Exp SC 6 - Chapter 02

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Components of Food
Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge to be gained: •Various nutrients present in different food items •Balanced diet
•Undernutrition and Malnutrition
Skills to be developed: •Identi cation of food ingredients and their nutritional value • Selection of
food items for a balanced diet
Attitude to be inculcated: • Consumption of a balanced diet • Relating processes and phenomena
with cause, for example, de ciency diseases with diet

All living organisms require energy. Our diet consists of different nutrients that
Energy is needed by the living organisms to can be classi ed as carbohydrates, fats,
do work and for the growth and proteins, vitamins , water and mineral
development of their bodies. Food provides salts. e study of food and diet is known
our bodies the energy to grow, repairs our as nutrition.
damaged body parts and keeps us t and
healthy. e food we eat contains different FOOD AND NUTRITION
components. Types of Food
NUTRIENTS Food can be classi ed into three groups or
e components of food that provide types, namely, body-building food, energy-
nourishment essential for the growth and giving food and protective food. Our daily
maintenance of our body are called diet should consist of food items from all
nutrients. three groups to keep us healthy.
20 Exploring Science-6
Energy-giving Body-building Protective obtained mainly from plant sources. ey
food food food are present in fruits, cereals (like wheat, rice,
Oils, Fats, Vitamins and etc.), starchy vegetables (like potatoes),
Carbohydrates Minerals sugar, jaggery and honey.
ere are many types of carbohydrates like—
1. Sugars: Glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.
2. Cellulose
3. Starch
Let us study about them.
1. Sugar: Sugar are the carbohydrates that
have a sweet taste and are soluble in
Fig.1 Daily requirements of food w a t e r. R e n e d s u g a r i s a p u r e
A balanced diet has seven components. carbohydrate and lacks proteins,
ey are: vitamins and minerals. e main sources
of sugar is our food are glucose, milk,
(1) Carbohydrates (2) Fats
apples, grapes, mangoes, sugarcane, etc.
(3) Proteins (4) Vitamins
Glucose is the simplest carbohydrate and
(5) Minerals (6) Water
can be broken down very quickly by the
(7) Roughage (Fibre)
body to release energy. at is why, it is
ese are the ve basic nutrients along with given to patients and sportspersons who
water and roughage. require a quick support of energy.
All the components of food are required by 2. Cellulose: Cellulose does not have any
the body to maintain the various life avour or taste. It is derived from plants.
processes in living organisms. Let us learn Cellulose forms the main structure of
about these components in detail. plants.
CARBOHYDRATES 3. Starch: Starch is soluble in water and does
e bulk of what we eat consists of not have any avour or taste. Major sources
carbohydrates. of starch are rice, wheat, potatoes, etc.
Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen Digestion of Carbohydrates
and oxygen. As the process of digestion starts, sugar and
Carbohydrates are the main and the cheapest starch get converted into glucose. Glucose is
source of energy for our bodies. erefore, a soluble substance. Hence, it is absorbed by
carbohydrates are called energy-giving blood and transported to each part of the
food. Carbohydrates in our food are body.
Components of Food 21
E x c e s s i nt a k e o f s u g a r a n d s t a r c h
(carbohydrate) can result in a disease called Knowledge Booster
diabetes. Diabetes is a severe disease. If the On average, an adult needs about 10-15 grams of
diabetic level increases in a person's body, it sugar per day. Glucose directly enters the
bloodstream and produces energy through
can lead to death. respira on.
How to Test the Presence of Starch?

Aim: To test the presence of carbohydrates in food.
Materials required: Raw potato, iodine solution and a
Procedure: Take a piece of raw potato and put a few
drops of dilute iodine solution on its cut surface using a
Observation: When we add some dilute iodine
solution, the potato turns blue-black.
Conclusion: is shows that the potato contains starch
because starch gives a blue-black colour with iodine. Fig.2 Test for starch in a potato

PROTEINS How to Test the Presence of Protein?

Proteins are body-building nutrients. Our
body is made up of billions of cells. Most cells
do not live for too long. ey die and are Aim: To detect the presence of proteins in
replaced by new cells. Proteins supply our food.
body with the materials to make these new Materials required: Test tubes, dropper, spot
cells. We need protein for the growth and plate, CuSO₄ solution, NaOH solution, and
food samples such as egg white and boiled
repair of our bodies. We also need them to
ght against diseases. Proteins help to carry
out all the processes within our bodies. ey
1. First, take about 2ml of boiled pulses or egg
can be obtained from both plant as well as
white and crush it with very little water to
animal sources. Proteins are compounds of make a food-stuff solution to carry out the
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. test.
Some sources of proteins are pulses, 2. Take the food-stuff solution in a test tube
soybean, egg and meat. and add 2ml each of NaOH solution and

22 Exploring Science-6
CuSO₄ solution Let the test tube stand for a few minutes.
3. Observe the colour change in the test tube.
4. Note your observations in your activity le.


Sodium hydroxide Copper

solution sulphate

Test tube

Egg white or boiled pulses

Egg white mixed with sodium colour
or boiled pulses hydroxide solution

Fig.3 Test for protein in crushed egg or boiled pulses

Observations: e colour of the solution turns violet.
Conclusion: Protein is present in the food sample. Protein turns copper sulphate solution violet.
Ÿ Make the solution of CuSO₄ by dissolving 1 g of CuSO4 in 100 ml water.
Ÿ Make the solution of NaOH by dissolving 10 g of NaOH in 100 ml water.
Ÿ is test is usually not conducted using insoluble proteins, such as chicken. In such a case, a
small amount of food sample can be heated with dilute hydrochloric acid for 10 minutes and
then the solution can be used to test the presence of protein.

FATS body. ey provide energy, particularly

Like carbohydrates, fats also provide energy when the body runs short of carbohydrates.
to our body. Fats give us more energy than u Many animals, like polar bears, camels,
carbohydrates. Foods rich in fats are also whales, etc., store fats in their bodies for
called energy-giving foods. Fats are obtained future use.
from plants and animals. Ghee, oil, milk, u e deposits of fat in our bodies help to
butter, meat, egg, etc., are some common cushion our delicate body organs and
foods containing fats. Nuts and some seeds protect them from injury.
also contain fats. u Fats in our body also help to prevent heat
loss from the body surface. However, too
u Fats give avour and taste to our food.
much fat deposited in our body leads to
u Fats are stored mainly under the skin in the obesity.
Components of Food 23
Fats/oils are further divided into two
p ar ts: Saturate d and uns aturate d.
Saturated fats are usually derived from
animals. Unsaturated fats are usually
derived from plants.
How to Test the Presence of Fat?
Fig.4 Sources of Fats


Aim: To test the presence of fat in a food sample.

Procedure: Take some crushed pieces of the food sample (like
peanut seeds or almonds), and rub them on a white piece of
If the white paper turns into translucent oily paper, the food White paper with
material contains fat (or oil). patches of oil
Remember to use only solid food items.
Fig.5 Testing the presence of fat

Knowledge Booster
An adult needs about 35g of fat per day. Excess use of fat-rich food makes a person obese.

Write True or False
1. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our body. _________
2. Proteins are body-building food. _________
3. Fats give us less energy than carbohydrates. _________
4. Glucose is called the instant source of energy. _________

VITAMINS Vitamins help in protecting our bodies

Vitamins are protective nutrients. ey do against diseases. Vitamins are needed in
not provide energy to the body. But, they are very small quantities.
essential for the growth and maintenance ere are two classes of vitamins. ey are as
of our bodies. Vitamins play a vital role in follows:
many chemical reactions taking place in our u Water-soluble vitamins: Vitamins B and
body. So, they are essential for the growth C are water-soluble vitamins. ey are
and normal functioning of our body. absorbed in the bloodstream, and the
24 Exploring Science-6
excess amount is thrown out of the body. Functions
ese vitamins are not stored in the u Vitamins help to protect our body against
body. Hence, they need to be supplied various diseases. ey also help us to
regularly through food. keep our eyes, bones, teeth and gums
u Fat-soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E healthy.
u ey control many metabolic reactions.
and K are fat-soluble vitamins. ese are
stored in the body fat and used only e names of different vitamins, their
functions and sources are given in the
when the body needs them.
following tables.
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamins Function Food Source

Keeps skin healthy, maintains Cod liver oil, egg yolk, milk and dairy products,
Vitamin A
normal night vision. mangoes, carrots, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables.

Aids in the normal growth of Fish, eggs, cod liver oil and milk; sunlight also helps our
Vitamin D
bones in children. body to make vitamin D.

Whole grain cereals, cotton seed oil, milk, meat

Aids in normal reproduction,
Vitamin E and egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes,
keeps the skin healthy.
sprouts and wheat germ oil.
Spinach, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables
Vitamin K Helps in blood clotting.
and egg yolk.
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamins Function Food Source

Helps in digestion, and Eggs, meat, milk, sprouts, green vegetables, wheat and
Vitamin B1
maintenance of nervous system. whole grains.

Keeps skin and buccal cavity

Vitamin B2 Eggs, milk, green vegetables, peas, cherries and raising.

Essential for the normal

Vitamin B6 Yeast, whole grains, sh, meat and legumes.
functioning of the brain.

Formation and maturation of

Vitamin B9 Green leafy vegetables, fruits, yeast, liver and kidney.
blood cells.

Vitamin B12 Helps in the formation of RBCs. Meat, eggs, sh and milk.

Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, lime, tomatoes, guava,

Vitamin C Provides resistance to infection.
amla, sprouts, soybean oil, etc.

Components of Food 25
calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine,
Knowledge Booster potassium, magnesium, sulphur, iron,
Ÿ The term ‘Vitamin’ was iodine, copper, etc. Each one is essential for
given by a Polish scien st
Casimir Funk. building organs and good health. Minerals
Ÿ Your body can synthesise are needed for building bones, teeth
vitamins D and K on formation, formation of blood, coagulation
exposure to sunlight.
of blood, functioning of muscles, nerves and
glands, etc.
Some important minerals, such as copper,
Salts of certain metals and non-metals are
zinc, magnesium, are needed by our bodies
needed by our body for its normal
in very small amounts.
functioning, which are collectively called
Some important minerals, their sources in our
food, and their functions are given below.
Our body requires many minerals, such as

Minerals Function Food Source

Milk products, beans, whole grains

For strong bones and teeth. Also, it helps
Calcium and cereals, sh, meat, ragi and green
in blood clotting.
leafy vegetables.

For the formation of haemoglobin, Groundnut, jaggery, eggs, kidney,

Iron which carries oxygen from lungs to the liver, millet, spinach and green
body cells. vegetables.

For the formation of protein, called

thyroxine, which controls the physical,
Iodine Seafood, iodized salt and sh.
mental and sexual development of our

For proper functioning of the nervous

Fluorine Water
system; prevents tooth decay.

Helps in the formation of bones and Fish, meat, ragi, nuts and green
teeth. vegetables.

26 Exploring Science-6
Water is an important part of our body. e e brous indigestible material present
human body contains about 70% of water by in food is termed as roughage.
weight. It is required for all processes taking Roughage is mainly made of an
place in the body. A normal adult requires 2- indigestible carbohydrate, called cellulose,
3 litres of water per day. Apart from drinking which is present in plant cell walls. Like
water, we consume water in the form of water, roughage also does not provide any
drinks, such as tea, coffee, juice, and milk. nutrients to our bodies. ough roughage
We also get water has no food value, its presence is essential in
from fruits and our food.
vegetables. Roughage adds bulk to the food, keeps the
Water is an food and waste matter (faeces) moving along
important the intestines, and helps to prevent
constituent constipation.
of blood and Functions of Roughage (Dietary bre)
other body uids.
u Roughage helps in maintaining water
Functions balance in the body.
u Water helps in transporting nutrients to u It prevents gas, dehydration and
all parts of our body, through blood. constipation, and ensures proper bowel
u It also collects the wastes from all parts of movement.
our body and excretes them through Major sources of roughage in our food are:
u Vegetables and fruits
u It helps the body to get rid of waste food
u Salad
in the form of faeces.
u Our body is cooled by the evaporation of u Corn cob
sweat from the skin. u Flour products (like bread and roti )
What happens if water is de cient in the BALANCED DIET
body? Two-thirds of our body is made up of e food that we consume during the whole
water. When water is de cient in our bodies, it
day is called our diet. A diet consists of many
gets dehydrated. is means the amount of
food items. Dal, chapati, rice, curd, vegetables,
water in the body drops below the level
fruits and milk constitute our diet. We need
needed for its normal functioning. is is a
all the nutrients, water and dietary bre to
serious condition and requires immediate
keep our body active and healthy.
medical attention.
Components of Food 27
A diet which contains all the nutrients, in u A growing child, a pregnant woman and a
the right proportion, is called a balanced nursing mother need more protein.
diet. It varies from person to person, u A labourer and a sportsperson needs
depending upon the gender, age group and m o r e e n e r g y.  e y n e e d m o r e
living style. carbohydrates and fats.
u A sick person requires more vitamins and
minerals to ght against diseases. Hence,
he needs more fruits and vegetables.

Knowledge Booster
• Milk is a complete food as it contains all the
nutrients needed by our body, except vitamin C.
• Pulses are rich in proteins and carbohydrates.
Cereals also contain both these nutrients. They
Fig.6 Balanced diet
make bulk of our diet. Sprouts are rich in
A balanced diet also contains sufficient proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.
amount of water and roughage.
Almost all the food items contain two or IMPORTANCE OF COOKING
more nutrients, but no single food item Just eating the right kind of food is not
contains all the nutrients in adequate enough. It should also be cooked properly so
amount. erefore, we should include a that its nutrients are not completely lost as
combination of different food items in our well as, it becomes edible and tasty. Most of
daily meals. the raw food materials are not t for eating as
A balanced diet provides us with: such. e raw food materials are washed,
peeled, cut and cooked to make them edible.
(i) e proper amount of energy required
Various nutrients present in food materials
by our body.
are, however, lost during the washing and
(ii) Materials to repair the damaged cells or
cooking process.
tissues of the body.
e various practices which lead to the loss
(iii) Materials for growth and development
of nutrients are:
of the body.
1. Repeated washing of food grains, like rice
u A balanced diet for a normal and healthy and pulses.
person should roughly contain—60%
2. Taking off thick peels from fruits and
carbohydrates, 15% fats, 25% proteins
and small amounts of vitamins and
3. Unnecessary washing of vegetables and
fruits aer they have been peeled and cut.
28 Exploring Science-6
It removes the water-soluble vitamins and A condition in which people become weak
minerals from them. and sick, due to the lack of one or more
Bene ts of Cooking Food nutr i ent s i n t h ei r d i e t , i s ter m e d
Cooking improves the taste of food and also malnutrition.
makes it easier to digest it properly. Several e de ciency of proteins, carbohydrates and
germs and microorganisms are also killed fats is known as Protein Energy Malnutrition
during cooking. (PEM).
UNDERNUTRITION AND e growth of a child is affected very badly by
MALNUTRITION malnutrition and undernutrition.
Undernutrition Malnutrition may result due to a lack of
You have learnt that in order to stay healthy, education, poverty, carelessness and natural
we should always have a balanced diet. If a calamities ( ood, drought, tsunami, etc.).
person takes less than the required amount In any case, undernutrition and malnutrition
of food (even if it is balanced), he/she will hamper body growth and lead to physical,
become weak and fall ill. Such an unhealthy
mental or metabolic disabilities in people of
state of the body, due to the intake of a
all age groups. If you take a balanced diet
l e s s e r qu a n t i t y o f fo o d , i s c a l l e d
regularly, the chances of undernutrition and
malnutrition are very rare.
Undernutrition may be caused due to the
following reasons: DEFICIENCY DISEASES
u Due to the absence of food: Sometimes, Many people in the world do not get
due to some reasons, sufficient food enough food. As a result, their bodies do
might not be available. For example: not get enough nutrition. Also, sometimes
During natural calamiti e s, such as people do not eat a balanced diet. As a result,
drought, ood, tsunami, etc., food may their bodies do not get nutrients in the
not be available. required quantity. Lack of different
u Due to poverty: Poor people quite oen nutrients in the body leads to many
do not get the required amount of food. dis e as es. Su ch dis e as es are c a l l e d
So, they suffer from undernutrition.
de ciency diseases.
De ciency disease is de ned as a disease
Many people do not take balanced diets in
caused by the lack of a particular nutrient
their daily lives. When the diet lacks one or
in the diet.
more nutrients, it leads to malnutrition.

Components of Food 29
Undernutrition Malnutrition

Not having enough food to eat leads to Not having the right balance of nutrients in
undernutrition. the diet leads to malnutrition.

De ciency of
Diseases Symptoms Photos

Dizziness, loss of
Carbohydrate De ciency of carbohydrates leads to
(Energy) weakness and lack of stamina.

Kwashiorkor Stomach becomes swollen, legs become

(in small children) thin and the skin shows ugly patches. Fig.7 Kwashiorkor

Protein & e child becomes so thin that loose folds of

Carbohydrate skin can be seen over their body.

e person is unable to see properly in dim

Vitamin A Night blindness

Fig.8 Kwashiorkor and Marasmus

Muscles become too weak and the person
Vitamin B1 Beriberi
has very little energy to do work.

Vitamin C Scurvy Loose teeth and bleeding gums.

Fig.9 Scurvy

Vitamin D Bow legs, pigeon chest and bending of

and Calcium spine.

yroid gland in the neck region becomes Fig.10. Rickets

Iodine Goitre

Low haemoglobin in blood; person looks

Iron Anaemic pale, gets tired quickly and suffers from loss
of appetite.
Fig.11 Goitre

30 Exploring Science-6
Nutrients : Different substances that are supplied by food.
Nutrition : The study of food and diet.
Vitamins : Nutrients needed for the body to function normally.
Balanced diet : A diet that contains the nutrients in proper amount.
Under nutrition : The state of body when it gets less than the required food.
Malnutrition : When a diet lacks one or more nutrients.
De ciency diseases : Diseases that are caused by the lack of nutrients.

Points to Remember
u e chemical substances present in food that provide nourishment for the growth of the body
are called nutrients.
u Food can be classi ed into three groups or types, namely: Energy-giving food, body-
building food, and protective food.
u Carbohydrates are the main and the cheapest source of energy in our body.
u Proteins are called body-building food.
u We need proteins for the growth and repair of our body.
u Fats give us more energy than carbohydrates.
u Vitamins and minerals are protective nutrients.
u Roughage constitutes plant bres which are also known as dietary bres. ey are necessary
for the proper functioning of the digestive system.
u A diet which contains all the nutrients in the right proportion is called a balanced diet.
u Undernutrition and malnutrition can be caused due to lack of food or the consumption
of an unbalanced diet.
u A de ciency of vitamins and minerals in the diet leads to de ciency diseases.

A. Tick (3) the Correct Option
1. e study of food and diet is known as ____________.
(a) energy (b) nutrition
(c) diet (d) ingredient

Components of Food 31
2. Iodine can be used to test the presence of which nutrient?
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Fats
(c) Proteins (d) Vitamins
3. Cod, liver-oil, egg yolk, milk, carrots, and green leafy-vegetables are the sources of
(a) vitamin A (b) vitamin B
(c) vitamin C (d) vitamin D
4. Scurvy is caused due to the lack of ____________.
(a) vitamin A (b) vitamin B
(c) vitamin C (d) vitamin D

B. Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Words

1. ____________ and ____________ are called energy-giving nutrients.
2. Proteins are required for the ____________ and ____________ of our body.
3. Carbohydrates are formed in plants during ____________.
4. ____________ are the nutrients required by our body in very small quantities.
5. Human body contains about ____________ % of water by weight.
C. Very Short-Answer-Type Questions
1. What are the three groups of food?
2. Give three examples of body-building food.
3. Which vitamin do we get from cauli ower, cabbage, tomatoes, egg yolk, soybean oil, etc?
4. Name the solution used to test the presence of starch in food.
5. A balanced diet is the same for all genders and age group. True or False?
6. Which disease is caused by the de ciency of iodine in the diet?
D. Short-Answer-Type Questions
1. What do you mean by nutrients? Name the major nutrients in our food.
2. Name the three types of carbohydrates. Give a source of each.
3. How is carbohydrate digested in our body?
4. Why do we need proteins?
5. What are vitamins essential for?
6. What is the function of roughage in our diet? What are the major sources of roughage in our
32 Exploring Science-6
7. How does the balanced diet of an active sportsman differ from the balanced diet of a
growing child?
8. What does a balanced diet provide?
9. Mention a few cooking practices that lead to loss of nutrition.
10. Differentiate between undernutrition and malnutrition.
E. Long-Answer-Type Questions
1. Write a short note on the three types of carbohydrates.
2. Why are fats important in our diet?
3. Explain the importance of the following vitamins and minerals for the body. Also, mention
two sources for each.
(a) Vitamin B1 (b) Vitamin K (c) Iron (d) Calcium
4. State the functions of water in our body. What will happen if water is de cient in our bodies?
5. Name the disease caused by the de ciency of the following nutrients along with their
(a) Protein (b) Vitamin A (c) Vitamin D and Calcium (d) Iodine

Munmun loves to eat fried food and sweets every day. He watches a lot of TV and does not go
out to play with his friends. What do you have to say about his lifestyle? What problems may be
caused due to his eating habits? Can you suggest any idea so that he can improve his habits?

Activity Zone
A. Classify the following food items in the table given below:
rice egg bread sh meat oil ghee potato
butter carrot pulses milk gram fruits soybean jaggery

Food rich in carbohydrates Food rich in proteins Food rich in vitamins

Components of Food 33
Project Work
B. Gather at least ten packed food items in your Nutrition Facts
8 servings per container
kitchen/store. Check the nutrition label printed Serving size 2/3 cup (55g)
on each of them. Prepare a table and enlist the Amount per Serving

nutrients in each item. Calories 230

% Daily Value*
Total Fat 8g 10%
Saturated Fat 1g 5%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 160mg 7%
Total Carbohydrate 37g 13%
Dietary Fiber 4g 14%
Total Sugars 12g
Includes 10g Added Sugars 20%
Protein 3g
Vitamin D 2mcg 10%
Calcium 260mg 20%
Iron 8mg 45%
Potassium 235mg 46%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrients in
a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories
a day is used for general nutrition advice.

Memory Map
Roughage Water

Nutrients COMPONENTS OF FOOD Other essential


Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins Minerals

Energy-giving nutrients Body-building

Protective nutrients

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34 Exploring Science-6

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