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• accidentally on purpose • bark up wrong tree

o If you do something intentionally, but pretend o A person who is barking up the wrong tree is
it was an accident, you do it accidentally on doing the wrong thing, because their beliefs or
purpose. ideas are incorrect or mistaken.
"I accidentally-on-purpose erased his email "The police are barking up the wrong tree if
address, so I couldn't contact him again." they think Joey stole the car - he can't drive!"

• add fuel to the flames • beat a (hasty) retreat

o If you add fuel to the flames, you do or say o Someone who beats a (hasty) retreat runs
something that makes a difficult situation even away or goes back hurriedly to avoid a
worse. dangerous or difficult situation.
"He forgot their wedding anniversary, and his "The thief beat a hasty retreat as soon as he
apologies only added fuel to the flames." saw the security officer."

• all ears • be one's best bet

o To say that you are all ears means that you are o The action most likely to succeed is called
listening very attentively. one's best bet.
"Of course I want to know - I'm all ears! "Your best bet would be to try calling him at
• answer the call of nature
answer nature's call • bide your time
o When a person answers the call of nature, they o If you bide your time, you wait for a good
go to the toilet. opportunity to do something.
"I had to get up in the middle of the night "He's not hesitating, he's just biding his time,
to answer the call of nature." waiting for the price to drop."

• backseat driver • binge drinking

o A passenger in a car who gives unwanted o This term refers to heavy drinking where large
advice to the driver is called a backseat driver. quantities of alcohol are consumed in a short
"I can't stand backseat drivers like my mother- space of time, often among young people in
in-law!" rowdy groups.
"Binge drinking is becoming a major problem
• badger someone in some European countries."
o If you badger someone into doing something,
you persistently nag or pester them until you
obtain what you want.
"Sophie badgered her parents into buying her a
• bite hand that feeds you
new computer."
o If you bite the hand that feeds you, you are
unfriendly or do harm to someone who is kind
• balancing act
to you.
o When you try to satisfy two or more people or
"If you say bad things about the person who
groups who have different needs, and keep
gives you a job, you bite the hand that feeds
everyone happy, you perform a balancing act.
"Many people, especially women, have to
perform a balancing act between work and
• blot one's copy book
o Someone who blots their copy-book does
something to spoil their good record or
• bare your heart / soul
o If you bare you soul (or heart) to someone, you
"He blotted his copy-book when he was
reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to
arrested for speeding."
"Mike couldn't keep things to himself any
• on the bottle
longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best
o A person who drinks alcohol often and
regularly is on the bottle.
"John went on the bottle when he lost his job."
• break every rule in the book • butter somebody up
o If you behave in a completely unacceptable o When you butter someone up, you flatter them
way, you break every rule in the book. or you are very nice to them, especially if you
"Our competitors obtained the contract want to obtain something.
by breaking every rule in the book." "He was so keen to get the job that he spent his
time buttering up the boss."
• breathe down somebody's neck
o If someone is breathing down your neck, they • call someone's bluff
are watching you too closely and making you o If you call someone's bluff, you challenge them
feel uncomfortable. to do what they threaten to do (while believing
"The atmosphere at work is not great; the boss that they will not dare to do it).
keeps breathing down our necks all the time." "After the neighbour's threats to demolish the
fence, when Jack decided to call his bluff, there
• build bridges were no more complaints."
o If a person builds bridges between opposing
groups, they help them to cooperate and • call it quits
understand each other better. o When people temporarily stop doing
"A mediator is trying to build bridges between something or put an end to an activity, they
the local community and the owners of the call it quits.
new plant." "OK, we're all exhausted, so let's call it
quits for today."
• burn your bridges
o If you burn your bridges, you do something • call a spade a spade
that will be impossible to rectify in the future. o A person who calls a spade a spade speaks
"If you refuse the offer, be careful not to burn openly and truthfully about something,
your bridges by insulting them. They may make especially difficult matters.
a better proposal later." "What I like about the new manager is that
he calls a spade a spade - it makes things so
• burn the candle at both ends much easier for everyone."
o If you burn the candle at both ends, you
exhaust yourself by doing too much, especially • cap in hand
going to bed late and getting up early. o If you do something cap in hand, you ask for
"Scott looks exhausted - I'll bet he's something in a very respectful manner.
been burning the candle at both ends lately." "They went to the teacher, cap in hand, and
asked for more time to complete their project."
• burn your fingers • carrot and stick approach
o If you burn your fingers (or get your fingers o If you use a carrot-and-stick approach, you use
burnt), you suffer financially as a result of the promise of reward and the threat of
foolish behaviour. punishment to make someone work harder.
"Jack got his fingers burnt playing on the stock "Some parents use a carrot-and-stick
market." approach to obtain good results from their
• bury one's head in the sand
o If you bury your head in the sand, you refuse to • catch flies
face the unpleasant reality by pretending that o To say that someone is ‘catching flies’ is a
the situation doesn't exist. colloquial way of describing someone who has
"It's no good burying your head in the their mouth wide open for some time, either
sand. We've got a problem on our hands." asleep or staring in astonishment at
• bury the hatchet "The children stared in amazement, catching
o When people who have had a disagreement flies while they observed the insects under the
decide to forget their quarrel and become microscope."
friends again, they bury the hatchet.
"I didn't agree with my colleague's decision, • chance something/take a chance on something
but for the sake of peace I decided to bury the o If you take a chance on something, you take
hatchet." action in the hope of success even though you
know that the result may be negative.
"I may not be able to get through the traffic, freely or performing to the best of their ability.
but I'll take a chance on it." "I can't paint with people watching me -
it cramps my style!"
• chance your arm
o If you chance your arm, you decide to do • cross the Rubicon
something even though there is little hope of o If you cross the Rubicon, you make an
success. irreversible decision or commit to a course of
"Tony knew he had little hope of getting into action that cannot be changed.
Harvard but he decided to chance his (The Rubicon is a river in Italy crossed by
arm anyway." Caesar and his army.)
"After careful consideration, he decided to stop
• cheap shot teaching and open an art gallery, knowing that
o A cruel, unfair or unwarranted comment or he was crossing the Rubicon and that there
verbal attack is called a cheap shot. would be no turning back."
"Referring to Tom as an 'unqualified speaker'
was really a cheap shot." • cut the cackle
o If you tell a group of people to cut the cackle,
• chime in you are asking them to stop talking aimlessly
o If you chime in, you interrupt or join a and start dealing with more important or
conversation, especially to repeat or agree serious matters.
with something. "OK. It's time to cut the cackle and get down to
"As I explained to the bus driver what had business."
happened, the other passengers chimed in and
gave their version." • dance attendance on someone
o If you dance attendance on somebody, you are
• clean up your act constantly available for that person and attend
o The expression ‘clean up your act’ means to to all their requests.
improve your behaviour and act in a more "She's rich and famous and expects everyone
acceptable manner. to dance attendance on her.""
"You’ll have to clean up your act and comply
with company rules if you want to keep your • dig your own grave
job!" o A person who digs their own grave does
something which causes their own downfall.
• clip someone's wings "If you drop out of college now, with such high
o If you clip someone's wings, you do something unemployment, you'll be digging your own
to restrict their freedom. grave."
"Taking away your son's credit card is a sure • disappear/vanish into thin air
way to clip his wings." o If someone or
something disappears or vanishes into thin air,
• come apart at the seams they vanish totally and completely in a
o To say that someone is coming apart at the mysterious way, without leaving a trace.
seams means that they are extremely upset or "I don't know how to contact my former
under severe mental stress. colleague. After he was fired he vanished into
"Bob has had so many problems lately, thin air!"
he's coming apart at the seams."
• dive in headfirst
• come out of the woodwork o If you begin something enthusiastically,
o When things, or people, come out of the without thinking about the possible
woodwork, they appear or emerge consequences, you dive in headfirst.
unexpectedly, as if from nowhere, and usually "Tony accepted the project without realizing
in large numbers. how much time it would take; he always dives
"As soon as we added the swimming pool, our in headfirst!"
children had 'friends' coming out of the
woodwork!" • do a disappearing act
o If someone does a disappearing act, they
• cramp someone's style simply vanish, especially if they have done
o If you cramp someone's style, you do something wrong or dishonest
something to prevent them from behaving
"Just before the police arrived, the suspect did invite their friends over. They'd eat you out of
a disappearing act." house and home!"

• do a moonlight flit • eat out of someone's hand

o Someone who does a moonlight flit leaves a o If you eat out of somebody's hand, you are
place quickly and in secret, usually to avoid eager to please and will accept to do anything
paying debts. that person asks.
"Just before the rent was due he did a "She is so persuasive that she has
moonlight flit." people eating out of her hand in no time."

• do more harm than good • ego trip

o If the effect of an action is more damaging o If you do something primarily to draw
than helpful, it does more harm than good. attention to yourself and feel important or
"Giving him money did more harm than good - superior to others, you are on an ego trip.
he spent it on alcohol." "His speech about creating an association to
help the underprivileged was one long ego
• do a good turn trip."
o If you do someone a good turn, you act in a
helpful way. • err on the side of caution
"Mike is a great guy - always ready to do a o When uncertain about what to do, if you err on
good turn." the side of caution you do more than what is
adequate rather than take any risks.
• the done thing "When I'm not sure how much food to prepare,
o The correct way to behave in a particular social I tend to err on the side of caution and prepare
situation is called the done thing. far too much."
"Wearing jeans to play golf is not the done
thing." • even the score
o When a person decides to even the score, they
• drag your feet try to get their revenge on someone who has
o If you drag your feet, you delay a decision or cheated or done harm to them, by treating
participate without any real enthusiasm. them in a similar manner.
"The government is dragging its feet on "When Jack discovered that Bob had cheated,
measures to reduce pollution." he was determined to even the score."
• excuse/pardon my French
• drop names o This expression is used as an apology for using
o When you drop names, you mention the crude or offensive language.
names of famous people you know or have "He's a bloody nuisance, if you'll excuse my
met in order to impress others. French."
"There goes Jack dropping names again.
People will get tired of listening to him!" • fall over backwards
o If you fall over backwards to accomplish
• eat crow something, you do everything you possibly can
o If you eat crow, you admit that you were to please and impress.
wrong about something and apologize. "Sally's mother fell over backwards to make
"He had no option but to eat crow and admit her wedding reception a memorable event."
that his analysis was wrong."
• false move
• eat dirt o In a dangerous or risky situation, if you make
o If you eat dirt, you are forced to accept bad a false move, you do something which may
treatment or insulting remarks without have unpleasant consequences.
complaining. "He is under close surveillance. If he makes
"Found guilty of fraud and corruption, the one false move he'll be arrested"
director had to eat dirt."
• feed the kitty
• eat out of house and home o If you feed the kitty, you contribute to a
o This is a humorous way of saying that someone collection of money called a 'kitty' in order to
is eating large quantities of your food. help a good cause.
"I stock up with food when my teenage sons
"Come on! Every little helps. You should feed the same job.
the kitty for a good cause!" "Lily followed in her mother's footstepsand
became a teacher."
• fiddling while Rome burns
o To say that someone is fiddling while Rome • foul your own nest
burns means that they are doing unimportant o If you act in a way that harms your own
things while there are serious problems to be interests, your position or your reputation,
dealt with. me you foul your own nest.
"His visit to the trade fair during the strike was "He fouled his own nest by wrongly accusing
'fiddling while Rome burns' according to the his boss."
• freeze somebody out
• fight a losing battle o If you deliberately isolate someone or prevent
o If someone is fighting a losing battle, they are them from participating in a social or business
trying to do something even when there is activity by treating them unfairly or harshly,
little chance of succeeding. you freeze them out.
"The headmaster is fighting a losing "Pablo was treated unfairly. The rest of the
battle trying to ban mobile phones at school." team just decided to freeze him out of the
• fight shy • (take) French leave
o If you fight shy of something, such as a task, a o If you leave an official or social event without
problem or a duty, you want to avoid doing it notifying the person who invited you, you take
or you are unwilling to confront it. French leave.
"He had money problems for years but "Is Bill coming back for the closing speech or
he fought shy of asking his children for help." has he taken French leave?"

• have a finger in every pie • a Freudian slip

o If someone has a finger in every pie, they are o A Freudian slip is a mistake made by a speaker
involved in a large and varied number of which is considered to reveal their true
activities and enterprises. thoughts or feelings.
"For information about the activities in this "So you got the job - I'm so sad ... Sorry, I mean
town, you should talk to John Brown. He's 'glad'!"
got a finger in every pie."
• gatecrash
• fish for compliments o If someone gatecrashes, they attend a private
o When someone is obviously waiting for you to social event without being invited.
say something nice, they are fishing for "We need volunteers to keep an eye out
compliments. for gatecrashers tonight."
"I know why she invited us to her new house -
she's just fishing for compliments." • get on your high horse
o If you get on your high horse, you start
• fling yourself into something behaving in a haughty manner, as though you
o If you fling yourself into an activity, you do it should be treated with more respect.
with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. "He got on his high horse when he was asked
"Ever since she flung herself in the anti- to show his membership card."
pollution campaign, she rarely has a free
moment!" • give as good as you get
o This expression means that you are prepared
• follow your nose to treat people as badly as they treat you, and
o If you follow your nose, you go straight ahead. defend yourself, especially in an argument or
(This can also mean to follow your instinct in fight.
life.) "Don't worry about the bullies at school.
"The station is at the end of the road - Charlie can look after himself and give as good
just follow your nose." as he gets."

• follow in someone's footsteps • give someone the cold shoulder

o If you follow in someone's footsteps, for o To give someone the cold shoulder means to
example a parent, you lead a similar life or do deliberately ignore them, treat them in a cold
manner or stop being friendly with them. without enthusiasm.
"I don't understand. Since we had lunch with "After his wife died, he tried to continue life as
Tom and Jane they've been giving us the cold before, but he just went through the motions."
• go too far
• give someone a hard time o If you go too far, you do something that is
o If you give someone a hard time, you annoy considered extreme or unacceptable.
them or make things difficult for them. "Stealing is bad, but stealing from a poor
"Susan says the pupils in her new school person is really going too far!"
are giving her a hard time." • go into overdrive
o If someone or something goes into overdrive,
• give (something) the once-over / a quick once- they begin to work very hard or start to
over perform intensely.
o If you give someone or something a quick "At the start of every new collection my
visual examination, to see what they are like or imagination goes into overdrive."
to check if everything is all right, you give them
the once-over. • go off on a tangent
"She gave the living-room a quick once- o If someone goes off on a tangent, they change
over before opening the door to the visitors." the subject completely in the middle of a
speech or conversation.
• give someone a run for their money "Sometimes when he's teaching, he goes off on
o If you give someone a run for their money, you a tangent and starts talking about his dog!"
present strong competition in circumstances
where the other person expects to win easily. • go off the rails
"We didn't win the match but we gave the o If someone goes off the rails, they go out of
other team a run for their money" control and begin to behave in a manner that
is unacceptable to society.
• give someone the run-around "Given the unstable environment, it's a miracle
o If someone gives you the run-around, they that none of their children ever went off the
deliberately give you confusing information or rails."
evasive answers.
"I'm trying to contact the manager, but every • go out of your way
time I call the firm I'm given the run-around." o If you go out of your way, you take particular
care or make a special effort when doing
• give the shirt off your back something.
o This expression is used to describe a kind- "Aunt Betty went out of her way to make us
hearted or generous person who would give feel comfortable"
you anything he/she owns to help you.
"Mike would give the shirt off his back to help • go to extremes
a friend in difficulty." o People who go to extremes behave in a way
that lacks moderation.
• give the slip "My parents tend to go to extremes. They live
o If you give the slip to somebody who is on a tight budget and then they go on
following you, you manage to hide or get away expensive holidays!"
from them.
"The police were on his trail, but the suspect • go to pieces
managed to give them the slip." o If you go to pieces, for example after a terrible
shock, you are so upset or distressed that you
• give a taste of their own medicine cannot lead a normal life.
o If you give someone a taste of their own "Jack nearly went to pieces when his son died
medicine, you treat them in the same in a car crash."
unpleasant way that they have treated you.
"People who always arrive late should be given • go with the flow
a taste of their own medicine." o If you go with the flow, you follow the general
tendency and go along with whatever
• go through the motions happens.
o If someone goes through the motions, they do "When my colleagues organise an office party,
something because they have to do it, but I just go with the flow."
• (in) good part • have a stab at something
o Something done or said that is taken in good o If you have a stab at something, you try
partis accepted good-naturedly, without taking something that you have never had a chance to
offence. do before.
"She took her colleagues' teasing in good "I had a stab at surfing once but I decided not
part and laughed with them." to renew the experience!"
• help a lame dog over a stile
• grease the skids o If you help a lame dog over a stile, you help
o When you grease the skids, you facilitate someone who is in difficulty or trouble, or
something or smooth the way for its success. come to the aid of a person in need.
"Lunch was organised for the delegates before "You can trust him - he's always ready to help a
the meeting in order to grease the skids for the lame dog over a stile."
• herd mentality
• grin and bear it o People with the herd mentality tend to do
o When faced with a difficult or unpleasant what everyone else does, no matter how
situation, if you say that someone will have to ridiculous or stupid.
grin and bear it, you mean that they will have "One example of herd mentality is when
to accept it without complaining. people rush to get on the first bus when there
"The only seat available is on a low-cost flight. are several empty ones waiting."
You'll just have to grin and bear it!"
• hit below the belt
• groan inwardly o If you do something considered to be unfair, or
o If you groan inwardly, you would like to make a cruel remark, you hit below the belt.
express despair, disapproval or distress, but "Politicians sometimes use personal
you remain silent information to hit their rivals below the belt."
"On his return, when Pete saw the pile of files
on his desk, he groaned inwardly." • hit the panic button
o When you hit or press the panic button, you
• handle with kid gloves raise the alarm too quickly or react too hastily
o If you handle someone with kid gloves, you in a difficult or stressful situation.
treat them very carefully or tactfully, either "Calm down! There's no need to hit the panic
because they are very important or because button yet!"
they are easily upset or offended.
"He's so determined to obtain her agreement • hold the fort
that he is handling her with kid gloves." o When you hold the fort, you look after a place
or a business in the absence of the person who
• haul someone over the coals is normally in charge.
o If you haul someone over the coals,you "Rosie, could you hold the fort please while I
reprimand them harshly because they have go to the post office?"
done something wrong or incorrectly.
"Tony was hauled over the coals for the poor • hold your own
quality of his presentation." o If you can hold your own, you are well able to
defend yourself when under attack.
• have one too many "We should ask Jane to represent us. She
o Someone who has one too many, has drunk can hold her own in any argument."
too much alcohol.
"I think Steve has had one too many - he's • (a) hue and cry
talking rubbish!" o If there is a hue and cry about something,
there is loud opposition to it.
• have the nerve "There will no doubt be a great hue and
o If you do something rude, impudent or cry when the reorganisation is announced."
inappropriate, without any embarrassment or
shyness, it is said that you have the nerve to do • jump in (at) the deep end
it. o When you jump in (or are thrown in) at the
"Jenny had the nerve to attend the ceremony deep end, you do something without any help
wearing jeans!" or preparation, in an area where you have little
or no experience.
"He got a job as a salesman, for which he had "Yes, we've got a problem, but let's try to keep
no training, so he just had to jump in at the things in proportion."
deep end."
• kick up a fuss
• jump ship o A person who kicks up a fuss creates a
o Someone who jumps ship leaves, resigns or disturbance, especially by complaining or
abandons a position or task, especially when protesting about something.
there are difficulties. "The service was so slow in the restaurant that
"The managing director had already jumped several customers began to kick up a fuss."
ship by the time the company collapsed.”
• kill two birds with the one stone
• keep your feet on the ground o If you kill two birds with the one stone, you
o A person who keeps their feet on the succeed in doing two things at the same time.
ground continues to act in a sensible and "By studying on the train on the way home,
practical way, even if they become successful. Claire kills two birds with one stone."
"His invention was an instant success but
he kept his feet on the ground and invested his • kill with kindness
money very wisely." o When you are excessive in your efforts to be
helpful or generous, you can harm someone,
• keep your fingers crossed or kill them with kindness.
o If you keep your fingers crossed, you hope that "The children are overweight, but their
something will be successful. grandmother continues to give them
"I'm doing my driving test tomorrow. Keep chocolates and cookies - she'll kill them with
your fingers crossed for me!" kindness!"

• keep a level head • lash out

o If you keep a level head, you remain calm and o If you lash out at somebody, you attack them,
sensible no matter how difficult or distressful usually verbally.
the situation may be. "On the ninth hole, Pete suddenly lashed out at
"All through the hijacking the pilot kept a level Scott and accused him of cheating"
• laugh something off
• keep your nose clean o When you laugh about something that has
o A person who keeps their nose clean behaves upset or hurt you, to make it seem less
well and avoids trouble. important or to try to show that you do not
"He spent a term in prison a few years ago but care, you laugh it off.
he's kept his nose clean ever since." "She overheard her colleague's critical remark,
but she laughed it off."
• keep your nose to the grindstone
o A person who keeps their nose to the • laugh up your sleeve
grindstone is someone who concentrates on o If you laugh up your sleeve, you are secretly
working or studying hard. amused at another person's problems or
"She was so determined to get into the college difficulties.
of her choice that she kept her nose to the "Tom felt that his demonstration was confusing
grindstone all year." and that his colleague was laughing up his
• keep someone posted sleeve."
o If someone asks you to keep them posted, they
want you to keep them informed about a • leave well alone
situation. o If you leave well alone, you decide not to
"Our agent promised to keep us posted on interfere with or change something that is
developments in the negotiations." acceptable or adequate.
"It would be hard to get a better deal. Let's
• keep things in proportion just leave well alone."
o If you react to a situation in a sensible way,
without exaggerating the importance or • lend yourself to something
seriousness of the facts, you keep things in o If you lend yourself to something, you approve
proportion. of it or become associated with it.
"No decent father would lend himself "The apartment was badly located, but the rent
to violent behaviour." was low, so they decided to make the best of
• let off steam
o A person who lets off steam releases surplus • make an exhibition of yourself
energy or strong feelings either through
intense physical activity or by talking in an When someone behaves in such a
unrestrained manner. foolish way in public that they look
"Let's bring the kids to the playground so they ridiculous, they make an exhibition of
can let off steam." themselves.

• let sleeping dogs lie o "Get down off the table Fred! You're making
o If you tell someone to let sleeping dogs lie, you an exhibition of yourself!"
are asking them not to interfere with a
situationor talk about a past disagreement to • make light of something
avoid causingmore problems. o If you make light of something , you behave as
"Look, they've settled their differencesso don't though it is less serious than it really is.
start stirring things up. It's better to let "He won several awards for his work but
sleeping dogs lie." he made light of it when the subject was
• let something ride
o When you decide to do nothing about a • make light work of something
particular situation and allow it to remain as it o If a person makes light work of something,
is, you let it ride. they do it very easily or with little effort.
"Bill didn't like the way his wife spoke to the "The boys made light work of the cleaning up.
operator, but he let it ride because he didn't The house was spotless in no time."
want another quarrel."
• make mincemeat of
• lick into shape o If you make mincemeat of someone or
o If you make an effort to put someone or something, you completely and utterly defeat
something into satisfactory condition or or destroy them.
appearance, you lick them into shape. "A good lawyer would make mincemeat
"I've got to lick this place into shape before my of your rival's accusations."
in-laws arrive."
• look down your nose • make a mountain out of a molehill
o If someone looks down their nose at a person o If someone makes a mountain out of a
or thing, they consider that person or thing as molehill, they make a small, unimportant
inferior. problem seem much more serious than it is.
"Intellectuals often look down their noses at "Stop making mountains out of molehills! It's
amusement parks and such." not a major problem."

• lord it over (someone) • make no bones about something

o A person who lords it over others behaves as o If you make no bones about something, you
though they are superior or more important. don't hesitate to say what you think in a frank
"Steve has been lording it over his colleagues and open way.
since he got a promotion." "I made no bones about it. I told him his offer
was unacceptable."
• make an ass of yourself
o If you behave so stupidly that you appear • make nothing of something
ridiculous, you make an ass of yourself. o If you make nothing of something, you attach
"Tom made an ass of himself by singing a love no importance to it.
song outside Laura's door!" "It took him an hour to walk to the station but
he made nothing of it."
• make the best of things
o If you make the best of things, you react in a • make short work of something
positive way to an unsatisfactory situation that o If you make short work of something, you do it
you cannot change and do the best you can or finish it quickly.
with it.
"The players were hungry after the match so • (give/get) a pat on the back
they made short work of the food." o To give or get a pat on the back means to
praise or congratulate someone, or yourself,
• make someone see reason for an achievement, or for doing something
o If you make someone see reason, you persuade well.
them to stop acting foolishly and behave more “Hugo got a pat on the back from the manager
sensibly. for his presentation.”
"He wanted to drop out of medical school in his “I patted myself on the back for the way I
fourth year but his uncle managed to make handled the situation.”
him see reason."
• put out feelers
• make up for lost time o When someone puts out feelers, they try to
o If you make up for lost time, you increase your discover in a discreet or indirect manner what
efforts or work harder to complete something people think about something they are
or meet a deadline. planning to do.
"Progress has stopped because of bad weather, "The company is putting out feelers to find out
but we are determined to make up for lost how employees might react to a change in
time." working hours."

• mind your Ps and Qs • same old story

o If you tell someone to mind their Ps and Qs, o This expression refers to an unpleasant
you are advising them to be careful about how situation that frequently occurs in the same
they behave and what they say. way as before.
"Politeness is very important to my "Why am I annoyed with my brother ? It’s
grandparents, so mind your Ps and Qs." the same old story: he borrows money from
me and « forgets » to pay me back!"
• (be) on another planet
o Someone who is on another planet is oblivious • spread one's wings
to their surroundings or acts in a strange o When someone spreads their wings, they
manner. become independent, begin to use their
"Charlie couldn’t do the assignment because he abilities and develop their interests.
was on another planet during the teacher’s "There comes a time when young people must
explanation." be encouraged to spread their wings."

• one good turn deserves another • throw a sprat to catch a mackerel

o This expression means that when somebody o If you throw a sprat to catch a mackerel, you
helps you, you should do something helpful in sacrifice something of little value, or make a
return. small expenditure, in the hope that it will bring
"You took my kids to school last week, so I'll you greater rewards.
take yours this week. One good turn deserves "The store’s free contest is a sprat to catch a
another! " mackerel. The amount customers spend largely
outweighs the cost of the prizes.”
• out of character
o If you do something that is out of character, it • throw (someone) under the bus
is unlike your usual behaviour or not what is o If you throw someone under the bus, you
expected from you. blame someone else or do something harmful
"The way she panicked was out of in order to save yourself or gain an advantage.
character for such a normally calm person." "He never hesitates to throw a colleague under
the bus when something goes wrong in the
• point the finger at someone office."
o If you point the finger at someone, you accuse
or blame them for doing something wrong, or
identify them as being guilty of something.
"Don’t point the finger at the caretaker. It’s
not his fault!"

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