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ISSN: p-2540-8763 / e-2615-4374

DOI: 10.26618/jed.v%vi%i.10860
Vol: 8 Number 3, August 2023
Page: 373-382

The Role of Donation-Based Crowdfunding Platforms in Improving

People's Welfare (Study on the

Maria Anna Muryani 1), Noor Rosyidah 2), Maliki Alfajr Davin C.S 3), Afif Noor 4)
Program Study of Law Science, Sharia and Law Faculty, UIN Walisongo Semarang,
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Km 2 Ngaliyan Kota Semarang, 50185
Program Study of Islamic Astronomy, Sharia and Law Faculty, UIN Walisongo Semarang,
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Km 2 Ngaliyan Kota Semarang, 50185
Program Study of Sharia Economic Law, Sharia and Law Faculty, UIN Walisongo Semarang,
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Km 2 Ngaliyan Kota Semarang, 50185
Corresponding Author: Afif Noor, Email:

History: Received 20/05/2023 | Revised 23/05/2023 | Accepted 25/07/2023 | Published 30/08/2023

Abstract. Indonesia is a welfare state that is responsible for the welfare of its citizens, this is not an easy
thing with high levels of poverty and corruption. It takes the participation of all components of the nation
to realize this welfare. The object of this study is to determine the role of donation-based crowdfunding
(DCF) platforms in improving people's welfare by focusing on the platform. In this study,
the problem formulation is the extent to which DCFs such as can contribute to improving
community welfare. The research method used is qualitative by collecting data through printed and
online documents. The results showed that DCF platforms, particularly, have helped
individuals resolve financial burdens and made it easier for the community to access donations. DCF
has a significant role in facilitating financial assistance for individuals and communities in need and is
very effective in connecting donors and recipients, providing an easy-to-use interface, and ensuring
transparency in the donation process that can have implications for improving people's welfare.

Keywords: Donation-Based Crowdfunding; People’s Welfare;

INTRODUCTION of the state mandate to realize this welfare,

Indonesia is a welfare state. This including the relatively high poverty rate. The
statement is contained in the fourth paragraph number of poor and vulnerable people is
of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the almost one-third of Indonesia's population.
Republic of Indonesia, which states that the (Septiadi & Nursan, 2020). The quality of
state is obliged to organize public welfare as education of the Indonesian people is also still
reflected in the statement "The state has the relatively low (Utami, 2019), this condition
responsibility to promote public welfare" has an impact on high unemployment in
(Abqa et al., 2023; Zulkarnaen, 2018). Indonesia (Padang & Murtala, 2020; Sitadewi,
Consequently, the state must endeavor to 2017). This condition is exacerbated by the
provide welfare to all its citizens without high level of corruption in Indonesia (Alifah,
exception. The state is the party most 2023; Fitrah & Dapang, 2023). These facts are
responsible for the welfare of its citizens. an obstacle to the realization of the welfare of
To realize welfare that can be felt by the Indonesian people.
every citizen is not something easy. Several For this reason, the participation of the
problems hinder the government as the holder community and all components of the nation is

ISSN: p-2540-8763 / e-2615-4374
DOI: 10.26618/jed.v%vi%i.10860
Vol: 8 Number 3, August 2023
Page: 373-382

needed to participate in assisting the Foundation ( and Kita Bisa

government's duties to realize welfare for all Foundation (
Indonesian people because it can have a A large number of donation
positive impact, namely efficiency in the crowdfunding organizers is interesting to
implementation of welfare (Putra & Erlangga, study, especially related to its contribution to
2022). The participation of the community can improving people's welfare as the goal of the
be carried out in various forms of philanthropy state as stated in the Preamble of the 1945
activities such as corporate social Constitution. Many studies on the existence of
responsibility (Suwandi et al., 2021), donation crowdfunding have been conducted
religious-based philanthropy such as both on an international and national scale
shadaqah, and raising funds from the (Golrang & Safari, 2021; Kemenkes RI, 2020;
community and private companies in Kenang & Gosal, 2021; Ramadhan &
Indonesia by crowdfunding (Rochani et al., Hendratmi, 2023; Salido-Andres et al., 2021;
2021). Sirisawat et al., 2022; Tri Kurniawati et al.,
Fundraising through crowdfunding has 2021; Wagiman and Muhammad Luthfi Reza
been carried out by many religious and non- Izzulhaq, 2022; Yang & Li, 2022; Zhang et al.,
religious institutions such as non- 2020). There has also been researching that
governmental organizations and foundations. examines the existence of the Kita Bisa
Lembaga Amil Zakat (Lazis) Wahdah, for Foundation with its platform
example, is one of the religious institutions (Amalia et al., 2020; Ariyanti et al., 2020;
that raise funds by crowdfunding (Saifullah, Firdaus & Tutupoho, 2022; Fitriana et al.,
2017). Crowdfunding fundraising conducted 2021; Pranata et al., 2022; Salsabila & Hasbi,
by non-governmental organizations, among 2021; Sespiani et al., 2021; Sidiq et al., 2021;
others, is carried out by the Coral Triangle Sitanggang, 2018; Warapsari, 2020).
Centre which raises funds for the benefit of However, these studies have not
environmental protection (Al-haq et al., 2015). revealed the role of donation crowdfunding in
In addition to these two institutions, improving community welfare or specifically
foundations are the institutions that do the examined the role of in
most crowdfunding. Some crowdfunding contributing to community welfare through
institutions in the form of foundations include fundraising activities carried out through a
ACT Foundation, Yatim Mandiri Foundation platform specifically provided for this
(, IKAMaT Foundation purpose. The selection of the
(, Ayo Bantu Peduli Indonesia platform is based on the reason that it is the
Foundation (, Benih Baik

ISSN: p-2540-8763 / e-2615-4374
DOI: 10.26618/jed.v%vi%i.10860
Vol: 8 Number 3, August 2023
Page: 373-382

largest platform in Indonesia (Herna et al., DISCUSSION

2019). Definition and Benefits of Fundraising
An assessment of the role of the Through Donation-based Crowdfunding
donation crowdfunding platform in Theoretically, crowdfunding is the
contributing to people's welfare is expected to practice of soliciting funds for an enterprise or
show that fundraising through information project from a large group of people spread
technology platforms is more effective, and across multiple locations collectively referred
efficient and encourages young millennials to to as the "crowd" (Asad Noor et al., 2022). An
be closer to information technology facilities open call is organized predominantly online to
and willing to make donations that can be used gather financial resources, either through
as social reserve funds outside of government donations without expecting compensation or
funds. Community participation in making through the exchange of remuneration and/or
donations is a manifestation of the attitude of voting rights, aiming to support initiatives that
cooperation which is characteristic of the have specific objectives (Khan et al., 2017).
Indonesian nation and has a rigorous There are at least four distinct categories
philosophical and juridical basis in Pancasila of crowdfunding, which include reward-based
and the Preamble of the 1945 State crowdfunding that offers goods, services, or
Constitution. rights to contributors, debt-based
crowdfunding that involves loans that must be
RESEARCH METHODS repaid with or without interest, equity-based
Based on the focus of this research, this crowdfunding that grants funders securities
research is qualitative research using a case and ownership in the company with potential
study approach using descriptive methods. The dividends, and donation-based crowdfunding
subject of this research is the (DCF) where funders provide donations
platform whose instrument is the researcher without expecting any monetary return (A
himself. Data collection was carried out with Noor et al., 2021; Afif Noor et al., 2022).
document studies sourced from secondary data Zhao and Shneor explain that DCF is
in the form of documents (Noor, 2023). fundraising via the Internet where supporters
Therefore, this research is also called library provide funds based on philanthropic
research. The data obtained is analyzed motivations without expecting monetary or
descriptively and qualitatively, and then material rewards (Zhao & Shneor, 2020).
conclusions are drawn according to the focus Based on the definition and categorization of
of the research. crowdfunding above, can be concluded that
DCF is fundraising from a large group of

ISSN: p-2540-8763 / e-2615-4374
DOI: 10.26618/jed.v%vi%i.10860
Vol: 8 Number 3, August 2023
Page: 373-382

people to finance certain projects carried out the total respondents who participated in this
through the Internet or platform with survey, around 48% of them donated online
philanthropic purposes without expecting with an amount between 2.5% and 5% of their
rewards. income. Meanwhile, 14% of respondents
DCF platforms provide opportunities for donated between 5% and 10% of their income,
fundraisers to campaign openly through the and another 7% donated more than 10% of
Internet to donate to charitable causes within a their income. The majority of respondents who
fixed period. The use of information donate online do so more than once a month
technology in raising donations for charitable (59%), and the frequency of online donations
purposes is more efficient, can reduce costs, is higher than offline donations (50%). The
makes it easier for fundraisers to broadcast majority of respondents donate online because
their campaigns to many potential donors, and they have cashless payment options (31%),
allows for more in-depth interaction between ease of finding information about donations
donors and fundraisers during the project. (23%), and the existence of trusted online
DCF or online fundraising has several donation management institutions (19%)
benefits. First, it provides opportunities for (Annur, 2023).
fundraisers to reach a wider geographical area The data above shows the high interest
both locally and internationally and reach of Indonesian people in donating using the
more donors (Agrawal et al., 2015; Gleasure & DCF platform. The ease and convenience of
Feller, 2016). Second, the efficiency of donating through the DCF platform allow
transaction costs in fundraising because it uses people to contribute more to fundraising
a digital payment system or similar based on projects because they only need to click on the
sophisticated information technology (Choy & DCF platform to donate (Chen et al., 2021;
Schlagwein, 2016). Huang et al., 2021). Besides the ease and
The ease and efficiency of fundraising convenience, the high demand for people to
using this crowdfunding model have donate using the DCF platform is also driven
encouraged public interest in making by the accessibility to digital devices
donations. Based on a survey conducted by (Banerjee, 2021; Kartika et al., 2022). The use
Telkomsel through between 18-20 of smartphones or computers connected to the
March 2022 involving 952 respondents with internet allows donors who live in urban and
the proportion of respondents consisting of rural areas to donate without having to
63% men and 37% women, it was found that physically come to the institution that raises
69% of respondents often donate online, with funds.
the number of donations exceeding 2.5%. Of

ISSN: p-2540-8763 / e-2615-4374
DOI: 10.26618/jed.v%vi%i.10860
Vol: 8 Number 3, August 2023
Page: 373-382

The Role of in Improving parties who need to raise funds according to
People's Welfare their needs. is one of the platforms that Since its establishment in 2013,
organize donation-based crowdfunding has facilitated fundraisers for
services in Indonesia, which was founded by various activities, such as personal challenge
Yayasan Kita Bisa in 2013. Yayasan Kita Bisa or birthday fundraising, fundraising for others,
itself only obtained status as a legal entity from and fundraising for religious social activities,
the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in such as building houses of worship, building
2014 with No. AHU 03272.50.10.2014. Along schools, and natural disaster relief. DCF on
with the issuance of Government Regulation is done through various social
No. 71 of 2019 concerning the Implementation media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook,
of Electronic Systems and Transactions which and the website.
requires electronic system service providers The use of various social media has
(PSE) to register, the Kita Bisa Foundation made a DCF organizer that has
formed a limited liability company called PT succeeded in raising funds from donations and
Kita Bisa Indonesia. wallet replenishment totaling IDR
In 2019, Yayasan Kita Bisa with its 840,067,886,708 in 2020. In 2021, the revenue
platform has a license as an increased to IDR 1,075,057,664,675. The
institution that collects money and goods funds were raised by more than 100,000
(PUB) from the Ministry of Social Affairs with fundraisers and given by more than 6 million
Decree No. 126/HUK-UND/2019 for the donors. Each fundraiser has a varied time
general category. The permit must be renewed ranging from 30, 60, and 90 days or a certain
every three months. The permit from the period to raise funds through the
Ministry of Social Affairs was followed by platform (KitaBisa, 2021). The donations that
approval as a PSE organizer from the Ministry have been collected are used following the
of Communication and Information on 25 fundraising objectives, which are broadly
February 2021. has obtained divided into two types, namely raising
status as a PSE in the information and donations for medical-related purposes and
communication technology sector that raising non-medical donations.
functions as an intermediary media for the Medical-related fundraising is used,
creation of online social donation pages both among others, to improve the nutrition of
through websites and applications on mobile toddlers and the medical expenses of patients.
phones. This legality strengthens the The medical-related donations that are still platform to be able to facilitate ongoing in May 2023 can be seen at the

ISSN: p-2540-8763 / e-2615-4374
DOI: 10.26618/jed.v%vi%i.10860
Vol: 8 Number 3, August 2023
Page: 373-382

following links; realizing people's welfare. This is based on the

bantuan-medis and theory that to describe the welfare of the
explore/balita-anak-sakit. On these links, people, among others, is determined by
various forms of medical assistance are improvements in the level of health, education,
urgently needed by the community both and economic improvement of the community
carried out by individuals and social (Kustiandi & Rachmawati, 2020; Wahyuni &
institutions. plays a major role in Wulandari, 2022).
facilitating people who need financial Based on the use of funds raised through
assistance for medical-related activities. the platform as mentioned
While non-medical fundraising includes above, the DCF platform has a major role in
donations for humanity, repairing houses of the fields of education, health, and economy,
worship, social activities, zakat, education which leads to the improvement of community
assistance, public infrastructure welfare by providing financial assistance,
improvements, assistance to orphanages and fostering community support, facilitating
disabled people, maintaining environmental access to various opportunities, and
ecosystems, creative works, and business empowering individuals. With the facilitation
capital. Non-medical donations that are still provided by the DCF platform, there will be
ongoing in May 2023 can be seen on the link; access to funds for education, health, and and the entrepreneurial endeavors and the
link explore/bencana- improvement of people's social lives. As such,
alam. These links can show the role of the DCF platform can empower individuals in facilitating people who need and communities, creating avenues for social
funds to improve education, health, and growth, development, and progress toward
environment, repair worship facilities and socially just prosperity for all Indonesians.
improve infrastructure that supports people's
Based on the facilitation carried out by Studies on the platform by providing a DCF platform for show that donation-based crowdfunding plays
people who need funds for medical and non- a significant role in improving community
medical matters such as matters relating to welfare. Donation-based crowdfunding
education and business dissemination as platforms become an effective tool to mobilize
indicated by the links on the website or financial support and resources from various
Uniform Resource Locators (URL) above, it donors, which ultimately leads to improved
appears that participates in individual welfare. Through the power of

ISSN: p-2540-8763 / e-2615-4374
DOI: 10.26618/jed.v%vi%i.10860
Vol: 8 Number 3, August 2023
Page: 373-382

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