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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Literacy for SPED

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to
A. Count 6 objects with understanding and recognize the numeral 6.
B. Write correctly the number 6.
C. Appreciate the importance of being able to count up to 6 in the activity do me.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Number 6
B. Reference: Transition Program Functional Academics LLKAK-Ih-3/TS6FA-L-
C. Materials: pictures, TV, laptop, worksheets

III. Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparation
(Daily Routine)
Good Morning, class! Good Morning, Teacher Rose!
How are you today? Good, Teacher!
Let us stand for the prayer. (Learner’s stand and recite prayer.)
Seven, teacher!
How many days are there in a week?
Okay , let’s count 1 to 7. 1,2,3……7
Now let’s sing the days of the week song. ( Learners actively sings)
What day is today? Today is Monday.
How about yesterday? Yesterday is Sunday.
How about tomorrow? Tomorrow is Tuesday.
Very Good! Now do you know what month are
we in?
Let us sing
Lubi-lubi song
(309) Lubi Lubi (Sing-Along) - YouTube ( Learners actively sings)
What month are we in now? We are in the month of December!
What is the date today? December 4,2023

Let’s check your attendance.

Let’s sing where are the children.

How many boys are there? 2!

How many girls? 4!
4 girls and 2 boys, how many children in total? 6!
Very Good!

Okay class, let’s prepare for our class!

Position number 1 Learners stand up.
Position number 2 Learners sit down.
Position number 3 Learners put their hands on the table.

B. Motivation

Let us sing One finger, one finger turn turn turn! (Learners sing and do the action)
Let us have a review, I will show you numbers
from 1 to 5. Say the numbers as shown.
What number is this?
How about this one? 2
And this? 3
And this? 1
How about this one? 4
Well done! 5

C. Discussion
Today we will be learning about another
number. Are you ready?
I brought a friend today, do you want to meet Yes, teacher!
(Show a picture of a bee) Yes, teacher!
This friend’s name is Mr. Bee. Mr. Bee needs
shoes for his feet.
Can you help me count Mr. Bee’s feet?
Now, how many feet does he have? 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Very good! Let us help Mr. Bee wear 6 shoes, He has 6 feet teacher!

This is number 6.

Can you say Hi to Number 6.

Very Good. Now Number 6 is happy.
Hi Number 6!
Let us learn how to count 6 objects!
What do you see?
How many stars are there? Stars teacher!
Yes! There stars candies! 1,2,3,4,5,6.
How about this?
How many hamburgers are there? Hamburgers!
Good job! How about this? 1,2,3,4,5,6. 6 hamburgers!
How many ice creams are there? Ice creams, teacher!
Good job! 1,2,3,4,5,6. 6 ice creams!

Let us practice writing number 6. Teacher will

show how it is done then you follow, okay!
Okay teacher!
Draw 6 on the board while singing. “Make a C
but do not wait, make a turn to make a 6”

Okay. One more time. “Make a C but do not

wait, make a turn to make a 6” (Draw 6 in the air using finger)
“Make a C but do not wait, make a turn to make a 6”
Now let us try making number 6 in the air using (Draw 6 in the air using elbow)“Make a C but do not
our finger. “Make a C but do not wait, make a wait, make a turn to make a 6”
turn to make a 6”
Now, let us try to make a 6 using our elbow.
“Make a C but do not wait, make a turn to make ( Reign writing number 6)
a 6”
Good job! Now who wants to write number 6 on
the board! Yes Reign! (Ferlyn writing number 6)
Very Good, Reign!
Who wants to try? Yes, teacher!
Yes, Ferlyn!
Cyril pick out number 6 and put them under the
Okay this time. Let us try to find all number 6
and put them under the umbrella.
May I call Cyril to find three six numbers.

Wonderful job!

What do you see in the picture? Apple tree, teacher!

How many apples are there on the apple tree? 1,2,3,4,5,6.
6 apples!
Good job! Who can write number 6? Yes

How about this? Cats!

How many cats are there? 1,2,3,4,5,6.
6 cats, teacher!
Good job! Now write number 6, Klint.
Well done!

Now I will show another pictures.

What fruits do you see?
Very Good! Which of these fruits are 6 in set? Bananas and apples teacher.
Let us count the apples first.
Very Good. 1,2,3,4.
Now let us count the bananas.
Wonderful! Now, which fruits are 6 in the set? 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Correct ! Now let us make a line to match the The bananas teacher!
bananas to number 6.

D. Group Activity.
Let’s have a group activity!

Group 1.
Find all the number 6 and encircle them.
Group 2.
Match all the pictures with 6 objects in set to
the numeral 6.

Do you have questions?

None, teacher!

IV. Evaluation

A. Pack a Gift!
Instruction: Cut 6 objects and paste them in the gift box.

B. Instruction: Trace/Write number 6.

V. Assignment:

Make a number 6 collage using a short bondpaper and torn pieces of colored papers.

Prepared by Rose Lyn B. Siano

SPED Teacher

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