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Std – VIII

Topic – The Mystery of the Cyber Friend

Master Copy

Dictation -

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

emoticon offline shutters

cyber Athhai shrieks

ping profile stationmaster

selfie Shatabdi Express accompanied

favourite earrings imposter

I. Glossary –
1) Frowning – the act of expressing displeasure
2) Alight – to get off a vehicle
3) Accompanied – being part of a group of at least two
4) Niece- a daughter of one’s sibling
5) Cyber crime – a crime involving a computer and a network.

II. Answer in 30-40 words –

a) How did the police catch the man? What other information did they find out about
Keywords – checked data, found the man, befriend other young girls and boys
A cyber-crime police officer checked the data in Shree’s computer. Within hours, the
police found the man who had pretended to be Chaitra. They also found that he had
been trying to befriend many young girls and boys through social media.

b) What is the plot of the story ‘The Mystery of the Cyber Friend’?
Keywords - school girl, warning, internet, safely
The story, "The Mystery of the Cyber Friend", is woven around a schoolgirl. The plot of the
lesson brings out the warning to use the Internet safely without inviting troubles to ourselves.

III. Answer in 80-100 words –

IV. a.) Shree learnt an important lesson on Cyber Security. As Shree, what advice would you give
to your fellow classmates to prevent cyber bullying?
Keywords - digital age, affect mental well - being, keep personal information private, think before
you post, speak up, stand up
Cyberbullying, or online bullying, is a prevalent issue in today's digital age, especially among young
people. It can lead to significant emotional distress, affecting individuals' mental health and well-
As Shree I would give the following advice to my fellow classmates -

1. Keep Personal Information Private: The less personal information shared

online, the less ammunition cyberbullies have to use. This includes full
names, addresses, phone numbers, and images that might be used

2. Think Before You Post: Remember that once something is posted online,
it's tough to take back, even if it's deleted. It could be screenshotted and
shared without your permission. Be cautious of what you share on the

3. Speak Up: If you're a victim of cyberbullying, it's important to talk to a trusted

adult about what's happening. They can provide advice, support, and intervene if
necessary. I seeked my athhai’s help and hence was saved. Remember, you're not
alone, and there are people ready to help.

4. Stand Up, Don't Stand By: If you see someone else being bullied online, don't
be a silent bystander. Report the bullying to a trusted adult or to the platform
where it's occurring.We informed the cyber police who nabbed the imposter who
was trying to befriend young boys and girls.

Remember, everyone has the right to feel safe and respected, both online and off. If
you ever feel threatened or overwhelmed by cyberbullying, don't hesitate to reach
out to someone you trust for support.

Portfolio -

Based on the above story, write a news report cautioning people about the
rise in cybercrime in about 200 words. Give details of how Shree’s and
Athhai caught the cybercriminal.

Class Chart -
Speaking Activity -

Have a debate on the following topic: ‘Persons under 18 should be allowed to

have social media accounts.’

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