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Experiment No.


To determine the acceleration due to gravity by applying linear least square

regression method by using a simple pendulum.

1.1 Objectives:
The main objective of this lab is to determine the acceleration due to gravity in the lab with a simple
pendulum. Also to learn how the linear least square regression method can be used to find the
regression line for a set of data.

Student should read the lab manual and have clear idea about the objective, time frame and
outcomes of the lab.
After completing this experiment student should be able to answer the following questions:

 What is acceleration due to gravity?

 How a simple pendulum can be constructed and what are its criteria?
 How linear least square regression method (LLSRM) can be used to find the regression line?
Why we need to learn it?
 How LLSRM method can be used to find slope and intersection for any number of data?
 How acceleration due to gravity can be calculated from the slope of the regression line?
 Compare the result obtained by LLSRM with the mean value.
 Understand error analysis in experimental observation.

1.4 Timing and Length of Investigation (Total 3 Hours):

 Lab Preparation (10 minutes):
 For attendance and equipment distribution among the groups.
 Lecture on Theory (30 minutes):
 Teacher will clarify the objective and theory of the experiment.
 Lecture on Procedure (10 minutes):
 Demonstrator will make the students understand the procedure of the experiment.
 Experimental Work (80 to 90 minutes):
 Design of Procedure: 10 minutes
 Data Collection: 30 minutes
 Data analysis and completing lab report: 50 to 60 minutes
 Post Lab Discussion (10 to 15 minutes):
 Teacher will summarize the total lab work and have a discussion with the students
related with the questions given in the outcomes part.
 Report Submission:
 Student will prepare their lab reports as groups in MS word within one week.
 Students must submit their group lab reports as printed before the starting of
the next lab.

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Physics 1 Lab | Expt. # 1

1.5 Theory:
The time period of small-angle oscillation of a simple pendulum (a metal bob attached by a light
string and suspended vertically from a fixed support) can be shown to be
T =2 π
where L is the effective length (length from the point of suspension to the center of the bob) and
time period (time of one complete oscillation) of a simple pendulum, respectively in a place where
the acceleration due to gravity is g.

Figure 1.1: A swinging simple pendulum with an effective length L and amplitude θ.
The time period equation of a simple pendulum can be rearranged as
2 4π
T = L
Comparing this equation with the state line equation that goes through the origin (y = mx) the value
of acceleration due to gravity can be determined by

where m is the slope of the T2 vs L graph.
For two types (independent and dependent) of variables x and y = f(x) the linear least square
regression method can be used for N number of data points to find the best fitted line (regression
line) as the fig. 1.2 shows.

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2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Figure 1.2: Way to get the best fitted line by finding the minimum value of D=d 1+ d 2+ d 3+ d 4 +d 5 +d 6 + d7 according
to the least square regression method. The equation for the best fitted line is y = mx + c, where m is the slope and c is the
interception in the y axis. Here the number of data points is taken as N=7.
The formula for determining the slope of the regression line

( ∑ x )(∑ y ) i i

i i
x y−i i
i N
m= (slope equation)
(∑ x i )

∑ xi2−¿
i N
and intercept c= y - m x , where x and y are mean value of x and y.
In the slope equation:
∑ x i=x 1 +¿ x 2+ x3 + x 4 + x 5 + x 6 + x 7 ¿,

∑ yi = y 1+ ¿ y 2+ y3 + y 4 + y 5 + y 6 + y 7 ¿,

∑ x i y i=x 1 y 1 +¿ x 2 y 2 + x 3 y3 + x 4 y 4+ x5 y 5 + x 6 y 6 + x 7 y 7 , ¿,


(i )
x i =( x 1 + x 2+ x 3 + x 4 + x 5 + x 6+ x7 ) 2,

∑ x 2i =x 21 + x 22+ x 23 + x 24 + x 25 + x 26 + x 27
1.6 Apparatus:
Metal bob, a piece of string, stand, clamp, meter scale and stop watch.

1.7 Procedure:
 Attach a light piece of string with the hook of the metal bob. Find the length L of the
pendulum with a meter scale from the point of suspension to the mid-point of the bob.
 Give a small angle (less than 10 degrees) swing to the pendulum. Find the time period, T.
To do it, measure the total time for 20 oscillations and divide it by 20. Repeat the procedure
for different lengths and record the data in table 1.1.
 Using the values of L and T calculate the value of g for each set of data.
 Also calculate the mean value of g and the standard deviation using equation.
 Using the Linear Least Square Regression Method (LLSRM) find the regression line and
from the value of slope find g from the relation: slope = 4π2/g.
 Plot the T2 vs L linear regression line in excel.
 Compare the mean value of g and the value obtained by LLSRM with the reference value of
g by calculating the percentage of difference in each case.
 Discuss the variations if any.

1.8 Experimental Data:

Table 1.1: Time periods T for different lengths L of the simple pendulum.

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Physics 1 Lab | Expt. # 1

No. Time for L.T2 g

Time L
of Effective 20 2
¿4 π ×
period T2 L2 2
Obs. Length Oscillation (cm.s ) T
L (cm) s 2
(cm/ s )
T = t/20 yi (cm2)
xi t
1 110
2 100
3 90
4 80

1.9 Analysis:

Table 1.2: Finding the slope, m and intercept, c by using the linear least square regression

∑ xi ∑ yi ∑ xi yi ∑ x 2i
(∑ x i )
N m c
i i i i i


A. The value of g using the LLSRM:

( ∑ x )(∑ y ) i i

i i
x y−i i
m= i
(∑ x i )

∑ xi2−¿
i N
∑ xi
i 840
x̄ = = =
N 7

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∑ yi
ȳ =
N =

Intercept, c = y – mx =


Acceleration due to gravity by LLSRM, g L= =¿

B. The mean value of g from the data:

g 1 + g 2 + g 3 + g 4 + g4 + g 5 + g 6 + g 7
gM= =¿

Standard deviation

σ= ∑
N i=1
( gi−g M )

C. Percentage of difference between mean value and Reference value:

g M −g
% difference= ×100=¿

D. Percentage of difference between LLSRM value and Reference value

g L −g
% difference= × 100=¿

10 Result:
Method Value of g (m/s2) Comment



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1.11 Discussion:

1.12 Resources:
For further understanding, students may go through the following resources:

 Fundamentals of Physics: Acceleration due to gravity (Chapter 13, page 360),

Simple pendulum (Chapter 15, page 425-426)
 Video Link:
 Simple Pendulum Animation
 Simple pendulum: 1.
 LLSRM: 1.

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