Himalayas EVEREST BASE CAMP ANNAPURNA CIRCUIT Ui | Fare Page 12 Santor Baa Coppadoci« page 15 — Ansterdasn Page 16 St Movitz eos 18 The Agerey aoe 19 Teeny Page 20 te} Fregue Page 22, " Flitvice fehey page 23 Avetic Curcle Sente Clan Villege page 25 French Rwwiere page 26 Sent Tropez page 28 Cegurey page 29 Vienne page 30 Cif fs of Moher page 31 Venice page 32 Leche Come- Page 34 St Petershary page 35 I bige page 36 Dubysvrik Page 37 borden page 38 The tighlends page 40 Steckholto page 41 Re Lsten hull Page 43, Rome page 44 Pariy living memory of the celebrated Belle Epoque, a Fora.quck eay to whiz through al as tober tan lacie: sate for sound 33060) enhow urea ‘ofthe church, where youlfind yourself being hustled and charmed by local artists sling their wares. you" feting brave. pose for ane ofthe ‘market’ infamous carcatursts! It you'd rater soak up the art. there are several key acatons to visit within minutes o the square — the local Dall Pars show exhibits some ofthe kooky artist's key peces, clung one ‘of his Lobster Telephones. Theodorus van Gogh brother and patron of the celebrated Vincent van Gogh. ved on Rue Lepic. one ofthe small streets leading down from the Sacré-Coeur where his brother eed wit hi form 1886 to 1888, Hen de Toulouse Lautec, another of Van Gogh's clase acquaintances, also ied around the corner fom the Van Gogh brothers. Indeed, Montmart ishome te any Parisian institutions, inclucirg the infamous Moulin Rouge on one ofthe main roads through the arrondissement. Despite ts ess than Convenient location, tourists flack to ths leone red wincmil, Kon to capture a photo. The ‘cabaret sf stil ranks sone of the best in Paris despite its fame. I you'd rather ship the crowel, however head across town to Le Zebre de Belevile for amore intinate, traditional experience A mecca for artists and romantics, France's capital has plenty of gems waiting to be discovered While Montmartre might embody most people's expectations of Paris the city has so ‘much more to aff in its other artondissements Bellvile, one of Paris's most diverse suburbs, renowned for being among the coolest places inthe cy Here, take a tour ofthe local graff art on ue Dénayer Nearby is aso the famed Pere Lachaise cemetery, the final esting place of Oscar Wide, Eith la and Jn Morrison, ‘among others. An unlikely destination on mary tourists itineraries the cemetery i nevertheless ‘2 popular ste and well worth a vt away fom the hutbub of the general city. Not that Paris is overwhelmed or overworked Infect, Pans is unlike many ofthe worlds capital cites in that itsinhabbtants take a very erent view on lf. Where Lendoners or New Yorkers rush around, a week’s worth of werk to bee dane ina day, Parisians have embraced 3 rather different approach ta living. Lief to be savoured and enjoyed: heath and happiness ‘came first, To vist Paris and to hurry around Is very un-Parisian — wy not take ato from ‘the locals? The cy sled with brasseries and cafes, restaurants and bars. so make the most fit, Most arroncissements have their on vibe; ‘once you've found a place youlike sit down, sip Tele ouerenates “peshineaenatecty vi cerns vt iF rlerenetoome UFE IS TO BE SAVOURED AND ENJOYED; HEALTH AND HAPPINESS COME FIRST id wath the world goby La FéeVertein the Ith inthe bar inspired by the ae. Fo fn butts, the cae featured in he film Amel is down the road from Van Gogh's me ofthe wora's mast celebrated artworks cluding the Mono) Milo and te celebrated Lies rosie sityan salthas done a stint in France's her sripes inthe heme ofthe cuisine. Paris has been the mi ‘many leading ches, so naturaly is one ofthe aces in Europe to eat out While the city does rave its far share of fancy as the champagne jews atthe second floors Don't be tempted tov pots ~ while the 8 Nd siping wine at ther table you, often the beter restaura the beatan tr you're | ese onthe plane | No trip to Pai mic of old and | complex cont bythe aass pyramid in the ie the museum is equally FREE MUSEUM OPENINGS Withsomany incradibe sites, galleries and ‘museums tovist. Pars can quekly become Snexpensve place for tourists hoping tosoakupthecty shistory and cute However, the frst Sunday of every month 00s mostmuseums open their deers for free Iyou' lucky enough to bein town onthis date, be sure to get u erly to beat the erowds, as queues are quick form at themore popular destinations. Tomakethe ‘most ofthe day plan an itinerary, using the Interntto tnd out how much time youre likely fo spendat atrent sites While you ceanlose yourself forhoursin most of Paris's galeries, you may fin that haf an hour wil Sufice at other ses, i's worth checking onlinetotindout which museums ae part ‘ofthe Sunday scheme —not all museums partipate, and some that do wil charge ‘entry at peak summer season, MTR Ie) April, may or Septemser (tr amid the worst crowds) urea ith ts dazzing whtevashed buildings, trademark blue:domec churches, and ‘dramatic cif towns, Santorini arguably Greece's most Ths itl island in the Aegean Sea offers so much beauty in such a smal space, and isters flock hare in their milion to watch the sun sat aver ts re, rocky landscape, But this haven of tranquility was not aways so, he island had explosive beginnings. ts urique shape — it resembles a reverse'C enveloping some smaler islands ~ was caused by an tremely violent voleanc eruntion thousands of years ago What's eft isthe remains fa veicaro era that flooded with seawater, The people o ‘Santernisoon built a new cviksation, peniously clinging tothe sides ofthe oldrim. ‘As yOu might expect from anywhere in Greece, Santorini also known as Tha) is packed wth archoeologeal treasures, including an enti illage krown as Akroti, which overiooks much ofthe island, There, youl se the foundations of agrand temple, and colourful frescoes that have ‘iracuicusly withstood the test of time. Capture your own postcard moment on Greece's most iconic island When you want fo return tothe present, you an meander about Santerin's more modern towns and vilages, which seem to climb up the oid volcano le a stairway into Greace’s perfect blue skes. Browse the charming lite shops of Oia or take alesurely cab car ride for the porta the man town a Fa, While you're in town, dont forget to feast your eyes on elaborate Byzantine churches, which feature glided chandeliers and painstakingly painted mu Christian imagery In Fira. the largest settlement on the island, you car mic view of the erie dora, arched history ‘museums, I youd preter a more typical Santorini view, head ten kloretres (62 mies) north to visit Or, the village where that distinctive Santorini photo is set. You know the one: the ourtuvilage overlooking a rocky seaside. which the Greek tourst board adore It you're looking for more active pursuits, Santonn has much to offer Hike upto Skaros Fock. a precarious outcrop that was anee nome to amedieval fort Or trek athe way dow to Red Beach ~ an almost alien setting where the ed, sandy elifsof Santorini meet the turquoise waters ofthe Aegean Sea, {At the end of your day exploring al ofthe island's delights, youl be in ead of some well-earned rest andrelaxation. Ge 8 seaside taverna - Amoud Bay is 2 articulaty Scenic spat ~ and sip on a glass of ine, which ssa by be the best inal of Greece. While you're att order sore tomataketedes ~ a Santorini specialty of oep-fied lcal tomatoes (Iam ther deliciously sweet taste) and classic Gre feta chees Santor offers some ofthe most xurious hotels inthe work, sof you're staying in one of those you're in for a treat, Relax nifty poo that stretch seamlessly cut ver the water. ving you stunring view ofthe velcanic landscape. HHyouire in more madest accomadation you Canstill enjoy the wonderfully Greek’philorenia love to strangers/guests) that your hos undoubtedly offer ~ afer all,you are most saughtafter destination Telrscpeotippsnea its te ¢: cence eens in Cappadocia Make private avangemente for wave Jane tx Octaber (for festivals and cdlel ures Travellers experience another ‘world in the ancient region of Cappadocia in central Turkey ts moonscapeis otherworiy, ts cave dweings tacular, ands ecard of hur awe inspiring Inthe heartland of Turkey, Cappadocia is dotted with towns that bridge both ancient aes modern times. inclucing Mustatapase, Avanos, Uchisar. Goreme and Uraup, Regular rine and ral services are avaiable from the Turkish capital of Ankara, and from the eastern metropolis of Istanbul to Kayser, the lngest iy cose tothe ‘most frequently visited sts in Cappadocia. Cagpadoca, known also a the land of pe of natural phenomena into nomes, churches and ‘ther useul areas that constitute underground cites. In Gareme, the waters ltt impressive formations, suen as minarets, soaring plas of stone, and spectacular chimneys wroueht by the hand af nature, Recorded history conveys stories ofinhabtants ofthe region dating to Romar times, and their legacy brings thousands to Cappadocia each year. Accommodation i ‘avaiable, and a number of unique cave hatel options are reasonably priced Erosion, active from three tori milion years also created the Cappadocian moons spectacte tke nothing ese on Earth, Such istas {are a short dstance from several towns inthe region. Travelers typically ergy the monasteries ‘andpainted cave churches o the Goreme Vay horseback riding across the countryside. hiking along the netverk af ral, and even atheling hot-air balloon ride to observe the landscape in ‘an unparalleled panorama. Ful-day excursions are common in Cappadocia, and guided tours are recommended, Visits can choose from several that include t neys'in the Devrent and Pasabog vals. the Goreme Open-Air Museum, Uchsar Castl, the Derinkuyu and Kaymakl underground Cities, ane Anatoli churches, Gareme National Park and the underground cties are d ‘2s UNESOO World Heritage Si Open Museum is one ofthe most famous actions i allo Turkey and among the mi sted of Cappadocia’s monastic community attractions, ating from the th and Ith centuries, more than 30 churches and other centres of worship carved from the sedimentary rockare accessible at the museum, ard several contain beautful rescoes, Ecologicaly minded travellers can find tours ‘activites and hotels that are environmentally Bivare. leaving minimal impact onthe ancient beauty and timeless monuments of nature found inthis string locaton, Europe Ansterdem Uncover this beautiful canal city in the heart of the Netherlands A citatssite yt ent cbeepre eas yove ant wee Troe st eshor tle eer ate oi sooty pata eth he toh spotty cu fark ard Nene ark fusca Earn oho poe eet ate awa eh ead ‘aplenty and atria to Museumplein (Museum Square) isa must for ary art or ar-ristory lover. Dominating the areas the Riksmuseur, ‘Dutch national museum that houses works Created by Rembrandt and Vermeer. ariong others, Of course, a quick stroll past te water feature (hich incidentals perfect to cp your feet ito ona hot cay) wl find you atthe Van Gogh Museum, which holés the largest colecton (of Van Gogh paintings inthe word, However, ‘moder artis more your styl, then take a rip to the nearby Stedelij Museum, (f course. Amsterdam also has a darker bistory and the person probably most famously associated wih itis Arne Frank. The youngest in 2 Jewish family, she,her sister and her parents fled Nazi Beran for Amsterdam When the Nazis invaded the Netheciends, they went nto Fiing in anattic on Prinsengracht, but they were betrayed afew years later After boing sen to Concentration carps, only Anne's athe, Ott, ADMIRE THE DUTCH GABLE HOUSES THAT MAKE AMSTERDAM SO ICONIC aera: > SA AOAZIYG PSN esuetohnd canst menyaapiete cy omeghorsctawdstine survived. Te atic snow open to the public ‘and walking through the concealed entrance tothe hiding space isa harrowing experi The floorboards creak underfoot — i's hard to imagine how sti the family and thei flow fugitives had to stay to avo detection There's more to Amsterdam than ts history The lifeblood that flows through the city are the canals, arrangedin an ever-expanding horsestoe. There are plenty of companies running boat tours un and dwn the canal, ‘adits a great opgortunty to see some a the beautiful Dutch architecture, as well as scope fut there you want ta go next. But connecting al the canal isthe Amstel, the river after which the beer is named. I youre after ait ofthe beverage. head over to the Heineken Experience fon Stachouderskade fora tour ofthe brewery ‘anda tasting at the end. One thing oul spat alot of are the cheese shops it seems lke they're cn every cornet. you want agit to take home to family and frends, thesis perfect. Inside youl find bry wrapped Dutch cheeses that are smoked. intused wth to and more YoU also be able to uy your Stroapwatels here — caramel ates that go very well witha geod cup of coffe. ‘That brngs us to food, Yul find every typeof cuisine imaginable here is acy, afterall — but itcanbe good to stray alte from the centre of the city where things are geared more towards, tourists, Outin the suburbs you can eat ike 3 local although ceriral Amsterdam wil stil be ‘90d for your crépes, ries and bagels Htyouie eating on the go or youd just Ike break rom the hustle and bustle ofthe city, TRAVELLING IN AMSTERDAM ‘Transports the fst thinzyouright worry about especialy your accommodation Seems ike alongrek away after beng on train or plane. Amsterdamhastaken the Stressoutof travel though; you ust need to hopover the rosto the tourist information atice to gel yourself a raveleard tat wil ‘ve you unlimited travel for one. two or thre days, costing around 15 ($20), £20 ($25) and £25 $31) respectvaly. The trams areso easy onavigate there are stopsall dover tecty and out int the suburbs ~and Yyour ticket wilaiso allow you unimted use othe metro whe ts vale, ton However, ‘tyouwant to travel ike geal, youl ind ‘kes torent al over the city. Becckesul when walling in ‘Amsterdam bikes can eppearin front of you out ol nowhere All. year round. ures: SIT ceed (992 tour of Europe But so much to dot shouldnt be ‘and food ap Ike youre fying that filing your hol 3 ficult With cute. hi bound odoung, ! urope Ei St Mog Discover the birthplace of Alpine tourism in this chic Swiss mountain resort iter ttn oy ry ttc \WVitetatiereitrset nis Dato mode age wh toxertansunme tates wiresp sot that hywaltog.oy eyo ay frre Tr tn asian stn tonto ni naw a vara Exepeontc Stat champensip. a thee bsg es Mont rodents boot speedo arora sono Wt isomer (17 ris tates aes four sectors. there ae runs to suit every level ‘of ably: from novices onthe schoo! slopes to wannabe racers hurting down black runs used in the Sh Wort Championship, last held here in 2017 Those who want to experience the utimate icy thrill can book a session atthe Cresta Fun, the oigest skeleton track nthe world ts 1.24lometre (0.75-mie) nat is cut anew from the fe every winter. and the only way toride tis by ving prone and hurtling head fist down the ravine on a smal sledge. Asprant Lizzy Yarnolds ‘are welcomed by the members ofthe St Monit Tobogganing Club, who allow cornplete beginners to ther practice sessions. SStMoritz may now be best known as a winter ‘destination, but it retains the Suramar charms that first crew Victorian vacationers. With more than 300 days of sunshine every year, some pele tote ther visit when the snow has ‘meltag, Mary summer travellers are just as ‘active as the winter vistors using the steep pes for hiking and mountain biking. Others choose toremainin the comfortable embrace ofa tve-star hotel. St Moritz has the big five five-star verues te chaose fram: Bacrut's Palace, Cariton Hotel, Kempinski Grand Hotel es Bains. Kim Hote! and Suvretta House. Anyone resting their head in one ofthese estabistrments wil id themeeles treated ie royal. Summer isa particulary goad time for visting the wooden cabin made famous nthe 1952 fir Hic, hich i located a pleasant hike rom the tow centre: while Lake St Mort and Lake Maloja ae a beautiful shade of aquamarine in the summer months. Back in town, dont miss St Montz’ leaneg tower, with anincine that surpasses even that ofthe mare famaus leaning tower in Pes. Whether you're inte skior aprés sk ‘adenine or absolute relaxation, St Martz isthe exclusive resort that gave beth tothe Ais as 2 ‘tourist destination, and has yet to be surpassed Sometimes the orginal stil the best Useful sites ile the Aegean and Balearic |siands right be moce frequently visited by tourists a trip tothe Azores can offer vanity ard axeitement for a fraction ofthe cast. Hopoing between these rine characterful velcanic islands allows you to experience ‘everything thatthe Azores have toate. Whether you prefer leisurely amoing around historic fawn or hightaling tough volcanic vistas on an adverture tour, these colour destinations ‘elver memorabie experiences at every turn "Most journeys thraugh te Az inonits largest fiand, S20 Miguel. Nicknamed the green isand (ina erde) forts abundance of natural beauty ths fa land where volcano biking tours canbe interspersed with luxurious cps inthe naturally heated waters of thermal springs and ne walks arourd hycrengealined caleras. ‘Sete Cades is a particular helt. with 12 klometres (75 mies) of tas bordering s90 impressive lakes. I's sad that these waters contain the tears of two lovers ~ a sreen eyed princess and abiue eyed shepherd From hot springs to high-octane adventur whose farbéden romance an reluctant separation ld to the formation of lakes matching the colours oftheir eyes. Elsewhere on S30 Miguel i's worth spending sometime in Port Delgada, the Azores largest city and economic capital Immerse yourself in the local cuture while you meander between bars and restaurants, sampling affordable plates ‘of petsoos (Portuguese tapes) and cocktails whe bobbing along tothe beat of ve bands Porta Delgada happens to be an ideal base for ‘of S20 Miguel best day tips, A 20-minute westward drive il take you to Caldera Vela, wateral andhot spring where you can take a dip in the surrounds of ungle-the foliage. After your _geotherral bath, continue west to Furas and try the local delicacy. Cozido das Furas, ameaty stew cooked using volcanic steam, Yeucan easily fil holiday withthe fun thats tobe had on $20 Miguel, but dong so means missing out on the Azores’ eght other bountiful islands, Santa Maria isthe southernmost. boasting warm weather and beautiful beaches. I Portugal's archipelago has something for everyone you plan on visting in August be sure to sick zround for Portugal’ oldest music festival Maré de Agosto, ‘Angra do Heralsmo is among the mast attractions onthe island of Tercora, The whale cys Casstied as a UNESCO ‘World Heritage Site - you can easly spend a day hece marveling at the architecture of palaces, churches and museums pattemed streets ‘The Azores fs one ofthe best locations in the word for whale watching Guide tours ‘are availabe throughout the lands, but Fail features some of the most renowned ones. Board a boat in Horta and some of Earth's biggest beasts, incluting sperm whales and blue wha Weather inthe Azores can be unpredictable Wile generally mid the arcipelago's oceanic climate can result in clouds ad ran throughout the year Bring a raincoat along with your bathing su to ensure you're equipped to handle ‘whatever the flan throw at you, impressive histor ted aroun its Tuyeeny Art, culture and history dbound in Tuscany, slong standing tecture and food in ‘Artistic tradition plays leading role in Tuscany’ identity Florence is often regarded as the birthplace ofthe Renaissance; works by artists suchas Michelangelo and Rap 1 csplay throughout its many museums, The ‘most notable of theses the Liz Allow yourself a day to marvel atthe masterpieces in thes wold renowned gallery, orn Botticelli’ The Birth of Venu to Leonardo da Vines Annunciation (Other artistic must-vists in Florence elude ne Museo delfOpera del Duomo, Museo Argent and Galleria deliAccadera, The fat nese is home to Michelangelo's David, one o the id Book thats ‘advance to avoid ost fama for these popu statues in the w atrection natty a Lust aver an haur’s drive fram Florence is whose mst famous arts include Ducco 7 Martini. The medieval iy is 2 work if ts majestic cathedral (kr Duome a the Pala rachance of buldias ik an Tore del Mangia, 1 of food and drink, Tuscany offers some of talys very best. While ie cing can 1 found in Michainstarrect 2s Enoteca Pinciori Florence and aurants such ocaliin Grosseto you can easly experience the tastes ne region on a srr budget Local specialities are often based on peasant faditons, and eptomsed by the concept of ‘cucina povera'~ making the most ofthe best cal grown erectents to pxoduce hearty dable plates of food, Foodie nd thelr trip touring the atu cishes associated rustle and a would be we region in search of wath each city, town ard village Bistecca alla Fiorentina steak in Foc pasta n Siena, pecorino cheese in Pienza, and enawnned Tuscan extra vrgn alive ol wherev Tuscary’s most famous wine, Chants ‘magnet for thousand of toursts each year (indeed the region itis produoedin hast teasngly nicknamed ‘Crintishre' for concentration of British wstors). Other reds worth sampling include Brunello i Montalcino and Vine Nobile i Montepuiiano, while Vernaccia di San Gimignano 's considered to be one of tly’ fest white wines. To truly experience the trections of Tuscan food, consider spending part of your trip on a resdertial farm, where you can meet the producers behind the regions best dishes. Those hol ke to take hore the secrets of Kalan torustle up local faveurtes such as papps a emodaro or cost with olves and pat. “The pioneering artisans of Tuscany have undoubtedly ten some af their nspratin from the breathtaking countryside that characterises the region. With wancirg reads, vineyards il towns and vilages, adventures through ths rural idyl are best savoured slowly, taking the te to enjoy everyting thatthe area has to offer Keen walkers wil want to head for the valley of Caventina, an area found north of Arezz0, Stay inthe try town of Popp, where a 1th-century April te Oceeber ures the picturesque home of the Italicm Renatissamce fairytale castle towers ver the lan rovides an easy marker to ook for ‘around the countryside, For more challengng hikes, set your sts not theregion, where 600 kilometres (373 mies) of mountainous fn Ap Apuane inthe re terrain canbe explored via marked tal, Around 300 species of be ve among these lofty ‘meaning twitches will have plenty to hep thee eyes occupied Looking or 2 pos photo ofa word: is landmark? & pt Tuscany is surely incomplete without stopping ROAD TRIP THROUGH TUSCANY Tha bestouture arta allaccessible by cars ‘a rosd ep through the regions teat dea Slat yout drivein Florence, the busting regional eaptal and the plac abe for Renalesance ar fans. iow a couple o Gays o expire the city's galleries. gardens and cathedral before crving west lowsrds Poppifor walking nd wine tasting enjoying, Tuscany's county views as yous. From here you can take a detour trough rezz0 on your way to Siena ~ both itis are excellent for igtseeing tanks other Impresswe architecture, Complete the road trip by visting some THE LIFESTYLE IM TUSCANY IS LAID BACK —— werrtenon cuetvalczanmnasin AND FRIENDLY, JUST LIKE ITS PEOPLE fast ehh Tuscan canal roctehentctuarytess gs uscany tends to ist lhe ts people Many Italian ‘make up for lost profts, mary iar inthe evening, allowing you to induige unt Spm belere grabbing an ere booked up rronths in time if you want place tice wet pristine attractions of the Czech Republic's capital city P rague i nicknames the ‘ity of ahundrext 2 By euro Pa) Explore the stunning ose spires; butt doesn't take long betare you realse ths architectural gem, nested within the Czech Republic and cut through by the Vtava River, cannot solely be defined by such asinge set of features, Notwithstanding the fact that it's factually incorrect there are more than 1,000 spires, tutes, steeples and towers gently punching the ar over this capital ty ~ Prague can be arything to anyone: romantic, fashionable, ast busting and quiet onthe one hand a feode’s paradise, eclectic watering hole or simply a chocolate-box feast for the eves onthe other Take abot ride soon after you arive and you can soak up the splendour of thase mecioval bullings,unspoled oy war and modern development, before putting your feet on fren ‘ground in pursuit of the key attractions. Get your ming ight and youllbe able to see the world's oldast workng astronomical clock in acton,a thing of beauty that dates back to 110 and stands inthe Ol Town Square ‘Aperiormance takes place every hour where four animated figures shake their heads tothe ring of abel while the 12 apostes fter past, two onen windows tothe amazement ofthe massed crowds From there, you can make your way over to the Jewish Quarter, ahistorical area in which Jews were once restricted to ving, There are ‘ixglorious synagogues, an old cemetery, the 18th century Old Jewish Town Hal, and many ‘monuments and artefacts that fer the Jewish ‘Museum in Prague, They can be seen by purchasing an entry ticket, and i's wath paying for the Old New Synagogue alone ~ i's Europe's oldest surviving and ative synagogue, ard steeped in legend Prague's compact nature means you can easily ‘eet around on foat South of the Jewish Quarter ' Chares Bridge, crossing the Vitava and enabiing crowds to mass along a walkway some ten-metras (33-fet) wide. Construction ofthe bridge began in 1357, and thas seen numerous batles and natura isasters since then, Most notable here are 30 mostly Baroque statues anc statuaries postioned across its length of 621 ‘metres (2.037 feet), They're all replicas today with the originals removed for safekeeping Cut they eno less striking for it IReertanly hasnt affected Prague's status as lone of UNESCO's Word Heritage Sites, anc that's Bh seach rc scam tein Siena attache? Seaetascesi ag Spring and carly Ne es ite wonder. Each twist andturn of Prague's Hussite General Jan Zitka on Vithow Hill, andfree pork, bread dumplings and stewed cabbage. Such narrow treets offers up copious delghs, and tours of the Rudotfinum concert hall, Yood goes down well ith bee. which is ust a well vile you'll be charged to visit many ofthe Whatever you do, though, dontleave without since itis plentiful and cheap, and there are many splendid attractions, there's plenty todo for fee. visting the New Town, in partcular the palicaly breweries that encourage vistors. Just take ft easy \iandering the cornplex around Prague Castle, iconic Wenceslas Square and the National with so much to see and do, you'lwant a clear Uuhich contains the Bohemian Croan Jewels, wll Museum. Be sure to also sample the tradtional head come the morring, although a strll around cost nothing (although entry wi. There's iso Czech soup Kula: the thin pancakes called _Letna Park may help ~ as long as you dont stop for huge. bronze horse statue(a monument to __platinky: or vepfo-knedlo-zele, whichis roast a drink init beer garden Natu viens change seasonally; July and August are peab maths urea The gathering of waters at the Plitvice Lakes of Croatia offers breathtaking beauty 1e most popular tourist attraction Croatia isthe nalural phenomencn of Pitvige Lakes, wonder of waters where IS lakes come together in stunning beauty. The Lakes just klometres (81 mies) southwest of the Croatian capital ety of Zagreb, are the main atractions ithe Pitvige Lakes National Park. cesignated @ UNESCO Werld Hertage Site in 1979, ational park covers 300 square rs (116 square mies), and includes shimmering turquose waters with abundant ora and tauna, Cascading waterfalls connec fs in aresounding chorus. and invite visitors 0 Inger and observe the sheer beauty of nature, where water has flowed for milons of years, creating a pristine marvel. Var ot fe, ncluing bears, br ves and gular visitors to staining waters. Hikng tetris throughout the park allows tie to contemplate the natura setting or snap photographs of stunning vistas, those ona tight schedule the Pivice akes are worth the investment of ful day nawever, many vistors choose to stay evernight and spend a bt mare time exploring the lakes. waterfalls and hidden wonders. Be aware that Crowes are common and tals may be congested at times Sil for those with an adventurous soit the possibilities for discovery are ends Two entrances allow acess to the park, one forthe k he higher lakes, which converge o ht kilometres (five ries), Wear comfortable shoes ‘and take water, lunch or snacks tos andl prepared for a dramatic shit in att Thehighest pointin the park reaches 1280 metres (4200 feet), while the lowest points 380 netres (1.287 feet), The lngest watetal s the legendary Veliki Slap, which descends 70 metres feet othe crystal pool below. For those ‘who wish to sit and immerse themselves inthe rroment or take lsu ratural beauty, est areas are really avalable ‘Amal train and several fries operate daly within the confines ofthe park, transporting visitors throughout. four hour gue tour = = A ) cc avalalein English, Germar talan and Croatian, may be booked ahead fora ‘minimum of 15 people The park's open daily and oes extended pours during the summer manths ypicaly between Jam and Bom local time, Admission adults is around 2650 ($9), though a o vary with the busy season increasing For Api to October. Adis children, and those une ited ree of charge. The cost rarspartation inside Pitvice La 5 included inthe admission fe Getting to Pitvice Lakes i straightforward The nearest arports are located in Zadar, and car-ental faites ae aval furs from Croats lager cites area treqvertly chasen option, and transportation is provided, whe buses run regularly wit affordable rate Overnight accommodations may be booked with lone of three affiliated hotels ocated ust outside the park perimeter. or carosites and bungalows are available as well, beplerd = 2 5) F§ Some things are only possible Fs) tt the edge of the hospitable ¢ world, in Finland's adventure playground of Lapland ‘acyl Laon es inte ) Jirseraton Arete manghsun surrenders tore par night come oveber and popu st rere make Woy br Soll searclewiderress Tre laon tha rth mage Lain shen ae ne edganaue Sr peoples hose orca thor he barceba yok i sadioevte tbe sey essoos ta perso, anal or ac, Shy fore wi ronar and oi le totne onartnt -s dos Ft Gistmas, weal aap ore ut erage ‘st aga fala ihe aura beets rota Vast orale, Lian rerotanes ats itamoeca orth most deat aura ers nu ot a who seach Wl ear mins to Mother Natu’ senna show Athaugh ve om te Ags me Ape neural prenomenon tvovsty Unoresetate rcrngo Sod te igus are carong seul ose woh posse any en onooers shoud een von posting at them Staring out slo green cnr acres te yore bursting arc cirtans of cou, ese oor fy tsa fem every crecton snow sae undetot refer the secured sl Wit srg fhe cy ay ead tr eons Frvh alana oes wrt foncetan Care Novrib, 8 thelong wit Saints esos breath and he mstnerostzet corres, whestoptos0e 53) THE ARCTIC CIRCLE The ArctieCree sits at the pephery of he own world, stretching across the Arctic ‘Sea, nt Finland, Sweden, Norway, RUSS, Denmark, ealane, Canaan the United Staes, ts an forgiving and, aland where ‘migrating polar bearsbattle watuses fr food Inthe summer, and survival inthe winter. Cniy the most resiientand welladapted canlivehere from the short twsted woos polar right takes hold. The sun wil not truly rise ‘again unt late January - instead, skirting just below the horizon it wil ast beautiful sunset shades o violet, blue and, atts brightest. pink hort days, and relative darkness, not as a tie to lament the fallen sun but ane when the grea ‘memories are formed, Frarn husky sledding and snowmobiling tasking, snowshoe hiking ard ioe fishing, there are myriad ways to explore the ‘magical icy tundra, When adventure Fas been ha and exhaustion hts, lng nights are spent ‘exchanging stories and feasting ontreshly caught mon roasted on a cracking ire, PERHAPS MOST MAGICAL OF ALL ARE THE russe arentne ioesvecon) rummbol, which ve for hundreds of years, totheherbivorous rendeer and the Arctic tern= whieh meats 19,000 Iilometres (41.800 mies between thetwopotes every eae Its the oly region nthe world whare thewoifs not endangered, but thrives. Ittakes a specalbread of personto eal te Aetichome, but many do = oughly four mallon to be precise, epresentng 40 ‘thnicties. hough cultures vary. etre polarbear they haveal felt the encroaching hand ofimate change andindustraisation For snow bunnies and tril-seekers, Laplana’s versatile ski resors afer everything from to black is to kd Stopes, with cress-country exploring plenty fer solitary souls. The ‘bg four ~ Lev, Yas, Py+Luosto and Ruka ~ onthe fringes of Europe's largest wikdemess, boast some o Lapland’ prettest pistes, Levis the mast popular, with two snow parks, a vaily of slopes and ively apres-sh Couture, Meanwhile, the twin resorts of Py {and Lugsto are the most lai back arous for their plturesque backcountry and freerdng zones, Bul many argue that Ys, thts sie fel takes the erovm ae a keen sker’s parade. It's Been luring vistors srice 1967, when its frst kit was opened, While floodights keep ‘many of the slopes open during the pola night nature provides al the ilynination ane could hope for by Fobruary unt the snow mets Peete eaten eigen which noite vistors when the northern January te March (for mater Sports and nare es) be Ap tx jane seston ge, tote hasan nthe dark winter over, Laplane bursts nto colour, before being bathed in 24-nour sunlight 2s the eight sun ushersin a fitting contrast to the winter ight. The long days and te weather call for hikes, horseback rides res (705609 acres) towards Nowway's border 's Fand's largest national park Endless pine forests, rugged els and mirror e rivers ideal hiking territory a does the smatteri cy bere, just wating to 0 realestate, whe th their pans West of LemmerjokiNatcnal Park es lar vilage, the cultural heart of Sami culture — hore ts parament, the Sida museum and a ser of handicraft shops. From its position onthe edge of Lake Inn, the country’s largest, the ancien ‘Sémi sacrificial ste of Ukonsaar Island a short boat ride aay. Dedicated to Ua, te gos of hunder, people would travel othe islet pray for curable winds, making offerrgs tothe deities. Even today same locas til sit and fp acon ito the water, asking forthe sare Anather natura marl, Oularka National Park features hanging bridges, crystal-clear waterials and a varely of hiking trai suitable for children, others requir navigation up precarious rock walls. For adrenaline unes, it's also home toc re, four and ive rads Arguably the ea hikes, the 55-kiomete “ral passes throveh Pal National Park. The soenc routes datted with ‘quaint wiideress cabins, some with s2unas, Palas vier weary travelers can res their heads for ne night lands eastern borderands otter au ‘portunity to view the magnificent br mts natural habitat, ami ancient conferu forests, with honey buzzards cing overhead. Overnight stays in a cabivske hide erable vistors to go unnoticed, so te bears are not ‘lsturbed, as they gorge on deer or ek, Tag tStsbatoin bt SANTA CLAUS VILLAGE northeast ofthe chy ofRovelemt Santa seein, a aie adverture) ures ‘ins seetenctesom ages ey tat Sata Cus ge huskies orreindeer, and whizz through pine trees along notyt-trazen reads The eldren'ssetivites continue with Snowman Werld. With appetites whet sit the local reindee farm, betore retreating tothe warm ofthe traction tee for foklorc tales. Then, make your cassnginto the Arti Circle offal with ust Lapp ceremony. performed by enthusiastic remdeer herders. Before leaving post some Christmas esas the Santa Glaus Main Post Office ~stampedwththeunaue Arctic Cece postmark A dream location filled with sun and scmd, the south of Fromce has more to offer than just beaches ents re ples wri ws TT seis tect ta“ Tepe he rexzhe ceacd rae a has ered geoph sooty reanaie Neues coatin asd scien sees of nes eee era nt. oking We eso ore ote roe omar Toxins ih bet aan Soe pce atarng ion of oe sony ound why thecouh sifecenh preter he eae sreirato crt or bern oeats However.this breathtaking ‘Slue Coast has ‘eared itself a reputation as ahalday destination for the weathyeite ~ with all the snobtery {and pretentiousness that come with such @ status, Tis might be true forthe coasts ‘wealthy vistors, but to tar te region and by cennecton the residents ~ withthe same brush would be ervel joe inde, Regarded by ‘many abroad as aloo and affected, the Riviera innabitants aren reality some ofthe most welcoming. keen to prove fo tourists that this reputation unfounded 'As well as being one ofthe best holiday spots in Europe the French Riviera is incredibly easy to reach. The main airport serving the region is Nice, the heart ofthe Cate dazu, From here. t's simple to get to every part ofthe coastline vi bus, tal or even helcapter you're feeling particularly lush Bus tickets cost abaut £1.30 (6170) per journey while aelicopter transfer wil set you back approximately S145 ($185). ‘Another popular way to reach the region is by riving. With ts spectactiarcoastine, roling hil and panoramic vews over the Med, na driving tour of Europe fs complete without a stopin the French Riviera before speeding off int Italy via the coastal road, Some of the landscapes you ‘might encounter inthe region may look strikingly ‘familar, La Grande Corniche shot to ferme asa location in To Catch a Thiet 2s wel the James Bond film starring Pierce Brosnan, Goldene. They might be stunning routes, but don't et the scenery distract you because the roads ae Iitered with sharp bends ~ Grace Kely’s car famously plummeted aff a cif raadin Monaco, Regardless of where you choose to spend your holiday in the French Rvira, everything worth vsitings withina short trp, The south of France's public transport system is excellent, wth buses running across the entire coastline, as well as up into the hls and further nian, Likewise. the region s served by a regular train service ~ tain to the bigger stops run every 20, ‘minutes and cost very itl The cty of Nice certainly the region's beating heart, not ust because it serves as ‘most people's entry tothe French Riviera, but because it embodies the vey essence ofthe French Riviera. Withits glorious coastine. thriving city and busting old town, Nice isan essential Port of call for any trp to the Rivera, As acy [Noe praves that ie along the Med goes on as ermal - but wit that charmingly laid-back French atttude, Where Parisians sit in cafés and watch the werld go by, the Nicos head down ta the promenade, enjoying the slower pace of le. To really experience the Riviera lifestyle, be sure to take the tne to sit and relax on or by the beach, watching the waves as they tumble towards you Like many of France’ ites, Nice a twisting ‘maze of quaint streets but with a Mediterranean slant For panoramic views over the famous ed tied roofs. take alesurely walk up to Castle Hil if you'd rather stay nthe shade, why not take @ wander around Nee's Old Town? The histonc quarters peppered with charming cafés and restaurants, as wellas a wealth of spectacular markets to browse. Except for Mondays, the markets run every day ~ head down to Cours Saleya for an authentic experience, and pick yourself up sore quintessentialy Ngos produce. It you'e moceinerestein isting the city’s ‘museums, f's worth popping into the Musée Matisse. Having made his hore in the ren. Matisse's legacy is hugely celebrated by the area, ard the ruseum holds ane af the largest tons of his work, Round the corner fem the museum sa serene monastery dating back to the 800s, wth a spectacular gan. CROSSING OVER INTO MOFITE-CARLO IS. A COMPLETE CULTURE SHOCK Bordering the city i the beautiful town of Villeranche-sur-Mer.A sleepy community nesting con the coast, Vilfrenche is popular with tourists forts small, quiet beaches ard peaceful streets, ming rom the hustle and bustle of No, Villeranche is a haven of tranquility, Here, spend your moming sunning yourself onthe beaches, andin the afternoon head inland for some refreshments you're feeling adventurous. you shire a boat from the harbour ~ the small ‘ones can be taken into the harbour with no experience, but if you're ater sernething aitle ‘more domneering youll ether need a sling uaification, or youl have to hire a skipper from the rental company, Further towards the italian borders the ‘medieval town of Ee, Get the tran into Eze: sue-Mer and ether catch a bus or walk up the steep incine tothe hillside twn, I yout tied of beaches. a day tip to Eze the perfect remedy Not only a histori ste, Eze is aso home toa ebrated botanic garden, Tis charming tle tawnis popular with tourists and heneymoarers, but despite how crowded it can get,’ easy ta see why people fallin lave witht. Sal boutiques line the streets, sling everythin from lavender grown in nearby Provence, to at prints ofthe region, Fram éze you can experience awe inspiring views over the Meciterranean No tip tothe French Riviera woul be englete without a visit to Monaco. Once a possession of France, Monaco gained its independent to this day, although agreements with France mean that the larger nation is responsible forthe salir state's defence Despite being the second smallest country in the world (after Vatican City), Monaco has @ rich history and weatth of attractions to offer visitors. Inthe old town stands the Prine’s Palace. home ta the Monégasque monarchy. Achanging ofthe guards outside the palace's entrance attracts thousands of visitors daly, soit's werth arriving with plenty of time to spare ~ it kicks of at 1155am precsely, and crowds can get pushy. you'd rather avo the scutle outside the palace, head down into the Old Town's streets, where there are dozens of quaint cafés, restaurants and Horetosone ste mets nope he wet Sonia tsarevagetam SAINT-TROPEZ Acharmingly quintessential French seaside te, Saint Tropez harly looks ke the home of choles forthe wore biggetjet setters, butthats exactly what tis. Onceahistorie fishing town, Sant-Tropez soared tofame asa ‘amorous destination nthe erly 20th century ‘inn star ike Caco Chanel summere there, Butcespitehaving thiscelebrty status, Saint ‘Tropes remain fathtulto ts humble rots shops, Not far rom the historical quarters, you! tind the Saint Nicholas Cathecral. the venue ct Grace Kells fairy-tale wedding to Prince Rainier of Monaco. The church is also the final resting place ofthe Grmalis, Manaco’sruing dynasty Entrance is ree tothe cathedral, but you'lbe refused entry if you bare your shoulders, so ensure youhave something to cover up with Not al of Monaco fs historic and serene however. Crossing ver into Monte-Carlo tsa complete culture shock Here, taunting your wealth n't fauxcpas: ts actively encouraged tral, this the playground ofthe rich and famous. Streets ae ined with Lamborghini, harbouts are crammed with yachts, ane ream: linen: suited men with Rolexes parade dow the reets.In ths otherwordly sie of tow, the casinos lure in vistors, particulary the werld famous Monte-Carlo casina Entry into the bulding is ree. but it you plan to enter the casino ise there isan entrance fee to pay. On this se of town, prices are more than ait inflated, so be prepared to pay above the adds for anything from souvenirs to drinks. H you's rather save your ‘money ~ or even if you're more than napey splurge — its always worth taking a walk along the rina Filled with hundkeds of yachts ¢'s certainly an experience to see these super boats inthe flesh, especially when you consider that ‘most of the ovmers pay thousands to moor there per night! IHyou would rather experience something 3 little more downto earth, head further down the coast towards tay. Here, onthe ranco-ttalan Atthe Halle aux Polssons. daly moming fish markets held. sheausht merely hours before sla to locals an restaurant alae, ‘Once the market closes up, head) further ilanat the Maritime istry Museum, an oa 17h-centy fortress that, ow nome the geal museum. Entry s ‘cheap at £2.60 ($3.30) andlitboasts increible views over the nyu want to indulgein some people atehing head back downto the Old Port, werefishing boats ‘moor alongside yachts. ec CANNES (Once ayear. some the word's most famous ator, directors, musicians and performers descend one smal French Coastal town of Cannes caing it heir home from home or lmost two weeks. For hose ys, he toun becomes the most rosigious place on he planet, ahub ot Ereative genus, bursting atthe seamsveth talented superstars But when these VIPS pack their bags and returnto theives their str remains, sprinkling Cannes ina sting of attr ano glory. For visitors tothe region. visting Cannes Isante of passage, wthits spectacular ‘beaches, fancy eafé an unary shops ‘Butthere’s much more ta Cannes than eypensive streets. I'your ream holiday doesn tinvotve spending youre savings londesigner goods, ake a ferry ride out to the islonds ofthe coast ofthe town. Frsies tothelarge ofthe les de Léin, Sainte Marguerte run every30 minutes, anda tip tothe smal sland Saint Honors, rune very hour The former island is ame toa fortoverlookingthehatbour whe te latter ‘cd monastery peppered across the land, rer, sit litle town called Menton. 7 ast. M filed with muit-colaured bucings and beautiful Ich spies sprawling out towards the shores, lary to March, Menton citrus hues asthe annual Fete du Citron ‘emon Festival - occurs, Over the course o 390 Weeks, the town welcomes hundreds of ousands of vistors keen to celebrate the ‘comunity’ inks to the bright-yellow fut As well as a parade, ight shows are held and reworks arelitncelebraton, The Lemon estival wich has been running since 1928, ‘snow one of the most popular events in the French Riviera aftr the Nice Carnva andthe Grand Pricin Monaco, Back in unespated French tesitory, Ant does ite to dispel the myth that te Fr Rivera s exclusively forthe rch and famous. Celerated largely fr its sandy beaches, Artibes has athos of private an free beaches to visit Femnaps the mast popular free ane to vst is Plage de a Salis ts white sand giving vibe. Like ts neighbouring towns, Ant has a marina, home to some spectact HHyure an enthusiast, keen your eyes peeled for Dibar, the wore’ largest superyacht, w often be found maored here. Also tke Nice Antibes hosts localrmarkes, with the Cours Massena filing wth arts, producers and cheesemakers. Spend some time exploring the varket, picking up Provencal teat Whie the sheer numberof beaches and hixury harbours might become a touch repetitive, there's one aspect of Rivera life that never fais toexcte long been championed as a master of food and drink, ts culsine synonymous wth fie dining While the France isno strat thas its own take on tractonal food with Mediterranean chart Perhaps the most famous French-Mediterranean hybrids socca @ chickpea pancake. Usually served pain or with savoury garnishes, coc isthe highight of Rivera cuisine. Cheap, quick to eat and deicious i's the perfect ight ur for anyone intending to spend the day relaxing onthe beaches. Nice’s oli town, a smal restaurant called © ken the crown forbest socca inthe region. Queves form quickly a table. To complement your traditional Rivera snack order a cara of rosé wane, the sions specialty wine. £ g a) <6 Vienne Imperial palaces, Baroque streetscapes and artistic masterpieces define Austria’s capital ituated on the Danule River. this city hasbeen home to sore testrinds, orn Mazart and Beethoven to Sigmund Freus. uch ofthe city’s grandeur i lasting acy ofthe powerful Habsburg Monarchy. SSchonbrunn Palace, their summer residence. is 2 ‘must'ee with ts pristine gardens and stunning interiors. Take a qury horse-drawn carriage through the beautiful gardens or wander around ne tranqul fountains, Next fo the palace you'l find Vienna's 209, oF Tiergarten Schonbrunn, which is home to reé pandas, jaguars, tigers anct sso much more = if you gt the Vienna Pass, both the Zoo and Palace are includ, inthe centre of the city you wil find the Vienna ‘State Opera House (Wiener Staatsoper), which 's one ofthe leacing opera houses inthe wort. Each season, the sate opera house offers around 350 performances of more than 60 diferent operas and bales, from world-class he permanent ensemble who perferm 's operas. including Cinderela and Gisele Get dressed up and spend an evening atthe opera fora truly Viennese evening of opulence ‘and sophistication, Tickets forthe opera can stat 2 low as 811 ($1450), so tis defintely worth ‘gong forthe experience, even if you don't think opera is your thing ~ you might be Each seat has a smal subtitles to help you flow along if you speak the language, oo. ‘The Spanish Feng School is another must for any trp to Vienna Even you just ake 3 wander through the stunning buildings where itis stuated and catch a tiptoe glance at the traning arena, you won't be disappointed. The Spanish Riding Schools the only institution in the world that has practised fr more than 450 vears. There are various tours and events that you can buy lickets fr. from the morning training sessions to more lavsh shows ~ t's worthwhile ‘and unique experience The city’s museum quarter (Museumscuartie) features the Leopold Museum, with ts numerous works by Schiele: the ponular Museum o Contemporary Art: and the Kunsthil, which isan array of restaurants, cafes and bars that make ths area ofthe ty an essential part ofyour trp IHyou get bored ofthe bigger museums and galeries, then wry not venture tothe Sigmund Freud Museum? The permanent exhibition islocatedin the former lving quarters and fice of Freud, and is @ presentation ofthe great mind's He and work. From March 2019 intl 2020, the museum wil be closed for construction in order to preserve original deta, but you wil stil be able to vist the Mong Freud Museum just afew steps away from the ‘orginal premises, ‘Vienna is known forts sumptuous coffeehouse culture, where decadert coffe is Served on siver trays alongside delicate cakes ‘and sneet treats. You can't wst Vienna without trying Sachertorte, whichis a chocolate cake created by Franz Sacher in 1832 for Were von Metternich in Vienna, Th cake has layer of apricot jam i the middle ‘andis topped witha shimmering chacolate ilze. tis one of the mast famnaus Viennese Culinary species, sweet treats and creamy coffe aren't or you, head traditional puband enjay a Wiener schnitzel or warming {gauash washed dawn with a stein of beer. ute whe ste eth sumr The Veaa Ps is ange] puch [beides the apentep Suze All year rotnd urea Set sl wertraeteod Dewary af the lif edge her, Jane ew Anguse A a % he rk tothe Cit Mer in Canty TT ices etc es tr nl are ofthe wars rast spe aces Trough ier ot icra Ma a to Bit mets 00 ec wera ca fiom ve aes) angen tthe outhwester edge of elas Buren regi from Hag’s Head inthe south to beyond OBriens Tower in the nocth The tower, but in 1835 by Sir Correlus O'Brien is 2 famiiar ‘man-made lac by the loc businessman ho wanted to sp boos the local economy. Along with the vantage the cis, the tower offers extensive as ofthe Twelve Pins and Maumturks Sweeping pamoramic vistas of sec and shoreline greet visitors to Ireland's Cliffs of Moher the southward to Loop Head ‘Ameng the most vised sites in Ireland, the Cis of Maher 1e UNESCO travellers each year captivating them with snparateled natural beauty. There is variety af animal species here. including birds such Atlantic putin that nest on Goat peregrine faleans,kittivakes and more, along with whales, dolphins ad other ain ie Rare flora includes Sea Pink and Cats-car foe with other abundant blooming species in angesin County Galway ta then nisin in Galway Bay to the west, and named apart of Ancient stones of enchanting those who stop to listen. and bringing the worant history ofthe area to ie. ‘An ecologically oriented visto centre opened in 2007 and rests within the crook of a hile to minimise its pote across the verdan lancscape, The Citfs of Moher wtual tour is an Inforgettable 360-dearee experence, and audio aps ae realy availabe, missin guides aren is about £7 ($9) per act, and vistors unde 16 years of age are ante tree of charge. he visitor centre is open day. excapt at Christmas, usually rom Sam to 9pm local tine and multiple entry paints have been opened along the cifside. Visitors are asked to exercise caution ‘and tay onthe oficial tral which s set back ‘bit from the edge for safety reason unofficial tral runs clase to the edge but is indeed more treacherous. Three primary viewing Platforms ~ the main at Hag’ Head, the not ‘at Krackardakin and the south near the pti colony's ome ~ are within reasonable waking Two tral lead from the centre distance ofthe vistor centre Taking advantage of regular air sevice to Dubin, visitors may wish torent a car. enjoy the 270-kiernetre (170-mie drive from the captal ‘ty to the Cf of Moher. sample the local fare in authentic rsh pub, and ine affordable lode located in the surrounding are, Buses run daly schedule to nearby towns such as Dai Lisdoonvarna, Galway, Ennis and Kinvara PRS) Venice Navigate the unique waterwarys of Italy's City of Bridges Ve iskrown throughout the word as the City of Canals. among many other names, (One such narneis the Floating City, made pas itis of IBislands connected by canals, which can be crossed by ane af 400 bridges. It ‘measures just eight square klometres (three ‘square miles), but packs an astonishing rurmber of stunning lanemarks, cafes and activities into hat srl space Conveniently, three of those landmarks are all within a couple of minutes’ walk from each other ~ namely Doge's Palace St Mark's Base ang St Mark's Square Doge's Palace isthe spectacular result of a project lasting several centres. Started inthe ‘th century, the seat of the Venetian government continued tobe developed and redeveloped Lntl wel into the 17tn century. This drawn-out ulin process mears thatthe palace features anarcay of architectural sys. rom Gothic to Renaissance ~ guaranteed to deligit both the casual and corned architecture enthusiast. The palace wasnt only the Venetian Pariament: itwas home to the Doge, and has aso acted as aprison and the cty’s court, but snow a fascinating museum. It may be worth more han one Vist too, because the pace changes colour throughaut the day depending on the ight ~ sometimes appearing white, but other aking on a pinksh hue. The palace fs Well worth a walk around, but be sue to take a look ati from the Bridge of Sighs, which provides the best view of the palace. Be prepared, however. to batle dozens offelow tours attempting todo the same ‘Aso bul inthe Sth century, St Mark's Basilica rouses the remains of St Mark the Evangelist. The ty cathedral was bln the Byzantine style andhas a staggering 8000 square metres (26000 square feet of mosaic covering the walls and vaults. vist tothe Baslica has tobe Con anyone's Venice tinerary, 28 isa tp tothe top ofthe 99-metre (323-font) tall Crrparile for incredible vews ofthe cy The square was bul atthe same time as he Basilca, and was enlarged in the 12th century ~ rapidly developing into the heart of the city. The square isthe bagest open space in Venice, and can be a welcome reli tothe at times claustrophobic nature of the city. it may be a tad expensive but there are few better places inthe werld to kick back with a coffe than at one ofthe cafes surrouneing the square, ‘Youll anpreciate having a est, because there are so mary glorious sigs to see around the city, and there ae na roads or cars in Vice, There are three ways to get around: on foot. viaa bus or on a gondola, The city i incredibly easy to wak arourd ~ you could get around the entire city in about haf an hour i you gota stride on, Make sure youhave a detaled map if youre walking Venice without a guide, as the 2650 alleys can get quite boeing! Other than the footbridges. the water bus (or vapor the best way to crs the canals or tra the ct if you're geting abit tired or somevinere quichy, These aren't partculary cheap, but they are regular andi’ a lovely way to cruise a Venetian canal fyou don't faney sheting ut fora gondola, Having sai that, a rip to Venice truly complete without aide on a gondola? These long, narrow boats are synonymous with the city ‘and provide a romani, fun way to spend 40 ‘minutes, guided and possibly serenaged by ‘local expert. There are just 400 keansed ‘Bondoiers in Venice, and enty two or tee lenses are given out per year after arigorous it Naiman oust wots aways earn WY tatessocmaernency 30285, so you know you are geting the very bes that Venice has to oe. t's 2 beautiful unique way to see a ciy. and an ideal way to have 3 break trom the huste and bustle ofthe streets ‘The city is 2 work of atin itself, but if you are inthe mod for even more, the Peasy Guggertem Museum shouldbe an essential part of your trp. Situated in Guageriiei’s od house, there are dozens of peces of Italan and American artvork, 2s well as new exis that have earned ths rruseum global accolades Andi you think you recognise the name, Pogay Guggenheim isthe niece of Solomon Guegernesm, who gave hisname tothe equaly ferrous art gallery n! New York ge pcan ei ae fst outude the city and get the bus fe ane Jane tu july ures: VENICE CARNIVAL IS A TRIP TO VENICE TRULY COMPLETE WITHOUT A RIDE ON A GONDOLAZ PTR Ie) celled inthe foothills ofthe Alps in northern Italy les a wishbone-shaped lake, surrounded by beautiful hills in gine trees. The 65 datted with pictuesque to ne calm water stretches fr 32 kiometres (20 mies). This lal iy of water that has been he holiday destination of choice f and famous since the Romans r peni thio its dramatic are. fyouire on the sore re water's glassy surface, cr lke a smal sice of heaven. But theres 50 ‘much more to do here than ust be awestruck by the views, vias, the and Villa Carlotta which hosts a museum Sh works by Canova, Tharval Butt what youre after sa itie more ofthe fe. you can take ast and enjay the Javed and tranqul atmosphere that al the entire region, ‘Those lookng fora sce of a find themselves bored here. tho summer months lend the: fine people windsurfing, ing sking.kte suring amo’ surface. Higher up in thes try your hand at hang ec for the m ar ofthe italian countryside, in sgh publ oS ae co OT ae al aly through the woods. to head ta Lave Comin the witer sking et Pan oi B you deity buses viage at ust SO leretres ( mia, you can reach Come und 40 ite ro Exo ch uns thee times 3 ing your holiday tc how te 0 partis that with ona the mies of coastine, you can just keep St Fe ‘The Hermitage Museum ofers extended bourson Wednesday and Fly and free fry om the det Taewday of every month Sepcember tx Octaber (tu avid the crowds) ures Russia’s cultural heart, St Petersburg's frozen-in-time opulence is garnished with an enthusiastic helping ot contemporary eclecticism ade the unruly northem sky, St U Poterbugstres eu soos he Batic ca, Founded ty Peter the Great in 7% as a'window into Europ and designed by slew of celebrated architects, today i's Russia’ ‘chameleonic second ct Effortlessly modem. has lost none os old orld grandeur The Palace Square makes a powerful rst Impression, the backdrop to some of Russia's ‘most poignant events, ror the Bloody Sunday October Revolution. Att centre ‘alum stands, commemorating massacre tot the Alexander the 1812 inter Palace flanks Formerly 2 royal residence i's naw ane of six ullaings comprising the worc-famous Hermitage ‘Museum. The second-largest museum in the ‘werd, the sprawling cornpex spans 360 rooms, housing selection of th milion tem Just across the Neva ably st Summer Palace its grounds studded ve ltalan sculptures imported by Peter the Great Nearby. atthe Field of Mars. sombre flame burn for victims ofthe Russian ons of 1917 Instantly recognisable. the pure: gold dome ‘of St lsaae’s Cathedral dominates the sliine and the huge square around it. Beyond its enormous doors remains elaborate stained glass and soaring columns of lapis azul and malachite, Whe its lavishly decorated dome looms ‘over the interior ~ which ean hold 14000 worshippers ~ ts Colonnade walkway reveals panoramic views ove the ety for those wiling to brave ts 26: Just across the water housing the tombs of Russia's imperial family, along witha Baroque cathedral efor, the Peter ana Paul tmpse into the cty’s storied din st fist buildings. tinue through hstery,erary butts can walk the streets that inspired some of the {greatest poems and prose ever written ~ ror Alexander Pushkin’ apartment to Catherine Canal, where scenes from Crime and Punish unfld, Theres ao the FM Dostoevsky iter Memarial Museum, as well s the Stray Dog: literary hangout frequented bythe ikes of Leo Toistoy and Anna Akenatova Come nightfall the Marinsky Theatre calls St Petersbura’s most impresswe verue, may be the epitome of omate grandeur, butts ballet and ‘opera credentials are unparalled, ere ae ew oes on Earth that re Taegan s pantera ‘Balearic land in the Medite built ts own reputation asthe ph vean Sea, hae ce to party harder than anywhere eis. Tbiza wel deserves its reputation as the clubbing capita ofthe world, There are hundreds Cf rigntsoots across the small but attractive isle, from small wan bars othe biggest superclubs. The biggest ofthese Priviege, whicn measures 6500 square metres 70.000 sauare feet) and can hed 10000 revelers. Most peopl wil head to Ibizan ‘search of booze, bars and beaches, but there is ‘a.surrisng ameunt to se and do during the daytime as well The two man destinations for abig night out are San Antonio and Flaya c'en Bossa, Bath are packed with bars and clubs playing everything from the latest chart hits to clasic'80s cheese San Antonio hosts the wel-known supercibs Eden and Es Paradis while Playa en Bossa bass the spectacular oper-ar Ushuata. Some, Spain's ultimate party island has more to offer than you might t le Pacha, Amnesia or Privilege, are futher it the island, but regular 'dscobuses' take you to and from the cubs throughout the evening and inta the morning, These superclubs ae quite costly to enter: You could pay up to £60 ($65) for a ticket. and the drinks can also set you back 2 lot ~s0 be prepared I's rare to pay to enter the smaller bars and clubs, and most places wil offer big cealson drinks to get you in, However a tip to Ibiza isnt cornplete without a vst toa least one iconic sunerclu, and the experience is. simply staggering. ‘There are also plenty of ric-range watering, holes to Keep you going thrcugnout the day suchas Ibiza Rocks, Ooean Beach Club o” Pikes, Hotel where Wham's Cub Tropicana was firmed ~ although unfortunately the drinks arent fee! Ibiza is te perfect cestination fora sunny break. Even in winter. the daytime temperature rarely crops below 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenhet), and in the heght of surme that can more than double ~ ideal fr soaking Up the sunshine on liza’s 210 lalometes (130 ies) of golden, sandy beaches, which have gained UNESCO World Heritage status Research pl en oe ake The longest and most well-known of bia’s beaches is Paya den Bossa While one end o the tworklometre (L2-mie) stretch of sand aulet and tranquil fr far holidaymakers the others party entra with bars, musie ané water based, high-octane actvtis, The atmosehere is buzzing throughout the day. so you can get Yyoursetf mentally and physicaly warmed up fo the bg night ahead, [Beyond te bars and beaches is anisiand steeped in history ba Old Town is charming files with interesting shops, varied restaurants and a quaint a fortes, arbour Dal Vila, or upper towns walled town that gives you stunning views ofthe harbour and town ~ make sure youve got your walking shoes on as the cobbled streets get quite step, but i's more ‘making the trek za might not be the same place it was inits heyday ofthe 70s and "80s, and now has plenty of rghtife competion round the world, but there trlyis no experience quite ikea wid week away hiting up Ibias unique, worc-renowned us or relaxing on is forgeous beaches, 1biza most certainly rocks ran wert laying which venue before > Croatia's stunning seaport is worthy of its world-renowned reputation ith its enticing combination of history, culture and coastal soenery. i'm wonder that Dubrovnik has become 3 the mast popular chaices for days n vent years ‘Begin your tour of Dubrownik witha walk along its cone ity wal, The two-klometre (1 2-mile) stretch provides some ofthe best views ofthe Old Tov, as well as stunning panoramas ofthe azurestinted Adriatic Sea, The fist of Dubrounik’s 5 walls were constructed in the Sth century, with defences being frtifd in the Lith century and forts added to protect against Turkish ate 5th contury. These fortresses ksin the 15th o -an be abserved as you walk the wal, and ye ‘admission ticket wil give you access to Fort Leurjenae, one ofthe city’s most fascinating fortresses and a recognisable filming loca from Game of Thrones. Accesso the city walls granted vi two rc gates, le and Ploge. Pe is more Daron yt reso Town UneSeD Wage ‘exong tourist, so you can get ajump on the ‘crowds by stating your sto at ote. The wakk proves lite shelter and can be notoriously hat ‘on sun days, so prepare for ‘and take lts of water to avoid overpay at ‘opportunistic vena ther historic sights to witness in Dubrovnik include Rector’s Palace, a Gothic Renaissance palace that doubles as a cultural story su; the Franciscan Monastery, which a Mth century pharmacy: andthe Large nothin’ Fountan, which spews drinkable water from the mouths of 16 ornately c ‘ou can take inthe whole ty at ones fram ra 412-metre (1 352-oot hl that everlaoks. Dubrovnik and provides unbeatable vi i Town, the isla of Lakrurn Eatin lands. The easiest and most route to the top via cable car ~ head up st belore sunset to see Dubrounik at its mast enchanting and magica, ved mask (Once you're done sightseeing, hy nat mix things up with a spot of sea kayaking? The actvty is @ popular pastime in Dubrovnik, ard fun way toget active while enjoying adiferent perspective ofthe lacal scenery I's easy enough te kayak your way across tothe ish island of okrum as part ofa guided tour. The car-free isle s a popular spot for swimming and relaxing on the beach, and provides a tranqui retreat Althat walking and padding is hungry work, Luckily enough, Dubrownik filed wth restaurants that serve som ofthe best foc in Croatia, The specialties here are based on locally caught soafeod, and include gle fish and squid risotto ~ hea! to Lokanda Peskaria or Restaurant Pra for some ofthe bes. Fora drink, D'vino affars cosy vibes and an excalant selection of Croatian wine. making it 2 popular choce, or you can enjoy intoxicating ‘ean views while sipping boverages at ane of ‘wo popular clit-op bars: Buta | and Buzall ures << Ms TUTTE Thy ‘ ‘You can buy ortop up an Oyster tenvel card ore cont Bens tesemete Sec) a ‘Thames through ts gass flor There are countless places for epic views, but arguably some ofthe anbe est wstas seen from the London Ey. Europe's largest From red phone boxes to black cabs, there's cm iconic sight on every comer in Englands capital city bservation wheel. There is a0 The View from The Shard: London's tallest buling offers the highest viwpont at 244 metres (B00 feet), If hetory ie tat you're after, the Tawer of London s the place to visit. Ths royal palace, fortress and infamous prison encompasses more than 1000 years of fester. Visitors can meet the ‘conc Beefeaters: near tales of torture and execution, nd vist the Crow Jewels at is UNESCO Woria Heritage Site London has three other World Heritage Sites: the Palace of Westminster and Westminstor Abbey, Martie Greenwich, anc the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The Palace of Westminster ‘snot only asturning piece of Vietoran Got architecture, bt t's also home ta the Houses of Parlament. Nextdoor, Westminster Abbey is Bhtain’s coranatior and te Prince Willam and Catherine's wedding London has some unique neighbourhoods from aiuent Mayfair to bohemian Camden, but leaty area of Greenwich has same ofthe highiahts,inclucng the Royal Observatory, National Martime Museum, Cutty Sark and Greenwich Market, Here you can vist the home of Greenwich Mean Time, see the uniform that "Nelson was wearing when he was kiled at the Battle of Tatalgar, discover the werld an surviving ta clipper, or sample delicous food. While 30 minutes from the city centre, ow Gardens highights ts ereener side ne work's mast averse collection of ving plants houzed here. Hyde Park Hampstead Heath, Richmond Park, The Regents Park ‘and St James's Park are usta fe of the othe ‘green spaces that caw attention to London's ratural beauty. While spring is one ofthe best times to visit to see London in bloom. you want a regal day out, you'l have to came inthe surnmer when Buckingham Palace, the Queen's offical London residence, pens ta the publ Changing ofthe Guard ~ a orn the Queen's guards inthe red uniorms and bbearskin hats ~ tothe 19 lavish stately rooms the palace never fais to impress. Other awe-inspiring paiaoes clu nthe of Queen Vitra: and Harton y Vill favourte royal residence. you sill haven't Rad your royal quota visit St Paul's Cathedral to see where Prine Charies and Dana were rraried. Cimb the 828 steps tothe Golder Gallery cular vews, or stent the acoustics in the Whispering Gallery, Designed by Britain's most famous architect Sir Cnrstopher Wren, St Pauls isnot the only ‘masterpiece, Christ Church at Spitalfields, the Ol Painted Hala the Old Royal Naval Colege and ne St Pancras Renaissance Hotel are all visually astonishing and wort a tr. London has a plethora of beaut sights to see, buts also bursting with things tod, The citys packed with museums and galleries, mary of which ae freeto st, From the Rosetta Stone atthe Entish Museum te Vincent van Goah's Sunfioners at The National Gal, sa treasure rove, Other cultural gems elude Tate Modem and Tate Britain, the National Portrat Galery, the Victoria and Abert Museum, and the Natural Hstory Museum. Music fans are just as spit for choice Visi ne shooting locations for some of the most famous album covers, including the Beatles Abbey Road, or goto top-notch recerd stores and ‘music venues. Among the best music venues are re Royal Abert Hall Ronnie Scot's Jazz Club The Roundhouse in Camden and the 02, which hosts some of the biggest names in music. ut it'snot jst music and at. Landon has every form of entertainment from theatre in ne West End or at Shakespeare's Globe to Prightelubs, subs and bars. Have a pint at The George inn near London Brig, where ‘Shakespeare ance drank, or sp a James Bond ‘martin at DUKES Bar, of new bars and restaurants oper ‘every month, making the city a holy gral fr ‘oacles. From street food ta fine dng, there's something for everyone Vist Brck Lane for curry, wander Borough Market or tke your pick from one of mast 70 Micheir-starred restaurants. f you want the quintessential British experience, havea full English breakfast ata local cate. enjoy afternoon tea at The Rt, or eat ish and chips at Poppies ordion i also fashion capital. From high-end boutiques in Mayfair to flagship stores on Oxford Street you can shop untl you drop. I youre ate ‘moe than ust lathes, Hatrods and Fortrurn & Mason are almast attractions a thei awn right and London's markets, especialy Portobello = Read, are the perfect pla and one-of-a-kind items London has something for everyone. Kids get a thl ing the Arcelordtttal Oro, the word's longest tunnel side, and sports fans can vist Lord’, Wembley o Wiebledon. I's such 2 muitcutural ety that you can dine on Asian food in Chinatown, watch French ema atthe Barbican and learn Flamenco at the Southbank Centre allin ane day. There are ‘many events from the Notting il Carnival to Chinese New Yee. And there's always something y mountains and located along leeland’s south-western shoreline. embracing the stanly changing climate ofthe capital is all part and parcel of visiting one of the werld’s most ewiting destinations The ety sa cultural hub for those locking to ‘get more familar with leelandc history, 25 Well sits modern way of Ie, Featuring a wie array of museums to sult everybody's tates rom The Settlement Exhibition, the Saga Museum and The National Galery of Iceland tothe Whales of loeland exhibition and the Reskiavk Museum of Photography, youre never without sernewhere to visit on rainy days Diige your taste buds in some ofthe best fish end chips atthe Reykiavik Fish Restaurant aiong the Farbour.or chomp ana resh hat dog, at the litle Bojarins Beztu Pysur stall. you're feeling adventurous, try out some of Ieland’s ‘more traditional delicacies, nelucing fermented shirk (hake, lam soup (hotsi9a) and cried fish (rartisr) and ta soothe those sore muscles. The popular Blue Lagaon lis just a S0-minute dive away from the ety centre, ang wil set you back ‘around £70 ($95) entry per person. Or. for budget-enaly alternative. locate one of the city's puble swimming complexes, for example \esturbanariaug, to enjoy a variety of hot at various temperatures fo a ee of just £5 ($8) entry fr adults, Visita Reykiavik Roasters café to sll hirstfor caffeine and erjy expertly made cafes hat wil lave a lasting impression, Be war, hough. as shopping in leland comes with a hefty price tg, Sticking toa budget and looking for those deals where possible wil make pennies stretch further. Use the AppyHour app to give you alist of al the pubs and restaurants that have deals running on drinks at ary onetime, Treat Iceland's capital as a bace to explore from, as most ofthe county’ sights can be acces hrough ether orgarised tous or by hing. a rental car A couple of days is all that’s required tocexplre the cy’ highights before heading out into the wild to witness majestic glaciers, gigantic waterfalls and exloding geysers “Take a day out to explore the Golden Cire. a round-up af some of cela’ most spectacular Natural wanders. Sits include the stunning Thingveli National Park that, when visited during the snowy season, is teu a winter wonderland, ‘Also featured on the tour Gulfloss. 2 huge waterfall fe from a glacier that's visible in the background on a clear day. ‘Anortheen lights tour isa must for those visting eel A tour wl typically last three to five hours. Don't forget to take your camera to capture the colouriul natural wonder nalts glory though buying photos from your tour organiser is sometimes an option The fact that the number oftursts who vist Joeland each year outweighs the country’s actual population by sx times over is evident of jst how popular this island has become as @ destination to rot miss out on Lstenbul Turkey's cultural capital lays bare its metamorphosis from Roman conquest to modem metropolis ted by the glittering Boschons strat paating Europe from Asia Istanbul's ty inthe world -a tale of ‘wo continents. But its charm i less about East meets West, than new coliing with of Founded by the Greeks in the th ce Istanbul, formerly known a8 Byzantiam, Was conquered by the Persians Athenians, Spartans ars Macedonians. It later became the capital ofthe Roman Empire, when Emperor Constantine rechristened # Constantinople. and mained the capa ol the Byzantine Empie 0 years, betoe fag to the for more than Ottoman Turk in 1453, ng conquerors and commoners alike, Istanbu!’s geographic position, sracding two Centinents wasn't its enly draw ~ the ety ais marked the end of the Sik Road. Many a passing merchant loved itso much they decides to stay ving 2 rich cultural tapestry that stil exists teday, marked ito archer andscape ‘Thanks ois stored pas, stanbu isa Iving ‘open-air museum, studced wth relies ofthe reat powers who ruled ovr it~ rorn Roman aterways to extravagant Ottoman estates. This patchwork of historical gos is interrupted with welcome burst fe~ contemporary art museums ightclubs ‘and classic mansions with sleek. glass fronted ts fabled skyline ‘of minarets and domes stil sits atop a targle of narrow, cobbled streets that echo with the uezzn’stve daly calls to prayer The vestiges of Istanbul's ancient past are rainy dtted around the Sutanahmet district The opulent pavilions of Topkaps Palace, the administrative seat ofthe Ottoman Empire 400 years. stretches behind the magnificent iagia Sophia (Ayasofyain Turkish). Bult by Byzantine emperor Justinian, the basca ated asa church 537, belore Mehmet mosque in M5 ‘Matrk, the father of modern Turkey, later Gazing across Sultanahmet Square is the onic Blue Mosque, estocned with 20000 handerafted lik ties —famausly erated from ‘quartz rather than tracitonal clay. A short stall northwest, Saleymaniye Mosque cravns one of Istanbu’s seven his, towering ove the medieval ‘Bazaar ands labyrinthine maze of coffee as and stalls ~ tended by polo-shirt-clad men, balancing spices and loose-leat tea on brass fathers ane granctathers lust a cheap ferry ride across the Golden Horn the medieval Galata Tower watches over new’ Istanbul, and the vant entertainment district of Karakoy, Beyogluand its namesake Galata replete with coffe shops, galleries, rooftop bars and boutiques. With cuisine as verse a ts heritage, Istanbul isa food lover's paradee. and syrupy des wit ak, the national crnk of aniseed brandy, + local wine, er For those who tire of ty fe the car-ree ulent kebabs, freshly caught fish: reyal members, are just a 20-klometre (12-mie risare best washed dawn beat trp aay, Here, sandy caves and pine forests verge, as hrse-crawn carriages with leather past seafood restaurants strung, ‘along the harbour, hawking the cay’ catch. A great opportunty to relax, a salehaven for exied ong Stare are, TheBuetisues stench 20i0henarats nates ode Hamu pes nas, "rns oerganent Apr tw vey or Se 4 tu Nover = ures commie \ PTR Le) bp Rome Visit the stunning capital of Italy and experience a part of history tal’ capital wil take you on a journey into the past while enabirg you to enjoy the ccosmapottan buzz of fashionable city, Expo ancient Roman ruins, soak up the art ancl cult andenioy he incredible cusine, Begin your day witha tip to the Colosseum, hen take a walkthrough the Rerran Forurn ang onto the Pantheon The Colosseum isa spectacle not to be missed — it's the largest amphitheatre ever but, and stil anicon of imperial Rome. Even if you don't want to venture inside, youl relly regret not taking the time to see Iti person, The area around it can feel litle daunting: the roads are wide and busy, but there are some lovely restaurants close by where you can enjoy a traditional lasagne with a view of the spectacular structure, The Colosseum is striking a any time of cay. but imagine sting in view of itith a glass of italian vine as the un sets an streams through its many arches. We realy can't think of many things beter than staring ana ening your day at this stunning buling. The Roman Forum s another iconic landmark ofthe Reman Emi. I's lea wth temples, squares and old government buldngs that are wel worth taking astol around, You can expire it alone or ona tour to earn about the “Watch out for pckpckets, especial Nesrdtey patra cid u oteber ( ee ge) ume yey interesting history ofthe site, Nearby Pantheon is a 2.000-year-ad temple, 1 best preserved of allo orne’s ancient ‘monuments. Iis one ofthe most inl bulkings in the Wester word, Venturing through its lage, bronze doors and into the largest unreinforced concrete dome ever bu is probebiy as awe-inspiring and breathtaking as it Was when twas frst constructed, Despite fs age it's still as stung as ever. Vatican City, the independent city state, is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. trp tothe Vatican shouldbe let fora day whe you have nothing ese planned, as theres a lotto see it's home to St Peter's Basica and the Vat lan artistic ‘masteraleces such as Michelangel's Sit Chapel trescoes The Vatican is by far the city's mos tourist destination, so be prepared for aot of pecple and many, many queues. this fils you with deead, just be sure to avo Wednesdays, 2th is usualy when the Papal Audience tates place This fs when the Pope i in Rome, ring there willbe even more people. Inthe er months, this is often held in St Peter's if you do want to get agimpse ofthe an Museums, whieh ope then head on down —just prepare yourself fora lt of people around! Vsti the Vatican Museums wih a tour is by far the best way to doit, and between Apri and October you can book to vist the museum at right. which means there are fewer people to cope with Ifyou plan lon visting St Peters Basilica, then you must be 2d appropriately ~ no bare knees, mics ler on show Takeavanr acute Giamatti THERE ARE MANY PRETTY FOUNTAINS TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY'S PIAZZAS opular square in Rome, let off your itinerar arrous Trevi Fountain, and rowing 2. con i shi yor rit hand ore THE SISTINE CHAPEL ‘iitthe oficial residence of the Pope situated inthe Apostolic Palace. The stunning enape as oialy called Capoela Magna and was named after Pope SatusV, who restored it bstween 1477 anc 1620 You can book tekets in avanceinorderto skip the queves and cure entry into anoften sold-out venue, and access tothe Sistine Chapelis ineludeawith your musoum tekots. The Sistine Chapelsthe last roomyoul vision ‘your ep through the museums nthe 5 faleries. They truly leave the best unt ast fonts tour It's absalualy tunneng and very memorable savoury pork cheek, Start your day with a local which ie sweet, yeasty bun containng raisins and pine nuts and filed with delicious whipped crea Merveherh page 48 pa page 50 BI abe age 51 +) Sharm el-Sheik ED 52 Rilinangare- page 54 5 Cape Tour Bap 55 \ Benger Page 56 Jeruzelem Page 57 1 Mesa Mevei page 58 YY (Cape Verde River Nike oo Tel Av page 64 ) Mewwitiny page 65 + Sbeotre Llend page 66 Nhe Pyremidy of GGe page 67 Medehesees page 68 Vf, 4 -GeG | Get lost in Morocco's cultural capital in the Sahara sands din fut around it. you think urful markets, before, you probably have ~ the minarets ‘21 inspiration for La Giralda’s cathe in Sevil, Opened inthe 12th cont bul next tothe king's residence so that nosy worsh intohis private quarters fron ers and folk coming from rer Africa, The resus areal mong pot of The verces ~ and it realy shows cient fourcations (wth founded inthe Ith century by the ot net story), as well as sd Berber chietain Abu Bakr ibn Umar. “ alm tees fanning yecame a cultural cenit, a ts ers a numberof stunning mosques and sid upon Maral ‘madrasas (certres for slamic learning) Over the rep intellectual hut ation spread across Aftica, and sty sul rai erbarkad each athe ‘minacet of the Koutoud tad atthe ery centre of the Before Ramadan, or Sepcember/ Oceaber Cex avd the worst of the heat) urea,

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