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The Unmanageable Star Performer

- **Author**: Abhishek Goel

- Introduction:
- Stefan Konrad and Caroline Dougherty, long-time colleagues at Leman
Highlander & Company, discuss the performance of Vijay, a star performer
based in the India office.
- Vijay's exceptional performance, highlighted by securing three new
accounts, including NMM Technology, draws attention to his effectiveness and
impact within the organization.

- Context and Characters:

- Stefan Konrad: Head of Leman's South Asia and Middle East business.
- Caroline Dougherty: Global human resources director at Leman.
- Vijay: A star performer in Leman's India office, known for his exceptional
results and contributions to the company.

- Discussio:
- Stefan and Caroline discuss Vijay's latest achievements and recognize his
remarkable abilities in securing new accounts for the company.
- Vijay's performance is acknowledged as exceptional, but his management
style and interpersonal skills come into question, suggesting potential
challenges in managing his behavior and relationships within the organization.
- Despite his undeniable success, concerns arise regarding Vijay's ability to
collaborate effectively and his impact on team dynamics.

- **Key Themes**:
- Exceptional Performance: Vijay's ability to consistently deliver outstanding
results, evident in his success in securing new accounts for Leman.
- Management Challenges: Despite his performance, concerns about Vijay's
management style and interpersonal skills raise questions about his suitability
for leadership roles and his impact on team cohesion.
- Organizational Dynamics: The case study highlights broader issues related
to talent management and the balance between individual performance and
organizational culture and dynamics.

- Conclusion:
- The case study prompts reflection on the complexities of managing star
performers within organizations, emphasizing the need to balance individual
contributions with organizational goals and values.
- It underscores the importance of effective leadership and interpersonal
skills in driving long-term success and sustainability within the workplace.
- The case study serves as a catalyst for discussions on talent management,
leadership development, and organizational culture, offering insights into the
challenges and opportunities associated with managing high-performing

− The HBR case study "The Unmanageable Star Performer" presents a dilemma
faced by the regional head of a consultancy firm regarding the highly
effective, yet difficult leader of the India office, Vijay Kumar.
− Despite Vijay's exceptional business performance, there are concerns about
the high turnover rate, abysmal employee survey results, and ongoing
personnel troubles, reflecting dissatisfaction and strained working
− The case study highlights the tension between Vijay's outstanding business
results and his challenging leadership style, which has led to dissatisfaction
among the employees.
− This situation raises the pressing question of how the regional head, Stefan
Konrad, should address the issue with Vijay.

Stefan Konrad, the regional head of the consultancy firm, is faced with the
challenging task of addressing the personnel troubles and high turnover rate in
the Mumbai office, led by the highly effective yet difficult leader, Vijay Kumar.
Despite Vijay's exceptional business performance and impressive growth
figures, concerns about employees' dissatisfaction and damaged working
conditions have arisen.
The case study sheds light on the delicate balance between Vijay's exceptional
business results and his challenging leadership style, which has resulted in
growing discontent among the employees.
Stefan is left with the dilemma of how to approach Vijay and address the
underlying issues while maintaining the firm's performance and reputation.
− The case study underscores the complex dynamics at play when
managing high-performing yet difficult individuals in a leadership role.
− It presents the pivotal challenge of balancing business success with
employee satisfaction and well-being.
− Stefan's impending meeting with Vijay raises questions about the best
approach to address the personnel troubles and discontent within the
Mumbai office.
− The case study outlines the need for a strategic and thoughtful approach
to managing the situation, considering the implications for the firm's
performance, employee morale, and Vijay's leadership style.
− It prompts deeper reflection on how to navigate the delicate balance
between business results and employee sentiment, emphasizing the
importance of addressing personnel issues while preserving the firm's

What strategies can the regional head of business consider for managing the
hotheaded but highly effective leader of the India office?
The regional head of business, Stefan Konrad, faces the challenge of
managing the hotheaded but highly effective leader of the India office, Vijay
Several strategies can be considered for managing this situation.
1. Firstly, Stefan should prioritize open and honest communication with
Vijay, addressing the concerns about employee dissatisfaction and
strained working conditions. This may involve providing specific
feedback on Vijay's leadership style and its impact on the team.
2. Additionally, Stefan could explore the possibility of implementing
leadership development or coaching for Vijay to help him improve his
interpersonal and management skills. This approach aims to support
Vijay in becoming a more effective and empathetic leader, thereby
addressing the personnel troubles in the office.
3. Furthermore, Stefan may need to establish clear performance
expectations and metrics for Vijay, aligning them with not only business
results but also employee satisfaction and retention. This could involve
setting specific goals for improving employee morale and reducing
turnover, and holding Vijay accountable for achieving these objectives.

Ultimately, Stefan may need to consider the possibility of more drastic

measures, such as reassigning Vijay to a different role within the organization
or, as a last resort, initiating a leadership change in the India office. These
strategies aim to balance the need for maintaining business performance with
addressing the challenges posed by Vijay's leadership style.

How can the regional head of business address the high turnover and abysmal
employee survey results in the India office?
The regional head of business, Stefan Konrad, can address the high turnover
and abysmal employee survey results in the India office through several
strategic approaches.
1. Firstly, he should prioritize open and honest communication with Vijay
Kumar, the leader of the India office, addressing the concerns about
employee dissatisfaction and strained working conditions. This may
involve providing specific feedback on Vijay's leadership style and its
impact on the team.
2. Additionally, Stefan could explore the possibility of implementing
leadership development or coaching for Vijay to help him improve his
interpersonal and management skills. This approach aims to support
Vijay in becoming a more effective and empathetic leader, thereby
addressing the personnel troubles in the office.
3. Furthermore, Stefan may need to establish clear performance
expectations and metrics for Vijay, aligning them with not only business
results but also employee satisfaction and retention. This could involve
setting specific goals for improving employee morale and reducing
turnover, and holding Vijay accountable for achieving these objectives.
Stefan should also consider conducting a thorough review of the
organizational culture and work environment in the India office, seeking input
from employees and implementing changes to address the underlying issues
contributing to the high turnover and employee dissatisfaction.

Ultimately, Stefan may need to consider the possibility of more drastic

measures, such as reassigning Vijay to a different role within the organization
or, as a last resort, initiating a leadership change in the India office. These
strategies aim to balance the need for maintaining business performance with
addressing the challenges posed by Vijay's leadership style.

What are the potential consequences of the hotheaded leader's management

style on the office's performance and employee satisfaction?
The hotheaded leader's management style can have significant consequences
on the office's performance and employee satisfaction.
1. Firstly, the high turnover rate indicates that employees may feel
overburdened, undervalued, or disengaged due to the leader's
demanding and intimidating approach. This turnover can lead to a loss
of institutional knowledge, decreased productivity, and increased
recruitment and training costs for the organization.
2. Additionally, the abysmal employee survey results suggest that the
leader's management style may be contributing to low morale, lack of
motivation, and a negative work environment. This can result in
decreased employee satisfaction, reduced collaboration, and a potential
decline in the quality of work produced by the team.
3. Furthermore, the leader's unilateral decision-making and lack of
empowerment for the team can lead to a disengaged workforce, stifled
creativity, and a lack of ownership in the organization's success. This can
ultimately impact the office's overall performance, innovation, and ability
to adapt to changing market conditions.
Overall, the consequences of the hotheaded leader's management style may
include decreased employee satisfaction, higher turnover, reduced
productivity, and a negative impact on the office's performance and long-term
success. Addressing these issues is crucial to creating a positive and
productive work environment.

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