Individual Reflection Skeleton

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Individual Reflection (10% of total mark) - 800 words

The individual reflection is a personal work on your participation in the class. It

should include (honest) self-assessment of your engagement in order to build from
the experience for further personal and professional development.

You should start with a short descriptive account of your experience in this module
and a brief summary of what you have learned. In the second part of the individual
reflection, you are expected to reflect on your own actions, thoughts and experiences
to focus on the lessons learned and how these are potentially going to influence your
professional practices in strategic management, organization and entrepreneurship.
If this is particularly relevant to you, please also reflect on your experience in relation
to your future in business.

Please note that you are expected to refer to learning theories to support your

Skeleton for reflective writing Gibb’s reflective cycle

 Description- What happened- x conclusion, what and when happened, y I was there and wat
happen in the end
 Feelings- What were you thinking and feeling? During the experience, no evaluation of
feelings, how do I feel
 Evaluation- What was good and bad bout the experience, analysis, what went well and what
did not go well, positive and negative thinking
 Analysis: Dig deeper into understanding why things unfolded as they did. This analysis stage
is where you draw on relevant literature and professional knowledge to interpret the
experience.Description: What sense can you make of the situation (Academic model,
 Conclusion- What else could you have done? Draw some conclusion, ask what skills tools can
help do better next time, what will I do differently, what else can be done
 Action Plan- It if arose again what would you do?, create an action plan next

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