For Dima

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Не обязательно-
Я не против чтобы перекусить-
Вам/тебе следует прогуляться-
Поздний ужин-
Пообедаем в …?-
Я не люблю рыбу-
Я не хочу пить алкоголь-
Я опасаюсь/боюсь-
Сладкое блюдо, десерт-

Supper, dine, bite, necessary

Preparing food
Jack was hungry. He walked to the kitchen. He got out some eggs. He took out
some oil. He placed a skillet on the stove. Next, he turned on the heat. He
poured the oil into the skillet. He cracked the eggs into a bowl. He stirred the
eggs. Then, he poured them into the hot skillet. He waited while the eggs
cooked. They cooked for two minutes. He heard them cooking. They popped in
the oil.
Next, Jack put the eggs on a plate. He placed the plate on the dining room table.
Jack loved looking at his eggs. They looked pretty on the white plate. He sat
down in the large wooden chair. He thought about the day ahead. He ate the
eggs with a spoon. They were good.
He washed the plate with dishwashing soap. Then, he washed the pan. He got a
sponge damp. Finally, he wiped down the table. Next, Jack watched TV.
Useful words
Skillet- кастрюля
Stove- печка/ kitchen stove- кухонная плита
To turn on- включать
Heat- тепло, нагрев
To pour- наливать, разливать( используем с жидкостями, соусы и заправки,
супы, сиропы и тд.)
Pour me a cup of tea, please
Could you pour me a glass of wine?
Pour the dressing over the salad
She poured the hot soup into bowls
Don’t forget to pour the syrup over the pancakes
Pour over- полить сверху
Pour into-влить/налить
Pour out-вылить
Be careful not to pour out too much juice
Crack- разбивать, раскалывать( с орехами, яйцами и тд используем не
break, а crack)
Stir- мешать/размешивать
Plate- тарелка
To place- ставить, размещать, помещать
Dining room- столовая
Wipe down- вытирать

Prepositions of time+Past Simple

1. She arrived __________ the party at 8 PM.

2. They went for a walk __________ the evening.
3. He finished his homework __________ midnight.
4. We met our friends __________ lunchtime.
5. The concert started __________ 7 o'clock.
6. They left for vacation __________ last summer.
7. I woke up __________ the morning feeling refreshed.
8. The movie ended __________ midnight.

1. She __________ (arrive) __________ the party at 8 PM yesterday.

2. They __________ (go) for a walk __________ the evening last Saturday.
3. He __________ (finish) his homework __________ midnight two days ago.
4. We __________ (meet) our friends __________ lunchtime yesterday.
5. The concert __________ (start) __________ 7 o'clock last night.
6. They __________ (leave) for vacation __________ last summer.
7. I __________ (wake) up __________ the morning feeling refreshed
8. The movie __________ (end) __________ midnight on Friday.
1. She __________ (visit) her grandparents __________ Christmas.
2. They __________ (go) to the beach __________ summer vacation.
3. He __________ (study) English __________ last year.
4. We __________ (have) dinner __________ 7 PM yesterday.
5. The train __________ (arrive) __________ 8 o'clock in the morning.
6. They __________ (spend) the weekend __________ the countryside.
7. I __________ (read) a book __________ bedtime every night.
8. The museum __________ (close) __________ 6 PM on Sundays.


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