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Forest Ano Wieocire Resources > Forests ave an important resources for any country. > They not only provide a habitat to variow organisms bul are aio the primary producers of a vesources on which all the otnex living beings depend. +\Flova and Fauna in India > India is known for ib rich biodiversity. ~The term ‘biodiversity’ is used to describe various life jorms which are found on the Earth. > Ihis includes jlova, fauna and various ecosystems im which species Live or depend om one another. > Because of deforestation, the demand (or hides and horns of animals and for medicinal plants, commercialisation etc., many species of plants and animals are on the verge o extinction al present. » According to thelr present numbers, various species 9 plants and animals can be categorised into the following divisions + ONovmal Species: Those Species whose numbers are considered normal hor their survival aye known as normal species. - Some examples are sat, pine, rodents and cattle. @ Erdinct Species: — Esctint species are those species of plants and animal which cannot be fownd tn the wild or in Captivity in areas where they may occur. ~ Example: the cheetah in India andthe dodo bird in the world have become extinct. ( Endangered Species: Species which ave facing a grave thveat to ther lives and ave in danger o becoming extinct are known as endangered Species . ~ Black ouk and Indian vhino are example: of Such Spedes. @ Vulnerable Species + “There Species can lecome endangered if positive Steps are not taken to improve their numbers. - Desert fox and Asiatic elephants ave examples of swith spedes. @ Rave Species = Species. which are very uncornmon or scarce in numbexs continue to dectine. - Example: Wild Asiatic bujgato, hornvitt and desert fox. @ Endemic Species These kind oh species ave only found at a partiular Yegion, vange or (location in the world. - Andaman wild piq and Nicobar pigeon are examples. Factors Leading to the Depletion of Flora and Tauna ey - Factows which have contvibuted to the decine in various species of plants and nimals + +The “Lrdian forests were greatly damaged during the colonial period. ~The Eritish brought mary ayeos under cultivation to eam vevenues. ~The expansion of voilways led to the cestruction of huge Chunks of [oredls. ~ Reckless mining and commercial forestry have further ted to the destruction % forests. + Tn the post-independence period, the expansion of cultivation continued. ~ This also ted to the destruction ef forests and consequently tre depletion o various species. ' Many viver valley projects have vesulled tn the loss o fovest (ands. ~ Examples the Narmada Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh has resutted in the reduction of forest cover of the region. * Uncontrolled mining has vesulted in deforestation. ~ Mining not only aistures the habitat a many species but also blocks the wigration route of several animals. ~ Exomple : dolomite rvining has threatened the tigers in the Bua Tiger Reeve in. West Bengal 2 According to rnany envivonmentalisis, the Collection ef juel wood and the Grazing of animals have alto depleted the forest ecosystems. + Conservation of Forest and wildlife in India * Conservation is vitat since it will help us to protect our environment and protect Owr ecosystern which in tum helps to preserve the genetic cliversity that +he ecosystem has. «The Lnaian wilduife CFotection) Act was implemented in 1942, which made various provisions for protecting habitats. Rhino and deer in Kaziranga National Park +The centrat government ats announced several projects for protecting Specific animals, which were gravely threatened, including the tiger, the one horned rhinoceros, the Kashmix stag or hangul, three types of crocodites — fresh water crocodile, Saltwater crocodile andthe Gharial are some & the animals. - Under the Wildlife /lct o 1980 and 1986, Several hundred butterflies, moths, beetles, and one dragon fty howe been added to the List of protected species. +The government nos alio provided partial or putt Legal protection to animal Such as Indian elephants, black buck, Snow leopard etc. to protect them from extinction. x Types of Forests in India * Forest in Tndia are controlied by the Indian Forest Department, whith has divided forests ilo : © Reserved Fovesis: Tn Tndia, move than half o the total forest tand hos been declared os reserved forests. @ Protected Fovesls: Frotected forests ave protected from any further destruction ef forest cover. @ Unelossed Forests : This class of forests include the forests and wetland which are owned by the Crovernment, privately or jointly by Communities. + Reserved and protected forests ave alo known as permanent forest estates. -Modrya Pradesh hos the Cavgest area under permanent forests. + Liodiversily U the vaviety o life found onthe Earth. — An ecosystem which has vich biodiversity has Severat species % plants and animals which are closely connected to each oiner through biotic and abiotic factors. + Biodiversity hetps in boosting he productivity of the ecosystems in which each Speces plays an important vole. ~ Example + a large number ef plant species vesults in greater varietia & Crops. ~ Similarly, many microorganisms play an important role in biodiversity. ~ They fertilise the soit and play a vole in recycling ef many minerals in the environment. — This helps in sustaining and improving human tives. Covservation of Forests and wtdtige in Lndia % Ejforts of the Government towards “Protecting Forests and Wildufe tn ae Trdia — "Th 2, +the Indian Wildife Act was passed. - In this Act, various provisions weve made to preserve the endanger Spedes ef animols by banning hunting, restricting trade in wildlife and providing legat protection to wildlite havitats. As a result, many wildlife sancturies and national parks were established by the state and the Central Govemment to preserve the wabitat of many wild animals. , Many animals such as tiges, one -horned vninoceros, sattwatey crocodile, black buck and snow leopard nave been given protection against Munting and trading tn the country. + Many Conservation projects of the Governrnent ave now focusing on the preservation ef blodiversity a the country vather than just protecting certain Species @& plan and animals. +|Role of Communities towards Conservation In Tndia, apart yon the Government and Forest Departments, various Communities have played an important vole tA conserving and protecting forests. ~The Chipko Movement was an example of communities coming together to Save forests from the veckless felling by private contvactors . + Sacred Groves ave on examples of the Conservation of forests by tribal and village Communities. - Many forest avens ave considered sacved by ‘hese communities, and ary kind of activity or human interference in these patches of forests is banned. + Stmilavly, villagers of the five villages in the Alwar district nove dedlaved 1,200 hectares of forests protected and donot altow any kind of interference, hunting or poaching in the forest avea. + Th Saviska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, villagers have fought against mining by citing the Wildlife Protection Act. + Mahua t& worshipped by the Mundas and the Santhal of Chola Nagpur vegion while tamarind and rnango ave worshipped by the tribes of Odlisha. and Bihar duving weddings. -In Indian Hindu society, peepal trees is Considered sacred. + Blockbuck, peacock and rilgai ave seen as an integral part of Bishnoi. villages in Rajasthan and aven't harmed ov killed. * Bee} Bachoo Andolan tn Tena and Novdanya nos promoted people to stop using synthetic Chemicals as sugticient Crop harvest can be produced even without the use ef Chemical fertilisers. + Joint Forest Management ls a progvamme in Tria which involves Coval Commurities in the management of degraded pavis of forects which ove managed boy the Forest Department. ~ Im vetun of their help, the communities ove allowed to have a share in non- timber and timber products which ave harvested by the joint qporls of the Cocal cormmunities and the Forest Departments. -Ouisha was the first stale in India to pass tre Coint Forest Management programme .

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