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Good morning everyone. I am standing here before you all, to share my thoughts through my speech
about "Plastic surgery that should be only for those who really need it" I know that plastic surgery is
something that has become a very popular trend, and also where many young people are even lining up
for it. Plastic Surgery is to reconstruct or repair parts of your body and even in your face. It echances
your appearance and change your body shapes so that you can achieve a look of what you desires.
Guess why? because social media is encouraging people to do Plastic Surgery. It also develops
someone's level of confidence and boost their self esteem.

Plastic and cosmetic surgery are neither good nor bad, plastic or cosmetic surgery may help improve a
person's mental well- being. However, surgery can also come with risks, and some people may not be
satisfied with the results that there are times surgeries may not become successful as they wanted and
it happens now a days according to the surveys the news paper or even at televesion and social media,
there are so many victims of unsuccessful surgeries.

There are some famous celebrities who have risks Plastic Surgeries some succeed but some failed, they
are just ruining their appearance and shape of their body because they believe that if they do cosmetic
and plastic surgeries they will make their life a little bit perfect. Yes I agree about "Plastic surgery should
be only for those who need it" because of some reasons surgeries may applied to those people who
have encounter an accident and really need Plastic surgery, somehow it can help them to recover of
thier traumas and deep bruises. Yes, we have a freedom to do whatever we want to do in our body but
not in the sense that we are abusing it, because we believe that our body is sacred and given by
Almighty god so we have to respect, accept, and love our wholebeing. Thank You and Good Day to all of

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